New Weapon SSs
Manic Smile
lets see whats' out there
i wonder how many new axe skinds are there. thats a nice lookin axe too bad its not as good looking as a sephis or chaos axe or even dwarven axe IMO.
Got an amber bow dropped first thing out. It is dead bow skin but colored yellow
ill post more later
So there actually are ogres?
And more the point...
That sickle. I want it.
And more the point...
That sickle. I want it.
so many good looking items
im looking foward to guild wars factions
im looking foward to guild wars factions
i got some cool daggers, called "crysine" i think. i'll post a screenie when i get home from work in a few hours
I wonder how katana's will go with a Warrior non-asian theme armor.
Oh man, that Katana alone makes me want to play sword warrior T_T
Jiao Yang
Do we get to keep any weapons found, providing we get them across to our storage or prophecies characters before the end of the event?
In response to Jiao, no. You cannot transfer any items whatsoever, and you only get to keep the modifications and runes and spells that you unlocked if you merge an account with your current Prophecies account later when the game is released.
edit: also, the modifications will only be unlocked for PvP ;-) sorry m8.
edit: also, the modifications will only be unlocked for PvP ;-) sorry m8.
The Mighty Toe
No storage... *grumble grumble*
Originally Posted by mrbb
I wonder how katana's will go with a Warrior non-asian theme armor.
Actually, I think it will look good with Legionnaire, Sentinel or Beserker.
(Prob best with Legionnaire, though)
I got this shield from a chest. (attachement)
Its called a 'Bladed Shield'. ^_^
Its called a 'Bladed Shield'. ^_^
Originally Posted by Celeborn
I got this shield from a chest. (attachement)
Its called a 'Bladed Shield'. ^_^ |
Jiao Yang
Originally Posted by Sidra
In response to Jiao, no. You cannot transfer any items whatsoever, and you only get to keep the modifications and runes and spells that you unlocked if you merge an account with your current Prophecies account later when the game is released.
edit: also, the modifications will only be unlocked for PvP ;-) sorry m8. |
God this FPE gets more complicated and more vast everytime I read a new thread. I played on it a bit when i got home, it seems like some people have gone crazy about it and got way ahead of others.
/groan... and i have work to do at the week-end.
I hope they make the katana's rare, so they cost 1 million dollars! lol jk
Man I NEED a katana now!!
Man I NEED a katana now!!
Katana, possibly the sexiest weapon in GW
Alternate Katana skin:
Ascalon Chariot
im not gonna be able to make it to FPE.....WAHHHHH
too bad holding a katana while wielding a shield will make you look retarded.
they need to make katanas two-handed or allow dual wields like the guy in the trailer movie.
they need to make katanas two-handed or allow dual wields like the guy in the trailer movie.
omg those swords look really sweet
especially that oni blade
especially that oni blade
Originally Posted by striderkaaru
too bad holding a katana while wielding a shield will make you look retarded.
they need to make katanas two-handed or allow dual wields like the guy in the trailer movie. |
There are also other items, Gothic Axe (non double), Gothic Sword, one more axe that i forgot its name, at least three more shield skins besides bladed one, jade & platinum bow... that's all i can remember. I have no screens because I deleted my PvE character. No point making a PvE char when most of the new world is made for PvP anyway.
New sword skills are nice. Finally damage-wise on pair with axe
1 more sword and 2 strange offhands:
Katana's are two handed weapons in real life, it looks silly one handed
The broadsword looks nothing like a real Chinese broadsword :-(
That sword name is a bit weird but I like it :
Originally Posted by Sidra
The broadsword looks nothing like a real Chinese broadsword :-(
Wicked Blade (sword)
A Jitte?!?
Nice.... Katanas, Bo staffs, Jitte's, I'm lovin' this.
Nice.... Katanas, Bo staffs, Jitte's, I'm lovin' this.
The Yoink
wish it were mine...
omg the second katana, the oni blade (hmm any relation to the game onimusha?) and that gothic sword is so frigging sweet. good thing i got a sword warrior, cant wait to get that and pwning something. at least they got something right, most of the armor and face work were pretty sub-par
Toxic RD
Im stoked for that broad sword
isamu kurosawa
anybody else notice the dmg type on the jitte?
Originally Posted by isamu kurosawa
anybody else notice the dmg type on the jitte?