PvP armor! :D


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Now that I think about it. It's quite stupid that Sentinal armor has a strength requirement (and quite high I might add). It's not like its really superior over any of the other armors... It's like the new platemail.

The biggest benefit you get from it is some damage reduction from elemental spells, which actually are quite few. I hope they can either boost the armor (give it another bonus, or boost it in some way). Or reduce the requirement to 8-10 strength.

Im sure Strength will be more useful overall in Chapter 2. Either way i'll probably make the armor and use it in PvE cause it looks nice. But theoretically it could be the worst warrior set, and you have to meet a hefty requirement to have it up to par with everything else.



Just Plain Fluffy

Join Date: Dec 2004

Berkeley, CA

Idiot Savants

Originally Posted by Eden2k5
But theoretically it could be the worst warrior set, and you have to meet a hefty requirement to have it up to par with everything else.
As long as you meet the requirement it's better than Platemail. Strictly so, in fact.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Melbourne, Australia


Just a comment on the appearance of the armors. I'm a bit dissappointed that they're all still the same style as the GW:P armours. It's like all the armours are the same outfit with some variations to make them look slightly different. Elem female armour is still a skimpy top, and skimpy skirt of variable length. Necro armor is still the spikey body suit, etc. Mesmer armour is still ballroom evening gowns and suits.

If gladiators can provide as much armor as it does, then the warriors should get some armor sets that looks like normal clothing. And rangers can get leather armor with a metal breastplate. Elems can get an armor set that look like heavy trenchcoats, pants and boots. They should make the armors vary in style and looks much more. Female Monks should have some skirts/dresses. Male monks can get some long robes. etc, etc.

Mega Storm

Mega Storm

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*For Warrior*...Is it just me or does Berserker and Leigionnaire's look better than Sentinel's armor in looks and stats? Opinions varry this I know, but I think Sentinel's looks a little plain in comparison to the other 2. Tough call no matter what you will chose I guess, but I think my gold will be spent on Berserker's armor. Very cool to see new armors. Thanks for posting images for us all.

I would really like to see what kind of new Axe skins, shields there will be in Factions. I'm a big fan of those and tend to collect them lol.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Rieselle
Just a comment on the appearance of the armors. I'm a bit dissappointed that they're all still the same style as the GW:P armours. It's like all the armours are the same outfit with some variations to make them look slightly different. Elem female armour is still a skimpy top, and skimpy skirt of variable length. Necro armor is still the spikey body suit, etc. Mesmer armour is still ballroom evening gowns and suits.

If gladiators can provide as much armor as it does, then the warriors should get some armor sets that looks like normal clothing. And rangers can get leather armor with a metal breastplate. Elems can get an armor set that look like heavy trenchcoats, pants and boots. They should make the armors vary in style and looks much more. Female Monks should have some skirts/dresses. Male monks can get some long robes. etc, etc.
I kind of agree, they should actually make armor that looks drastically different from what we're used too (I want a Western priest robe for my monk T_T!).



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


Me: "I'd like a buffed armor for running 13 Divine Favor."

Anet: "Sorry, how about one that makes Draw Conditions fun?!"




Forge Runner

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Originally Posted by ShadowStorm
You forget to take into account the fact that no warrior in there right mind would go without at least 1 piece of ascalon or knights armor for the -2 damage reduction. That's 5 less hit points from the Berserker Armor and no less hit points from the +30 HP weapon pommel. So they are equal, in that respect, but Platemail can choose a defense pommel over a fortitude pommel (which we all know is better anyway) and end up with 90 base armor. GG Berserker's armor.

Well not really. Berserker's Armor is still good. But in a different way. It loses in the argument you were trying to make though.
before you respond to me, develope your math skills a tad.
the feet, hands, legings and hauberk for berzerkers give +35 hp total, not including the helmet. (+5 hp on hands, feet, 10 on leggings, 15 on hauberk; 5+5+10+15=35)
and while defense is 100% better than life for skills that actually effect armor, there are so many things in this game that do not; so overall, hp>armor. i'd take 35 hp over 5 armor any day of the week (NOT over 10 armor though).



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

Originally Posted by Akhilleus
before you respond to me, develope your math skills a tad.
the feet, hands, legings and hauberk for berzerkers give +35 hp total, not including the helmet. (+5 hp on hands, feet, 10 on leggings, 15 on hauberk; 5+5+10+15=35)
and while defense is 100% better than life for skills that actually effect armor, there are so many things in this game that do not; so overall, hp>armor. i'd take 35 hp over 5 armor any day of the week (NOT over 10 armor though).
*Sigh* people still do not understand this.

High armor you want hp boost.

Low armor you want armor boost.

The hp mods for low armor is not as important as energy and more armor.

For a warrior I still would not change my glad chest, leggings, stonefist, and knights boots for any other combination. Wars need as much energy as possible. Wars get no benifit from the new armor as there is a stronger combination already.

Casters will benifit the most from the new armor because the old armor is so crappy. Then again they may buff the old armor to balance things out for c1 only owners.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

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Originally Posted by twicky_kid
*Sigh* people still do not understand this.

High armor you want hp boost.

Low armor you want armor boost.

The hp mods for low armor is not as important as energy and more armor.

For a warrior I still would not change my glad chest, leggings, stonefist, and knights boots for any other combination. Wars need as much energy as possible. Wars get no benifit from the new armor as there is a stronger combination already.

Casters will benifit the most from the new armor because the old armor is so crappy. Then again they may buff the old armor to balance things out for c1 only owners.
the ONLY armor i would consider switching out my glads for is legionaires; and only because my warriors all use an attack-speed modifier with a zealous hilt (they have ebon, sundering, vampiric switches should the occasion come to call upon them); so energy is very rarely a problem unless i hit energy denial, or need to spam several energy skills back to back to back. one of the main reasons i use glads is to counter the effect of my love of 15% always -5 energy weapons. i think ill end up getting a legionaires set for each of my warriors for general purpose use, and keep my glads for PvP.
i think the use of sentinels is one of pure insanity; there are ENTIRELY too many skills in GW as is that have armor-ignoring capabilites to make it of any substancial use, and the condition of 13 strength means your attribute point allocation is severely limited (6 points left over if you max out your main weapon attribute). vs elemental, sure, its great; but vs EVERYTHING else sentinels is pure junk. i think the best for defense is legionaires, since you can easily aquire 90 armor permantly, and even get as high as 110 vs physical attacks, which is substancial; without having to sacrifice skillpoints that can be better used elsewhere; and if you arent running a hammer build, the loss of energy shouldnt be much of an issue as long as you're using a zealous weapon.
as far as berzerkers goes; good vs spike. but i think spiking, while it will probably still remain the number 1 way of bringing a foe down, will change dramatically in how its executed, especially with the advent of the ability of X/A characters, running last-seccond teleport skills before a spike-enduced death, and with ritualists' spirits entering the scene of combat.
so while berzerkers is definetly useful in prophecies, i think we will have to wait a while to see if spiking is still what it is in factions. if so, it should remain on the top of someone's grocery list, otherwise you may find it falling behind gladiators (as everything else so far) or possibly legionaires.
thats my 2 cents.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

So excited we are getting some extra spaces for storing additional armor ... riiight....



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Rieselle
Just a comment on the appearance of the armors. I'm a bit dissappointed that they're all still the same style as the GW:P armours. It's like all the armours are the same outfit with some variations to make them look slightly different. Elem female armour is still a skimpy top, and skimpy skirt of variable length. Necro armor is still the spikey body suit, etc. Mesmer armour is still ballroom evening gowns and suits.

If gladiators can provide as much armor as it does, then the warriors should get some armor sets that looks like normal clothing. And rangers can get leather armor with a metal breastplate. Elems can get an armor set that look like heavy trenchcoats, pants and boots. They should make the armors vary in style and looks much more. Female Monks should have some skirts/dresses. Male monks can get some long robes. etc, etc.
I think the whole point of armor is that you can tell what profession someone is at a glance. They tweaked the armor look to give it a more "exotic" feel, but it's still firmly rooted in that particular Profession's look.

Moa Bird Cultist

Moa Bird Cultist

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Hastings (UK) / Latham (USA)

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Originally Posted by NatalieD
Wow, a few new non-promiscuous options for female elementalists. At least in terms of chestwear.

Male necros will still look like putrid ass, though. Poor guys.

(Edited for word choice, 'cuz the red engine going looked kinda silly in that sentence.)
My ele wants, nay, demands something more practical than the battlemage miniskirt. Otherwise, that set looks awesome, so I might get that in 15k with different leggings. Give me a chinese style longsword to go with that and I'll be happy

It's all about vanity, really isnt it?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005



Are factions characters going to get access to glads armour?

And I think Sent will be the new knights. Good looks but not overaly practical.

derek lukahn

derek lukahn

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005


What i want to no is do ranger get a quiver!!!!!

I dont care what ranger armour i get i like them all



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Communistwealth of Virginia



Originally Posted by Eden2k5
Now that I think about it. It's quite stupid that Sentinal armor has a strength requirement (and quite high I might add). It's not like its really superior over any of the other armors... It's like the new platemail.

The biggest benefit you get from it is some damage reduction from elemental spells, which actually are quite few. I hope they can either boost the armor (give it another bonus, or boost it in some way). Or reduce the requirement to 8-10 strength.

Im sure Strength will be more useful overall in Chapter 2. Either way i'll probably make the armor and use it in PvE cause it looks nice. But theoretically it could be the worst warrior set, and you have to meet a hefty requirement to have it up to par with everything else.
Sentinel's is Farmer Armer There's no way around it. That's what it's for. Farming enemies that use elemental damage (Imps, Titans, Hydrae, and whatever Chap. 2 might offer). It'll have its purpose and be very well accepted, with the 100 vs. elemental AL. Any W/* who's farming against heavy elemental enemies will be using Dolyak Sig anyway, and you need 15 in Strength to keep Dolyak up 100% of the time (not necesary in some runs, absolutely vital in others). It's a niche armor and doesn't need a boost for what it exists for; all other armors are 95 or 100 versus physical anyway.

Lady Lozza

Lady Lozza

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005


Angel Sharks


I'm actually drooling over the prospect of that +hp armour

dark humar

dark humar

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006



Like somone is ever gonna wear one of those crapy ranging armors ? what is a ranger with 20 energy gonna do ? nah i love my Ranger druit fow armor i don't need cheap punk^^


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

They'd better make an effort to redesign male elementalist armour - the current sets look terrible IMO.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

team love [kiSu]


I still think that gladiators armor is better than most of these, i guess our armor we got right now wont be inferior as they have balanced most of it, id rather have more energy as a war than armor or 15 extra hp(although that hp looks nice), cuz of all the stances etc that give armor.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

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Elite Rogues Inc. [ER]

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Problem is, Armor alone cannot save them...
Perhaps not but don't forget how useful a good geomancer is in HoH. Wards are as good as doubling your armor against physical. But armor of 70 is still soft unless they have their armor buffs up.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

New Mexico < PUKE >

Elite Rogues Inc. [ER]

Originally Posted by AaronSwitchblade
They'd better make an effort to redesign male elementalist armour - the current sets look terrible IMO.
Yeah male ele is just plain ugly as usual. The one with armor+10 seems the most useful yet the ugliest in the line though. dang it...guess i'll just keep my 15k geo gear =(

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


I think 100 AL might find its uses. If you only use str, weapon, and maybe a non linked skill you could easily have 13 str.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

COLD, Cold Snap

Yea 16/13/5..

heavy tahnking xD


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by pegasux
Yeah male ele is just plain ugly as usual. The one with armor+10 seems the most useful yet the ugliest in the line though. dang it...guess i'll just keep my 15k geo gear =(
You're joking - does it still look crap in factions?

Everyone has better armour than male elementalists - even the female elementalists. It's far more detailed. The male sets are really just the primary armour slightly changed slightly for each class (visually I mean).

Moa Bird Cultist

Moa Bird Cultist

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Originally Posted by AaronSwitchblade
You're joking - does it still look crap in factions?

Everyone has better armour than male elementalists - even the female elementalists. It's far more detailed. The male sets are really just the primary armour slightly changed slightly for each class (visually I mean).
At least, as you say, the 15k geo looks good, (in my opinion, so does 15k Aero,) so hopefully we can expect something special from the vanity armours for male eles. And hopefully something more PRACTICAL in the way of leggings for us female eles...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

European Union

The Amazon Basin

Originally Posted by Moa Bird Cultist
And hopefully something more PRACTICAL in the way of leggings for us female eles...
The basic white elementalist armour from Droknar's looks really good in silver

Moa Bird Cultist

Moa Bird Cultist

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Hastings (UK) / Latham (USA)

Freedom Fanatical Scots [FFS]


Agreed, but in terms of practicality and functionality, FoW leggings are better - therefore, I am hoping for FoW Battlemage (And just use the FoW leggings and 1.5/15k Battlemage on the rest, depending on looks. Plus it'd cost a bomb for a full set...)

Well, I can hope, can't I?

In the mean time I'll stick to my ice blue 15k Geo, (it matches my hair, you know?)




Join Date: Nov 2005


Guardians Of Eternal Sands [GoeS]


Originally Posted by navymrgoodbar
Now I'm a bit sad I got FoW armor since the new ones give +1 energy regen.

are your eyes open? current armors got +2 regen too

mutig drachen

Ascalonian Squire

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if berserker is in 15k in there and im liking the health plus energy on some of them ranger armour plus 10 while using prep will be useful 1 question tho why is the only 2 armours for necro?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

Austin, TX

maybe i'm bein stupid maybe not?

the fact that sentinel armor has a penalty while under 13 strength instead of requiring 13 strength to wear it period makes it seem like u'd be able to raise ur strength attribute, or other atts., via skills for some amount of time. like the way awaken the blood or glyph of elemental power works now.

i still wouldn't be too wild about wearing armor that requires upkeep, and a skill slot, IF i my thought is even anywhere near the truth, but it'd be better than havin to put ur strength at 13.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by blakecraw
maybe i'm bein stupid maybe not?

the fact that sentinel armor has a penalty while under 13 strength instead of requiring 13 strength to wear it period makes it seem like u'd be able to raise ur strength attribute, or other atts., via skills for some amount of time. like the way awaken the blood or glyph of elemental power works now.

i still wouldn't be too wild about wearing armor that requires upkeep, and a skill slot, IF i my thought is even anywhere near the truth, but it'd be better than havin to put ur strength at 13.
Possible, but not very likely. I wouldn't extrapolate that just from the fact that you need to have 13 strength to get the full effect from Sentinel armor, but can wear it regardless.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

Children Of A Doomed Generation


i'm a gonna get the legionnaire's armor

i kill charr

i kill charr

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

were not on crack


i think that armor is for the preview event and not for the guild wars core set.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006


Duality Of The Dragon

Here's a question. Will the armor be available during the factions weekend for PvP?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006


Duality Of The Dragon

Originally Posted by i kill charr
i think that armor is for the preview event and not for the guild wars core set.
Here's my guess. The armor in PvP will be the armor that you can use for PvP with your factions key or when you buy the installation thing you know what I mean. As for it's availability I do believe it will only be obtainable from cantha armor crafters. As for the PvP ones ATM I assume the content is temporary until the end of the weekend event.

Arch Ownz

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

the crystal vanity


I Am Going To Get Myself The Sentinel Armour :d



Wilds Pathfinder

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I don't know if it's been mentioned (probably has) but have you seen that there's a Sentinel helm too? Now THAT's cool.

I think I'm gonna end up with Sentinel helm, Berserker/Legionair boots and leggings, Ringmail gauntlets and Gladiator's cuirass. I know it's alot of different armors, but I think it'll look good together, if the Berserker/Legionair armor is dyable.

That's my plan at the moment. I'll have to see the other armors and the 15k versions before changing, though.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

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So this is the new armor for PvP......do we in PvE also have access to such new goodies at high levels?




Join Date: Jun 2005




male ele armors dont impress me much at first sight .. lets see what dyes can do to them ... anyway , ANET if you read this , make some high tech armor for male eles , less girly if you know what i mean. the actual collectors , 15k air and fissure are the only ones i really like atm. ok eles are mages but dont need to look like they are weak. they do a lot of dmg should look more powerfull imo.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

Austin, TX

Originally Posted by swordfisher
Possible, but not very likely. I wouldn't extrapolate that just from the fact that you need to have 13 strength to get the full effect from Sentinel armor, but can wear it regardless.
one other thing i just found, there's a new warrior skill called "signet of strength"
this makes it seem more likely to me that u can alter ur strength attribute via skills to get the full effect of sentinel armor w/o dumping all the points in
