Most money you ever had..
at one point, I had 1700k (+ or - 100k), 650 ecto, 150 some odd shards, and a weapons collection that was insane (2 accounts). Mostly all gone now though...
Oblivion's Hell
I'm really poor, I think the most money I've had is 20k, then I spent that. I got Droks armor. Now I'm going for 15k armor. I'm a big spender. Can someone help me farm, I have never had a black dye, ectoplasm, shard, or anything valuable.
Great Uncle Monk
680 ecto 429 shards leet collection of chaos axes and long swords 1.3 mill in gold a +30 all time -2 shadow shield req 8
Adria Soulseeker
um 3k..
BakedMonkey a big spender too =D
most i ever had was ~500k+like 15ecto and 5 shards
2 Fissure armor + 500K + Some Nice Goodies.
Lex Talionis
3 million platinum, 120 sapphires, 109 rubies, 300 ecto, 231 shards, 8 monstrous eyes, 2 monstrous fangs, 1 monstrous claw, 15 black dyes, 39 silver dyes, 2 full FoW sets (ele + necro female) I'm sure I'm hated already so I won't go on any further
Originally Posted by Lex Talionis
3 million platinum, 120 sapphires, 109 rubies, 300 ecto, 231 shards, 8 monstrous eyes, 2 monstrous fangs, 1 monstrous claw, 15 black dyes, 39 silver dyes, 2 full FoW sets (ele + necro female) I'm sure I'm hated already so I won't go on any further
OMG you are absolutely right you are HATED.
Full storage, all character slots full of 100k and every other slot full of ectos or sigils. This was at a time sigils sold for around 70k, and I believe ectos were 20k or so? Can't remember to well.
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by Great Uncle Monk
680 ecto 429 shards leet collection of chaos axes and long swords 1.3 mill in gold a +30 all time -2 shadow shield req 8
Hmm, a +30 always -2 shadow shield!!! If you do have one I would like the opportunity to purchase it. Is it -2 enchant or -2 stance? Never new one existed to be honest and with such a perfect req aswell Anyway I would like it for my collection.
Originally Posted by Lex Talionis
3 million platinum, 120 sapphires, 109 rubies, 300 ecto, 231 shards, 8 monstrous eyes, 2 monstrous fangs, 1 monstrous claw, 15 black dyes, 39 silver dyes, 2 full FoW sets (ele + necro female) I'm sure I'm hated already so I won't go on any further
You realize it would take a few thousand accounts to hold 3 million plats, right?
^ Actually, it'd take 3 accounts, not a few thousands. ;\
He means the fact that Lex said 3 million platinum not 3 million gold...
3 mill platinum = 3 000 000 000
3 mill gold = 3 000 000
3 mill platinum = 3 000 000 000
3 mill gold = 3 000 000
once I hit 200~300K I stop farming and find somthing to spend it on...
like now I'm buy more fow peices for my monk, gotta have sets for pvp and farming aswell as regular pve :l
perhaps when im done will post my invertory of 3 fow sets on 1 char
oh and my highest was 1000K back in riverside days, after i knew what underworld was I stoped saving...
like now I'm buy more fow peices for my monk, gotta have sets for pvp and farming aswell as regular pve :l
perhaps when im done will post my invertory of 3 fow sets on 1 char
oh and my highest was 1000K back in riverside days, after i knew what underworld was I stoped saving...
im sorry to be a skeptic, but i just dont see how its possible to make 1000k in your storage AND have 400k on each of your characters "h e a d 9 r"...ive never even had more than 100k at once due to spending, so please someone...feel free to actually prove that you have that much :P
I've had 500k + with some ectos. Went on a wild shopping spree for all of my characters- and i'm much happier now for it.
Currently back up to 380k, 3 sup vigs in storage, and 2 items i'm planning on selling for 100k minimum. I think being super rich is not fun if you don't buy the things you want/need. I bought a few greens for my characters and customized. and armor galore. I've got 3 sets of armor for my warrior alone, with about 6 different helmets.
Currently back up to 380k, 3 sup vigs in storage, and 2 items i'm planning on selling for 100k minimum. I think being super rich is not fun if you don't buy the things you want/need. I bought a few greens for my characters and customized. and armor galore. I've got 3 sets of armor for my warrior alone, with about 6 different helmets.
E Power
Lets take it back to the first post and post pictures everyone . Unfortunately, half of this is utter *BEEP* because about 2-3 people have posted pictures and I appreciate their honesty.
Decided to figure out how to post screen shots just now cuz i don't like having people doubt my words.
EDIT- ignore the 256 colors, i was trying to figure out how to reduce image size, when i found the "crop". hehe. i'm so noob sometimes.
2nd Edit- the shield is NOT one of the 100k items i'm planning on selling.
3rd edit within 2 minutes- now that i got it working, i'm gonna be posting more screen shots. WOO!
EDIT- ignore the 256 colors, i was trying to figure out how to reduce image size, when i found the "crop". hehe. i'm so noob sometimes.
2nd Edit- the shield is NOT one of the 100k items i'm planning on selling.
3rd edit within 2 minutes- now that i got it working, i'm gonna be posting more screen shots. WOO!
i am a HUGE compulsive spender....if i have any money at all and i see a good deal on any item whether or not i need it, i will buy it lol......just to resell it later hopefully or just to clutter up my inventory with stuff i dont necessarily use...for example: i just made 40k doing something (dont remember) and then the first time i saw someone selling razorstone i was like "oh goodie" and bought it- i didnt need it, i already had a great chaos axe and a victos axe, but i merely like the way razorstone looks :P and as a matter of fact, i dont even hardly use it...the most ive had was 98k before pissing it away on eye candy
Ludi Cigan
unfortunately... Only 300k, 10 ectos, 5 Saphs and few nice items
I play 4 months and think that this is not enough... I spend alot but can't earn anything if I don't get any good drop...
And now, all is fcked up, Griffons and Ectos.
E-BAY FTW !!!!!
I play 4 months and think that this is not enough... I spend alot but can't earn anything if I don't get any good drop...
And now, all is fcked up, Griffons and Ectos.
E-BAY FTW !!!!!
Originally Posted by Ludi Cigan
unfortunately... Only 300k, 10 ectos, 5 Saphs and few nice items
I play 4 months and think that this is not enough... I spend alot but can't earn anything if I don't get any good drop...
And now, all is fcked up, Griffons and Ectos.
E-BAY FTW !!!!! I do hope you're joking.
Anyway, the most I've had (at one time) was about 380k. I bought my Monk Fissure over the course of three months, although I don't think I ever had more than 20k gold at any point (everything got put towards Ecto).
I play 4 months and think that this is not enough... I spend alot but can't earn anything if I don't get any good drop...
And now, all is fcked up, Griffons and Ectos.
E-BAY FTW !!!!! I do hope you're joking.
Anyway, the most I've had (at one time) was about 380k. I bought my Monk Fissure over the course of three months, although I don't think I ever had more than 20k gold at any point (everything got put towards Ecto).
600k + 10/15 ectos
600k + a few ectos and shards. Had more but spent it on Bortak's and Gordac's sets for my Necro.. I'm a succer for greens!
Approx. 350k plus 11 shards, 3 rubies and 1 Sapphire. Not much =\
WTF!? The most I ever had was 30-35k.
well then that sux, haha
1103 ecto
40 shards
1000 k
250 eye's
500 candy cane's
and various goody's
40 shards
1000 k
250 eye's
500 candy cane's
and various goody's
Osi Ri S
all that ^ = no life what-so-ever. seriously i dont understand how people get that much money and still manage to have a life...
Most ive ever had was 450k, 15k armor for my war, 15 ecto, and 7 shards.
Most ive ever had was 450k, 15k armor for my war, 15 ecto, and 7 shards.
Originally Posted by SeXeh
1103 ecto
40 shards
1000 k
250 eye's
500 candy cane's
and various goody's ROFL!!!!! can i have 40 eyes please
40 shards
1000 k
250 eye's
500 candy cane's
and various goody's ROFL!!!!! can i have 40 eyes please
bringer di morte
I think around 70k...It was back when sigils were tons of money (ok, well it seemed like a lot to me ) and I gathered money from some officers, added it to mine, and came up to about 70-80k...Then I spent it. Never had that much again.
90 Ecto/45 Shards, Sup Absorb, 300k
darn im poor 400k at most!
now i have 936gp :-(
now i have 936gp :-(
1600 k
250 Ecto
120 Shards
350 Vellum
5 Rubies
This was Before i bought fissure for my warrior and monk, now... about the same just not as many ecto-shards
250 Ecto
120 Shards
350 Vellum
5 Rubies
This was Before i bought fissure for my warrior and monk, now... about the same just not as many ecto-shards
I've bought 2 Tattoo/Scar Fissure + now I got about 500K saved for chapter 2
Guardian of the Light
WTF where do you guys get all this gold from
The most I've had is about 35-40K
The most I've had is about 35-40K
36k dont make fun of me i like to spend
Zephyr Jackson
During the new uw update i made about 150k in 2 days but now i am just down to 60k between 2 accounts
Originally Posted by Zephyr Jackson
During the new uw update i made about 150k in 2 days but now i am just down to 60k between 2 accounts
1st day i sold a victo's blade for 250K and the guy paid upfront Then I sold a Bulwark for 30 ectos