New Warrior Armor (Sentinel's)... Too Much Defence?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Does anyone els bsides me thing that 100 defence on an armor is to much? Sure the req.13 Strength on it may couse problems but this is a runnerd dream armor.

I have the picks of male and female from a stat view incase you want to see them.



Knight of Balthazer

Knight of Balthazer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Currently None


i dont think it will be a problem...+ alot of people dont put strength at 13...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

Wow, that stuff's hot. And I'm curious to give it a chance. The fact that you have to sacrifice so much else to make it work might make it legit. I.e., taking an extra sup. rune to boost strength, or devoting a lot of attribute points into strength instead of another line. Anyway, it sure looks sweet!

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

where did u find this?

this going to be 15k or perhaps (hopfully) new fissure armor



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005


if you look in the pvp char creation it is there.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

ah ok thnx ice


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Doesn't collectors chainmail already have that?

80 +20 phsy.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

ppl use collectors armor ?!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Song of the Forsaken


Originally Posted by LittleBull
Doesn't collectors chainmail already have that?

80 +20 phsy.
AL of Collectors vs. all other types = 80
AL of Sentinal vs. all other types = 100

Throw an elemental mod on a weapon and the other armor is reduced to 80 where the Sentinal will still be 100. Same goes for elemental spells.

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

at the trade off of 13 strength...thus limiting your stancing ability which in most cases is much for effective then your armor alone...though dolyak + Sential comes to mind..

overall however it seems pretty balanced


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


Well, this armor seems very balanced. For PvP, most warriors have around 10 total points in strength, 16 in a weapon mastery, and the rest in tactics. 100al really isin't that much, rangers already have 100 base vs elemental, and with certain sets 115 vs certain types of elemental. Warriors already have 100 base vs physical(except with platemail).

Obviosly, in PvP one could say allocate almost all attribute points into a weapon mastery, and strength to get the bonus, however in PvP warriors are not usualy a target. So I don't see this armor being used widespread in PvP, most likely people will stick to gladiators with 1 piece of ascalon. A possibility is someone might use two -hp superior runes, but that really isin't a smart idea 99% of the time.

For PvE, it may have a much more widespread application, running would be an example. However, runners wouldn't get the energy boost from the gladiators armor that most wear. In that area it's a trade off.

As for the rest of PvE, tactics is usualy perfered over strength so warriors can stance tank. Again like PvP, having 13 strength would mean they'd have to allocate about half of their attribute points into strength, be using a superior strength rune, or be using two superior runes. This armor may supr a new type of "armor" tank, with WY, dolyak and perhaps armor of earth which could be very viable in areas where monsters use wild blow frequently, but who knows.

It will most certainly be interesting to play around with the new possibilities when it comes out, but at this point it doesn't look unbalanced at all. Just pretty cool.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


I kinda like the other new armour(which name I forgot..) with 80 Al + 20 vs. physical + 10 Al in a stance.

That gives 100 vs. physical
110 vs. physical in a stance
80 vs. elemental
90. vs elemental in a stance

I think this armour is going to be more popular due to the + AL in stance bonus.

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

The only people who have most trouble against people with this armor are... Ele, yay! (again?)

Also that, with the 100 armor people can't simply switch to elemental weapon to negate 20 armor.

13 strength is alot thou, practically wasted 3 attributes for 20 armor that doesn't even matter much in PvP. PvE, no complains there.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

At our Finest Hour


I don't REALLY see the reasoning behind having this armour even EXIST...

Like, for those who build specifically to have like 80 Al and 20 against phsyical, usually bring stances/shouts/etc to fight against Ele damage since they have the 100 vs phsyical or vice versa.

I dunno...
I just think its kinda' cheap that they'd even make A req,none the less 13...
and for strength...

NONE The less TOTALLY rip off one of the skins from morrowind.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Well let's think it, a warrior that used to run with a sup axe/hammer/sword PLUS sup absorb and a sup vigor. Now will run with a Sup axe/hammer/sword Major or Sup Strength Sup absorb/vigor. Thinking the points will be
16-weapon 1- strentgh tactics and some other attributes will be lowered than usual. The armor looks fun but I think will be best as a tanker or a runner armor set.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

Ok, I'm trying to figure out if leaving all else the same (i.e., still having a sup. rune of your weapon attribute), if it's worth having the penalty from a second sup. rune (i.e. strength) for the damage reduction. From the armor guide at , an increase from 80 armor to 100 decreases damage taken from ~70% to 50%. This equates to a 30% reduction (50/70~.7, or 70%).

My thinking is that even with 2 sup. runes, you will still have around 400 life (please correct me here). With the added 20 armor to both physical and elemental, though, you will take 30% less damage vs. base armor. Thus, over 400 damage, you have reduced 120 damage.

It seems to me, that this 120 damage reduction outweighs the 75 health penalty from the added sup. rune. Anyone want to back me up on this or correct me and call complete B.S.???

Doctor Death

Doctor Death

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Manchester, UK

Currently Guildless


Yes I see where you are coming from. What concerns me with that is the lower health would leave you more vunerable to Life stealing spikes and heavy degen.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by tuperwho
With the added 20 armor to both physical and elemental
It's only 20 added armor to elemental. The 100 AL from Sentinel's is no different from the 80 +20 vs physical of Gladiator's or collector armor for physical damage.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



Well, we don't know what all the new skills will be yet. Maybe there are some new skills in the strength line that will make this armor more desirable for running 13 strength.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Jul 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


I think this armor will be a pretty powerful defensive force for squishies when the warrior combines it with 16 strength, Dolyak Signet, and Protector's Stance. Perhaps we'll finally have a use for Dolyak Signet in PvP?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


I think Anet did a great job with the new warrior armors. They are pretty well balanced with each other and with gladiator's. Now they just need to bring ascalon armor and platemail up to a balanced level.

The irony is I have a warrior with 14 strength, but I have no interest in the sentinel's armor because I really want the gladiator's for my energy-based build using Flourish.

Joe Martin

Joe Martin

Ascalonian Squire

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Maryland, USA

Xen of Onslaught [XoO]


Originally Posted by Jenosavel
I think this armor will be a pretty powerful defensive force for squishies when the warrior combines it with 16 strength, Dolyak Signet, and Protector's Stance. Perhaps we'll finally have a use for Dolyak Signet in PvP?
I doubt it, it makes you move slow as all get out, and there is no way to cancel it immediately, so if you're ever in a pickle you're pretty much screwed. That and people just wouldn't bother attacking you.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Jul 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Protector's Stance, while I can't remember the exact phrasing of the skill as it was when I got a peek at it, allows you to take (or block... can't remember) damage for your adjacent allies provided that you don't move.

So Dolyak's drawback of slowing movement is no drawback at all if you can't move anyway, and the problem of people not hitting you isn't a problem if you're forcibly retargetting their damage to yourself and off of your monks. (ie: one warrior with this setup sits with your monks clustered on him)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


I personally think that this has waaay too much armor.
Originally Posted by tuperwho
Ok, I'm trying to figure out if leaving all else the same (i.e., still having a sup. rune of your weapon attribute), if it's worth having the penalty from a second sup. rune (i.e. strength) for the damage reduction. From the armor guide at , an increase from 80 armor to 100 decreases damage taken from ~70% to 50%. This equates to a 30% reduction (50/70~.7, or 70%).

My thinking is that even with 2 sup. runes, you will still have around 400 life (please correct me here). With the added 20 armor to both physical and elemental, though, you will take 30% less damage vs. base armor. Thus, over 400 damage, you have reduced 120 damage.

It seems to me, that this 120 damage reduction outweighs the 75 health penalty from the added sup. rune. Anyone want to back me up on this or correct me and call complete B.S.???
This would have amazing results in pve, where you just tank...
Maybe it's just me, but it seems wildly overpowered to what we currently have...

I like lots of armor though


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

dream armor for my war runner - running the elite bull's strike and sprint allows you to run constantly and strength is the req for both of these. Combined with tactics stances and the collectors 45/-2 shield, you're a veritable fortress. Who knows what other stances will be viable for runners.

Capitan Del Queso

Academy Page

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Pacific Time Zone

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Here's something to think about: who has at least 13 strength? hmm hmm hmm i wonder... IWAYers. They have at least 13 str to get 7 regen out of iway. I wonder how that all works out considering a-net making iway not trigger on minions but still pets. How many minion-using iway teams did you see before the update in formerly pvp tombs / Hero's Ascent? Maybe they're trying to help iwayers get better just to piss people off.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

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Xen of Sigils [XoO]


you saw all the 110 armors right?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


I already made a thread on this a few days ago, but I'll reiterate a few points:

- Mesmer/Necromancer damage generally ignores armour
- Ranger/Warrior damage is generally physical and as a result is already dealing with 100-105 armours in game now
- Elementalists already do rather pathetic DPS with Fire and Water; Obsidian Flame in Earth is 100% AP, all Air attack spells are 25% AP, so someone will have to do the math and see what a difference there is between 25% AP and 80 AL vs 25% AP and 100 AL.

Legion, Berserker, and Gladiator will be the most prevalent armour in PvP once these new armours are released. That's my opinion.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

Its 100 Armor vs EVERYTHING not just 100 Armor vs Physical attacks.

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

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Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


This armor is king for Warriors in a Greater Conflag Situation.

So basically its more universal.


Warrior in Setinal: Ha ha stupid ele this armor protects me form even you
Ele: Ha ha look again at my third ele.
Warrior: Lets see here earth ele that means.... *gets earth spiked*



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Squiggilyville. Population: Me.

[oRly] Hello Kitty Death Squad


Originally Posted by Whitefeather
I don't REALLY see the reasoning behind having this armour even EXIST...

Like, for those who build specifically to have like 80 Al and 20 against phsyical, usually bring stances/shouts/etc to fight against Ele damage since they have the 100 vs phsyical or vice versa.

I dunno...
I just think its kinda' cheap that they'd even make A req,none the less 13...
and for strength...

NONE The less TOTALLY rip off one of the skins from morrowind.
The sentinel armor all over with knight boots offers the same protection against physcal damage as knight helm and boots and gladiator armor all over. (490 vs physical)

You simply lose the 6 energy from glad and have to meet a 13 strength req to reach 480 armor vs ele which is better than gladiators 400 vs ele. It's also better than platemail with one piece of knight and its 420 vs ele model.

This armor is simply good for adrenal warriors who want high ele resistance. My warrior for FoW runs Doylak sig and alot of strength, so it works nicely for me.

But platemail is still viable as it offers more ele protection than glads, and you dont have to direct attribs to strength.

Of all the new armors for Warriors I am for sure going to get the sentinel set. I've already got a sup vigor and absorb ready.

I'm only considering now, should I also get the new armor that adds extra HP.

Talon one

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005



well i'm sure it will be balanced for pvp, but it will make both my main solofarming builds so much easier


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Chronicles of Heroes [CoH]


Originally Posted by Jenosavel
Protector's Stance, while I can't remember the exact phrasing of the skill as it was when I got a peek at it, allows you to take (or block... can't remember) damage for your adjacent allies provided that you don't move.

So Dolyak's drawback of slowing movement is no drawback at all if you can't move anyway, and the problem of people not hitting you isn't a problem if you're forcibly retargetting their damage to yourself and off of your monks. (ie: one warrior with this setup sits with your monks clustered on him)
That Prot Strike skill, combined with Rit spirits, may actually make sustained Ele nukes (or at least one) worth bringing in PvP. For it to work, both you and the person you are trying to protect have to stay in a small area...

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Hello? This atleast requires a major strength. Its totally useless to most people (and utterly useless in PvP unless you are using what Jenosavel described in post #20). The Legionaire's Cuirass is much better for a PvE tank.

Just becuase it says 100 you all are having fits? When is the last time a warrior in PvP was a primary target? Besides, most damage in the game is Physical anyway, so you're getting 100 armor from Gladiator's Armor about 75% of the time.

This provides no extra energy. So it might be better than Dragon armor, but not really anything else.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005


req. 13 strength

nuff said.

Ure Maker

Ure Maker

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

yer right....

Suicide Bunnies


k iv been off the beaten track for a few days now (gw wise) is this new armour in PVE or is this for FACTIONS but preveiwd in PvP mode?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Squiggilyville. Population: Me.

[oRly] Hello Kitty Death Squad


Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
Hello? This atleast requires a major strength. Its totally useless to most people (and utterly useless in PvP unless you are using what Jenosavel described in post #20). The Legionaire's Cuirass is much better for a PvE tank.

Just becuase it says 100 you all are having fits? When is the last time a warrior in PvP was a primary target? Besides, most damage in the game is Physical anyway, so you're getting 100 armor from Gladiator's Armor about 75% of the time.

This provides no extra energy. So it might be better than Dragon armor, but not really anything else.
Actually a knight helm, knight boots, blad combo provides the exact same armor against physical damage as knight boots and sentinel all over.

There's no advantage in neither here. The armor offers more elemental resistance than any other warrior armor on the market. There's two types of damage, physical and elemental, its no good being strong in one and not the other, it's your Achilles heal. PvP may change with factions so that elemental damage is more popular, or even more used.

Sentinel armor provides you with the best armor vs both physical (granted its on par with glad in my combo as said earlier) and elemental damage.

Sentinel will punish the user for this boost in two ways. Lack of energy, the same lack you get with dragon, knight, ascalon, platemail. This armor punishes your sword users. But axe warriors, highly used in pvp dont require that extra energy so much, so this armor wont penalise an adrenal or axe warrior.

Sentinel armor will also punish you by assigning 13 attrib points into strength. And I am sorry, but you are completely wrong, you do NOT need a major rune to acquire 13 points of strength.
You may set all attribs without runes to a maximum of 12. A minor rune would take you to 13, wearing the sentinel helm offers +1 strength, this takes you to 14 strength, and you do not have to use a major rune.

You can also use an executioner or tactics, weapon helm and still reach the 13 strength requirement without burdening yourself with a major rune.

Sentinel armor is good for adrenal axe tanks who want equal protection from all sources of damage.

It's PvP application is still viable, but discriminating perhaps to those who cannot afford 13 strength, but there are plenty of other armors to suit those users, the balance is good.

To answer your query, why are tanks targeted in PvP? Because of a spike, because they are running relics, because they are the current target.

Why would tanks needs this PvE, because in the harder levels of GW chapter 1 the meanest enemies deal only elemental damage. Titans, and most enemies in the ring of fire deal elemental only. And I believe all tanks want armor thats up to defending them from any enemy.

Why tanks are attacked in PvE is because they aggro, they pull, or they shield. Sentinel armor is a very worthy addition to Guild Wars, its not the be all end all of armors, its simply anti-ele armor with a penalty. Likewise gladiator is anti-melee and pro energy. Legionaries is stance tank armor, berserker is anti-degen or hex armor, and platemail is anti-ele armor without penalty.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

The Madison Scouts


My hammer warrior loves it

16 hammer
13 strength


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

For PvP- for now this armor is garbage. First off, warriors already have high armor level that makes them the least desireable profession to be killed first - unless in a spike.

To get that 20 more AL, they would need to sacrfice A LOT of attribute points. Currently Tactic and WM is a much better route and anything left over are dumped to strength.

Dolyak Signet is still garbage for one reason - you can't chase down kiting targets which all of your targets will do against warriors.

The only build I can see this as an advantage is IWAY -which depends on good stength level. However, anti IWAY builds are often based on degen, hex and conditions and not direct damage.

For PvE? Who cares. Most tankers are lame to begin with 3 stances to negate most damage. Most PvE groups die is not because of the equipment but aggro management. It is also the casters (monks and Necro) that is keeping you alive and not your uber shield and armor.

Hell I can bring a level 18 non max W/Mo or W/R and tank for farmers. So I don't see an additional +20 AL changing anything for PvE.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

The Madison Scouts


Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
Hello? This atleast requires a major strength. Its totally useless to most people (and utterly useless in PvP unless you are using what Jenosavel described in post #20). The Legionaire's Cuirass is much better for a PvE tank.

Just becuase it says 100 you all are having fits? When is the last time a warrior in PvP was a primary target? Besides, most damage in the game is Physical anyway, so you're getting 100 armor from Gladiator's Armor about 75% of the time.

This provides no extra energy. So it might be better than Dragon armor, but not really anything else.
And by major you mean 12 points and a minor rune...right?