Marhan's Grotto, where the elite meet
Willy Rockwell
Marhan's Grotto takes the prize as the fashion capitol of GW. Nowhere in the game will you find such a concentration of fissure armor, 15K outerwear and custom dye jobs. Here's an example of the sartorial splendor to be found behind the velvet rope at Marhan's on an average evening.
grotto pwnz for shizzle
Sai of Winter
Originally Posted by {IceFire}
grotto pwnz for shizzle
Not true in the American district(s). =/
Grotto is dumb theres just a bunch of noobs braggin about how they have 15k armor now and how it cost them all their money (lol) and then people who are new at the game think they're really cool so encourage them and then the noobs who never have had attention in guild wars because they are noobs start bragging and stuff and its really annoying. Of course there are cool people that hang out there too but its mostly just people like that. Which reminds me of a funny story, some guy came up to me and asked if i would trade him my fow helm and then he would give it right back. I asked why and he said to show me that he could be trusted. I said i'd give him my 15k ascalon helm but he said no it has to be fissure. So then i played around with him showing stuff in the trade window then cancelling and stuff until he went away.
Grotto is nowhere near as cool as FH.
no1 hangs in FH anymore.
Stalker Haras
Grotto indeed is a fun place to hang around at. With Drake constantly yelling at someone, it keeps you entertained. And most people hang there to get away from the "noobs" that beg all the time, but then again we get the occasional "OMG your all rich, someone give me 15k for my armor"
Genevieve Corbiere
omgz i'm in the background! behind the nec, yay. well. you know. you weren't aiming for me../sad (light blue war to the right)
i quickly got tired of the stupidity, and childishness (yes, even too childish for me, and thats hard to accomplish, congrats grotto) and the worse among the worse, the male warrior humping everything and all the monk hugging everybody
please people, i still have a little bit of hope for our species, dont ruin it for everybody
please people, i still have a little bit of hope for our species, dont ruin it for everybody
grotto has turned into teh zone of zee nubs!
it's sad really :|
i miss the old days where it was a actually decent place to hang out >.>
now its.. NUBSNUBSNUBS.. always asking WHY ARMOR SO XPNSIVE? or ebayers showing off their fow armor. lawl. T-T
it's sad really :|
i miss the old days where it was a actually decent place to hang out >.>
now its.. NUBSNUBSNUBS.. always asking WHY ARMOR SO XPNSIVE? or ebayers showing off their fow armor. lawl. T-T
Divine Elemental
Originally Posted by Miss Temptress
grotto has turned into teh zone of zee nubs!
it's sad really :|
i miss the old days where it was a actually decent place to hang out >.>
now its.. NUBSNUBSNUBS.. always asking WHY ARMOR SO XPNSIVE? or ebayers showing off their fow armor. lawl. T-T Yes Indeed...
Old Days Ruled
I Used to go Afk From 1-5 Days as My Monkzors
Divine Stormed - zors!
its just a Nub Fest now..
so when im done with my goal for PvP.. iw ent back to grotto to check if
Ecks Di is still there but no no no omg /tear
just some money begging bastards
it's sad really :|
i miss the old days where it was a actually decent place to hang out >.>
now its.. NUBSNUBSNUBS.. always asking WHY ARMOR SO XPNSIVE? or ebayers showing off their fow armor. lawl. T-T Yes Indeed...
Old Days Ruled
I Used to go Afk From 1-5 Days as My Monkzors
Divine Stormed - zors!
its just a Nub Fest now..
so when im done with my goal for PvP.. iw ent back to grotto to check if
Ecks Di is still there but no no no omg /tear
just some money begging bastards
Stalker Haras
Originally Posted by Miss Temptress
grotto has turned into teh zone of zee nubs!
it's sad really :|
i miss the old days where it was a actually decent place to hang out >.>
now its.. NUBSNUBSNUBS.. always asking WHY ARMOR SO XPNSIVE? or ebayers showing off their fow armor. lawl. T-T
I saw you there today =P
it's sad really :|
i miss the old days where it was a actually decent place to hang out >.>
now its.. NUBSNUBSNUBS.. always asking WHY ARMOR SO XPNSIVE? or ebayers showing off their fow armor. lawl. T-T
I saw you there today =P
yah. i was there jus a min ago.. T-T
lol I was there ONCE with my monk and I swear that's me on the top left picture.... look
Sai of Winter
The old days were the best. Just random sync dancing and people having good fun. Now it's just fill with people arguing and fighting for no reason. It's kind've sad and pathetic. =/
Don't know how it is these days, since I stop going there now. Thank goodness for International districts and another place where I idle (not saying where).
Don't know how it is these days, since I stop going there now. Thank goodness for International districts and another place where I idle (not saying where).
Personally, I spend as little time at the Grotto as humanly possible.
The undead Mesmer
Lions arch Int d-1 when gaile or the frog arent there is the most fun place to be.
Boat Crew ftw :3
Boat Crew ftw :3
like a bunch of chavs on a street corner by a SPAR
The old days.
back then it was a fun place, you could arrive, say "hi" and get a respond like "hey", we used to have dance parties, sliding stuff, pvp discussions and such, now all there is left is "LOL NUBS I R PRAWN U ALL", people arguing about regions (europe sucks, america sucks...blah blah), people arguing about armor ("fow armor sux" - "lol nub ur just jealus").
Originally Posted by Stalker Haras
Grotto indeed is a fun place to hang around at. With Drake constantly yelling at someone, it keeps you entertained. And most people hang there to get away from the "noobs" that beg all the time, but then again we get the occasional "OMG your all rich, someone give me 15k for my armor"
haha, then they get it and are like..."SHIT! I didn't realise 15k would only get me one piece!!!!"
I miss the good'ol days ;_; Its fulla nubz and fissure nerds now O_O;;
But, sometimes it can be peacful xD mainly when all the nubs are at school ^^;
But, sometimes it can be peacful xD mainly when all the nubs are at school ^^;
Lord Scoopula
The only time I went to the Grotto was to craft my 15k, I didn't like the slow floor thing.
Originally Posted by Kaaris
haha, then they get it and are like..."SHIT! I didn't realise 15k would only get me one piece!!!!"
haha, I remember thinking 15k got you the whole set :P Was quite harsh when I found otherwise
I haven't been to Grotto yet, but Granite Citadel's been kinda the same recently, lots of beggers. =(
I haven't been to Grotto yet, but Granite Citadel's been kinda the same recently, lots of beggers. =(
Forbidden Angel
I enjoyed the good o' days in grotto. That was when people actually had some sense on everyone around them. And for once, it was a place where it had mature people. Now when I come by to get a little pep of whats goin' on, I always see little kids goin' "0mGz0r! u hav a d33r!! i hav nu emote, h0w u g3t d33r?!" D:<< Ruined the fun there. :/ Now, some female ranger, necro, mesmer or ele that comes and dance there, your soon to bound into a male warrior thrusting. D:<
grotto is the best place and ONLY place to "slide" during a emote. only the few know how to slide in grotto
Originally Posted by Ray
The old days.
yeah them were the days T_T
btw I see my warrior in the screenshots
yeah them were the days T_T
btw I see my warrior in the screenshots
Grotto was a place where I could hang out for hours just talking about random stuff. I used to form parties from people from Grotto for fissure or underworld, normally had a group in like 5 minutes, and everyone knew what they were doing xD. Tried it recently and all I got for my efforts was being called a nub cause I didnt have friends who could play with me. Ray's pic is funny because I know so many of the people in it.
Have to add, Dante's game quizzes were ftw.
Have to add, Dante's game quizzes were ftw.
The Real Roy Keane
'Marhan's Grotto:Where the Elite Meet-' i assume you were being ironic with this title?
eBay <3 Marhan's Grotto
me in the black aero in teh middle of the female-line ^^
me in the pink hydro in the middle of the ele line, infront of the rangers ^^;
The Primeval King
Even though its not as fun as it used to be, Grotto is still the best place to be out of all of the Guild Wars Areas. That is, if you put all of the beggars on your ignore list first.
leeky baby
i loved the grotto i had about a 30 min convo about random thigns with this bloke who ebayed his FOW lol what a legend
good old days???? what are we like 70 years old? that was only 1-2 months ago
Kago Seirei
Funny how none of those good old days pictures don't have me in them. xDDDD
Divine Elemental
Originally Posted by Kago Seirei
Funny how none of those good old days pictures don't have me in them. xDDDD
Cause If You Where There.
It WONT Be Good Old Days Wont it?
Im Playin
when i was PvE leet i always was in groto as my monk ^_^
Divine Stormed roxorz your sockzors of your momzors!
It WONT Be Good Old Days Wont it?
Im Playin
when i was PvE leet i always was in groto as my monk ^_^
Divine Stormed roxorz your sockzors of your momzors!
Kago Seirei
:l Well, I guess it wasn't that good when I was there. e.e
Sentao Nugra
i shead a tear for the downfall of [xD], goodbye old guild.... :*(
Sai of Winter
Did [xD] actually disband?
Divine Elemental
Originally Posted by Sentao Nugra
i shead a tear for the downfall of [xD], goodbye old guild.... :*(
i DIdnt know they broke up >_>
thats why i went to Grotto / That SUmmer Place just to find xD
even changed realms twice
where might xD be now? this one wonders
thats why i went to Grotto / That SUmmer Place just to find xD
even changed realms twice
where might xD be now? this one wonders