Core, Prophecies and Factions Skill Listing

dark humar

dark humar

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by ange1
hey that's a lot of skills, if one want to be good at pvp, they'd have to get both chapters, it's sad =D
It's not sad but smart hehe

Count to Potato

Count to Potato

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Imagination Land

I Swear She Was Eighteen [Gwen]


Armors look more tempting than skills like the Warrior armor, 100 armor if you have 13 strength


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Making verata's sac non-core will make it very hard for Factions only chars to MM, unless one of the new skills steps in to replace it. None really stand out at me as having a similar effect from just the name...but i suppose its a bit early to tell...

and of course its possible vampiric horrors are more self sustaining

X Crusader

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Vancouver, Canada


Okay, none of these are probably right. But I dare to dream. So here goes my theories: (it's fun to find out which ones you actually got right)

Factions Only Skills

Warrior Skills
"Coward!" Attack / attack speed reduced
"None Shall Pass!" Foes in area move (%) slower
"On Your Knees!" Knockdown shout
"Retreat!" When fleeing, armor increased, possible speed boost
"You Will Die!" If target is <25% hp, armor is reduced
Auspicious Blow General Melee attack
Auspicious Parry Riposte for axe / hammer maybe?
Dragon Slash Maybe a new sword elite (if hell freezes over0 LOL jk
Drunken Blow Likely similar to desperation blow
Enraged Smash Possible Knockdown
Fierce Bloe A general melee attack
Forceful Blow A general melee attack
Furious Axe Your next axe attack does more damage
Jaizhenju Strike A general melee attack
Lacerating Chop A debilitating shot for melee
Leviathan's Sweep Possible Knockdown for all melee (Leviathans used their tails to knockdown enemies)
Penetrating Chop Penetrating for swords?
Primal Rage If animal in area… you do x more damage (next IWAY?)
Protectors Stance Defensive stance
Quivering Blade Bleeding for axe? (hopefully)
Renewing Smash Similar to assassin’s repeating strike?
Shove Knockdown OR target moves back
Signet of Strength Strength +x for y seconds
Silverwing Slash A sword attack that deals x more damage
Standing Slash You and target for must be standing still
Sun And Moon Slash A double slash for sword
Tiger Stance Another frenzy/flurry stance
Triple Chop 3 hits (NO DUH)
Whirling Axe Cyclone axe become elite?
Yeti Smash Hammer smash, possibly knockdown

Ranger Skills
Archer's Signet This is waaay to general
Bestial Fury Beast attacks faster for x seconds
Bestial Mauling Beast attack
Brambles Beast attack
Broad Head Arrow Bow attack
Conflagration Your attacks do fire damage
Enraged Lunge Beast attack
Equinox Nature ritual
Famine The opposite of Symbiosis
Focused Shot Some sort of Power Shot
Glass Arrows Arrows do cold damage
Heal As One If Beast is healed, you are also healed (also reverse)
Marauder's Shot A bow attack
Melandru's Shot A bow attack
Needling Shot Either a crippling or bleeding shot
Poisonous Bite Touch-oriented poison
Pounce Possible beast knockdown
Predatory Bond For x seconds, if beast attacks, you gain x health
Run As One If Beast runs faster, you run faster (also reverse)
Savage Bounce Beast interruption
Seeking Arrows Arrows cannot be dodged for x seconds
Snare Target is entangled in vines for x seconds
Splinter Shot Crippling of bleeding shot
Sundering Attack Penetrating shot version (NO DUH)
Tranquility No adrenaline for target
Trapper's Focus Traps cannot be interrupted for x seconds
Viper's Nest (Look at the assassin viper skill; poison, and then teleport back)
Zojun's Haste possibly shoot or move faster
Zojun's Shot Bow attack

Monk Skills
Air Of Enchantment Enchantments on target last x longer
Blessed Light Heal target ally for Health and remove one Condition and one Hex.
Boon Signet Extra heals for signets on allies (eg. sig. of devotion)
Deny Hexes Next time ally targeted w/ hex, they don’t suffer from it for x sec.
Dwayna's Sorrow Target healed for x. If target is below 25% health, they are healed for y more. (iunno. maybe dwaynas sad theyre dying or something like that lol)
Empathetic Removal Hex removal with setbacks
Ethereal Light A healing skill that has to do with conserving energy
Extinguish A smite type skill / hex/condition removal
Gift of Health A large amount heal
Healing Burst Similar to a healing version of Flame Burst
Healing Light Allies in your area get x health
Healing Whisper Instant cast small heal
Heaven's Delight Every time you heal, you get x energy
Jamei's Gaze If target is attacking, they are dealt x damage
Karei's Healing Circle Allies in healing circle are healed for x more
Kirin's Wrath Smiting skill deals holy damage
Life Sheath Maybe similar to Life Bond
Ray of Judgement A spell version of Signet of Judgment
Release Enchantments A target other ally Contemplation of Purity
Ressurection Chant All allies in area are resurrected… Likely w/ something negative
Reverse Hex If hex removed, heal for x health
Shield Guardian A blocking enchantment
Signet of Rage Target ally gains adrenaline faster
Signet of Rejuvenation Gain health regeneration
Spear of Light Another Smite type skill, possible interrupt for hex
Spell Sheild Probably similar to spell breaker
Spirit Bond Target allied Spirit takes x damage for you
Stonesoul Strike A Smite type skill
Withdraw Hexes Remove hex
Word of Censure Target foe takes holy damage. If your target was below x health, Word of Censure takes y additional seconds to recharge.

Necromancer Skills
Animate Flesh Golem Animate golem… duh
Animate Vampiric Horror Exploit nearest corpse to animate a lvl x Vampiric Horror. Whenever a Vampiric Horror you control deals damage, you gain the same amount of Health. THIS IS CONFIRMED. lol TRY TO GUESS WHAT HORROR IM MAKING
Bitter Chill If target is below 50% it deals x shadow damage
Blood Bond Next time you steal hp from target, you steal x more
Blood Drinker Next time you steal health, you steal x more
Cultist's Fevor For xseconds, your spells cost -y Energy to cast, but you sacrifice x% Health each time you cast a Spell.
Defile Enchantments Remove enchantment + negative condition
Discord Curses spell
Enfeebling Touch Touch for weakening (probable low energy cost)
Fetid Ground Whenever someone dies in area, minion is summoned?
Gaze of Contempt If target foe has more than {%} Health, that foe loses all Enchantments.
Icy Veins Target takes x more damage from cold damage
Jaundiced Gaze
Lifebane Strike Target takes x damage for each enchantment on them
Opressive Gaze
Order of Apostasy Another Orders skill
Reckless Haste Your minions move faster
Rising Bile Damage for all adjacent foes
Shivers of Dread Another form of Spinal Shivers
Soul Bind Some sort of hex – possible enchant removal
Spoil Victor
Taste of Pain You suffer x damage. Target suffers same amount of dmg.
Vampiric Bite Cheaper Vampiric Touch
Vampiric Spirit When you steal health, it is x times cheaper
Vampiric Swarm Deathly swarm that steals health
Vile Miasma
Wail of Doom Shout that possibly damages incoming foes?
Wallows Bite Touch skill that deals damage
Weaken Knees Movement decreased
Well of Weariness Energy degeneration well

Mesmer Skills
Accumulated Pain If target suffers from x conditions, that foe takes y damage
Ancestor's Visage
Arcane Languor
Arcane Larceny
Auspicious Incarnation
Complicate Spell casting takes x longer
Conjure Nightmare A degeneration with some added effect
Ether Signet Steals energy, but high recharge
Expel Hexes Remove x hexes (note the ‘es’)
Feedback Next spell you get energy back
Hex Eater Signet Remove hex, and gain energy
Illusion of Pain Some version of Illusion of Weakness
Images of Remorse Target does less damage with attacks
Kitah's Burden Slow target down
Lyssa's Aura For x seconds, whenever you are the target of an enemy Spell, you steal up to y Energy from the caster.
Lyssa's Balance A MP version of Grenth’s Balance
Overload If target casts x spells in y seconds, they take z damage
Power Leech Interrupt skill, steal energy
Power Return Interrupt skill, but return the energy to caster (low recharge)
Psychic Distraction Interrupt skill
Psychic Instability Interrupt + target becomes dazed
Recuring Insecurity For x seconds, target foe suffers from Health degeneration. If Hexed again, Recurring Insecurity is renewed for seconds.
Revealed Enchantment Take enchantment from target foe, and put on skill bar
Revealed Hex Take hex from targets skill bar, and it is replaced with that hex
Shared Burden AoE reduction of speed
Shatter Storm AoE version of shatter delusions
Signet of Disenchantment Remove x enchantments
Signet of Disruption Interrupt targets action
Stolen Speed Similar to Assassin skill Siphon Speed(you gain, target loses)
Unnatural Signet Counter for rituals

Elementalist Skills
Arc Lightning
Ash Blast Fire-oriented blindness
Bed of Coals For x seconds, foes standing still near this location are struck for y damage each second. Any foe knocked down on the Bed of Coals is set on fire for z seconds. (OMG echo whirlwind / earthquake)
Breath of Fire Touch target foe for x damage and set on fire for y seconds
Burning Speed Target burns for x seconds, but moves faster for y seconds
Churning Earth Knockdown target
Double Dragon Possibly similar to Stone Daggers
Dragon's Stomp Knockdown
Energy Boon Every time you cast spell, you get x energy
Glyph of Essence For x seconds, your next Spell casts instantly but lose all Energy.
Gust A quick knockdown (toned down version of gale)
Icy Prism Slow target for x seconds
Lava Arrows Adds damage to attacks OR similar to stone daggers
Lava Font Maybe similar to current lava font
Lightning Hammer Target takes x lightning damage w/ armor penet.
Mirror of Ice For x seconds, all damage is reflected but take x3 dmg from fire
Ride The Lightning Teleport + damage
Second Wind Energy related
Shatterstone Remove enchant, possibly
Shock Arrow Shock, but at a ranged
Schokwave A whirlwind that deals lightning damage w/ armor penet.
Silver Arrow Similar to lightening javelin
Smoldering Embers Fire spell
Star Burst Another AoE air magic spell
Teinai's Crystals Earth spell / Targets are hurt for x damage per/ earth damage
Teinai's Prison Water spell / Targets are slowed down x% more when you cast hex
Teinai's Wind Air spell / Your projectiles move x faster
Unsteady Ground Each second for x seconds, foes have y% to be knocked down
Vapor Blade Possibly similar to Conjure Frost, except melee-only
Ward of Stability Allies in ward cannot be knocked down

This may look a little messy. Sorry.

X Crusader

EDIT: They're only my theories. Just serve as a general idea of what the skill MIGHT be

Lord Cooper

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Black Death Knights


hey can you give me a link to these skills with their descriptions please?



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006




That's indeed alot of skills ^^cant wait,cant WAIT!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by Lord Cooper
hey can you give me a link to these skills with their descriptions please?
Sure. Just let me jump in my time machine and go over a week into the future.

shaolin mind trick

shaolin mind trick

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Aequitas Deis [AD]


Just noticed that dust trap isn't core.
Plus, no new traps in factions?
Unless trapper's focus is insanely good, probably see a decline in trapping

Arcanis the Omnipotent

Arcanis the Omnipotent

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

Nova Alliance


One thing I havent seen mentioned in this thread, and I thought seemed obvious, is that alot of the skills just seem to be counterparts to the Prophecies skills.

Similar but not the same. And some even look similar to Core skills, ones that didnt have elite versions of them before. Like the comparison in Mesmer with Conjure Phantasm/Conjure Nightmare.

Alot of them are just the same skills we have now, just different versions.

Going along with that, something else I notice. GW is going to end up alot like Magic: The Gathering.

Magic is set up like this

1. Core Set of Cards
2. Expansion Sets (usually 3 sets of 3)

And the rules for Magic eventually started banning certain sets in tournaments.

I'm starting to wonder if that's the future of PVP. Tournaments where you're only allowed to use certain skills or skill sets.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005



"agic is set up like this

1. Core Set of Cards
2. Expansion Sets (usually 3 sets of 3)

And the rules for Magic eventually started banning certain sets in tournaments.

I'm starting to wonder if that's the future of PVP. Tournaments where you're only allowed to use certain skills or skill sets."

Magic is set up in such a way that you will be able to use all of your cards if you want to. They have formats for everything, and while type 1 might not be popular, it does exist. THe only things you can't use are ante and physical manipulation cards. SO unless GW does some sort of ante spell, that wont be a problem. As for the difficulties of playing type 1, thats mostly attributed to the game coming out 12 years ago and people being unable to afford or find the old cards.

When GW is 10 years old and noone can find prophecies, then that will be a good comparison.

Arcanis the Omnipotent

Arcanis the Omnipotent

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

Nova Alliance


Well that was a pointless reply.

Yes, type 1 exists. But so does Extended, and Type 2.

And the idea of GW using a Type 2 style format for a seperate tournament isnt so far fetched as you seem to think it is.. Especially when Anet claims that expansions will begin getting released every 6 months from now on.

So, in about 3 years we'll have:
Core set + 7 sets.

And you dont think they'll start a making tournament rules about what skill you can and cant bring with you?

Zhou Feng

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
Animate Bone Fiend and Minions are core skills but Animate Bone Horror isn't?

I thought for sure it would be the other way around.

I fell on the floor when I saw Heal Other WASN'T!!!! a core skill.

I guess Ritualist healers are going to be better in factions stand alone then Monks in factions stand alone.
Nah... you still get some of the strong heal skills like Word of Healing and Healing Seed

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

Originally Posted by Mysterial
According to this link it does indeed cause attacks to remove enchantments, but it is not only elite but the caster takes an (unknown) amount of damage per Monk enchantment removed.
Yes, I checked some of the info out. It's 25 nrg, and 2 cast, 0 recharge. And it's whenever a party member hits with physical. So there goes chants.. this worries me that Iway will come back. Big time...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Servants of Fortuna


Originally Posted by Hella Good
Yes, I checked some of the info out. It's 25 nrg, and 2 cast, 0 recharge. And it's whenever a party member hits with physical. So there goes chants.. this worries me that Iway will come back. Big time...
I'm more worried that with all the new enchantment removal (and in some cases mass enchantment removal) that any enchantment that doesn't have a low cost and short recharge is going to become completely unusable.

Minus Sign

Minus Sign

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Unnatural Signet sounds like the final nail in the IWAY coffin. Bye bye EoE.

As to the concern that GW will become like Magic: the gathering? Anet is constantly skill balancing to prevent one skill from becoming overpowered. Magics ban list did the same with cards, preventing everyone from building one uber deck and smashing anyone who couldn't afford the cards/wasn't lucky enough to get them.

I don't see any ban list in GW's future. Just the same random skill balances we have all come to love and hate (mostly hate).

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Originally Posted by Rancour
Could someone please tell me WHERE that list comes from? I can't find it in-game and I'm pretty sure Factions hasn't been released yet... Right now it feels like a whole lot is going on and I have NO idea what it is...
Open the PvP creation screen, pick two classes, then scroll to the bottom. All the skills for those classes are there.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

I loved playing magic when I did, but stopped playing because it costed too much money. I would actually like to see skillsets get rotated in and out. I think that that would make the game a lot more interesting and, just like magic, all builds, good or bad, would get rotated out so every one always had to keep getting new skills and keep thinking up new combos. If that were to happen all it would do is keep the game alive and interesting.

Count to Potato

Count to Potato

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006

Imagination Land

I Swear She Was Eighteen [Gwen]


Animate FLesh Golem + Animate Vampiric Horror + Animate Bone Fiend

MM ownage, + Brutal weapon on Golems = more ownage