Purple armor- Superior Rune?
Did you find that yourself or did you buy it?
Megla Zero
From the looks of his radar I'd say he found it...
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
Did you find that yourself or did you buy it?
Count to Potato
weird, bug i think
Gunz Blazing Smile
Weird bug, Some will try to exploit it (like me)... ect... ect... ect...
They may have changed how purples work with runes. They don't tell use all the changes they make.
I've always been able to get superior runes on purple armors. Not a sup vigor, but stuff like sup beast mastery, etc. Until yesterday, I thought that was what usually happened. Purples can give superior runes, but it's rare.
I have never once seen a superior appear on a purple drop. It has been that you can get superior or major from gold, or major or minor from purple and only minor from blue, I have never heard of anyone getting superiors from purples until now. If it has always been possible, what is the point of gold armors?
and now a purple pauldron of superior expertise dropped and they are giving more superiors then goldens used to (3 purple pauldrons 3 superior runes)
<< superior dom from purple
and never seen it happen before
and never seen it happen before
Lady Erighan
Yes, you can get a superior rune from a purple rune. It's very rare but it does happen. There have been posts and threads about people getting them in the past.
I'm seeing A LOT of this chatter in Beetletun as I stand there now. Anyone found a major rune on a gold armor SINCE the update? That's my real question. Maybe they've made golds ONLY Superiors... since purples now seem to be giving superiors more often than before (based on the chatter, I was there for the quest).
I just picked up a purple armor, and when i ID'd it, it had a superior strength rune. I didn't know it was possible for purples to have superiors, even though golds could have majors. has this happened to anyone else before?
I just id'd a gold tengu armour and it had no rune on it i salvaged it and got a bolt of linen wierd?
Originally Posted by kryshnysh
I'm seeing A LOT of this chatter in Beetletun as I stand there now. Anyone found a major rune on a gold armor SINCE the update? That's my real question. Maybe they've made golds ONLY Superiors... since purples now seem to be giving superiors more often than before (based on the chatter, I was there for the quest).
Gunz Blazing Smile
Originally Posted by kryshnysh
Anyone found a major rune on a gold armor SINCE the update? That's my real question.
Even troll farming, NO gears and I mean NONE, from the countless runs no gears.
I was just in a party doing to Luxon settlement mission. Two gold armor drops, one was a Sup Necro, one was a Sup Vigor (gratz to that guy!)
I'm thinking the update changed drop rates.
I'm thinking the update changed drop rates.
Thomas Valheru
I got a sup death rune from a purple armor like an hour ago, I think it's because of the new patch, always helpful for ettin farming
Yeah I picked up Superior Inspiration and Smiting just today also, I posted a screenie in the screenshots explosion section. Here it is again anyways
Originally Posted by fiery
Even troll farming, NO gears and I mean NONE, from the countless runs no gears.
Star Alfur
Yep, friend just a sup healing rune from a purple ettin pauldron.
A concern/question I have ... has this new update effected the type of mods found within purple weapons? (Think, finding 9%/10% furious on a purple weapon) >.<
A concern/question I have ... has this new update effected the type of mods found within purple weapons? (Think, finding 9%/10% furious on a purple weapon) >.<
We were just doing Luxon, and my Guild Leader got Sup. Healing from a purple. Was cool and stuff.
Sir Skullcrasher
So with the upcoming update for the faction preview, purple pauldron or anything purple could give you superior runes?
devils wraths
lets farm those runes from the quest while it lasts just got 2 sup absorb
I got a rune of Superior Divine Favor out of a purple ettins pauldron just 10min ago
Seen some purple superiors drop from SF too.
Young Hero
Ive had no less than 8 purple ettins armors id as Superiors.Lets hope this is not a bug, rune prices are dropping fast.Better not have another Freaking Rollback
I'd say a majority of the gold armors I get don't contain superior runes hardly ever, most of the time they're minor runes or major, I've also had alot of purple armors with superior runes attached. Kind of makes me not look forward to seeing a gold armor much anymore. There's sometimes a chance though, but a majority of the gold seem to not have superiors.
Studio Ghibli
.. I just got a sup ab from them. Weird.
Studio Ghibli
I honestly don't believe this was supposed to be a feature. ;(
My first drop was a purple sup ab. Some guy apparently popped two sup abs. I smell rollback again 'cause of a bug--unless, of course, Anet intended to totally devalue Ettin farming..
.. which I wouldn't mind. ;P I think the best way to beat farmers is to ruin it. ;D
Just wondering what's going on.
My first drop was a purple sup ab. Some guy apparently popped two sup abs. I smell rollback again 'cause of a bug--unless, of course, Anet intended to totally devalue Ettin farming..
.. which I wouldn't mind. ;P I think the best way to beat farmers is to ruin it. ;D
Just wondering what's going on.
dont feel no pain
very strange update, i doubt areanet would had mad rune drops better...it may be a glitch soon to be fixed....
Studio Ghibli
Originally Posted by dont feel no pain
very strange update, i doubt areanet would had mad rune drops better...it may be a glitch soon to be fixed....
Exploit It While You Can! Eeeeeeeeeeek!
Originally Posted by Studio Ghibli
unless, of course, Anet intended to totally devalue Ettin farming.. |
Studio Ghibli
Originally Posted by Cherno
Someone said above that it is being reported in SF as well, so I don't think they are trying to devalue ettin farming. If intentional, they are probably trying to devalue the rune market to make some of the superiors more accessible.
That's good for no one.
Besides that, I always liked knowing the high-cost sups were, like, badges. ;P
You could say, HEY I HAVE A SUPERARIOR ABSORTION, and people would be like HOMFG U R TEHS AWESAUCE.
You know? :/
Meh... the game was never suposed to be about items/runes... now it's looking like ANet is making good on their original promise.
Personally, I'm fine with this. I farm ettins like the rest of you, but it's damn tedious so no loss for me. I've only ever gotten superior vigors from gold pauldrons and never seen a superior on a purple BTW.
Personally, I'm fine with this. I farm ettins like the rest of you, but it's damn tedious so no loss for me. I've only ever gotten superior vigors from gold pauldrons and never seen a superior on a purple BTW.
Well I agree that they shouldn't get down into the price of the minors or majors.
But I feel sad for the people that think anyone is special because of having a superior rune or a particular armor or weapon. If you were to say that to me, I would think "Good for you. Not impressed"
But I feel sad for the people that think anyone is special because of having a superior rune or a particular armor or weapon. If you were to say that to me, I would think "Good for you. Not impressed"
Damn, and I just bought a sup vigor thinking 28k was cheap. If purples drop them, I guess the price will be 1k in a week...