Griefers are droves!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


I quit playing Halo & Counter Strike because of Guild Wars might make the list as well. I've played for a year now (a bit over really...with BWEs). Loved the game, the new discoveries and PvE....finished the story a couple times (ok 6) and thought maybe PvP might be fun, and it was for awhile. I can see how Factions will renew my interest some....but I'm going back to PvE. Hands down, It's the better game...I can run with henchies and not worry about the absolute crap PvP holds.

The last 3 weeks I've kept track of "leavers" and can honestly say....70% premature leaving is akin to griefing, but the 10% that leave before the fight is really rediculous. Today, a player found it fun to sacrifice himself to death with a W/N build and beg for res, someone I told "well done" after ganking me called me a c*nt and on three seperate occasions, I found myself in the middle of battle using res and having the rezzed player leave immidiatley after I burned my sig. Some of this carries over to team areanas as well as random.

On top of all this, my guild is oddly lacking active members....carefully screened folks who have'nt played for 2 weeks to over a month...Every person who has been promoted to officer has cut and run after getting what they want out of it.

The towns and outposts are full of 13-year-old Hitler Youth wanna-bees throwing racist crap all over the place that is so badly misspelled you can't filter it even if you were inclined to try.

All the things I hate about other online games is here and sadly, it's here to stay...I know "bitch, bitch, bitch...."

Most of the time I shrug it off or make fun of the fools, but I had absolutely no fun at all for the first time ever....suggestions?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


Forsaken Wanderers [FW]


Yeah I tend to agree, compared to when I started playing (9 monthes ago) the quality of players in Randoms and Towns/outposts has steadily decreased.

I think it is largely due to the fact that Guild Wars is not a "lengthy" mmorpg by any stretch of the word, some may even argue that it's not an rpg at all. So because of this a large number of players have moved on because there wasn't much less for them to do. And it tends to be only the complete noobs and the 100% hardcore players that remain.

And I'm making a big generalization here, but I've noticed that slowly but surely a vast mahority of my old friends have left and moved. And as I said before this can almost entirely be linked to the fact that Guild Wars is a pretty short game compared to others, hell you can grind a character through it in a couple of days if you wanted.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005


So PvP's bad because you lack the friends required to field an 8 man team? Here's a clue: Nobody takes the arenas seriously. There's no reason to either. There's no e-peen in winning arena matches, there's no in-game rewards and there's no ladder.

If you're going to claim PvP to be bad, atleast play the real thing first. If you're here to moan about the arenas, well then you're not exactly the first person here to find it pathetic.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Shinsei
So PvP's bad because you lack the friends required to field an 8 man team? Here's a clue: Nobody takes the arenas seriously. There's no reason to either. There's no e-peen in winning arena matches, there's no in-game rewards and there's no ladder.

If you're going to claim PvP to be bad, atleast play the real thing first. If you're here to moan about the arenas, well then you're not exactly the first person here to find it pathetic.
Great, another one of those "I don't care about something so no one should care about it" posts.

-Some people don't want to play 8 vs. 8. Some people want to log on for half an hour and have a quick fix.

-What has "taking the arenas seriously" got to do with anything the OP said? And anyway, it's a damn game. What's to take seriously about any part of it? Certainly not the more 'leet' PvP types.

-Why would you assume anyone would care about rewards and ladders? In a good game, playing it should be reward enough.

-Ooh, so 4 vs. 4 PvP isn't the real thing. Cripes, what was I thinking, so everytime I played that I played along and versus NPCs?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005


What we're dealing with here is someone who's complaining over PvP, claiming PvE to be the better game, when all he's doing is playing random and team arenas, where your common opponent is a mesmer casting backfire on your warriors and empathy on your eles. Ontop of scrubs, you have those not playing to win (aka griefers), who are having fun by saccing themselves for a day, or leaving matches they know they wont win (usually because of lack of monks). These are the people the OP's complaining about, and these people are doing these things because there's no reason not to. They're not losing anything by leaving (usually just saving time), and they're not gaining anything by staying. Your "It's a game so you should have fun no matter what you're doing" logic is unfit in this situation, since most people in RA/TA would most likely rather be doing other things in the game, such as HA/GvG, however most of these people are either just waiting for enough of their friends to come online, or they don't have a team to join. Since RA/TA has been turned into a mass waiting room and a slow but steady faction farm, there's no reason at all to consider this "true PvP". True PvP is true competition. True competition is not a mending warrior with bonetti's + glad's defense.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Shinsei
Ontop of scrubs, you have those not playing to win (aka griefers), who are having fun by saccing themselves for a day, or leaving matches they know they wont win (usually because of lack of monks). These are the people the OP's complaining about, and these people are doing these things because there's no reason not to. They're not losing anything by leaving (usually just saving time), and they're not gaining anything by staying.
Well shoot, you just basically reiterated the OP's problem and you seem to find it the most natural thing in the world. No wonder this game has a serious problem in the casual PvP area.

Originally Posted by Shinsei
Your "It's a game so you should have fun no matter what you're doing" logic is unfit in this situation, since most people in RA/TA would most likely rather be doing other things in the game, such as HA/GvG, however most of these people are either just waiting for enough of their friends to come online, or they don't have a team to join.
Then why the hell don't they just bugger the hell off and let people (like myself) who are playing 4x4 because they like playing that format get on with it without turning it into a cesspool of bad sportsmanship?

Originally Posted by Shinsei
Since RA/TA has been turned into a mass waiting room and a slow but steady faction farm, there's no reason at all to consider this "true PvP". True PvP is true competition. True competition is not a mending warrior with bonetti's + glad's defense.
Like I said, you just reiterated the problem. Rationalizing it doesn't make it go away or any less annoying.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


Originally Posted by TwinRaven
The last 3 weeks I've kept track of "leavers" and can honestly say....70% premature leaving is akin to griefing, but the 10% that leave before the fight is really rediculous. Today, a player found it fun to sacrifice himself to death with a W/N build and beg for res, someone I told "well done" after ganking me called me a c*nt and on three seperate occasions, I found myself in the middle of battle using res and having the rezzed player leave immidiatley after I burned my sig. Some of this carries over to team areanas as well as random.
It got a lot worse after the PvP weekend. I have a pet theory what happened, but wont go in to that here. Anyway, clearly a lot of buttmunches decided that farming faction in random arena was the thing to do.
That's the leavers; they wont play unless the team has their ideal composition.

Then there's the "it's funny to annoy other players" guys, like your saccing necro & the c*nt caller. IMO that's the guys who'll explain to you that only HoH and GvG is real PvP, everything else is just irrelevant, and hence those doing anything else deserve to be griefed. Shinsei above pretty much embodies this view.

Out of personal curiosity, do you play on the EU servers?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

LA.. not Lions Arch


TwinRaven I agree with you for the most part. I've been playing since the release and it does seem like there are more griefers than before. I attribute it to the common "I pWnZ012 J00" attitude.

Before GW I played mostly FPS games so making the switch was a breath of fresh air. Alot of my friends who used to play FPS games like CS, RVS, Quake, etc made the switch to GW. I hate to admit it but they carried over the same attitude from those games. They hate to lose, they hate to die. I personally like the change.. it's great to know that there is no such thing as a guaranteed win due to counter builds. It's unfortunate that some can't deal with that fact.

Here are my suggestions:
1. If you must play in RA turn off local chat and maybe even team chat. I usually turn it back on after a few wins because by that point everyone is usually a little more outgoing and amiable.

2. Try playing more in TA. You don't have to assemble your own team and can randomly join one. It sometimes takes awhile but more often than not you'll join up with a guild group or at least players who are in it for the same reason you're playing. I noticed a significantly less amount of people leaving during a match in TA when compared to RA.

3. I'm not sure how it is now since the update, but before I used to always play in the TA International districts. It was a whole lot easier finding a group with a good attitude than my home district.

4. Join a guild that can help you achieve your goals in PVE and PVP. Just recently my friend joined XoO (xen of onslaught) and has told me great things about them... friendly.. good attitudes.. always something to do.. etc.

5. Most importantly just remember it's a game and have fun! Don't take things too personally. Elitism comes with the territory of any competitive gaming activity, heck you even see it on these boards ^. Don't let it get to you. There will always be those who need a self-esteem boost by "owning" people or need to express their superiority.... just be thankful you're not one of them.




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Marhan's Grotto, reminiscing about the good old days when it had more than two people.

Children of Orion [CoO]


Wonder if they realise they can get faction easier by doing Zaishen Challenge...?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


Of course not, Jakerius, that's fighting AI's. You can't get faction fighting AI's. /sarcasm

Well, on the point of griefers, you could always make an anti griefer build. Granted, it doesn't help with the massochistic self-sacers, but you could always screenshot and report them. And definetly do that to the c*nt callers, they need a swift kick off the interwebs.

As for myself, I'm in the same boat. I used to have lots of people on that I could play PvP with. Now.... no one. I'm seriously alone. But, I just got tired of PvP and moved back to PvE.... to see that the jerks followed me. Now, I just don't care. If they start being stupid, I just leave. There's no sense in wasting my time, effort, or hair on people who have nothing better to do than ruin my game.

This is a lot more fun when you're playing a healer, btw. ^^



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Hemel Hempstead



If this was limited to pvp arenas I would say who cares...I don't & won't go near them because of griefers.

Unfortunately, this is not the case...It seems like you cannot go into a town anywhere without people swearing & making nasty remarks. Also, the amount of sexual harrasment going on is incredible.

I have asked Anet again & again for a answer as to their forward policy on this, but they just seem to be ignoring it as an issue.

I fully expect randoms & general town areas to be as bad as was before the year is out...

I tend to only play within my Guild now because of this. It is also making the recruitment of new players harder because most people don't want the abuse when looking.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Shinsei
What we're dealing with here is someone who's complaining over PvP, claiming PvE to be the better game, when all he's doing is playing random and team arenas, where your common opponent is a mesmer casting backfire on your warriors and empathy on your eles.
I read the OP's thread several times and that is not what I saw. He is complaining about griefers, and stated he prefers PvE. Please get off your elite PvP horse and try to understand what others are saying.

Shadowspawn X

Shadowspawn X

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

Fellowship of Champions


Originally Posted by Shinsei
What we're dealing with here is someone who's complaining over PvP, claiming PvE to be the better game, when all he's doing is playing random and team arenas, where your common opponent is a mesmer casting backfire on your warriors and empathy on your eles. Ontop of scrubs, you have those not playing to win (aka griefers), who are having fun by saccing themselves for a day, or leaving matches they know they wont win (usually because of lack of monks). These are the people the OP's complaining about, and these people are doing these things because there's no reason not to. They're not losing anything by leaving (usually just saving time), and they're not gaining anything by staying. Your "It's a game so you should have fun no matter what you're doing" logic is unfit in this situation, since most people in RA/TA would most likely rather be doing other things in the game, such as HA/GvG, however most of these people are either just waiting for enough of their friends to come online, or they don't have a team to join. Since RA/TA has been turned into a mass waiting room and a slow but steady faction farm, there's no reason at all to consider this "true PvP". True PvP is true competition. True competition is not a mending warrior with bonetti's + glad's defense.
It sounds like youre trying to say that since RA/TA is lightwieght it doesn't matter how you behave. Its just a prime example of the horrible behavior of those whose pvp, including the little pvp ghetto callled HA. Those very idiots the OP are describing will one day be in GvG/HA and still be acting like morons. Theres no defense to this crap. Also, you don't define PvP so don't even try, because your explanations are pathetic. Open your elitest mind and try to actually communicate when you post, instead of spouting your stale canned snobbish rheteric.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Hemel Hempstead



Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
It sounds like youre trying to say that since RA/TA is lightwieght it doesn't matter how you behave. Its just a prime example of the horrible behavior of those whose pvp, including the little pvp ghetto callled HA. Those very idiots the OP are describing will one day be in GvG/HA and still be acting like morons. Theres no defense to this crap. Also, you don't define PvP so don't even try, because your explanations are pathetic. Open your elitest mind and try to actually communicate when you post, instead of spouting your stale canned snobbish rheteric.
Well said.

Unfortunately you will always have elitist players who believe themselves the pinnacle of everything...

Fortunately we can usually trounce them in gvg whenever they to allow us to compete against them...Lmao

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006





I have to admit...I can't agree with you more.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



like i said in my other posts, the only way to fix this problem is to get anet to create a "punch player" function. when a player's acting like a jackrear, have a wooden fist fly out of the moniter to smack him square in the face. anything short of that will never solve the problem.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


To the tune of "Hey, GW is just a game", I would have stopped spending just about every night playing this game if I limited myself only to playing with henchies or playing with parties of human players unknown to me. Henchies are predictable and don't leave or gripe, but are boring. And there are too many human players with less than admirable gaming behavior.

But what brings me back every night, and really, this is the only reason, is that I now have accumulated a rather nice friends group, and there always seems to be enough for a FOW or UW or SF party whenever I log on. We joke, we play well as a team, we just have a good time.

Once in a while we meet someone knew who we like very much and who plays this game sort of in our style, and they then get added to our group of playing friends. Often we meet a player who we simply do not wish to party with again.

And so it goes. If my current friends stop playing GW, so will I, or at least I will log on only once in a while.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


I have noticed after Christmas alot of thepeopel I call "Runescape Style" people have started showing up.

Runescape is a game you have to keep chat turned off in or you'll dig your eyes out.

They are filling up random Guild Wars districts now >_<

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Originally Posted by Shinsei
So PvP's bad because you lack the friends required to field an 8 man team? Here's a clue: Nobody takes the arenas seriously. There's no reason to either. There's no e-peen in winning arena matches, there's no in-game rewards and there's no ladder.

If you're going to claim PvP to be bad, atleast play the real thing first. If you're here to moan about the arenas, well then you're not exactly the first person here to find it pathetic.
Here's a clue: even in GvG and HA it is terribly hard to find teams or guilds that aren't jerks, Anarcists, Skin Heads, ect.

I've even seen guilds that have members that leave when they start to lose (without being told by their captain to do so).

And everyone in HA leaves when they start to lose, even if their group took 3 hours to put together.

Originally Posted by Former Ruling
I have noticed after Christmas alot of thepeopel I call "Runescape Style" people have started showing up.

Runescape is a game you have to keep chat turned off in or you'll dig your eyes out.

They are filling up random Guild Wars districts now >_<
Runescape = Free game

Guild Wars = No monthly fee

They probably are from Runescape Alot of people will play games just becuase they can afford them. Others, will only play games becuase they aren't aloud to buy M rated ones.

I've seen so many griefers in the startegy game Warcraft III who later admit that they 'hate Warcraft and only play it becuase its T rated and doesn't have blood'.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Phoenix, AZ

Semper Reformanda [SeRe]

I'm not sure of the reason, but this does seem to be a much larger problem of late. I'm not a hardcore PvP player, but I usually like to spend a little time in the arena's from time to time. I don't like playing HA because getting into a PUG is ridiculous and my Guild doesn't do much HA/GvG (although we are starting to GvG more). So I play in RA/TA and it is no fun to have people leave if they die, or leave before the match starts, or use a bot to farm faction by just getting into a group and not doing anything, or just shouting out foul language at the other team even though they have done nothing as the match has not even started yet. For myself I always stay through the entire match regardless of how many people leave (even if I'm the only person) and I'll play my heart out. It sucks but there is not much we can do other than say "GG" at the end of the match and report the people that are abusive (which I SS and take time out of my playing to do).


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
It sounds like youre trying to say that since RA/TA is lightwieght it doesn't matter how you behave.
No, he's trying to say that RA/TA is lightweight because of how others behave.

Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
Its just a prime example of the horrible behavior of those whose pvp, including the little pvp ghetto callled HA.
Yay for sweeping generalizations! A prime example of an inept mind.

Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
Those very idiots the OP are describing will one day be in GvG/HA and still be acting like morons. Theres no defense to this crap.
They won't be in the higher tiers of GvG for sure, they haven't been since day 1 and they won't be 'till ANet decides to shut the servers down permantely. You see, GvG requires this thing called teamwork, which many of these griefers/idiots in RA/TA are clearly incapable off.

Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
Also, you don't define PvP so don't even try, because your explanations are pathetic.
All hail the the mighty shadowspawn X, he who can decree that which can and cannot be defined.

Originally Posted by Shadowspawn X
Open your elitest mind and try to actually communicate when you post, instead of spouting your stale canned snobbish rheteric.
Remember folks-

Ignorance is Strength.

Originally Posted by wolfe2dale
Well said.

Unfortunately you will always have elitist players who believe themselves the pinnacle of everything...

Fortunately we can usually trounce them in gvg whenever they to allow us to compete against them...Lmao
Too funny on so many levels.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


Originally Posted by Akathrielah
No, he's trying to say that RA/TA is lightweight because of how others behave.
No, he's actually, really, saying that it doesn't matter how you behave in RA/TA because it's not "real" PvP.

Burakus Lightwing

Burakus Lightwing

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Shinsei
So PvP's bad because you lack the friends required to field an 8 man team? Here's a clue: Nobody takes the arenas seriously. There's no reason to either. There's no e-peen in winning arena matches, there's no in-game rewards and there's no ladder.

If you're going to claim PvP to be bad, atleast play the real thing first. If you're here to moan about the arenas, well then you're not exactly the first person here to find it pathetic.

I take it seriously. Am currently looking for a guild so I don't GvG and I don't do HA. So, RA/TA is my PvP and I do take it seriously. I don't care about a ladder, fame or rank. Winning is enough of a reward.
PvP = Player vs. Player. The real thing is 4 vs. 4 arenas as well as 8 vs. 8. It's still Player vs. Player regardless of fame/rank or ladder movement.
To the OP I've only been playing 6 months now, but I've seen it get worse since I've started playing as well. I've noticed a number of people that I used to know just don't play GW anymore.

In repsonse to Coolsti- I've run into the PvE problem as well. That certain group "set-ups" just must be and leavers in the middle of missions. That's why for the most part I only use henchman now. They don't complain, are loyal to the mission/quest, don't leave when things don't look good or once they capped their skill and they follow directions (for the most part). Henchies ftw!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Turning back to PVE for a moment, I must say that I simply do not have much respect for the majority of players out there. Two of the many things that really get me are:

1) the players that absolutely believe that the party has to have a certain build (maybe using certain tricks) or "it just won't work"

2) the players that leave missions and quests as soon as events turn a little bit bad.

No one seems to believe that a mission can indeed be completed even though someone lagged out or left, or two or three party members died in a battle. All to often in PUG groups people are just two quick to give up and leave. But what is the point of this game being so easy that everything goes well and according to plan all the time? Where is then the challenge (and fun?). The other day I was with my usual group of friends doing the ROF mission for one of us, and we made some tactical mistakes going in the front door so that all but two of us were lying dead amongst the seals, jades and mursaat while the two left alive were wondering how we could get close enough to rebirth them. I believe that with any PUG group, half the team would have left at this point. I can tell everyone that it was SUCH a pleasure to know that this group of friends will stick it out to see if it was even possible to get out of the hopeless mess we got ourselves in. And it was. We continued and finished the mission. (The two survivors couldn't res the dead directly due to the seals and other enemy, so we had to lure and fight the jade and mursaat individually first).

It would indeed be nice if more GW players wouldn't give up so easily!


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by coolsti
No one seems to believe that a mission can indeed be completed even though someone lagged out or left, or two or three party members died in a battle. It would indeed be nice if more GW players wouldn't give up so easily!
Well isn't that the truth. It's really quite pathetic.

One of the best times I ever had was when I was doing The Wilds mission. Our group started okay but when we ran into some rough times the group fragmented. Five people died and three people left. The three of us remaining got most of the way through the mission but then one guy died. He didn't leave though, so the two of us scoured the map for a boss to recharge our rez signets. As luck would have it, we found one.

We completed the mission no sweat, with nothing more than pluck, gumption, audacity, and the most basic level of interpersonal communication. And that's my little story.

As for griefers...

I can honestly say that I've always seen them around since day one. Technically not day one, though. Day 41. But they were there already. They're nothing new. Just ignore them and they magically lose the ability to annoy you.

Of course, the arenas are a little different. Team Arena I've never had problems with. The Random Arena, well... It's basically the pinnacle of entertainment for the entire game. Ineptitude, humour, teamwork, noobs, elitists, idiots, geniuses, and you all thrown into the mix.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

I'm sorry, but random arena is just a place to do random things and futz around. It's hopeless to take random arena seriously when you see the things crappy players try to do there. It's just... hopeless.

TA is a different matter. If you like the 4v4 format, then play in TA.




Join Date: Feb 2006

American Servers

Sin Squad [SIN]


TA is for people who like 4v4 and usually are dedicated to winning.
RA has always been a place for people to sac themselves to death or test builds. It never should be taken seriously (unless you're in a great team build).
If you want a more mature crowd, go to TA, as RA is filled w/ people saccing themselves, yelling "REZ", then:
A) They sac themselves *again*
B) go AFK
C) leave the game

Either way, RA is for random fun, hence the name.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


Forsaken Wanderers [FW]


I think the point was that it's gotten worse that now in RA/TA there are more idiots and more ignorant asses running around then when the game first started. Yes yes it's not realy PvP and all that, but that doesn't explain why it gets continulously worse.

And if you want further proof, think about how for the last couple of weeks American Favor has been in the toilet. You can say RA/TA doesn't matter but America is pretty much bending over in Heros Ascent. And I think this is a further influence of this type of problem with the "griefers" as the op called them.

My guild and I decided to do FoW the other day (first time we'd had favor all weekend), but we only had 7 guildies so we opted for a PUG over a henchy. The PUG left 22 seconds after we zoned into FoW.

RA/TA have always been bad, but it was never this bad in Towns/Outposts, FoW, or Heros Ascent (or Tombs as it was previously)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Shinigami Keys [SHIN]


I am not good at pvp yet, I just got my second pve Character to level 20, and have enough skills to try pvp, I am playing in the random arena. A lot of times I get yelled at because of my build. PVP is very different than PVE, and it takes time to get used to, I don't understand why everybody has to yell at someone for making mistakes. I'm not a griefer, and it isn't that I don't want to take PVP seriously, I am just riding the learning curve.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Hemel Hempstead



Originally Posted by Akathrielah

Too funny on so many levels.
Ah...interesting. To prove how one poster is not being arrogant & elitist, you yourself prove to be.

Thank you.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

at the beach

Gamerzunlimited (GU)


Originally Posted by VGJustice
Of course not, Jakerius, that's fighting AI's. You can't get faction fighting AI's. /sarcasm
No she is right, I take my thumper bunny ranger into the Bat. temple go
over the bridge talk to the guy on the right and take the first challenge,
it is the one where you have four different fights, you can get 975 faction
points every 2 days, I have been doing this since the PVP weekend and have
almost everything unlocked from the priest.
It only lets you have 975 then you get no more faction, takes me maybe 15 minutes. In a couple more weeks I should have everything unlocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I look at RA as a test ground, am I moving good, am I positioning myself right, am I helping my team correcly, etc.....One day in RA we had 2 monks,
Wa, and me Thumper, we won 5 in row then the Wa quits, we are like wtf,
so the three us go on and won three more matches before loosing, was alot
of fun and total chaos......

have fun


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2005

Soviet Canuckistan

Makil Astalder [MAR]

Just a quick question that I really should already know, but for some reason don't: what is the best way to go about sending a report re: inappropriate behaviour to Anet? I know I've been in situations in the past where a complaint about a player in-town was warranted, and I think if more people knew how to do it more "unsavoury" players would be brought to Anet's attention and (if we're optomistic) dealt with.

I tried using the forum search to find the answer, but it's down at the moment.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by wolfe2dale
Ah...interesting. To prove how one poster is not being arrogant & elitist, you yourself prove to be.

Thank you.
Yes because if you aren't willingly ignorant or completely compliant and accepting to those who are, your an elitist.

If you actually have standards so you can limit the amount of time preparing to play so you can actually play, your an elitist.

And declaring that "Fortunately we can usually trounce them in gvg whenever they to allow us to compete against them...Lmao"

Isn't arrogant?

And pretty ignorant. You don't know if Shinsei is someone from a r 1000 guild (which he ain't) or a top 10 guild (*cough*).



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

It’s never really bothered me. I understand that with a certain about of anonymity people will act with courage they don’t possess in real life.
As far as getting a good match in random arenas... it’s all luck of the draw. There is no reason that 4 people will come together randomly with the same goals. Some people are there to test something; some are there to just win matches some are there to just earn faction, etc.

Imo, this is natural and to be expected. I think it’s a design flaw in the game that it doesn’t provide better alternatives to finding like players with shared interest and shared goals.
If it were just that simple,….elitism would be less an issue. Noobs would be less an issue. Not enough players to play would be less an issue. Because people would find each other through their own interest and not spamming LFG or hitting the random button.

You cant make people act right. It would be nice to find the people that are on the same path I am on with a better search filter to get around this inevitable mess.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

RA is the lowest rung on the PVP ladder. It's no surprise that those with either no skill or a lot of time to ruin other people's fun flock to it. It's pretty much always been that way. Is it a bit worse now? Yeah and it will keep getting worse. I'm sorry that those of you that enjoy RA are not having fun but that is the nature of the beast.

Image removed

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Originally Posted by coolsti
Turning back to PVE for a moment, I must say that I simply do not have much respect for the majority of players out there. Two of the many things that really get me are:

1) the players that absolutely believe that the party has to have a certain build (maybe using certain tricks) or "it just won't work"

2) the players that leave missions and quests as soon as events turn a little bit bad.

It would indeed be nice if more GW players wouldn't give up so easily!
I hate being in a group, say a B/P Tombs group and one of the B/P rangers will leave, then everyone leaves.

I've done those groups with 4-5 people before: It still worked out fine and we all got more drops.

People give up so easily EVERYWHERE that it is so, so very annoying. I have to wonder how these quiters make it through real life if they can't even go through some hardships in a game.0


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

I realize that this forum is populated by many veteran players, so perhaps many people posting on this forum don't realize the following when they denounce the Random Arenas.

New players have to submit themselves to the Random Arenas for as long as it takes to get 5 consecutive wins before they're promoted to team arenas.

(Maybe some update changed that and I missed it, but that's how it was when the Factions PvP weekend launched. If not, some update should change it. It's preposterous, the worst possible thing ANet could do to bias new players against PvP.)

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


Originally Posted by Gli
(Maybe some update changed that and I missed it, but that's how it was when the Factions PvP weekend launched. If not, some update should change it. It's preposterous, the worst possible thing ANet could do to bias new players against PvP.)
That could be true, but only for a quiter or a person who is discoraged easily.

If they have to win 5 times, this could make them try to think up a good build. If someone can't get 5 wins in RA, why should they be sitting around HA looking for a party? No one will take them.

Do you think sitting around in HA for 2 hours discourages new players? That's what PvP PUGing in this game is if you didn't cash in durring the days of Smiting, Air Spike, Spirit Spam.

Having to win 5 times in a row could spur them on to making a build that works. A person with an ounce of intellect will realise when something they're doing doesn't work.

It might help if the game had an even better, more build explanitory tutorial for PvP (The current one only tells you how to play physically, but in no way mentally.)

But this has nothing to do with the ammount of griefers in the game, does it? This situation is in every game where older players have acess to areas where new players are. Every game has leavers. I don't think new players will be any more discouraged by the PvP leavers as the PvE ones. Or the World of Warcraft group leavers as the ones in this game, or the Counter Strike/ Battle Field 2 / Medal of Honor team hoppers/quiters, etc, etc.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Uhm... Sagius, did you read any other post in this thread than mine? The Random Arenas are a cesspool. It's not a matter of not persevering for 5 wins, it's a matter of not wanting to bother because the gameplay and the people you run into don't appear worth it.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

In the clouds



Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
If they have to win 5 times, this could make them try to think up a good build. If someone can't get 5 wins in RA, why should they be sitting around HA looking for a party? No one will take them.

Having to win 5 times in a row could spur them on to making a build that works. A person with an ounce of intellect will realise when something they're doing doesn't work.

It might help if the game had an even better, more build explanitory tutorial for PvP (The current one only tells you how to play physically, but in no way mentally.)
Amen. I don't call myself a PvPer at all. Im more PvE. But when I do go on to PvP I hope that there is some challenge involved. You are totally right, You should have to prove yourself before moving on. Heck, they should increase it to 10 wins in Random before you can go on. This would drastically cut down on the number of idiots in the upper arenas. Random would force you to focus on your builds and play as a team or you would not succeed. Some may say this is "elitist" but sometimes "elitist" is NOT a bad word. If I don't put up with griefers, expect the most from my team, continue on with the battle, etc and think others shoud do the same, well then I guess I would be an "elitist".

EDIT: How about this idea: Just like people have "rank" emotes, Anet should make a "how many times I have quit a battle" emote. Then if you wanted into a group you would have to show your "leaver" emote! Now I would take into account a low number due to erro~7's, but not a really high number that could not be explained away.