What is YOUR best skill/spell?
Sever Artery is awesome.... mmmmm making your enemy bleed
Meteor Shower. Does 300hp of damage and knocks everyone nearby down 3 times.
Doctor Anomalo
my mvp is frenzy. and it is a fun skill to use too. you can kill yourself with it if you aren't careful.
Haha - I LOVE this thread - everybody's listing different skills and this only shows how balanced everything is IMHO. =)
I like Illusionary Weaponry, Distortion, Wastrel's Worry is often underrated for its dmg-stacking purposes - Wild Blow? If some smartass thinks he can evade and use stances against me. Belly Smash, Protector's Strike - nothing like catching some fleeing monk unaware. :-P Man - there are SO FREAKING many good skills in GW - if you'd make a thread named "worst skill in GW" I wouldn't know what to post. =)
Ah! Why did everybody forget Backfire or Ether Lord?
I like Illusionary Weaponry, Distortion, Wastrel's Worry is often underrated for its dmg-stacking purposes - Wild Blow? If some smartass thinks he can evade and use stances against me. Belly Smash, Protector's Strike - nothing like catching some fleeing monk unaware. :-P Man - there are SO FREAKING many good skills in GW - if you'd make a thread named "worst skill in GW" I wouldn't know what to post. =)
Ah! Why did everybody forget Backfire or Ether Lord?
I'll pit my Shatter Enchantment against your Illusionary Weaponry, Lim. 
For me my favourites at the moment are Incendiary Arrows for my ranger and Backbreaker for my hammer warrior. IA combined with either Lightning Reflexes or Tiger's Fury is very very powerful, constant insterruption and big spike damage. As for Backbreaker, well, it knocks them down for a long time.

For me my favourites at the moment are Incendiary Arrows for my ranger and Backbreaker for my hammer warrior. IA combined with either Lightning Reflexes or Tiger's Fury is very very powerful, constant insterruption and big spike damage. As for Backbreaker, well, it knocks them down for a long time.
Rahne Sinclaire
Today I just got that Bull's Charge elite skill... it gives you a 25% movement increase and knocks over a fleeing enemy. That's gonna be tons of fun on PvP.

Still trying to figure out what makes an enemy fleeing. Sometimes I hit them when they are running away they don't get knocked down sometimes they just start running away and it works.
Rahne Sinclaire
Originally Posted by RepinsMirg
Still trying to figure out what makes an enemy fleeing. Sometimes I hit them when they are running away they don't get knocked down sometimes they just start running away and it works.
I figure it's mostly a PvP skill, and not PvE.
Favorite Spell: Obsidian Flame
It's the PERFECT finisher and it hits from a range. You can't beat it. Spammable and great in PvE too (otherwise the team can't scratch a Mursaat). I love it for when opponents in PvP think they have enough health to withstand a hit or not need healing. It's pseudo-spikish in damage.
But it's best done like this:
Required: Elemental Attunement and Earth Attunement
Enfeeble -> Stoning -> Obsidian Flame -> Stoning -> Obsidian Flame
Great fun for the whole family! Toss in an earthquake for more fun, and rend when necessary!
It's the PERFECT finisher and it hits from a range. You can't beat it. Spammable and great in PvE too (otherwise the team can't scratch a Mursaat). I love it for when opponents in PvP think they have enough health to withstand a hit or not need healing. It's pseudo-spikish in damage.
But it's best done like this:
Required: Elemental Attunement and Earth Attunement
Enfeeble -> Stoning -> Obsidian Flame -> Stoning -> Obsidian Flame
Great fun for the whole family! Toss in an earthquake for more fun, and rend when necessary!
I'd have to say Barrage ^^
Mistress Eyahl
I don't have all the skills I want yet, but I would never compramise my Endure Pain and my Firestorm. Two simple attacks. I'd never have got as far as I have with just the henchmen without them. Taking damage while I blast mobs for 3/4 of their health, makes the henchmen's job SOOO much easier. I look forward to when I can upgrade these skills to ones better
The defy pain looks good.
My Endure pain at the moment gives me 202 extra HP and my Firestorm hits for 18 each second. Plus having my atts in Fire means Flare actually can do phenomenal damage, expecially against stingers. Cast blood ritual and I can blast them forever due to the like, NANO second recharge time lol.
Oh.. and who doesnt love watchin that HP bar drop after usin' Sever Artery and Gash

My Endure pain at the moment gives me 202 extra HP and my Firestorm hits for 18 each second. Plus having my atts in Fire means Flare actually can do phenomenal damage, expecially against stingers. Cast blood ritual and I can blast them forever due to the like, NANO second recharge time lol.
Oh.. and who doesnt love watchin that HP bar drop after usin' Sever Artery and Gash

My best skills?
It REALLY depends on the situation, but in general (all elite MONK skills):
For PvE:
Word of Healing {Elite}
For PvP:
Mark of Protection {Elite}
As for my mesmer skills, I REALLY like ECHO {Elite}. Great fun skill there, and let me tell you, IF we could take more than one elite with us, this puppy would ALWAYS be on my toolbar. Many times it is anyway.
It REALLY depends on the situation, but in general (all elite MONK skills):
For PvE:
Word of Healing {Elite}
For PvP:
Mark of Protection {Elite}
As for my mesmer skills, I REALLY like ECHO {Elite}. Great fun skill there, and let me tell you, IF we could take more than one elite with us, this puppy would ALWAYS be on my toolbar. Many times it is anyway.
I would have to say Illusionary Weaponry by far on my mesmer/warrior, havnt had more fun with any single build. Its fun to do 40 dmg a swing + Flurry and they start running after seeing their health plumeting (did i spell that right?)
For the ranger I'd have to go with barrage as well, nice damage add and AoE for only 5 energy intentionally (2 with my 13 expertise) OH i cant forget probobly one of my favorites, Distracting shot! Its so fun to see an enemy try to rez then that funny little fall down animation and no rez for them
For the ranger I'd have to go with barrage as well, nice damage add and AoE for only 5 energy intentionally (2 with my 13 expertise) OH i cant forget probobly one of my favorites, Distracting shot! Its so fun to see an enemy try to rez then that funny little fall down animation and no rez for them
Final thrust!
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Best or favorite?
Best is probably my Veratas Sacrifice, a must in any minion Necro build
Favorite is probably a three way tie;
V. Sacrifice, just for its mass minion healing at a cheap price (recharge is a bitch)
Blood of the Master, an instant v.sacrifice that hits'em once when their close by. (good recharge)
Veratas Aura (I think it's the Aura). For like 4 minutes you gain control of any undead minions. I'm sorry but that's bad ass. "Oh look the other team has a necro and he's got 10 fiends" "Not for long!"
Best is probably my Veratas Sacrifice, a must in any minion Necro build
Favorite is probably a three way tie;
V. Sacrifice, just for its mass minion healing at a cheap price (recharge is a bitch)
Blood of the Master, an instant v.sacrifice that hits'em once when their close by. (good recharge)
Veratas Aura (I think it's the Aura). For like 4 minutes you gain control of any undead minions. I'm sorry but that's bad ass. "Oh look the other team has a necro and he's got 10 fiends" "Not for long!"
crushing blow because it does a rediculus amount of damage and another one worth mentioning is lightning surge

right now, i've got two
apply poison + hunter's shot + low arc bow = degen pip-o-rama (assuming it has flesh)
ignite arrow + dual shot + a mob full o thingies = alot of lil numbers across my screen
both are fun to use
apply poison + hunter's shot + low arc bow = degen pip-o-rama (assuming it has flesh)
ignite arrow + dual shot + a mob full o thingies = alot of lil numbers across my screen
both are fun to use
mmmmmmm i like oathshot at the moment goes well with my trap laying
john little
PvE: ward against melee, essential when a warrior decides he want to rush off and take loads of mobs on.
PvP: i still havent quite finished my build, i wouldn't say any one spell stands out but together they work well, like zealots fire -> balthazars aura -> spam OoH, HO at guy with aura or the fire storm, meteor shower, chaos storm combo (different build ofc) for absolute chaos.
PvP: i still havent quite finished my build, i wouldn't say any one spell stands out but together they work well, like zealots fire -> balthazars aura -> spam OoH, HO at guy with aura or the fire storm, meteor shower, chaos storm combo (different build ofc) for absolute chaos.
I cant believe no one has mentioned mist form...
Mist Form.
Mist Form.
I love mist form! 
I also love peace and harmony. Word of Healing used to be on top of my favorite elite skills list, but now it's near the bottom. :/
I also love peace and harmony. Word of Healing used to be on top of my favorite elite skills list, but now it's near the bottom. :/
My favorite is Echo. It is very usefull when you need to spam healing, or if you have the energy, pump out shutdowns.
From my Monk it reads like this:
I am using Echo!
I am using Healing Seed on Akira Kitagawa!
I am using Healing Seed on Sasku Bestslay!
Dual healing seeds, MMMmmmmmmmmmmm
From my Monk it reads like this:
I am using Echo!
I am using Healing Seed on Akira Kitagawa!
I am using Healing Seed on Sasku Bestslay!
Dual healing seeds, MMMmmmmmmmmmmm
Originally Posted by Anariel
I love mist form!
I also love peace and harmony. Word of Healing used to be on top of my favorite elite skills list, but now it's near the bottom. :/ |
I still love this skill... for PvE that is.
Old Dood
As a W/Mo I like my Executioner's Axe with Cyclone Axe and or Axe Twist.
Heal All is one of my favorite healing skills. I keep telling people to stand next to me for a SECOND and I will click that for all of us.
Heal All is one of my favorite healing skills. I keep telling people to stand next to me for a SECOND and I will click that for all of us.
Jia Xu
Well, this is a pretty hard thing to choose, but probably goes like this:
Balthazar's Spirit
Strength Of Honour
Symbol of Wrath.
Put these on any warrior build and watch their damage massively increase :P
Balthazar's Spirit
Strength Of Honour
Symbol of Wrath.
Put these on any warrior build and watch their damage massively increase :P
Irresistable blow, staggering blow, mighty blow, hammer bash, Irresistable blow.
I call it the knockout punch
I call it the knockout punch

I would rather put a Belly Smash at the end of this combo. =)
firestorm+meteor shower...lol
But almost useless in PvP - I mean - you can just walk away (unless you camp some spot =)
LoKi Foxfire
PvE only:
Barrage - rape the undead portion of UW or when farming
Throw Dirt + Protective Spirit = UW minotaur tanking... :3
I also enjoy a mixture of Symbiosis/Vital/long lasting enchantments (and maybe Fertile) for a huge HP boost. :O
Barrage - rape the undead portion of UW or when farming
Throw Dirt + Protective Spirit = UW minotaur tanking... :3
I also enjoy a mixture of Symbiosis/Vital/long lasting enchantments (and maybe Fertile) for a huge HP boost. :O
Backfire. A classic.
Inspired Hex. Just because it's so incredibly fun. "Wha, you cast conjure phantasm on me? Here, have it right back."
Also, Shield of Judgment.
Inspired Hex. Just because it's so incredibly fun. "Wha, you cast conjure phantasm on me? Here, have it right back."
Also, Shield of Judgment.

putrid explosion fo rme^^
107 damage to all targets in range, ideal for droppin hordes of dwarfs
107 damage to all targets in range, ideal for droppin hordes of dwarfs

hehe I love Stormchaser!
then, when I'm forced to get down and dirty in pvp, incendiary arrows + frenzy kicks rocks
then, when I'm forced to get down and dirty in pvp, incendiary arrows + frenzy kicks rocks

Firestorm is pretty nice, especially when the ennemies are immobile, whether pinned down or blocked by warriors at the front. Mine is currently doing 18 dmg per second and getting stronger. I often cast Chaos Storm on top of that, especially if there are casters in that area...

Nothing better than casting Meteor Shower on a group of baddies and then while they're getting constantly knocked down and massive damage per hit, run in and cast Phoenix. After that, everyone of them is dead bar none.
My absolute favorite skill definitely has to be Ether Prodigy. With this, I can cast a never-ending onslaught of Lightning spells! Gotta watch out for enchantment removal though.
Before casted, SoH, After casted, Spellbreaker.
i love Marksmens Wager, its so useful and if u have an enemy in a small spot its hard to miss, so u constantly gain energy, i hope to get Barrage soon but i need another skill point and that wont come my way for a while

Warrior's Endurance {Elite}. Just got it today.
Infinite mana. I can spam out three different 5 energy attacks without ever having to worry about mana.
Raw DPS, nothing quite like it.
Infinite mana. I can spam out three different 5 energy attacks without ever having to worry about mana.
Raw DPS, nothing quite like it.
Midnight Scorpion
I love Hex Breaker. This is the best skill ever. I play a monk, and hex breaker just gets rid of all those pesky necros and mesmers trying to use Backfire and Diversion.
I love Word of Healing. I couldnt ask for a better heal.
I love Charm Pet
I love Word of Healing. I couldnt ask for a better heal.
I love Charm Pet