Guild Wars Gaming Terms
Very informative, thanks for the effort.
nice list...seem to have everything covered except perhaps kiting
Brett Kuntz
pinkbar - Slang name for Conjure Phantasm.
rotty - Slang name for Rotscale.
resn - Monk's about to ressurect someone, so expect less Monk related things for the next 10-15 seconds.
drakelake - Area within Divinity Coast where there's 12 drakes to farm for rares.
rotty - Slang name for Rotscale.
resn - Monk's about to ressurect someone, so expect less Monk related things for the next 10-15 seconds.
drakelake - Area within Divinity Coast where there's 12 drakes to farm for rares.
train- as in a lot of warrior's following one monk is a war train
Galatea Orea
Great list. I hope you will expand on this as more terms are coined in the game.
Originally Posted by Liquid
nice list...seem to have everything covered except perhaps kiting

Kiting is running to avoid damage, especially from melee characters such as warriors. Best done by using snares and/or speed boosts to keep ahead of them. Rangers are great at kiting, using Pin Down to slow the warrior and turning around to deal damage occasionally while staying far enough away to prevent the warrior from ever being able to attack.
Brett Kuntz
Hmm kiting from my online experience always used to be keeping someone at bay while trying hard to keep them comming for you. IE: On my Monk I try to kite one enemy warrior, I do this because one warrior interested in me is one less interested in anyone else. The strat behind kiting is to keep yourself close enough to the enemy so they keep comming at you (and don't give up, or perhaps get help), while minimizing damage taken. One warrior somewhat hitting a Monk is a lot better then one warrior pounding on your elem's, mesmer's, or other warriors. To successfully kite, you must every so often let the kite attack you, so they stay interested. Finding the balance between keeping the kite interested and minimizing the time/resources you waste on it is where the skill comes in.
To each his own I guess.
To each his own I guess.
Originally Posted by kunt0r
To each his own I guess.

Nice list, should be helpful to a lot of new players.

You have the wrong definition of "mob" however. It's true that a mob is multiple targets, however in MMOGs if you say "mob" people usually think MOB, which is short for mobile, which is basically a moving NPC. The term was coined in MUDs and has evolved to mean any enemy NPC. So a "mob" is single enemy NPC.
I'd also just like to add something to aggro. It's also used as a way to identify who a mob is targeting. If a warrior is tanking and the mob is hitting him, then he "has aggro." If another character has caused the mob to change targets to them, they have "pulled aggro."
Edit: I read the date of the last reply as 4/25 somehow heh. Oh well.
I've also heard of MOB being used to mean Monster Or Badguy, which is once again singular. So you could effectively call a group of monsters a mob of mobs

The Deranged Hermit
WTT = Want To Trade
Studio Ghibli
".. mob or badguy."
I'm pretty sure that definition came about from someone seeing "mob" and, not understanding its actual background, made up one to explain it.
I also think it's rather amusing that the acronym "mob" has the word "mob" in it.
Only reason I'm being so hardcore about this is 'cause I come from a MUD building background.
I'm pretty sure that definition came about from someone seeing "mob" and, not understanding its actual background, made up one to explain it.
I also think it's rather amusing that the acronym "mob" has the word "mob" in it.
Only reason I'm being so hardcore about this is 'cause I come from a MUD building background.
add = a patrol(mob) that starts to attack you while you're already in a fight.
example; A being your group, B being the particular mob that you've pulled, C being the patrol(mob) that you are not trying to pull.
A shoots B and starts the Pull.
AB are fighting, but C's still walking towards your group.
AB...<C, you now aggro C, giving you an ADD to the fight.
EDIT: seems like I can't have too many spaces in between spaces, so I'll use dots to show distance.
FS - For Sell,
FT - For Trade,
example; A being your group, B being the particular mob that you've pulled, C being the patrol(mob) that you are not trying to pull.
A shoots B and starts the Pull.
AB are fighting, but C's still walking towards your group.
AB...<C, you now aggro C, giving you an ADD to the fight.
EDIT: seems like I can't have too many spaces in between spaces, so I'll use dots to show distance.
FS - For Sell,
FT - For Trade,
Originally Posted by Blackace
wtb-willing to buy
wts-willing to sell |
Originally Posted by Studio Ghibli
".. mob or badguy."
I'm pretty sure that definition came about from someone seeing "mob" and, not understanding its actual background, made up one to explain it. I also think it's rather amusing that the acronym "mob" has the word "mob" in it. Only reason I'm being so hardcore about this is 'cause I come from a MUD building background. |

Just was glancen at the list...
Imaginary Weapon for Mesmer... IW
Edit: Illusionary Weaponry, my bad
Imaginary Weapon for Mesmer... IW
Edit: Illusionary Weaponry, my bad
Thy Shadow Wolf
Very nice. Hopefully many people will see this fine list.
Dravic Badmoon
char = character
asc = ascalon
asc = ascalon
Originally Posted by Blackace
caller(target caller)-the person in the group who selects targets
i see searing and pre-searing alot on the forums, what are they?
Originally Posted by ekundo
i see searing and pre-searing alot on the forums, what are they?
Hope this helps (provided I'm giving the correct info lol)
Originally Posted by confessor24
If I've understood what I've read so far, I believe those terms refer to Ascalon (major starting city?) both before and after a major world (game) event that occurs roughly 10-12 hours into the gameplay? Supposedly the entire town is destroyed, and the city is known as "post-searing Ascalon" afterwards.
Hope this helps (provided I'm giving the correct info lol) |
pre-searing is the original ascalon, before the charr invasion... (The one that looks really nice lol... noob town)
post-searing is ascalon city after the charr invasion...
"mob" is frequently used to describe a single "mobile object" its a programming term that stuck in mmogs early on. I have seen it refer to both definitions: that of a single enemy or a group of enemies.
What's BWE?
beta weekend event?
Davin Kabak
In chronological order...
E3 - The E3 Electronics/Game convention, where man up and coming games are revealed and get press/public exposure.
WPE - World Preview Event
(Post-Alpha, October event that launched the BWE series of events)
BWE - Beta WeekEnd (or Beta Weekend Event)
(Purchasers of a Pre-Order package could play 1 weekend a month, while the game was nearing completion, to test gameplay and report bugs.)
Aggro also has multiple meanings, which can be used in the verbal sense as well. When you aggro (verb) it is to cause an enemy or group of enemies to go into an Aggressive behavior.
The act of -being- aggro'd, generally means you are being attacked by hostiles. This term is usually applied when one particular person is being attacked by multiple hostiles at the same time.
E3 - The E3 Electronics/Game convention, where man up and coming games are revealed and get press/public exposure.
WPE - World Preview Event
(Post-Alpha, October event that launched the BWE series of events)
BWE - Beta WeekEnd (or Beta Weekend Event)
(Purchasers of a Pre-Order package could play 1 weekend a month, while the game was nearing completion, to test gameplay and report bugs.)
Aggro also has multiple meanings, which can be used in the verbal sense as well. When you aggro (verb) it is to cause an enemy or group of enemies to go into an Aggressive behavior.
The act of -being- aggro'd, generally means you are being attacked by hostiles. This term is usually applied when one particular person is being attacked by multiple hostiles at the same time.
Master of the Death
What is 2k ?
2 thousand
OK, I don't think this is a GW term, but for the life of me I can't get this from context: what does "nerf" mean? Apart from squooshy kids' balls?
Originally Posted by deolmstead
OK, I don't think this is a GW term, but for the life of me I can't get this from context: what does "nerf" mean? Apart from squooshy kids' balls?
Originally Posted by Someone at
To diminish the power or effectiveness of... To make less potent. Originally, this was a product line of foam based toys for children. It was adopted by the online gaming community to refer to the reduction in power of a game feature for the sake of balance. This term is now seeing more widespread generic usage, usually in reference to mechanical devices, or personal powers within a business framework. antonyms: Buff(v), Spike(v) My dad totally nerfed my access to the internet. Life suxx0rz since the advent of the NetNanny! Did you hear that Henley got Nerfed?? It's probably because he handled the Parker account so poorly. |
mob is actually singular in most MMOs.
mob - a monster
mobs would be plural...
mobs - more than one monster.
Atleast this is how it is in every MMO ive played (every major MMO)
mob - a monster
mobs would be plural...
mobs - more than one monster.
Atleast this is how it is in every MMO ive played (every major MMO)
Lord Avalon
Thanks for the info, Blackace. If I may offer a couple of corrections:
Was "dias" a typo? Correct spelling is d-a-i-s.
A pommel is the knob at the end of the hilt, which is the handle of a sword.
Was "dias" a typo? Correct spelling is d-a-i-s.
A pommel is the knob at the end of the hilt, which is the handle of a sword.
ma = main assist
mt = main target
mt = main target
i thought that his list was good y do u have to give him such a hard time damn. mabey you guys should try to make a better list than his and see if you can not get any bad messages from any one
I'm pretty sure that people are trying to suggest additions, not "give him such a hard time damn."
I really like how "nerf" is apparently entering buisiness language. There's just something wrong about CEO talking like some 13 year old "hax0r" (or however you kids spell it these days).
I really like how "nerf" is apparently entering buisiness language. There's just something wrong about CEO talking like some 13 year old "hax0r" (or however you kids spell it these days).
im a noob
Aidan Gawain
Here are a couple of important ones:
Newb: A new player. Not to be confused with "Noob".
Noob: A perpetually ignorant and arrogant player. Not to be confused with "Newb".
Newb: A new player. Not to be confused with "Noob".
Noob: A perpetually ignorant and arrogant player. Not to be confused with "Newb".
Aidan Gawain
Originally Posted by handstandchamp
im a noob
whats imo?
imo = in my opinion
variant of IMHO = in my humble/honest opinion
variant of IMHO = in my humble/honest opinion