I was an Mo/Me when i took down my mirror..took a few tries to get the feel of it. 9 seconds, i had breeze, ret, Smite, banish, and spell breaker (yes i had spell breaker at lvl 15).
start the fight autocasting retribution, quickly put on breeze, use smite/banish and spell breaker, then just keep breeze on you and smite/banish when energy is plentiful and hope to god you pull it off.
mirror image cant be killed
As a Monk/Mesmer I had a frustrating time at first, because my mirrors healing was better than my healing, and his domination magic kept beating the crap out of me, but when I finally solved the puzzle did he ever go down in a hurry (and did it ever feel good to kick the crap out of him)
There seem to be two schools of thought here
1 you can find a way to deal a LOT of damage in a hurry, and you and your mirror can just beesh on each other until one of you goes down (hopefully your mirror) or
2 You can outsmart your mirror. Now I'm not too bright so outsmarting my mirror took a little while, but after staring at my skill list for a while the light finally dawned the answer...... Holy Veil. This only works for Monk/ Mesmers but here's what I did.
Pump your domination magic, you can nerf any other skills you want you're not going to be using them.
Holy Veil
Hex Breaker
Spirit Shackles
Ethereal Burden
Go in with Holy Veil and Hex Breaker on
The first thing your mirror is going to try and do is backfire you. Your in a race to backfire him first wich you win easily becuase 1: you're packing hex breaker and 2: with holy veil on backfire takes him 6 SECONDS to cast. This is enormous fun to watch becuase it's 6 seconds he spends doing no damage to you and LOTS to himself. When he finallly finishes casting backfire he should be about half dead, put hex breaker back on and in no time your mirror will be spending another six seconds trying to cast a hex which is only going to damage him. This all gives you plenty of time to pound on him with your cane (or whatever), when he finally gets a hex off put hex breaker back on and your mirror will go down in no time. (took me 23 seconds)
There seem to be two schools of thought here
1 you can find a way to deal a LOT of damage in a hurry, and you and your mirror can just beesh on each other until one of you goes down (hopefully your mirror) or
2 You can outsmart your mirror. Now I'm not too bright so outsmarting my mirror took a little while, but after staring at my skill list for a while the light finally dawned the answer...... Holy Veil. This only works for Monk/ Mesmers but here's what I did.
Pump your domination magic, you can nerf any other skills you want you're not going to be using them.
Holy Veil
Hex Breaker
Spirit Shackles
Ethereal Burden
Go in with Holy Veil and Hex Breaker on
The first thing your mirror is going to try and do is backfire you. Your in a race to backfire him first wich you win easily becuase 1: you're packing hex breaker and 2: with holy veil on backfire takes him 6 SECONDS to cast. This is enormous fun to watch becuase it's 6 seconds he spends doing no damage to you and LOTS to himself. When he finallly finishes casting backfire he should be about half dead, put hex breaker back on and in no time your mirror will be spending another six seconds trying to cast a hex which is only going to damage him. This all gives you plenty of time to pound on him with your cane (or whatever), when he finally gets a hex off put hex breaker back on and your mirror will go down in no time. (took me 23 seconds)
Oh man - this post reminds me why I have chosen a Mesmer for my first character and why 1on1 in GW is virtually pointless - I mean - SHOW ME any other class that could beat a Me in 1on1. =) (A good Me that is)
Nice strategy, pal. :-D
Nice strategy, pal. :-D