April 2006 PC Gamer



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

La La Land



Honestly, guys.

You get a third-person view of the backside of the character from anywhere between about ten to about fifty feet away. Do the fine details really matter all that bloody much?

That said...I agree wholeheartedly with the bad hair people. There is no reason one should need to select a hairstyle that makes one want to puke, simply because the thought of selecting any other hairstyle does make one puke.

And ditch the cheap Naruto knock-offs! XP



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005



The only thing I didnt like is how Assassins run like they have a hunchback, if its supposed to look stealthy they failed. Hope it gets reworked.

dark humar

dark humar

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by Glob of Noobloplasm
WTF is she going to do with all those knives? Seriously.
Hmm Cuting apples ?

Takeko Nakano

Takeko Nakano

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Great Britain


Originally Posted by Lykan
The only thing I didnt like is how Assassins run like they have a hunchback, if its supposed to look stealthy they failed. Hope it gets reworked.
Indeed! ANet, take note of this!!!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Andy_M
Mmmm, of course a Kukri blade longer than 15 inches is considered impractical, as are the cheap knock-offs made for the Indian Army. Dual Kukri ? That's not what they were designed for. Chopping wood and cutting throats, traditionally.

And yes the hair does not make good viewing.
yes and no, smaller kukri can be weild two handed...with enough skill they can be more efficient...but thats only the smaller ones....which are the ones the assassin uses in the game. but yes...weilding a standerd sized kukri in each hand....ur bodys gonna forget to counter balence and u'll screw up lol.

but ur statement about kukris being impractical after 15 inches....i strongly disagree on. sure if ur a skinny basterd...then maybe...but if ur built like a brick shithouse then using a 15inch kukri is gonna be a disadvantage....coz ur gonna overthrow every swing....where as if i use my 21" kukri then my swings are alot more acurate compared to a smaller kukri.

you also have to remember that the kukri isnt mainly for cutting throats....it has an extreme blade curviture (that acts against the bodys natural curviture) and highly weighted blade....which means its main use in combat is to cleave and render.

...ill shut up now...



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

The "Stick Ninja" is such an accurate description - in a recent scrrenshot of combat on the Jade Sea the assassin looks like she's trying to disappear by turning sideways.

Seriously, this assassin thing is disturbing. Kate Moss is bigger than she is.

Grasping Darkness

Grasping Darkness


Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by fiery
Hope you guys know the "female assain" is actually a MALE assain and a "male assain" is a MALE assain. Ponder on that. Gte ya hormones in line.
thats what i try to tell the kiddies dancing with the naked female eles in pre 0o har har har
and on subject of the stick ninja...have you seen the way they run? 0o spiderish even