Originally Posted by Kidney Licker
That way people would get the chance for decent rewards at the end, but with that element of randomness that makes it more exciting. It wouldn't have that resigned gloom and boredom that's sort of set in with these greens, where you just know the price will begin to drift because the same items aways drop.
At least with golds people will have the opportunity to mod their items the way they want to.
that wouldn't solve anything. the same people who are whining now will still be whining then. they'll complain about wasting 2-3 hours and not getting a "good gold" or about how the new influx of golds is "ruining" the economy.
and to all those people crying over "how anet is ruining the economy," you don't know a damn thing about how economy works. please, at least learn about the basic concepts of supply and demand before whining. i don't understand why people would leave a game when new items are introduced. i, for one, am extremely happy with these new items. max sickle skin, max shadow blade, a sexy perfect domination staff for my new mesmer, and an earth staff for my elem? i couldn't ask for more. now, i don't have to shell out thousands to equip my characters.
it seems like a majority of the complaints regarding economy are from those who are mad that they can't sell the item for hundreds of plat anymore. once again, please learn about supply and demand. the drop in prices is called economy stabilization. and for those who don't know, stabilization = good.