How not to recruit for guilds (funny)
Effendi Westland
aron searle
It must be an exclusive guild, sign me up!!
Ah wait my names not june...........
It must be an exclusive guild, sign me up!!
Ah wait my names not june...........
"Joing my ****ing guild you ****ing N0obs!"
Yeah, I read something like that aswell, you had to pay 100g to go in the guild.
I pm'ed him saying: Do you really think ppl will join your guild after reading that?
But sadly he never replied.
I pm'ed him saying: Do you really think ppl will join your guild after reading that?
But sadly he never replied.

ya i mean if they cant use there own 100 gold.. why bother...100 gold isnt anything.. but if hes not willing to pay to get you in..just why?
Yeah my favorite are the people cussing and threatening "n00bs" to join their guild. Oh yeah sign me up...right hehe
Effendi Westland
Originally Posted by Tainek
"Joing my ****ing guild you ****ing N0obs!"

gonna take a screeny next time I see one
What about the people offering 1k for someone to join. I dont know if I would really want the kind of people who would respond to that in my guild. Not to mention that most would quit right after they got their gold.
aron searle
Originally Posted by Sagaris
Yeah, I read something like that aswell, you had to pay 100g to go in the guild.
I pm'ed him saying: Do you really think ppl will join your guild after reading that? But sadly he never replied. ![]() |

The First Attacker
A guild with no hall shows no dedication.
Saw one yesterday in pre- with something along the lines of "we almost have enough for a cape!"
"Who wants to join my guild?"
Umm...who the heck are you and why would I want to join your guild?
"New guild! First ten to join will be officers!"
That'll work - letting the ten most impulsive people join your guild who're all seeking power. Certainly the beginnings of a great, cohesive guild.
Umm...who the heck are you and why would I want to join your guild?
"New guild! First ten to join will be officers!"
That'll work - letting the ten most impulsive people join your guild who're all seeking power. Certainly the beginnings of a great, cohesive guild.
Jaythen Tyradel
Some of those that spam offerings of letting the first 10 in to be officers, might be trying to sell the guild. Doesnt always work trying to sell that is, but I have heard stories of this.
Phoenix Avenger
one i saw was along the lines of:
who wants to join my guild, we have a hall and a cape, 100 gold to join. you get 75 gold per week for being in the guild
it costs 100 gold to join... but then they pay you to stay....
who wants to join my guild, we have a hall and a cape, 100 gold to join. you get 75 gold per week for being in the guild
it costs 100 gold to join... but then they pay you to stay....

100G to join a guild? Prob because of the 100 gold you need to pay to invite. BTW what happend to Guild inviting sprees? Where you invite EVERYONE you can that dosen't have a guild in the pre-searint?
btw: hi PA! its Warrior SIX!
btw: hi PA! its Warrior SIX!
The Primeval King
They should have a huge menu that has every guild listed and let the guilds choose whether they are recruiting or not. If they are, then the person wanting to join it could just send a message to the leader.
Originally Posted by The Primeval King
They should have a huge menu that has every guild listed and let the guilds choose whether they are recruiting or not. If they are, then the person wanting to join it could just send a message to the leader.
Join guild _ _ we welcome you to our guild pay 5k after you join
the _ _ is a real guild tho im not going to say there name but i saw this and i almost wet myself of thinking about how many members they had

the _ _ is a real guild tho im not going to say there name but i saw this and i almost wet myself of thinking about how many members they had

Malchior Devenholm
Probably the most sad guild i seen was..."JOIN OUR GUILD PVP/HOH/GVG---WE HAVE 70 OFFICERS!!!
Originally Posted by Malchior Devenholm
Probably the most sad guild i seen was..."JOIN OUR GUILD PVP/HOH/GVG---WE HAVE 70 OFFICERS!!!
That's actually not a bad idea, because if everyone is an officer, only the leader can kick members.
Vermilion Okeanos
Originally Posted by The First Attacker
A guild with no hall shows no dedication.
Guardian of the Light
"Join our guild were (insert high number) Rank and (insert low number) Rating"
Turbo Wombat
I was helping some lower level characters through Ruins of Surmia with my ranger (lvl 16 or 17 at the time)
"You want to join our guild? You'd be like the 2nd highest level person and would be a shoe-in for an officer!"
"Yeah.... Thanks, but no thanks..."
"You want to join our guild? You'd be like the 2nd highest level person and would be a shoe-in for an officer!"
"Yeah.... Thanks, but no thanks..."
Sagius Truthbarron
I got my guild by entering Pre-Searing and seeing a guild called '[CUTE]' and I whispered the guild leader and said 'omgz! i want 2 b CUTE plz plz plz can i b CUTE???'
They make everyone an officer and encourage people to recrute anyone they can so everyone can engage in drinking parties and random henchmen GvG.
They make everyone an officer and encourage people to recrute anyone they can so everyone can engage in drinking parties and random henchmen GvG.
scars of insanity
lol saw something weird in presearing the other day it was like this
"Pm me if you want to join my guild i almost have enough to start it!!!"
"Pm me if you want to join my guild i almost have enough to start it!!!"
Tsunami Rain
mmm worst i saw was..."JoiN My GUiLd!!!!! We HaVe C00L CAPeS, GUiLD HaLL, C00L MeMbErS!!!!! N0 N00Bz Xp3rTs OnLY!!!" (note: the random capital letters were probably in a different order)
Pagan Greyfeather
Sometimes when I'm in Tombs I put up silly recruiting slogans to pass the time while we check our skills, build etc. My favorite is "Dark Wing Cadre is Recruiting a Dominatrix. Must be into slap and tickle. School-Teacher outfit a real turn-on." Sadly, I have had many people respond!

Arcien Trueflight
How to not recruit for guilds:
Simplest way is not recruit. Solves that problem.
Harder way is kill every other person who plays guild wars so random people don't whisper you "Hey can I join ur guild? it looked kewl".
I vote the hard way. Let's kill stuff. I'll go get my nubstick.
Simplest way is not recruit. Solves that problem.
Harder way is kill every other person who plays guild wars so random people don't whisper you "Hey can I join ur guild? it looked kewl".
I vote the hard way. Let's kill stuff. I'll go get my nubstick.
Originally Posted by scars of insanity
lol saw something weird in presearing the other day it was like this
"Pm me if you want to join my guild i almost have enough to start it!!!" |
Lady Frost Bite
i love our "Must be into slap and tickle" its just funny.
"Join up! The 20th person to join gets a free green item!"
Probably Flint's Artifact.
Probably Flint's Artifact.
Andi DeMorte
*pouts* It's always the dominatrix... no one wants a subbie... *sigh* that's why I have no guild to call home... *slinks off to snuggle master Hunny Bunny to be consoled*
*to sniffily for hugs and kisses*
Subbies - loves to be slpped and tickled
*to sniffily for hugs and kisses*

Subbies - loves to be slpped and tickled

Mainly the guild name rather than the recruiting thing, but it was overspammed.
I once wrote: "Orange Roast Mafia recruiting! One active member! We have a cape and a hall. PM me." It's all true, so I thought some people might get a kick out of it. Anyway, it was a major pain to get that hall all by myself...
In Beacons Perch I saw a lvl 7 monk type this:
"Guild recruiting professional runners. Req. Must be able to pass test of running me to Droknars right now"
In Ascalon I saw these:
"Guild looking for active mature members 18yrs and over. Must be able to prove age"
self-recruitment at it's best:
"LVL 20 W/R rank 6 looking to join a guild that will buy me a full set of 15k armor and given officer status"
"Guild recruiting professional runners. Req. Must be able to pass test of running me to Droknars right now"
In Ascalon I saw these:
"Guild looking for active mature members 18yrs and over. Must be able to prove age"
self-recruitment at it's best:
"LVL 20 W/R rank 6 looking to join a guild that will buy me a full set of 15k armor and given officer status"
aron searle
Originally Posted by Okae
In Beacons Perch I saw a lvl 7 monk type this:
"Guild recruiting professional runners. Req. Must be able to pass test of running me to Droknars right now" In Ascalon I saw these: "Guild looking for active mature members 18yrs and over. Must be able to prove age" self-recruitment at it's best: "LVL 20 W/R rank 6 looking to join a guild that will buy me a full set of 15k armor and given officer status" |
That people will say these things, or that someone will prob reply.
Hahaha. 'mature members' with age requirement. There's tons of very immature 18+'s, and also tons of very mature -18's, silly people for sure.. Prolly the recruiter wasn't really mature after all 
Prolly should log the recruit messages, there's some pretty hilarious ones time to time...

Prolly should log the recruit messages, there's some pretty hilarious ones time to time...
Lady Lozza
I'm ok with "mature age" guilds. Though how they plan on asking you to "prove" it is beyond me. The other two... Not sure too much can be said about these...
Malchior Devenholm
how to prove it-Give us ur Credit Card #, hehehehehe