Originally Posted by Solange
I say reset fame, lots of people know as of now that its pointless and means nothing
Actually either way I don't care, all fame means is some flashy Emote which really means nothing in the end.
if it really doesnt mean anything to you, you wouldnt mind seeing people flashing their what-ever-animal emote they have and wont even advocate for a reset.
we all know that having a lots of fame doesnt always equate to versatility, proficiency in playing multiple classes or specialization in only a single class. but it certainly means one thing: winning a lot of tombs (now HA) matches playing with other players (team effort). sadly, it was overvalued that it prevented the influx of pvpers in tombs. but thank the fotms that even new comers can earn their fame now and got to beat supposed to be "unbeatable" teams and progress by trying other builds..
fame was earned by the people who picked up a build and won with it. but if ever A-NET finds resetting fame inevitable because people who just whined and even didnt bother to play anything or tried and failed to run rocket science builds that they didnt even understand and bashed "noob" builds *cough* animal slaughter based builds *cough*, which is *NOW* no way overpowered than spirit based builds or smite or chainlightning or ranger spike, think that fame reset will make a difference, so be it..
who cares anyway?
but thanks Gaile for the assurance. <3