New Armour pics
Originally Posted by Banebow
Mesmer male canthan 15k (minus the gloves)
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me. Rofl what a clown, and are those high heel or platform shoes?
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me. Rofl what a clown, and are those high heel or platform shoes?
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Looks a little better all black...
Quoted for truth. If any of you male mesmers decide to go after this horrendous get-up, please dye it black.
(WTS black dye - 20k j/k I gave my hubby all the dye.)
(WTS black dye - 20k j/k I gave my hubby all the dye.)
Here 15k necro female luxon with canthan headgear
Crimson Ashwood
Originally Posted by chick
Here 15k necro female luxon with canthan headgear
Originally Posted by Mournblade
Thanks for posting all of those sirjackass. =)
Me likey that female sentinel armor... and the female minion master... *drools* This was posted in response to the original FPE pics.... and they were exactly the two I was drooling over. However I have bought Factions now and, however hard I look in game, I can't find either of them. Anyone had any luck?
Me likey that female sentinel armor... and the female minion master... *drools* This was posted in response to the original FPE pics.... and they were exactly the two I was drooling over. However I have bought Factions now and, however hard I look in game, I can't find either of them. Anyone had any luck?
Female MM is the Luxon 1.5k skin now.
Female Sentinel is the 1.5k Kurzick skin.
Yep, that means you will have to play both sides of the fence to get the armor you want.
Female Sentinel is the 1.5k Kurzick skin.
Yep, that means you will have to play both sides of the fence to get the armor you want.
Originally Posted by Banebow
Mesmer male canthan 15k (minus the gloves)
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me. 1st of all im sry.for you i mean.
2nd. i could not stop laughing for 10 min.
this by far one of the most wired things ive seen in Gw.
got to get cant even start trying to explain.
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me. 1st of all im sry.for you i mean.
2nd. i could not stop laughing for 10 min.
this by far one of the most wired things ive seen in Gw.
got to get cant even start trying to explain.
Dr Ripley
Originally Posted by Banebow
Mesmer male canthan 15k (minus the gloves)
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me.
Ah man alive, that pic just made my day (I'm crying from laughing so hard). Looks like the robot maid is about to go on strike. No worries though mate. Some creative dyework may help you out a bit (if that catastrophe can be helped). I wonder what the devs were smoking when they made that armor...
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me.
Ah man alive, that pic just made my day (I'm crying from laughing so hard). Looks like the robot maid is about to go on strike. No worries though mate. Some creative dyework may help you out a bit (if that catastrophe can be helped). I wonder what the devs were smoking when they made that armor...
Tetram The Troll
Originally Posted by chick
Here 15k necro female luxon with canthan headgear
Great armor!
Great armor!
Originally Posted by Banebow
Mesmer male canthan 15k (minus the gloves)
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me.
That it would be pink!
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me.
That it would be pink!
Originally Posted by Banebow
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me.
Bender For President!
Takeko Nakano
Originally Posted by bollocks
The 15 K set for Female Warrior, Kurzick style.
That's interesting, because really I prefer the look of the 1.5k armour set for the female warrior. The 15k set is more detailed, but I don't like the difference.
I think if I get a 15k set I might get the Luxon stuff, especially as that's my guild's faction
I think if I get a 15k set I might get the Luxon stuff, especially as that's my guild's faction
Originally Posted by Banebow
Mesmer male canthan 15k (minus the gloves)
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me. I am Dr. Doom, and I am on holiday! waiter! Doom wants a pina colada!
ok... seriously tho... whoever thought of that "armor" at anet needs a shrink.
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me. I am Dr. Doom, and I am on holiday! waiter! Doom wants a pina colada!
ok... seriously tho... whoever thought of that "armor" at anet needs a shrink.
im so sessy.
1.5k Kurz<3
1.5k Kurz<3
Originally Posted by Miss Temptress
im so sessy.
1.5k Kurz<3 What bow is that?
1.5k Kurz<3 What bow is that?
Originally Posted by Miss Temptress
im so sessy.
1.5k Kurz<3 Sweet, and your monk even has the same hair as mine :P
That clinches it, another set that I must get. Odd that I like most of the 1.5k versions over the 15k versions this time around :P
1.5k Kurz<3 Sweet, and your monk even has the same hair as mine :P
That clinches it, another set that I must get. Odd that I like most of the 1.5k versions over the 15k versions this time around :P
15k kurz, 1.5k kurz, 15k cantha <3
Originally Posted by kosh
Originally Posted by Dr Ripley
Some creative dyework may help you out a bit (if that catastrophe can be helped).
That's why it is my secondary armor set, not my primary
Some of those monk armors look pretty danged good, maybe it's time to make a monk Queen Christie, I think that is a celestial bow. bebe
mai so hawt<3
Originally Posted by Miss Temptress
mai so hawt<3
<33 tempie ^^
Originally Posted by Banebow
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me. |
Originally Posted by lyra_song
O.o that is one sezy mesmer
And that mesmer would be me :P. Thank you .
Living Legend
anyone got 15k assassin armor?
Anyone have other pics of Female Elementalist Luxon 15k? Would like to see it in another color than ze purple =(
Originally Posted by Banebow
Mesmer male canthan 15k (minus the gloves)
Looks a bit...cheesy...if you ask me. The bottom part of the shirt. why o why did they decide to add the chunk of light bronze (or w/e you call it) at the lower end of it. It would've looked nice with the continued black... odd it is...I 2nd that motion. I think it can be fixed with having a different pants(leggings part) though. xD. /wow. lyra_song
whats cool about the mesmer male armors are that they can be mixed and matched easily o.o
Originally Posted by dansamy
Female MM is the Luxon 1.5k skin now.
Female Sentinel is the 1.5k Kurzick skin. Yep, that means you will have to play both sides of the fence to get the armor you want. Thanks for answering this! My guild is allied to Luxon....sorry for the noob question but does that mean I can never access the Kurzick armourer? Scutilla
Originally Posted by koa_Torqual
Thanks for answering this!
My guild is allied to Luxon....sorry for the noob question but does that mean I can never access the Kurzick armourer? Nope- just play in the Kurzick areas and earn Kurzick faction from questing. As long as you have more Kurzick faction than Luxon the NPCs will talk to you, and you can cash in your Kurzick faction for the amber you need for the armor. Arcanis the Omnipotent
Why the hell is a Male Mesmer wearing a skirt?!
God Anet, can you screw anything else up in this game? Jacky Chun
It's not a skirt. Just a long shirt.
Finally it is mine:
Silver dye on left, undyed on right. -Old 3FL-
^i think that armors ugly as all hell
lol Neodymium
Not sure if this armor was posted already but... heres my mesmer in 15k Luxons. (Dyed blue)
meh. the top is okay. but the leggins and boots T-T
Ok, so the male mesmer end game armor really needs to be dyed some other colour. First time I saw it, it was dyed straight black, and seeing the 'standard' version of it was a bit of a shock, then again, that might have been the mask.
Either way, here it is minus the mask, for someone who doesn't have masks showing, I'm trying to justify buying one that costs that much. Sagaris
Originally Posted by chick
Here 15k necro female luxon with canthan headgear
Can you say, Evil Doom Bunny of Hell? Wolf Steiner
Can someone post 15k Kurzick and Luxon for male mesmer.
Thanks Shoitaan
NEITHER OF THESE PICS ARE MINE, I SALVO'D THESE LINKS FROM THE MESMER FORUM ~~ So all credit goes to the appropriate people in the '15k armour' topic in the mesmer section of these very forums
I love the Kurzick look... glad I went Kurzicks XD The luxon 15k.. I call it 'the warm peasant' Wolf Steiner
Gratz Shoitaan, the Kurzick one looks great, but i would like to see the Luxon in a better screenshot, as that one is pretty dark.
Angel Develin
can any 1 post the material needed for the 15k luxon necro armor and Canthan warrior armor?
tnx |