Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Anyone that needs to be paid to do his best to keep others alive as a monk needs to delete his monk, because he degrades a noble profession.
Self-righteous BS.
You choose how you like to prefer to play, and others will choose how they prefer to play: don't impose your self-righteous values on others.
Why should a monk who has beaten every mission put 100% effort each time he goes into THK? Why would he? Where's the incentive? He doesn't need the mission. Sure, he might heal a little and give a 50% effort that still puts Mhenlo to shame - but why bother giving 100%? Simply, without incentive, there's no need to give a 100% effort.
And from the class with the highest APM, monking at 100% effort is something that's pretty much reserved for: 1. Heroe's Ascent, 2. GvG, 3. PvE with guildies : anytime you play to win.
With a PuG - why bother giving 100%? There's no tangible incentive to play well. Especially since with a PuG, you can monk at the top of your game and still have people play like baboons. At least the 2k, 5k, 10k reward is a solid incentive.
Charging as a monk is fine - they're paying for your service as a quality monk.