ANET please let us modify our old chars!!!
I'm glad that ANET listens to it's users. With the preview of the new character skins, I really hope that ANET creates a way for us to change our old characters skins to the new ones. I really love the new skins and don't want to have to spend alot of time deleting and creating new chars to get them, especially since I've already put alot of time getting skillls for my chars. I'm hoping if enough ppl support this, ANET will provide us with a way to change our appearances. What do you guys think? Anyone see a reason they shouldnt?
I doubt it will happen.
The only thing I can see changing is hair, maybe.
I mean, you can't change most things about you, now can you?
Also, with the addition of skills being avable at skill trainers if you unlocked them in PvE with another character, I think that it will be easier to "rebuild" a character again.
The only thing I can see changing is hair, maybe.
I mean, you can't change most things about you, now can you?
Also, with the addition of skills being avable at skill trainers if you unlocked them in PvE with another character, I think that it will be easier to "rebuild" a character again.
I need to change my hair... these new hair are soooooo BEAUTIFUL, makes me regret that I couldn't convert my old chars hair....
I need to change my hair... these new hair are soooooo BEAUTIFUL, makes me regret that I couldn't convert my old chars hair....

Yes, there must be about a hundred topics about this, but have we ever gotten any clue or even a hint as to what Anet is even thinking about this? I mean if they just came out and said no way that's gonna happen, at least we'd know that, but right now...
After all, this is being requested even more than replacing the trading channel, which is GW biggest drawback atm.
After all, this is being requested even more than replacing the trading channel, which is GW biggest drawback atm.
I agree, give us the good news or give us the bad news... just give us some clue as to what to expect.
well I'll sign the petition.
Lord Iowerth
Erm, I think that would be a nice boon, and /signed and everything ...
*sticks neck out*
Isn't 90% of your characters "looks" associated with armor (which will obviously be available to old toons) ?
Disclaimer: before flame, please read first line of this post, twice, and then go ahead.
*sticks neck out*
Isn't 90% of your characters "looks" associated with armor (which will obviously be available to old toons) ?

Disclaimer: before flame, please read first line of this post, twice, and then go ahead.
I think its because we associate with the "face" of our characters more than what they wear. Besides, its pretty often we come across another player wearing the same set of armor as ourselves, but not as often do we find someone with the same set of face and hair, color and all...
I'd give up all of your first born children to have the option to change in the LEAST the hairstyle on my current characters.. I do like the necro pigtails the best! ^^
Lord Iowerth
Originally Posted by Diablo™
I think its because we associate with the "face" of our characters more than what they wear. Besides, its pretty often we come across another player wearing the same set of armor as ourselves, but not as often do we find someone with the same set of face and hair, color and all...
I blame Racthoh and his guides! Thanks alot for making me like my warrior again!

I'd love a skin pigment change ... ok, I thought it would be cool to have my necro be all pale and such, but I mean, I take her out and strip her and leave her AFK on the beaches in Kryta for hours on end, still no tan (or even a sunburn!) Is there a tanning-lotion NPC that i've missed?

Not a new idea but something I definitely support.
Reversable changing = nice option
Single option convert = it sucks again later once you get tired of the new toy.
Variety is the spice of life = lets have the variety in ability to change at will on and off like showing or not showing a helm etc. please.
Single option convert = it sucks again later once you get tired of the new toy.
Variety is the spice of life = lets have the variety in ability to change at will on and off like showing or not showing a helm etc. please.
One idea I had was that there would be a small fee, just like changing your Guild Cape. You pay the fee and can re-create the look of your character.
Originally Posted by TGgold
I mean, you can't change most things about you, now can you?
/signed. I have had a problem with my rangers look for a while now, it would be nice to fix it.
Phoenix Arrows
Hmm...does this include gender change? o.O
I'm disappointed with my Ranger's armor looks. It was my first character, so I didn't know how to armors looked. But the female armors look so much better...I WANT SCOUT'S ARMOR!!! ><". So, yea.
*prays for gender change*
I'm disappointed with my Ranger's armor looks. It was my first character, so I didn't know how to armors looked. But the female armors look so much better...I WANT SCOUT'S ARMOR!!! ><". So, yea.
*prays for gender change*
TGZ: Will there be any option to change features on already made characters (such as hairstyle and color) or will it be locked in place like the original has it?
Jeff: That is also something we talk about frequently but we don’t have definitive plans for that yet. But if we were to introduce those kinds of features then it would be things like adding an NPC with a hairstylist or something so you can swap your hairstyle or color on the fly, so the answer is yes eventually, we just don’t have a specific timeframe on that yet.
Jeff: That is also something we talk about frequently but we don’t have definitive plans for that yet. But if we were to introduce those kinds of features then it would be things like adding an NPC with a hairstylist or something so you can swap your hairstyle or color on the fly, so the answer is yes eventually, we just don’t have a specific timeframe on that yet.
I hate my Ele's hair >.< *looks at her avatar*
I also want to change my monk's look because Faction has better looking skin+hair styles for monks.
I hate my Ele's hair >.< *looks at her avatar*
I also want to change my monk's look because Faction has better looking skin+hair styles for monks.
/signed at least for the hair
If they let us change faces that's just an added plus to me. But I'd rather prefer Anet just telling us a straight answer with a yes or a no on this matter.
If they let us change faces that's just an added plus to me. But I'd rather prefer Anet just telling us a straight answer with a yes or a no on this matter.
prodigy ming
i hope we get a reply soon... i amd on the verge of deleting my old characters to free up some room just cuz the new ones looks so much better!
i made a thread like this in the Sarcadelic Sanitarium (which is the suggest forum) ^^;
/signed none-the-less!
/signed none-the-less!
I'm totally for this. I ask only for a shop guy in the major towns to allow us to change our appearance for a nominal fee (increment it if you must). I may like the look of my Ranger, but I messed up on my Monk. It didn't bug me at first, but it does now. That, and the hair styles are much nicer in Factions. I'd greatly appreciate the abbility to re-do exsisting characters, everything but the name.
so incredibly /signed
so incredibly /signed
I would like to have more option kept withing the same "style" of the campaign but keep them seperate.
Also having "Tempest Of Ascalon" (Monk from C1) will have much role playing effect when I bring her to Chapter 3.
Also having "Tempest Of Ascalon" (Monk from C1) will have much role playing effect when I bring her to Chapter 3.
Pretty please, I love the new hair! The faces aren't really interesting to me, I like the ones I already picked. But I'd love to change my hair.
Pretty please, I love the new hair! The faces aren't really interesting to me, I like the ones I already picked. But I'd love to change my hair.
Oblivion's Hell
I would like to change my name for a level 20 character, but too late now!
Oblivion's Hell
And changing the appearance would be nice!
Oblivion's Hell
That would be sweet if you could dye your hair...
dont worry i heard a rumor from a reliable source that the next chapter will add 2 new proffessions: plastic surgeon and hairstylist. along with the new proffessions will be new skills such as the elite skills devil red skin tone, smurf blue skin tone, devil horns, bunny ears, etc...
/signed 100 times
not for gender changes tho.. that would be too radical imho
not for gender changes tho.. that would be too radical imho

Paying 100k for a new hairstyle for my monk

the new hair styles for monk girls are really cool.. and the faces too... pls anet hehe
the new hair styles for monk girls are really cool.. and the faces too... pls anet hehe
Honestly what would be the big deal allowing our chars to go back to the creation screen and modify it? It's not that being able to change my face would cause any imbalance on the game...
Honestly what would be the big deal allowing our chars to go back to the creation screen and modify it? It's not that being able to change my face would cause any imbalance on the game...
a hairdresser for a reasonable fee!
a hairdresser for a reasonable fee!
Just say a 1/2k Fee for changing your Hair, and 1/2k Fee for changing your Face.
Please and thankyou ANet
Just say a 1/2k Fee for changing your Hair, and 1/2k Fee for changing your Face.
Please and thankyou ANet

Even if it was 100k, I would start saving my money again, I really want to change my Rangers look now that I've seen the new ones. And my Warrior...
And my brother wants to change his warrior...and my girlfriend her Necromancer...
I think a lot of people will be deleting old characters to remake ones with much nicer faces and hairstyles. I know I would. 15k armor can be bought again. I can find decent weapons again, I'll probably have to use greens for a while, but I'm sure I could find something. And with the skill trainers now selling skills I've unlocked, well, thats just more incentive for me to remake. I don't have to do every quest again in Tyria, I'd probably remake in Cantha buy all my Tyrian skills and then only go back to Tyria for elite caps.
I think if every expansion is going to keep including new faces/hairstyles, then they really need to think about adding in something to alter a characters appearance. Otherwise, I think they'll find a lot of unhappy people who wanted that cool new face so much that they deleted a very nice old character.
And my brother wants to change his warrior...and my girlfriend her Necromancer...
I think a lot of people will be deleting old characters to remake ones with much nicer faces and hairstyles. I know I would. 15k armor can be bought again. I can find decent weapons again, I'll probably have to use greens for a while, but I'm sure I could find something. And with the skill trainers now selling skills I've unlocked, well, thats just more incentive for me to remake. I don't have to do every quest again in Tyria, I'd probably remake in Cantha buy all my Tyrian skills and then only go back to Tyria for elite caps.
I think if every expansion is going to keep including new faces/hairstyles, then they really need to think about adding in something to alter a characters appearance. Otherwise, I think they'll find a lot of unhappy people who wanted that cool new face so much that they deleted a very nice old character.
yeah i would love to be able to change around my appearance.
Angel Develin
/not signed
I rather the GW dev work on something more productive and usefull then letting us change the way our character looks... I for one do not care...
I rather the GW dev work on something more productive and usefull then letting us change the way our character looks... I for one do not care...
Although I doubt it will happen anytime soon, I'm already prepared to delete my old monk to make a new one. I can't pass up those new female hairstyles and faces.
The hairstyles are SO MUCH bettter than what they have now.