Crazy circle of noob ownige-ness
Dead Phlox
You could try to get invited to a better group by not dropping the word "noob" as much as possible, because that just makes you look ignorant.
The Real Roy Keane
No..please..not this whole argument again. I'm not saying having an emote makes you a l33t pwnage mofo, but there's a reason R9+ teams beat unranked ones..
Originally Posted by The Real Roy Keane
No..please..not this whole argument again. I'm not saying having an emote makes you a l33t pwnage mofo, but there's a reason R9+ teams beat unranked ones..
Originally Posted by The Real Roy Keane
No..please..not this whole argument again. I'm not saying having an emote makes you a l33t pwnage mofo, but there's a reason R9+ teams beat unranked ones..
Count to Potato
Best way is to join HoH guild, or patience get a group, get 1 fame at a time, only need to do that 180 times, but once rank 3 troubles have stopped