how do people make so much money?



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


holy green dragons


how? i mean like i have seen people show me like heck of alot of ectos and like 1,000k i mean come on i want to know other then ebay (i am rich my self but it took me 3 months to get my frist 200k) plz tell us ur ways



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Donkey Pops


I seem to have luck Oro farming. Made 260k in 3 days off items...Bortaks cesta 55k one day, bortaks claw 65k another, dragos flatbow x2 = 60k. Then you get money picking up and off crap items to merchant.

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Surrey University

Starting to play again... need a guild


im guessing alot of people made their money at the beginning of the game before the AOE nerf which made it alot quicker to farm.
A lucky drop rare crystaline,dwarn axe people will pay alot of money for.
They save their money up not wasting it on items they do not need.

There are alot fo threads about this so just search it

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


I believe the phrases:

"Farm like a madman"


"Sleep? Sunlight? Who needs those?"

come to mind...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buffalo, NY

i make my money in 2 ways-
1-chest run in FoW i made 300k yesterday on chest runs alone.
2-trading you go 1 LA and watch what people r selling if you see a nice item for a cheap price buy it and resell it for a higher price

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by dsd
how do people make so much money?

*then goes back to counting ectos*

Do you actually think people will say how they made their gold? I sure as hell wont tell anyone bar the people I trust most about good areas to farm. As for trading tips, I wont say either.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Isle of Wight



A lot got their gold last year at the trader reset when ecto/shards/dyes/runes were very cheap - and unlike the last one, it wasen't rolled back, so a lucky few got enough to make it hard on the rest. Plus at the start of the game drops of things like ecto were a lot more common (the phrase I heard was 'they dropped like dust does now'), but that got nerfed due to the farming.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

America, how I dispise it...

Order Of The Mystic Phoenix


Oro farming and FA farming is bull. I spent 3days farming and doing runs and did not get a single item that sold more then 2k. I swear to you now all my item consitsted of plain items only good for salvaging and Dwarf robes! I got a blue, item here and there and saw my party getting purples,golds and greens.! Heck this one dude got 3 greens in a row!!! I even did a 5man run with all henchs and got only a few blues. I say the devolpers hate me, this is 100% impossible (even htough it did happen) and unimagenable. The only purples and golds I got weren't worth a k even noobs knew that. O_o I had to wait till the party left to pick up a shadowbow that someone missed sold that for 3k and an gold item (silly noob) after working like a oak I was able to afford the gratto druid boots. T_T




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Get lucky sell high runes, sell materials. Farm.

Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


Leave town, kill as many stuff as you can. Pick up all the trash, untill your stash is full and sell it in town. Leave town again, kill the same monsters again, pick up everything and sell it again. If you are lucky something valuable will pop, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it. I made 2K a day in post-sear
Now I am bored, and finally see the uselesness of it. It is the easiest way to get money for a 15K armour (A 15K armour takes 7 days of hard labour). It doesn't take brains, and you need no life either



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



I would say farm, salvage materials and sell them
Do not try to stand in a town yelling WTS on items that are low.
Ask yourself, would you buy the item you are selling?
If no is the answer then do not waste your time selling it.

In the price check forums, it tells which mods or items that people wont buy.

Lucky drops.

One way to get rich is not to buy perfect items or mods.

You telling me that there is a difference between 19% enchant and 20%

or a 15>50 fellblade (costs 500k and up) and a 12>50.
Most 15>50 users do not customize their weapons.
with a 12>50 for example you can customize it and get more damage.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Edge

Tormented Weapons [emo]

Despite a comment or two from above, there's no big secret to farming and making gold. There are plenty of threads in the forums dedicated to builds and areas to farm. Many even include maps. As long as you have the time and patience, you can make gold as easliy as anyone else here. Some take it to another level, almost like day traders, buying low and selling high. I'd rather just play the game, so when I need gold I'll farm the usual places...Trolls, Ettins, Oro, FoW, etc. You have to remember too, some people play A LOT. If you have that kind of time, you can make a great deal of gold.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Caldec
i make my money in 2 ways-
1-chest run in FoW i made 300k yesterday on chest runs alone.

HUH? what are you getting from those fow chests? all I ever get is crap and have recently decided to sell most the keys I get.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Farming. You should have been farming during the Wintersday event. I was making 20 to 30K per farming run.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Ftl Fla

Knights of Pallas [KOP]


I was one of the lucky ones early in the game. CHests didnt cost keys they were free to run, discovered Port SLedge chests and ran the 4 =600-800g per run in 2.5min netting 12-15k per hr. Got some gold items not included in the totals. THen when i got 300k went to rune trader Sept 10th i think it was and Sup Absorption and Sup Vig was 5k each, threw everything i could in to trash that wasnt max or good and bought 300k in Supvig and SupAbsorption. Oh ya they went back up to 100K which ment 6mill in gold
and then bought up ectos saphires and rubies for cheap as i sold off Vig's and Aborption so thats how you get rich. Now i just farm like everyone else, I id everything that is max or near max blue purple or gold and only keep the perfect or -1 perfect mods, or any weapon thats 15^50 and sell. Yes dont waste your time selling the minor weapons or mods, time well spent farming in stead of trying to sell crap. Oh ya I'm retired and dont sleep or eat if its not at the keyboard.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz chomp chomp zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzgoing farmingzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

By the nearest comp


play the game ...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



I farm quite a bit, and I find the best way for me to keep from spending my money is to invest it in items of worth. Ectos, Shards, Runes............ I buy low and sell high, then re-invest when the prices are low.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

For tips on how to make big money in GW, buy my book! "Rags to Riches in GW in 30 Days or Less" For 3 easy payments of 299g, you'll get my 200 page guide filled with tips on where to find those rare drops that can net you big money. You'll also learn the ins and outs of salvaging, merchants, and collectors items. Act wintin the next 24 hours, and I'll throw in a detailed map showing exactly how to reach Daved the Arisan and the simple steps you can take to make cheap wood into precious parchment!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

(i am rich my self but it took me 3 months to get my frist 200k) plz tell us ur ways
There are a few topics that explain were to farm even shows the way you should run that build.

some people work for it some are just lucky. the ones that farm in hard places ( ) have worked on that character to do just that.

But if farm is not your thing then go and get a good team and hunt mosters for greens (same as farm).

i dont know more than the a normal person that reads this and other forums, but i dont think people will post a Hotspot cos A.Net and Bots are watching.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Crystal Mansion [CM]


I've spent countless hours farming in many places in the game. Nowadays, I don't spend much time farming. So, when I do farm, I hate to gamble on things like Greens or rare Gold. I look for consistency in cash earned per hour. If I farm UW for only 30 mins, I can usually count on making at least 10k.

I find that farming UW is the most consistent place to farm in terms of gold per hour. Currently, UW duo (monk & necro) seems the most efficient to me.

I sell globs to the rare material trader to save time. I get an average of about 2 globs per hour. Also, if you ID all items and sell to the merchant, you can make 6-10k per hour from junk alone.

Of course, you can sell globs to humans and salvage stuff too to increase your profit. Personally, I deal with the merchants to save time. 15 of minutes spamming WTS in LA is equivelant to losing 5k in merchant junk.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


holy green dragons


i know 1 place that mods know about i just found out (the Drok cave trolls) thx 4 all the help ^_^



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

In my parent's basement


I made a decent chunk of change off the candy canes. Then I started doing b/p runs in topk. 3-4 runs later I had victo's blade and axe. A week ago I had ~10k, a few days later after taking the time spamming to sell the dang things I have enough money to get my first 15k set. Can't decide between drakescale and druids, I'll be getting both eventually anyway, but w/e.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Oro, FA, Sf is pretty good monkey, selling parch works farming always seems to help doing mission like ice caves i get some good salvg. armors along with etting farming a good 3 days of that i can make up to 200k if i am lucky.. its mostly lucky and repetetion of farming



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


i know 1 place that mods know about i just found out (the Drok cave trolls) thx 4 all the help ^_^
All i say is Farm as much you can in that place, i have a feeling it will be ruin very soon again cos of the damn bots running non stop there.

You can search for the thread about this subject.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Bots in troll cave? wrong there man.. because of the spawns with avirica bots with solo monk is pretty hard to do, and really u cant nerf trolls they rarely drop good items but always nice for wood, gold and some mods


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by boxterduke
One way to get rich is not to buy perfect items or mods.

You telling me that there is a difference between 19% enchant and 20%

or a 15>50 fellblade (costs 500k and up) and a 12>50.
Most 15>50 users do not customize their weapons.
with a 12>50 for example you can customize it and get more damage.
Yes, there is a difference between a 19% enchant and a 20% enchant. A 19% enchant is utterly useless on a 5s enchant, a 20% enchant works.

As for customisation - I think you'll find that a lot do. Speculators don't, but I customise my high end things.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


Originally Posted by dsd
how? i mean like i have seen people show me like heck of alot of ectos and like 1,000k i mean come on i want to know other then ebay
They spend their days farming the UW/FoW. If they are really rich, they probably started before the 55 monk got nerfed the first time. If they are really truly filthy rich, they may have been one of the lucky people who were logged on when ANet reset the vendors and everything (ectos, runes, gems...) cost 100 gold.
Or they've bought stuff from ebay. Although noone admits it, it's obvious that people do, or we'd not have a thriving community of sweatshop farmers running bots.

The real question, though, isn't HOW, it's WHY.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


I'm not rich, but almost got my 15k together. Sometimes, when not doing missions or when I'm bored I tend to go down into FoW and do some spiderfarming. Somebody showed me how, took me 4 tries after that, then I made it far enough to actually start the farming and I got two shards drop on me. So it is worth the money to do a few failed runs, cause one shard = 5 tries.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


Originally Posted by Gonzo
I tend to go down into FoW and do some spiderfarming.
Yeah, that'll give you a nice steady income, but wont make you rich, much less filthy rich. I did that a couple of times too, and it turns a profit, but unless you get a real golden drop you can make more money farming elsewhere. Or running people.

The most profitable IMO remains two-man farming in the UW.

Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


I don't get it. Why would anybody be desperate to get rich in this game?
I have 7 Characters in full Droks armour and my own Guild hall. I barely make 5K a day, just with helping people out with The Wilds missions. I don't charge them. I simply sell all the crap I find. It really is a nobrainer. Why would I want to have 1000K worth of gold in my stash?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Right behind you.



Originally Posted by Silent Kitty
I don't get it. Why would anybody be desperate to get rich in this game?
I have 7 Characters in full Droks armour and my own Guild hall. I barely make 5K a day, just with helping people out with The Wilds missions. I don't charge them. I simply sell all the crap I find. It really is a nobrainer. Why would I want to have 1000K worth of gold in my stash?
Your alone on this one. I think the mass majority want 1000k. I'm taking donations if your feeling generous.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by Silent Kitty
I don't get it. Why would anybody be desperate to get rich in this game?
I have 7 Characters in full Droks armour and my own Guild hall. I barely make 5K a day, just with helping people out with The Wilds missions. I don't charge them. I simply sell all the crap I find. It really is a nobrainer. Why would I want to have 1000K worth of gold in my stash?
Originally Posted by wsmcasey
Your alone on this one. I think the mass majority want 1000k. I'm taking donations if your feeling generous.
No SK is not alone in that thinking, I want only the amount of money I need to get the things I desire, and they aint FoW armor, that is the new sign of a Ebay Nooblet FoW armor. When you can go to Ebay and get run to the forgemaster, it has officially become meaningless. So yea I think theres probably quite a few players who really could care less if they have 10 or 100 plat in their storage, I mean its just a head game to play with yourself.

Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


As soon as I have the armour finished for my mesmer (Cheapest build I've ever seen), I'll stop the repetative farming action. I really feel that "farming" has nothing to do with gaming. Who would want to do the same action every 5 or 10 minutes, just to get some virtual dough? Not me. I want to explore places and kill bosses. I get my kicks from eploring the map with hench. Other players are way to impatient, to just check a mob out, before they attack a bunch of baddies. Forget about your stash, it is what you actually use, what count. Black dye is completely useless, yet there are thousands of people who want to scam you for it. "Buy Black dye for 400g!" They rather scam you for 5000 gold, than make friends.
I still have so many quests to do, with 8 different character builds. It is not like the gold pieces give me food, repair my armour and weapons, or hire me hench. 2000K gold, un-used in my stash, is just a number. Nothing else.
Gotta respect the players who are in search for the perfect scam, though



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

Richmond, British Columbia, Kanada

Demon of the Fall [Opet]


Originally Posted by Silent Kitty
2000K gold, un-used in my stash, is just a number.
o.o That's a lot of money, though you can't possibly hold 2 mil in your stash >_>

As for where I get my money? Simple. I travel around the map, killing monsters along the way, discovering many beautiful areas in the game. Often times, the monsters will drop Rare items, which also result in great mods and *profit*

I play the game. I rarely farm. Yet I have 250k in my stash, rotting away.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


Duo farming is definately the best way to farm (1-3 ectos per person per run) and if you have a regular partner a smite run can be done in under 20 minutes



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


Changed my mind. No comment.

I'm trying to aim higher then my last few days as It seems all I want to do in here at the moment is conk heads... I'll wait till I have something constructive to say.

Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


Originally Posted by Opeth11
o.o That's a lot of money, though you can't possibly hold 2 mil in your stash >_>

I play the game. I rarely farm. Yet I have 250k in my stash, rotting away.
I don't have that much. Actually, I am constantly broke. The 2000K was just a tongue in cheek example
I understand the 250K rotting a way, but you are a walking scam target. Better not mention it in the game, or you'll be constantly harrassed by beggars. Some people quest for the perfect income gained by begging or scamming

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

I wonder if I should be envy of those who can farm endlessly.

I simply can not lower my brain activity that low to be able to do the same thing for hours.

Example, FoW warrior solo farming 30 times in a row in spider cave... omg, how does one do it!?



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Mindless farming.

I probably would not log on half as much as I do if it weren't for my wonderful guild. We do missions and other things together, or just hang out and socialize. I can do some "mindless farming" while chatting with my guild friends. Socialize and increase my gold stash at the same time.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Knights of The Scorched Earth


Originally Posted by Leon_Ux-ixen
Oro farming and FA farming is bull. I spent 3days farming and doing runs and did not get a single item that sold more then 2k. I swear to you now all my item consitsted of plain items only good for salvaging and Dwarf robes! I got a blue, item here and there and saw my party getting purples,golds and greens.! Heck this one dude got 3 greens in a row!!! I even did a 5man run with all henchs and got only a few blues. I say the devolpers hate me, this is 100% impossible (even htough it did happen) and unimagenable. The only purples and golds I got weren't worth a k even noobs knew that. O_o I had to wait till the party left to pick up a shadowbow that someone missed sold that for 3k and an gold item (silly noob) after working like a oak I was able to afford the gratto druid boots. T_T
Well, have u never read about the farming code? Don't farm the same stuff and same places!!

Just get to level 20, not too hard. Then do runs. Droks run is overrated, I've seen a level 13 do it.

Of course, thats not how i make my money, but im just posting a way that ANYONE should be able to see with common sense, so that way people will stop whining.