Originally Posted by healer of ascalon
Do I sense some jealousy? Well let me ask you this: do you ever see anyone yelling at the other classes when someone dies? No, the blame all goes to the monk. I'm not saying in all cases, but it does happen a lot.
Originally Posted by Age
Wrong you would never get to the 1st gate without Monks and the king would be dead.There is no one who thinks about a Monks energy supply.Monks don't just heal they protect which helps you out greatly.A Ranger or Warrior can't help to prevent more damage than a Monk could ever help to prevent hmm then why are they used in PvP especialy GvG.I wonder if you ever watched observer mode it is what I do when decideing what to do.You have no idea what a Monks jop is like.
Don't get me wrong, I personally think that almost all the classes are underappreciated. I do agree that sometimes the monks are given too much credit as while they are absolutely vital to the overall picture, they aren't the only ones vital to the overall picture and people sometimes forget that. Then again, sometimes people even forget that monks are vital, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised people can forget the others too a little more often.