How to fix Err=7


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Hello all. I have been a fan of GW since well... as long as I can remember.

Anywho, on to the part you want to know. My friend, when he came over on the release of the game we played for hours on end, however like many of you experienced problems. However, I never did.

What was the differece in our computers? Well a lot really, however I knew (since of my career of choise) that it wasn't anything to do hardware related. I first suspected his nForece 2 chipset. So we updated... nothing. I began researching possible reasons, yet noone knew. However many left me many tips I used to piece it together.

DHCP. I'm pretty sure every person who is having the problem has a switch or a switch/router and they have a small network at home. Set yourself up with a static IP and the problem is gone. Well at least my buddy never once hit the problem again.

It's common for a dynamic IP to have problems. Static is always best.

I had informed the dev's almost a week ago, I am saddend to see that they did not make it public knowledge of the information i found.

I hope you all the best of luck.

Reefer Smurf

Principa Discordia

Principa Discordia

Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005


Good work Smurf, I'm sure this will help a lot of people.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Edit it however. As long as the "meat" of it stays and that credit is given to me. Your forums make it look as though it fits in. I put it in this section since I saw peopel asking, I figured this would be a good place for it. If it's wrong section, just move it. If you can't I'll repost it.

Thank you for complements.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

This is a completely awful solution seeing as getting a static IP costs 80 dollars a month, for me at least. If you know a way to fix this that doesn't cost me food money then let me know.

Reference of bad smells. Not in these forums.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

He didn't say you had to buy a static IP address from your ISP, he said if you are using a router, assign your computer to a static IP instead of a IP assigned by DHCP. He didn't say a word about the IP your ISP is assigning you. If you read careful, he specfically mentions that he is speaking about your router.


Flaming = Bad. Thanks.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

I had planned to do this later tonight. I'm glad to know that there has been some success in doing this.

fetiche rouge

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


how would i do this? x:
it may fix my problem.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

It won't fix the problem if you're on Verizon DSL and got moved to the newer IP blocks.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

This will make no difference. The default lease time on most routers is 1 day. You will have the same IP from your router for the whole day. This is NOT the problem. The problem is the IP from the ISP. If they have a lease time of 15 minutes, there is a problem. (VERIZON DSL).

Miyamoto Tzu

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Apocalypse Creed Mercenaries(ACME)


I agree...this is not the problem and also wont fix the problem. I have two out of 3 machines on my home LAN set to Static DHCP via my DLink DI-604 DSL Router and also have VerizonDSL. The problem is not with LAN IP's its with your WAN IP (the one the rest of the internet recognizes your machine or network by).

The problem for VerizonDSL users is that their WAN IP's are being reset every 15ish minutes and this is causing connection conflicts of some sort (at least that is how I understand it so far).

I've spoken with VerizonDSL Tech. Support 3 times in the last 24 hours and they are clueless. They dont know what the problem is...they run tests but can't tell me what the results mean (literally, I asked the last tech I talked to what the test she ran meant and she said,"I don't know Sir, I'm not a network engineer and don't have the knowledge to answer that question." least she was honest??) and they sure as hell are not going to admit it if Verizon is at least not until the problem is resolved.

Tech 1 told me it was the fault of the GW servers and suggested I do some power-cycling with my hardware.

Tech 2 told me to contact Soyo and ask them about the integrated NIC in my KT400 Dragon Ultra Black Edition mobo...he even suggested switching from half-duplex to full duplex...ugh, where do they get these techs!?

Tech 3 couldn't do anything, couldn't even tell me what the hell she was doing or what it meant but did issue a Network Ticket so that maybe their real Techs could address the problem.

What a fiasco...bad move on Verizons part...lets hope they fix it soon.

Apocalypse Creed Mercenaries(ACME)
A PvE GW Guild



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

servants of fortuna


i spoke to an actually helpful (or tryin to be) tech guy named trent,... heheh .. from verizon today for almost 3 hours.. being a guild wars fan himself we tried EVERYthing we could think of to fix my err=7 problem.... as i stated in an earlier post (different thred) i live in an area that has shitty lines they wont replace... well after all our hard work and brainstorming the only answer i got was... your lines are shitty.... the game is pullin to much power.....
forget that i've had NO problems until the past three days or so,........

i have to wait till my contract expires too befor ei can change to cable... ugh.. i hope i can make do till then....


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I have Verizon DSL. I loved it up until GW. It is #mbit, reliable, always great. But in GW, I get disconnected with ERR=7 almost every time I play, and usually more than once.

Obviously, this is unacceptable to me. And I have no intention of switching off of Verizon DSL. Is there anything Anet will be doing (or can) to resolve this problem? I play other online games (incl EQ for a long time) with the same DSL connection. I have never had this problem.

Anyone got more info?

Final Fantazy

Final Fantazy

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Traders Alliance [TAG]


Possibly, they could reconfigure how err=7 works, instead of completely kicking people out once any loss of bandwith is detected, it should allow at least 10-15 settings to fully determine that the user is d/ced from the game.

I've heard from a very reliable source that soon, they are implementing a new feature that will allow you to rejoin a pvp battle, quest or mission if you was dropped, providing that instance is open.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Final Fantazy
Possibly, they could reconfigure how err=7 works, instead of completely kicking people out once any loss of bandwith is detected, it should allow at least 10-15 settings to fully determine that the user is d/ced from the game.

I've heard from a very reliable source that soon, they are implementing a new feature that will allow you to rejoin a pvp battle, quest or mission if you was dropped, providing that instance is open.

That, or something like it, is a desperately needed feature. I hate having to do a mission 3 times because I drop my connection before I can complete it.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Well after 6 calls to verizon I finally got my answer!

"Verizon DSL does not support gaming. We support getting you on the internet, letting you do your e-mail and surf the internet. Verizon doesn't support games."

They won't help you, so leave them. I am switching to a cable modem this week because verizon is trash and you all should too. They don't value you as a customer.

No flaming in these forums.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Strangely enough my DSL hasn't dropped a connection for two days straight now (I'm on the east coast, and I don't think we have the 15 minute DHCP renewal problem that others are having).


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

I'm on the East Coast and my d/cs are starting to become unbearable now too.

Miyamoto Tzu

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Apocalypse Creed Mercenaries(ACME)


Originally Posted by termite
Strangely enough my DSL hasn't dropped a connection for two days straight now (I'm on the east coast, and I don't think we have the 15 minute DHCP renewal problem that others are having).
You are very lucky, I am in MA and get dropped as regularly as everyone else reports.

It's sort of nostalgic in a way. This is what playing EQ was like on 56k dial-up modem back in 1999. You would go LD at random and usually at the most inopportune times.

Noone ever said that Verizon supported games. They provide Broadband Internet service and market it as always being on...they are failing. They dont need to support games, that's what the game developer does...they need to provide the service they advertise.

I'm very surprised at their calous disregard for the gaming community. Their Lvl 1 techs are complete morons anyways so I wouldn't take their word for it...they are not really speaking for their company, they are jumping to conclusions and making their company look bad. For Verizon not to recognize the huge portion of their subscription base that games online regularly would be a very bad business move.

This is all very sucks being dropped from GW every hour or so (Ive tried Abaddon's Mouth 3 times and go LD at the final seal every time!! FAWK!!). It also sucks that Verizon chose a holiday weekend to do this and didn't have the courtesy to inform their subscribers of the interruption in service.

BUT we have a government that supports monopolization of services and allows its friends in big business to get away with all manner of corrupt practices. Verizon can say and do whatever it wants because they have a stranglehold on the Broadband industry in many parts of the country.

It doesnt seem fair but I sure hope they complete their "upgrades" and return my DSL service to the way it was a few days ago and had been for over two years.

Apocalypse Creed Mercenaries(ACME)
A PvE Guild


Keyboard + Mouse > Pen

Join Date: Apr 2005


I find there is a few second delay before dropping from a game. The rubber band effect happens, freezes you, then if your connection isn't active in a few moments its kaput.

Miyamoto Tzu

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Apocalypse Creed Mercenaries(ACME)


Originally Posted by EnDinG
I find there is a few second delay before dropping from a game. The rubber band effect happens, freezes you, then if your connection isn't active in a few moments its kaput.
Yup, this is exactly what happens. I've also found that when you drop to the log in screen you can not re-connect right away. You have to wait several seconds before you're modem reconnects to the WAN.

At this point in the process you can't do anything on the can't browse the web, get/send email or anything else that requires a WAN connection. So you see, Verizon may not support games as they say..but they also cannot even support what they do say they can in an uninterrupted manner. Not right now anyways.

IF this continues the way it is it will affect quite a lot of users..not just gamers. We are being hit hardest right now because of the manner of our online usage and the need for a consistent connection. But businesses, online education courses (cant take a test online if you get disconnected at random, frequent intervals), E-traders, etc will all be affected by this in one way or another.

I personally don't think this is a permanent change in service and am optimistic it will be resolved soon and how elegantly the solution is implemented is what will determine the amount of damage Verizon will take in the form of lost DSL clients.

Apocalypse Creed Mercenaries(ACME)
A PvE GW Guild


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

I agree. The real reason why gamers may seem like the only ones effected at the moment is because its a holiday weekend. I have some faith that this might be fixed within a day or two, in some manner.

And I really don't think the tech meant Verizon doesn't support games. I'm under the impression tech support has gotten hammered the last 3-4 days with these reports and angry customers, so its possible they're just a tad burnt out at this time.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Ban Hammer


As a long-term Verizon DSL subscriber who's getting Err 7s frequently and loudly, I am thoroughly unimpressed by this news. I might as well not even try to complete Elona Reach until some sort of resolution or workaround is reached.

I'm curious as to whether their upcoming Verizon FIOS service will have similar issues, as that's debuting in my area very soon. I'd hate to leave Verizon altogether, as they have a lot to recommend them outside of Guild Wars.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

servants of fortuna


i really really hope A-net implements something where we would be able to go back into a mission... i had to do borliss pass 7 times before i finished it.... this weekedn i playe don my boyfriends comp/cable connection and was able to do frost gate.. since i've been home and back on verizon dsl.... i keep getin err=7...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I am so pissed at Verizon. Their stupid 15 minute lease duration is ruining everything, not only can I not even do any mission on guildwars. I managed to do thirsty river by getting under the time it was a miracle, but as err-7 screwed up the rest of my ascension that I should have by now I emailed GW support and found out about this. Everyday this has gone on I have written a very angry email to them and called them to. I will keep sending angry emails until they fix it and I suggest you all do the same. Remember its doesnt just effect games. Long downloads, streaming audio or video and anything else dependant on a constantly live connection.

They should have had this fixed the day after it started. They are seemingly ignoring the plea of gamers (their 'valued' customers) and even game companies like NCSoft. It just really pisses me off that some idiot mad a shit lease duration setting that disrupts the things we buy their service for. If we cannot do the things we pay for internet to do, then why use verizon at all. I hope they get that message, they have 4 of my emails saying just that.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005




How exactly would one change the setting for their IP?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I'm on teh east coast and i'm having the same problem......... it seems people on the east coast do not use DHCP....... I forget what they said but we use something different then the people on the west coast..... but it seems to be having the same problem.......after hours oon the phone with these people i asked for a lvl3 tech support...... even he had no clue and ssaid something is interfearing with my modem and sent me another one......... i strongly dout this si going to fix the problem....... i will get back on the phone and bitch some more...... if they dont fix it im going to cancel my service and get something else...........

btw i'm also getting kicked off of aim also.................. so that def tells me it's not GW that is doing this


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Seattle, Washington


I always get kicked off aim and also get that error. I think its sp2. I only got these problems after I dled that.

Friggen msoft.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I think the problem has been fixed, at least in the NY/NJ/PA area. I've been disconnect free for over an hour which is better than I've been in the past week and a half.

Digital Limit

Digital Limit

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

I get Err=7 all the freakin' time. Any idea how I can force a static IP? I use a Linksys router.

Thanks for any help - I'd really like to enjoy this game.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Tacoma, WA

First Name Only


For me it is really wierd I not only get error=7 that boots me from the game but sometimes while exploring areas and I try to map back to town it either says im "Connecting" then gives me an error=7 without kicking me out or it just asks me to put in my password to log back in then it lets me map to places.

I h8 err7

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

For god's sake, can somebody explain how to set up a router for a fixed IP???
asap plz!!!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

Orlando, FL

Vision of Truth


I am on the East coast using Cable from Brighthouse Networks (use to be Time Warner). Earthlink is my ISP. I just came to the forum to see why I am experiencing this issue. I just got booted with the same Err-7. All 5 of my machines are using static IP and I can't remember how long it has been since my WAN IP changed. I must be getting leased the same one over and over when it expires. I have configurd my router to trigger the recommended ports for GW. I guess I will just have to wait for a GW update that works around the issue.

John Faint

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2005



I have the same exact problem. I can play for about 20 minutes and after that I start to lag. Then I just get kicked off and have to turn off my computer and turn it back on again, or else it won't let me back on the internet, let alone Guild wars. The only differance is that I have AOl, which I heard many times is a horrible provider to have for this game.

John Faint

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2005



Can anyone tell me what a router is? I have no idea.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Maryland, USA



A router is an electronic device that connects two or more computers (networks) and routes incoming data packets to the appropriate network.

Basically it shares internet with multiple computers.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Brothers of the Jade

omg, why did i not think of this to try sooner! <dumbass> Akilles </dumbass>

I will let you know if i have issues with it.

Guys to view info on your ip lease while in your command prompt simply type

ipconfig /all

this will show you the day and time your ip lease is up. for cable users, never had DSL as it is slower and dont have a dish anywho most cable users like me probably get the same ip address over and over. when the lease is up and the ip you had b4 is still open you most likely will get the same ip. get all the info from your dynamic configuration and just select to go static. If one day you have no connection then that means someone else is now using that ip you had set at static, so go to dynamic again and see what your new ip is. simple!

Night Daftshadow

Night Daftshadow


Join Date: May 2005

In the forest

Hidden Shadows


Earthlink is my ISP and i set my router to dynamic ip. sometimes i get err=7 but it is rare though. i guess those having constant err=7 problems are just having bad luck.

Algren Cole

Algren Cole


Join Date: Jun 2005

not that it's any indication of whether or not this process will work...but I've never experienced an err=7 error...and not only do I have Dynamic IP..but I bounce multiple times a IP changes every 30 seconds or so.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Knights of Immortal Blood (KoiB)


In your contract to Verizon, do they guarantee continuous internet access, because if they do promise that, and are not providing you that service, then does that not mean that they aren't keeping their part of the contract, thus voiding it?

I ask this, because recently a friend of mine left earthlink and didn't have to pay the cancellation fee because he didn't have internet during the holiday weekend.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Ye olde England.

Could anyone explain how to actually change to a static IP?