I am considering switching to the American server as well. I just think it's incredibly annoying to have people speaking in all kinds of different languages. One way to solve this would be to split Europe into one English-speaking server, and one non-English. If this can't be done, at least rename "District 1" to "English District" or something.
The best would be to make realm servers with fictional names or something, one of which would be for English-speaking Europeans. Maybe have six realms (two mainly for Europeans, two mainly for Asians, and two mainly for Americans and the rest) with fictional names with information about which realm you would fit in.
Realm of Balthazar (Europe, English).
Realm of Dwayna (Europe, non-English)
Realm of Grenth (North America)
Realm of Lyssa (South America, Australia....)
Meh, I don't know... I'm just tired of trying to communicate through all the multilingual "spam"... and I'm not even a native English speaker, just think it's logical and more fun to decide on one language and stick with it.