April 2006 PC Gamer


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

The Madison Scouts


Originally Posted by Cjlr
Well, I know that mine spend an average of 23 hours per day standing around on a pillar...

Its what they do when you're not logged in that will amaze you.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

Wow, complaints about being skinny. Lets make her 300lb so everyone can be happy

Really is this something to complain about. You play in birds eye view. Not like you see any detail on a character in the first place.

Studio Ghibli

Studio Ghibli

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Gaelic Storm

Anyone ever notice Devona's choice of attire? ;D



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Brisbane, Australia

those nipples really stand out



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Rockford, IL



this looks to be the Factions box.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


i'm liking the look of the box but i do wish she looked more asian like

prodigy ming

prodigy ming

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

its always the commerical trick... we want the asian culture... just not the asians.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Diabloâ„¢
This is why I bought the game:
my exact feelings entirely



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by WoodyDotNet
Here's the box art with Cynn..

ah well prove me wrong then ....didnt mean to nit pick....its just eve is my fave henchy and i didnt want her getting confused with cynn....i didnt know there were cases......cool



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by prodigy ming
its always the commerical trick... we want the asian culture... just not the asians.
considering how many people spit racist comments towards koreans (when they have favor) and japanese (whenever im in random), i find it funny that people are complaining that the covergirl assasin is being "not asian enough".

Really and truly, Asia is a very big continent. i feel that most americans only know asians as either chinese/japanese/koreans and completely forget about the oceanians. The influences and styles in such a large place are enormously varied and i hope guild wars factions is varied enough to reflect said styling (although i do see chinese junks)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Los Chavos Del [ocho]


you guys are jealous because you're all fat and always wanted to be thin like assasins are...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Edge

Tormented Weapons [emo]

Originally Posted by lyra_song
Really and truly, Asia is a very big continent. i feel that most americans only know asians as either chinese/japanese/koreans and completely forget about the oceanians. The influences and styles in such a large place are enormously varied and i hope guild wars factions is varied enough to reflect said styling (although i do see chinese junks)

Asia is a very big continent. Most people visualize "Asian" as Japanese or Chinese, but there's India, Pakistan and many other counties and cultures in Asia. It's like saying all North Americans are all white with blonde hair. It's just not the the case.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by WoodyDotNet
Asia is a very big continent. Most people visualize "Asian" as Japanese or Chinese, but there's India, Pakistan and many other counties and cultures in Asia. It's like saying all North Americans are all white with blonde hair. It's just not the the case.
People are like that. "America" by default refers to the United States. "Asia" means the far-east (another bias). China, Japan, Korea...

That said, Factions is pretty clearly focusing on the more oriental aspects of Asia. You would certainly be hard-pressed to capture the diversity of the Earth's largest continent in 24 towns and 18 missions. Which holds true to any continent, any country, or even any region. Especially to the people who live there.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Worthing, UK

(Don't fear) The Beaver

Originally Posted by fragyou
this looks to be the Factions box.

Cool, the return of the invincible latino assassins.

It's not the fact that they are skinny per se, it's the fact that they just look crap, to be honest. Oh, and nothing like the artwork. But I can at least see them competing in the London or New York Marathons.
And I agree about the huge disparity between the male and female models for most classes. Cough, cough - female ranger armour ? Just compare the male and female warriors and the male and female necros and tell me Anet are not appealing to the common denominator here...



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Andy_M
Just compare the male and female warriors and the male and female necros and tell me Anet are not appealing to the common denominator here...
And what's wrong with that?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Behind You!

Originally Posted by lyra_song
So the current assasin is NOT fit? You call THAT fragile?!?! She looks rather butch to me...(ignore the hair cut)

I used photoshop to increase the contrast to make the 6 pack more obvious. Im sick of people calling the girl Sins skinny/anorexic/ or as you call them "stick ninja"
i did notice how the female assassins arfe more muscular than all the other female classes and i also noticed that they made the're breasts smaller...but all in all the females dont look to bad they juss need better hair...lol



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Northwest Ascalon



To answer a question from 2 pages ago, I can think of 2 skills of the top of my head where they throw these daggers (despite the fact that in-game characters don't get the daggers). Crippling Daggers, and Dancing Daggers.

And the artwork and environment was based on Asian influences. No one ever promised Asian characters (remember that this isn't Earth). We've actually had the option of Asian characters in Prophecies. Check out the faces/skin tones. Asia is a big place; especially if you call it Austo-Asia or Asia/Pacific. I don't expect to see Mowri or Samoans in here anywhere though. Expect it to be recognisable to the common man. Remember that the average consumer can't read at a 5th grade level, and Asia means Chinese or Japanese (as the great snippet from 'King of the Hill' goes).

Present company excluded, of course.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Protectors of Awesome[AWE]


Originally Posted by d3kst3r
those nipples really stand out
No, they don't. What you're staring at is the seams.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Warrior Nation [WN]


Since I have not seen it mentioned, that assasin on the cover is called Nika, and was featured in a piece of fiction revealing the Assasin AGES back.
How can people forget that?




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005


Faces of Death [Tye]


The idea of the assassins is not that they are really buff, its that they are agile and stealthy. You dont have to be very strong to stab someone in the back you know.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Behind You!

Originally Posted by fragyou
this looks to be the Factions box.

her and eve both have silver eyes....that shits hot...lol



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Rockford, IL



you know what. i saw an open copy of the magazine at walmart tonight and there was a screenshot from the game in the mmo special. it was the female assassin and although the image size was small she looked very asian to me.

Eet GnomeSmasher


Join Date: Apr 2005

In my head

Originally Posted by fiery
Hope you guys know the "female assain" is actually a MALE assain and a "male assain" is a MALE assain. Ponder on that. Gte ya hormones in line.
Did you spell "assassin" incorrectly on purpose four times?

Lady Lozza

Lady Lozza

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005


Angel Sharks


Ok boys, let's take a step back here an look at this a little logically.
The "fugly" skinny female assassin in game is actually a REALISTIC representation of a girl turned woman who was involved in a harsh training routine since chlidhood.
Elite gymnasts ARE NOT SHAPELY. Why, because when you do sport 7 days a week from the age of 6 you have a tendency to not "develop" in the "normal" way. IE: they don't no grow huge titties, they do not round out at the hips and butt.
Almost any form of decent physical training can effect the changes girls experience in puberty. This is a scientific fact.
Now let's take a typical stereotypical type "asian themed" assassin. She was probably in training from the time she first showed any unusual dexterity and was probably around 6-10 years old at the time. She would have been involved in a rigourous training routine from that time onwards and would not have developed in the same way that SOME girls do.

FTR: Not all girls have triple D cups, ultra thin waists, and shapely hips and butt. So if you don't want to look at a female character that has a six pack and A cups, don't play a female assassin, play a male one.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Lady Lozza
Ok boys, let's take a step back here an look at this a little logically.
The "fugly" skinny female assassin in game is actually a REALISTIC representation of a girl turned woman who was involved in a harsh training routine since chlidhood.
Elite gymnasts ARE NOT SHAPELY. Why, because when you do sport 7 days a week from the age of 6 you have a tendency to not "develop" in the "normal" way. IE: they don't no grow huge titties, they do not round out at the hips and butt.
Almost any form of decent physical training can effect the changes girls experience in puberty. This is a scientific fact.
Now let's take a typical stereotypical type "asian themed" assassin. She was probably in training from the time she first showed any unusual dexterity and was probably around 6-10 years old at the time. She would have been involved in a rigourous training routine from that time onwards and would not have developed in the same way that SOME girls do.

FTR: Not all girls have triple D cups, ultra thin waists, and shapely hips and butt. So if you don't want to look at a female character that has a six pack and A cups, don't play a female assassin, play a male one.
Their builds are also like marathon/triathlon runners and olympic swimmers/divers. The consequences of heavy exercise and muscle development is LOSS OF FAT. This is why every professional female body builder has breast implants.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

Originally Posted by Lady Lozza
Ok boys, let's take a step back here an look at this a little logically...
Hit it on the head, Lozza. I've been lurching this thread since it's creation, but I was so taken back by the stupidity, decided not to post until I saw this.

That picture, which I must say is really freakin cool, is simply an artist rendition. The in-game image is definately more in-tune with what I would expect an assassin to look like for the reasons Lady Lozza brought to light.

Really, the Asian thing isn't an artist vs. culture mishap, it's more or less as Glasswalker puts it... "Asian themed" - It doesn't mean that they are all Asian, it means that the continent itself is designed with Asian styles in mind.

Ever since I first saw the female Ranger and Warrior, I've been wondering if they were ever going to create realistic female characters. A-Net now gets a cookie.

Alotia Slipfeet

Alotia Slipfeet

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006



the assasins are not that bad looking really. for being so skiny i think its just that people have gotten use to being in a sea of uummmm really extra large people and nobody really sees any toned people who work out 24/7.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shyft Machine [MYTH]


ANet said Cantha would have a asian theme, not it would be Asia or the people would be asian. These are fictional people in a fictional world they do not have to look or act anything like people in the real world do.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006


Garanta Marauders


Originally Posted by Manic Smile
Come on guys...you've all seen what Asain people look like in Anime...and those are by Asians...

Americans are obsessed with Japanese culture, and it's much the same vice-versa. Especially in the beginnings of mainstream anime. Ever since the Americans were largely introduced to the Japanese culture after the World War 2 Japanese people see them as role-models of sorts. They try to be as much American as they can.

That's a theory told to me by a manga freak in one of my classes. He seems fanatic enough to be trustworthy on thinks like those.

Omega X

Omega X

Ninja Unveiler

Join Date: Jun 2005

Louisiana, USA

Boston Guild[BG]


Originally Posted by Cjlr
People are like that. "America" by default refers to the United States. "Asia" means the far-east (another bias). China, Japan, Korea...

That said, Factions is pretty clearly focusing on the more oriental aspects of Asia. You would certainly be hard-pressed to capture the diversity of the Earth's largest continent in 24 towns and 18 missions. Which holds true to any continent, any country, or even any region. Especially to the people who live there.
I guess you haven't seen a Ritualist yet?

They resemble Gypsies and middle-eastern Shamans.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Omega X
I guess you haven't seen a Ritualist yet?

They resemble Gypsies and middle-eastern Shamans.
Isn't the middle-east technically in Asia?

(if not, I have an excuse - I'm a geographically challenged American!)

Seriously, I could care less about the source of Inspiration, as long as it looks cool.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Edge

Tormented Weapons [emo]

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Isn't the middle-east technically in Asia?

(if not, I have an excuse - I'm a geographically challenged American!)

Seriously, I could care less about the source of Inspiration, as long as it looks cool.
Not "technically." It IS part of Asia. "Middle East" is short for "Middle East Asia." And if you think about it, the ad that I posted and the box art model could be Middle Eastern. I've met Middle Easterners that have green eyes and have as fair a skin as any American or European. I even have a Lebanese friend that is blonde and blue eyed.

Anyway, we may be beating this horse to a bloody pulp. I think we've covered the fact that Asia is a huge continent that has many diverse cultures.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



hmmm if ur all trying to work out where the assassins on gw originate....it simple enough to look at there weoponry.

butterfly knives - Wing Chun weopons - originate from china

kukri - knives carried by the gurka - veitnese weopons i think

sia - mainly used in ninjiutsu bladeless daggers - japanese orientation

so reli...any of the three above could be the awnser....

IF IT WASNT A FICTIONAL GAME....so reli....the location from which the assassins hale from is based on a wide variety of asian cultures


thats my say in this thread anywho...

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

Originally Posted by MadChaz

kukri - knives carried by the gurka - veitnese weopons i think
Napal...had a friend in college from there..i think it's their natioinal weapon



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Worthing, UK

(Don't fear) The Beaver

Originally Posted by Align
No, they don't. What you're staring at is the seams.

Heh, and I suppose those seams are in that particular area, running and ending in that particular direction by accident ?

Oh, thats not a Kukri she's carrying, Kukris are bigger - almost like a small machete. And they are the handweapons of the Nepalese Gurkhas. My Dad's got one because he served alongside the Gurkhas in Malaysia in the '60s.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Andy_M
Oh, thats not a Kukri she's carrying, Kukris are bigger - almost like a small machete. And they are the handweapons of the Nepalese Gurkhas. My Dad's got one because he served alongside the Gurkhas in Malaysia in the '60s.
khukri can be any size. i have a few, one a mear 8" ranging to my largest being 21".
you can get giant ones too.the largest made nepelese (thanx for the correction person 2 above...u trigered my memory again) used cerimonaly for cutting of a buffalos head, well named 'buff head Khukri' and i think they are approx. 55" in hieght, and wieghs around 4-5 kg (dont challange my knowledge of weopons coz u will fail lol)



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by MadChaz
khukri can be any size. i have a few, one a mear 8" ranging to my largest being 21".
you can get giant ones too.the largest made nepelese (thanx for the correction person 2 above...u trigered my memory again) used cerimonaly for cutting of a buffalos head, well named 'buff head Khukri' and i think they are approx. 55" in hieght, and wieghs around 4-5 kg (dont challange my knowledge of weopons coz u will fail lol)
and i wasnt refering to the picture on the case....i kno thats not khukri....but in game, the assassin does wield duel khukri.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

What I'm mostly pissed about is that the default ritualist armor looks VERY similar to the ones in the concept arts. Like, they look REALLY good, but the default assassin armors we've seen looks horrible in comparison, not to mention, all the hairstyles have been horrible.

Why can't we get some godo hairstyles for once? =/


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Frost1069
i did notice how the female assassins arfe more muscular than all the other female classes and i also noticed that they made the're breasts smaller...but all in all the females dont look to bad they juss need better hair...lol
agreed, their hair is the worst I've seen in a long time. They really need to ditch em and get some new ones fast... or give us a hood to cover it up. lol



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Worthing, UK

(Don't fear) The Beaver

Mmmm, of course a Kukri blade longer than 15 inches is considered impractical, as are the cheap knock-offs made for the Indian Army. Dual Kukri ? That's not what they were designed for. Chopping wood and cutting throats, traditionally.

And yes the hair does not make good viewing.