Kurzick Rally Thread!
Inspired by the Luxon Ken Dei's feeble attempt to rally the Luxon waverers...
All in favour of the Kurzicks, rally! Let your loyalty to this side be known!
Explain your reasons for joining this great nation that adheres to traditional values and conservatism.
And, if your entire guild is going to this faction...let it be known!
Basically, just get excited about fighting together on the Kurzick side (without being hassled and insulted by the evil Luxons in the likes of this thread)
EDIT: Luxons, do not show your faces amongst us, or the worst shall happen to you!
All in favour of the Kurzicks, rally! Let your loyalty to this side be known!
Explain your reasons for joining this great nation that adheres to traditional values and conservatism.
And, if your entire guild is going to this faction...let it be known!
Basically, just get excited about fighting together on the Kurzick side (without being hassled and insulted by the evil Luxons in the likes of this thread)
EDIT: Luxons, do not show your faces amongst us, or the worst shall happen to you!
See the Luxons are that much better. The Kurzicks cant even be original with their threads online....how can you hope to compete with the likes of the Luxon forces. You shall perish under the weight of your own self-centeredness.
I'm pretty sure I want to be a Kurzick...not exactly rallying but better than nothing.

Originally Posted by ApOcAlYpSe
See the Luxons are that much better. The Kurzicks cant even be original with their threads online....how can you hope to compete with the likes of the Luxon forces. You shall perish under the weight of your own self-centeredness.
Blind Rage
Kurzicks > all.
Juicey Shake
Why would you go luxons. ~_~.... kurzick look so much cooler + they're just that much more badass, all silent deadly killer assassin types.
Not like these pirate-wannabes all clad nice and bright running around all foolishly.
Not like these pirate-wannabes all clad nice and bright running around all foolishly.
Kurzicks are more civilized than frickin LUXONS! HA!
you kurzick tree huggers, GO LUXOR!!!!
Kurzick heroes rally forces!
We need to drive nomadic scum back into void!
Too long have we tolerated their presence near our fair cities! These uncivilised, barbaric lot needs to be shown the fury of righteous justice!!
PS: Symeon, did you manage to gather a RP guild? I saw a rather old thread, and I'm very interested in possible joining. My characters are listed in my profile, so anyone that wants to go inquisitorial on some Luxon turtles, feel free to contact me for some smiting. Luxons you will yield!!
Bleh why do I have to be at work right now, I'm gonna cry...
We need to drive nomadic scum back into void!
Too long have we tolerated their presence near our fair cities! These uncivilised, barbaric lot needs to be shown the fury of righteous justice!!
PS: Symeon, did you manage to gather a RP guild? I saw a rather old thread, and I'm very interested in possible joining. My characters are listed in my profile, so anyone that wants to go inquisitorial on some Luxon turtles, feel free to contact me for some smiting. Luxons you will yield!!
Bleh why do I have to be at work right now, I'm gonna cry...

What has Real Ultimate Power taught us?
Ninjas > Pirates
Kurzicks FTW
Ninjas > Pirates
Kurzicks FTW
In every Kurzick alliance battle I've been in so far (5 total), Kurzick has demolished Luxon.
I'm anxious to see how much territory we've gained by tomorrow morning. =D
I'm anxious to see how much territory we've gained by tomorrow morning. =D
Alathys Tylderaan
[Masq] has devoted themselves to the Kurzick cause, the Luxons shall pay!
Originally Posted by Alathys Tylderaan
[Masq] has devoted themselves to the Kurzick cause, the Luxons shall pay!

Alathys Tylderaan
Yes yes, I'm aware of the popular Vampire RPG... but it's not what the name refers to.
Hmph...sorryz then. I deducted (elementary my dear Watson!) rather harshly from guild name and your toon skin color...

Batou of Nine
yar! i joined kurzicks. so far in the faction battles ive been in... we have won 5 out of 6....5 wins 1 loss... is there a way to see overall faction leads? or like majority zone controls? or is that not active yet?
anyway... KURZICK FTW!! My assasins loves stabbin em ugly luxons in the back!! muhahahha
anyway... KURZICK FTW!! My assasins loves stabbin em ugly luxons in the back!! muhahahha
/k.u.r.z.i.c.k. Ftw!
Kurzick all the way here. I like them, like them, like them, euh oh ya didn't mention I like them 
Not doing any Luxon quest even for the exp I'm not buggered to do it.
And normally the guild I'm in will go Kurzicks too: KkO - Knights of the Keyboard Order. But we're holding a poll for our members atm.

Not doing any Luxon quest even for the exp I'm not buggered to do it.
And normally the guild I'm in will go Kurzicks too: KkO - Knights of the Keyboard Order. But we're holding a poll for our members atm.
Trans Tasman Alliance has joined the grand Force of the Kurzick Empire.
So far 5 wins 1 loss.
We organised to get 12 people into a Alliance battle from our guild and our coordination demolished them.
So far 5 wins 1 loss.
We organised to get 12 people into a Alliance battle from our guild and our coordination demolished them.
Lord Snow
Hahaha, logged on, talked to the very first NPC and hey, what do you know. Mhenlo is on the Kurzick's side too!
Having saved my ass many many times before, I'm definately siding with my fellow Ascalonians XD
Hahaha, logged on, talked to the very first NPC and hey, what do you know. Mhenlo is on the Kurzick's side too!
Having saved my ass many many times before, I'm definately siding with my fellow Ascalonians XD
Luxons = SUXons
I picked Kurzicks b/c of Mehnlo also
Luxons = SUXons
I picked Kurzicks b/c of Mehnlo also
Kurzick all the way baby! And yes we did smash some Luxon last night. 

If Mhenlo is on the Kurzick's side, he must be right. As am I on the Kurzick's side... their dark brooding ladies are exceptionaly hawt.
Kurzick all the way
Is it true, if you give some Kurzick dude the 10 000 Kurzick Factions, you become officialy a Kurzick?
Greetings fellow Kurzicks!
I've been looking at the impression of the Kurzicks presented by their capital, House Zu Heltzer. A giant, Gothic-style cathedral in the depths of a dark forest. Neat. Plus, the NPC's scattered about the place have very interesting clothing, including one guy with a giant hat. I like the place.
Perhaps, when we actually delve into the real game in May, we shall gather for giant gothic style parties in this place, or another.
Fight hard, all! Bash those wild Luxons! Push them back across the jade sea, claim the resources that they have hogged for so long as our own! Show them the meaning of the gods that we cherish!
Kurzicks FTW!
I've been looking at the impression of the Kurzicks presented by their capital, House Zu Heltzer. A giant, Gothic-style cathedral in the depths of a dark forest. Neat. Plus, the NPC's scattered about the place have very interesting clothing, including one guy with a giant hat. I like the place.
Perhaps, when we actually delve into the real game in May, we shall gather for giant gothic style parties in this place, or another.
Fight hard, all! Bash those wild Luxons! Push them back across the jade sea, claim the resources that they have hogged for so long as our own! Show them the meaning of the gods that we cherish!
Kurzicks FTW!
I think the Alliance Battles and the moving territory line is an indication in itself on who is winning.
Mister Muhkuh
i need to convince my guild leader to join them and not those ugly luxon-gays...
i need to convince my guild leader to join them and not those ugly luxon-gays...
The Luxons seem to be fighting back in more force...
The line has been moving back occasionally, following a line near the edge of the islands in the Jade Sea.
Fight hard, Kurzicks! Drive those wild scum back!
The line has been moving back occasionally, following a line near the edge of the islands in the Jade Sea.
Fight hard, Kurzicks! Drive those wild scum back!
I don't like the carpet thing on my head, so I really don't want to be a Luxon.
Kurzick FTW!
Kurzick FTW!
I am a Luxon. However i'm all in favor of more Kurzicks. Getting into a coop battle is proving difficult since there aren't many opposing Kurzicks. Kurzick waverers please join the Kurzicks. Luxons can't battle an opponent if there is no opponent to actually battle. Funny how people are saying "[Insert faction here] RULLZZZZ". Yet they forget that without the other faction. They have nothing to fight. Can't live with the other faction. Can't live without it.
go kurzicks
Lord Scoopula
I've done quests for both and the Luxon atmosphere is better IMO, plus giant turtles with cannons on their backs (look at the gameplay trailer thing) are awesome!
Well, I'm glad my guild chose Kurzicks. I went there with them at the beginning of the event. It is a very sweet place. And I really like the setting of the environments there. The NPCs...everything.
Then I went and visited the Luxons...and while the Jade Sea is something pretty cool, the monsters are all wierd and...wierd...I can't say I'll be playing much in the Luxons area. The Kurzick side was much more enjoyable to me.
Then I went and visited the Luxons...and while the Jade Sea is something pretty cool, the monsters are all wierd and...wierd...I can't say I'll be playing much in the Luxons area. The Kurzick side was much more enjoyable to me.
Banin Galori
Hell, the Kurzicks have a Commandant. That's what brought me over. =)
Those Luxon siege turtles remind me of Gunbound... what a silly game...
Those Luxon siege turtles remind me of Gunbound... what a silly game...
DJ Josh
i joined the luxons first but seen as none of the luxon missions will work for my chars i switched to kurzick's and worked hard to gain there favor.i now think i know who my guild will allie with.
p.s. why did we have to get the dredge though,and so god damn many of them(/sobs),the luxons don't know how easy they have it
p.s. why did we have to get the dredge though,and so god damn many of them(/sobs),the luxons don't know how easy they have it
Originally Posted by DJ Josh
p.s. why did we have to get the dredge though,and so god damn many of them(/sobs),the luxons don't know how easy they have it
Kurzick look better, talk better, look better, cooler, talk better, and as a whle they are more of an empire, while the Luxxors look more like a resistance XD
All in all, Kurzick all the way.
All in all, Kurzick all the way.
DJ Josh
i understand the dredge story and also quite liked it.my issue though is they were a pain in the no-sun-shine area in sf but here it's even easier to over-agro with so many groups so close together.although it is a nice challenge trying to kill the other 1000 dredge after the first couple of over-agro's put you very quickly at -60% dp

DJ Josh
Originally Posted by Inari
Kurzick look better, talk better, look better, cooler, talk better, and as a whle they are more of an empire, while the Luxxors look more like a resistance XD
All in all, Kurzick all the way. |