Most money you ever had..
Post a picture of the most cash you ever had at once....(and no cheaters... )..... I don't have a picture of mine... but, it wasn't much over 90k.... so I'm sure most have had more....
Amen Tolundur
full storage (1000k and all slots full of other things that can be used on chars or sold). when i get home ill take a ss
Mr D J
600k + 60 ectos
about a week ago.... 170k + a few ectos and shards
800k + 45 ecto + 11 black dyes!
1000K + 100 Ecto in the storage is the most i've ever had
Stranger The Ranger
dont feel no pain
281k hehe i feel poor, even though im a farmer ,i dont farm for cash. but the thrill of the hunt bwahahahahahah!!!
T)-(E Voice Of Reason
1000k in storage 100k on 3 pve chars 400 ectos in stoagre
My maximum in storage is around 300k... never got more than that because I always spent it all... which explains why I don't have FoW armor yet....
150k. I like to spend...
330k + 19 ecto's + 37 shards
1600k + 500 ectos + 229 shards + 21 rubbies + 20 sapphires + 221 black dyes + 230 silver dyes + 27 Sigils
3 Accounts which i currently have as of this morning
im not much of spender, i save a lot >_<
correction 1600k not 2600k**
3 Accounts which i currently have as of this morning
im not much of spender, i save a lot >_<
correction 1600k not 2600k**
55k hehehe i spend and spend. I once broke the 500k mark but that didnt last long. And yet i still dont have a FoW Helm hehehe
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
150k. I like to spend...
I know the feeling
h e a d 9 r
1000k in storage and 400k on all characters...
atm i got ~800k + 65 ectos and 60 shards...
atm i got ~800k + 65 ectos and 60 shards...
Mr D J
Originally Posted by Indian
1600k + 500 ectos + 229 shards + 21 rubbies + 20 sapphires + 221 black dyes + 230 silver dyes + 27 Sigils
3 Accounts which i currently have as of this morning
im not much of spender, i save a lot >_<
correction 1600k not 2600k** time to hack someone's accounts jk
3 Accounts which i currently have as of this morning
im not much of spender, i save a lot >_<
correction 1600k not 2600k** time to hack someone's accounts jk
Originally Posted by Joker The Owner
time to hack someone's accounts jk
Texas Flood
I think mine is about 20k....
I had top around 300-400k all spent on ecto's and shard's saving for fow armor and around 300k in item vaule that i havent sold yet
Rayne Nightfyre
I'll be the first to actually post a screen...
The most I ever had was recently, before crafting Mesmer Enchanter's Armor in the Fissure of Woe.
And here's the product of all that work:
And this was obtained legitimately, mainly by farming and buying/selling, although I won't post our gold-earning techniques, as we do keep them inside our guild.
Outside of items such as Ectoplasms and Obsidian Shards, I have never had more than 300K in pure gold at one time. Although... if you consider the gold I've spent on armor, it's rather sickening(12+ sets of 15k armor across both accounts, including Mesmer Fissure and Warrior Fissure, the latter which I crafted back in August of '05). I've never felt the need to purchase top-of-the-line Weapons and Shields, but armor is the one thing I love to save for.
The most I ever had was recently, before crafting Mesmer Enchanter's Armor in the Fissure of Woe.
And here's the product of all that work:
And this was obtained legitimately, mainly by farming and buying/selling, although I won't post our gold-earning techniques, as we do keep them inside our guild.
Outside of items such as Ectoplasms and Obsidian Shards, I have never had more than 300K in pure gold at one time. Although... if you consider the gold I've spent on armor, it's rather sickening(12+ sets of 15k armor across both accounts, including Mesmer Fissure and Warrior Fissure, the latter which I crafted back in August of '05). I've never felt the need to purchase top-of-the-line Weapons and Shields, but armor is the one thing I love to save for.
thor hammerbane
Hmm...most ive had is 110k. I dont have problems with making money, but im a spender. I dont plan ahead. I basically find something i want, farm for it, and buy it.
230k and now im down to about 65k.
100k to start 800k From pre, spent 100k on rune upgrades, rebuilding my chars ect, and made BACK the 150k by running for tips (~40 runs I think?) I'm very genorous to run to droks for 3.75k on average for 5 people...
The reason I have that staff highlighted is to show that I still have my old Tkob Pre Char's staff
Stalker Haras
ummm....1.4mil + 2 Sets of FoW......and a couple dozen perfect items
i had 580k +35 ecto or something at one point. spent it all on ectos so now i have 105, still need 72 shards :C
I'm too lazy/burnt-out on GW to try to push that to 1000k for now...and I just threw away 28k for four black dyes (to dye bags).
About 80k...I can never score good on farming and such. I only get good drops when I'm desperate for money...
Originally Posted by Danarchyx15
havent seen one picture yet lol...
Probably because the thread is titled "Most money you ever had.."; the keyword being 'had', not all people SS their money when they get alot, lol
Uh...I feel really poor, I've only had enough for droks armor at one time, never bothered with 15k or FoW armor...instead I just farmed, bought droks, farmed, bought more droks on different character, etc...I have the worst spending problem here, lmao.
Uh...I feel really poor, I've only had enough for droks armor at one time, never bothered with 15k or FoW armor...instead I just farmed, bought droks, farmed, bought more droks on different character, etc...I have the worst spending problem here, lmao.
Around 200K for me.
well i did have 200k before but then i spent over like 100k on my monk back in the day for solo UW's (when runes were like 80k or somethin) then i deleted my monk for some reason then i bought 2 sets of 15k for my warrior and 1 set for my ranger and lots of black dyes and now i have 0k haha
Osi Ri S
im too poor to afford a SS....
The most i had was 431k then i spent it on 15k armor for my war which brought me down to 303k... then i bought alot of ecto (went from 15 to 43) and now im at 146k i think... i need to do some farming.
The most i had was 431k then i spent it on 15k armor for my war which brought me down to 303k... then i bought alot of ecto (went from 15 to 43) and now im at 146k i think... i need to do some farming.
Most I've ever had was 1300k, 136 ectos (when they were around 12k each), 105 shards, 30 sapphires and 30 rubies. I bought my fissure though, so I'm now down to 1300k, 50 ectos, 60 sapphires, and 60 rubies, as well as 50 of each of the monstrous mats.
brute blake
150k 2 victos axes.. victos blade and millnars eye.. and 2 silver dyes and 1 ecto..
Originally Posted by Indian
1600k + 500 ectos + 229 shards + 21 rubbies + 20 sapphires + 221 black dyes + 230 silver dyes + 27 Sigils
3 Accounts which i currently have as of this morning
im not much of spender, i save a lot >_<
correction 1600k not 2600k** Do you ever get off your computer?
3 Accounts which i currently have as of this morning
im not much of spender, i save a lot >_<
correction 1600k not 2600k** Do you ever get off your computer?
400k 14ecto 4shards not much but its nice to have them
leeky baby
130k although i use to have alot of sigils about 15?! wish they stacked
Da Cebuano
Don't really have pics atm, but I have right now:
41 ecto
2 shards
31 ruby
36 sapphires
3 black dyes(have other dyes too ^^ 10+ of other colors)
130 monster claw
121 monster fang
120 monster eye
100k spread out among 3 chars
oh and if you cound fow armor that thing costed 105 ecto although that was a while ago, I'm a saver, only 1 account too, I don't have the time to play 2 accounts anyway.
Am probly very poor compared to some of the people here, I'd like to see some of the guys w/ like storage full of ectos and 5 accounts full for 1000ks and all that crap, thats crazy, given the most people are basically having played the same time span(although some people play alot more than others). I kinda learned the tricks of powertrading somewhat later in my GW time.
41 ecto
2 shards
31 ruby
36 sapphires
3 black dyes(have other dyes too ^^ 10+ of other colors)
130 monster claw
121 monster fang
120 monster eye
100k spread out among 3 chars
oh and if you cound fow armor that thing costed 105 ecto although that was a while ago, I'm a saver, only 1 account too, I don't have the time to play 2 accounts anyway.
Am probly very poor compared to some of the people here, I'd like to see some of the guys w/ like storage full of ectos and 5 accounts full for 1000ks and all that crap, thats crazy, given the most people are basically having played the same time span(although some people play alot more than others). I kinda learned the tricks of powertrading somewhat later in my GW time.