13 May 2005 at 08:12 - 26
I'd say do a complete randomization of classes and skills, classes primary and secondary are of course completely random, and it then chooses 4 random attributes to upgrade, which effects your focuses, weapons, and so on so that people don't end up with an axe when they need a hammer. From the 4 random attributes chosen, 1-3 sklls are chosen from each (obviously if an attribute has 1, another has 3 to balance) with non-links thrown in there to balance as well. Then all attributes are assigned a value of 9/9/8/8, players can tweak in the first 30 seconds to up an attribute at the expense of another just as our current system goes.
Would be the only logical way to do this, magic was different because essentially even crap cards could be used since it was highly implausible you didn't have any lands for it, but, in GW with attributes, skills, and equipment, you could be given hammer mastery 12 with dismember, axe rake, and axe twist and be wielding a dragon sword, but I'm sure everyone realizes that, the above is just a way to define some rules.
As well, it would be a complete randomization of team size (4-8), objective, and map, for that little added twist.