My worst fears confirmed (as were my hopes)...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Honor Warriors


Originally Posted by Lady Lozza
jackie, the base price for ectos and shards is 100g, it is the same for all rare materials. We've had the opportunity on two occassions to observe this. So yes if people stop wanting FoW but still farm UW then shards and ectos could potentially drop to less than 1k.
those materials will never get that low. the point of them is that they cost alot, making it hard to get fissure in the first place.

the only time ectos will reach that price is a server error, and then we will just get another rollback.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Relax Its Just A [GAME]


Originally Posted by Saul D allesio
Dam all you farmers! (well atlest 55hp/SS ones...)

I know you think that im like "[email protected]!!111 LOOKIE LOOKIE NERF NERF NERF NERF," just for attention... but thats not the case...Im against all the ways to abuse the game a little but im DEFENATLY agains the 55hp monks and SS necros...The UW is supposed to be a high level area left to experianced players to have fun...Not an ecto farm ground
I am against people who whine and tell me how MY game is supposed to be played by ME you want to play my game pay me 50 dollars ill pm you the Acct name and pw



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Exoudeous
those materials will never get that low. the point of them is that they cost alot, making it hard to get fissure in the first place.

the only time ectos will reach that price is a server error, and then we will just get another rollback.
Actually, during the latest server error, ecto prices only dropped to 7k, while all other rare materials and runes dropped to their origial prices. Just pointing that out, but obviously ectos can drop below 7k because they have done so recently.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Honor Warriors


but this is why we need an auction house. the merchants are no indication at all of what prices are. all they are indications are of how many people are stupid enough to sell to the merchants for far less then they could get with it.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Relax Its Just A [GAME]


It certainly would be nice if we could have merchants buying greens for -5k off the normal so if razorstone normally goes for 35k we can sell to merchant for 30, prices would need to change constantly with +e items it would simply give us ecto or w/e



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Los Chavos Del [ocho]


Id rather go with 4 or 5 friends than going with 1 stranger... you guys are just greedy


Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006


Duality Of The Dragon

I really do hope 55 gets nerfed. It renders the purpose of the UW and FoW useless when a group of 2 people can do it. They we're made to be difficult not a walk in the park. I'm all for chopping the head of this snake thats called the 55 build.