The stupidity of dyes and dye mixing



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Ottawa, ON

well what they probably should do is give us all the colors to dye, and get rid of dye mixing all together. This will save some grief.

Although maybe someone at Anet thought that dye mixing was a fun idea but didnt anticipate how expensive dyes would get in this game.

Olfin Bedwere

Olfin Bedwere

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Stillwater, Oklahoma


A bit off topic but I`d like to dye my pre-ordered item. My Targe shield stays red no matter what. It shows green in the slot but red on my Hero and when equiped. Anyone else try to dye thier pre-orders?

On topic, I agree with the 1+1=2 factor.

Shifty Geezer

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

The Luckless Marauders [OOPS]


As a guild member who created a guild etc. just to play with friends, we were looking to dyes to provide a 'uniform' to go with our cloaks. It was very disappointing to see applying a dye just colours a small part of my gear. As a uniform can't really be created, dye's virtually worthless for me.

I agree with OP's views on more dye, better mixing etc. I would like to add give the dye a greater effect - the whole armour and not just a few sparse trimmings, and make a uniform colour scheme something attainable and obvious. Gives an extra aspect to work towards.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Grimsby, UK


I applied red dye to an eternal shield and nothing happened.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

European Server or International

I fully support the OP and I want to emphasize the following points-

1 - Blue dye + Yellow dye = Green dye (and two bottles of it). It DOES NOT = whatever the hell subtractive color would give us. Subtractive color is based on light not mixing liquids together. with dye's we should be using additive color mixing, there is absolutely no reason not to.

2 - 1 yellow + 1 blue = 2 green... very good point and I'm surprised that this is the first time I've seen it (or thought about it)

3 - preview is important. Yellow dye over blue armor will turn out green (see # 1) and we may not know what parts of the armor are dyable. I'd like to be able to see first what it's going to look like.

Drago Solaris

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Order Of Dragania


k you might all totaly hate this idea but wat about adding scrap cloth ud get scrap cloth for each armer and when used with a dye it changes to the colour that the armer would if mixed with the same dye but it doesnt actualy use the dye the cloth should be 1 use only tho



Join Date: Feb 2006

why the heck would i give out that personal info?

knights of the holy fire


o my goodness you need to have dye!! it makes you look wicked cool



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


do you know how hard it would be to find dye at the dye trader if they sold EVERY dye? honestly, the list would be endless.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by philwozz
o my goodness you need to have dye!! it makes you look wicked cool

useless thread and a pointless post FTL




Join Date: Dec 2005

Il Power Overwhelming Il [HaX]

Someone will make a dye mixing program someday.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


well i agree with Hanok ^^
(but have wanted this since i got my first dye bottle, then went and looked at the various shades that were available at the GuildCape bloke)

we should realy only get basic dyes (red thru purple) as drops and the rest of the colors should be from going to the DyeMerchant To get your Armour Dyed Professionaly.

getting your Armour dyed Professionaly

you talk to the DyeMaster.
he has the same interface as the GuildEmblemer for the capes
he has a box that shows the item you want dyed
he also has a button that allows yoou to add *silver* to make stuff metalic looking

so..i pop to him the day i make it from pre sear...
i still have my basic pre-sear collectors armour *ac7*
i choose to dye the top...i click the top, and it appears in the box. then i clock the color i want from the large square of them on the right..i pick magenta....i like it, but i prefer a lighter shade, so i slide the slider button below the box towards the *lighter* end, till i get a magenta style light-pink i like.
i click the request dye job quote button, and it tells me....50 gold to dye this top, this shade...

hm....i click ok....
it asks me...Are you SURE you wnat to dye this item, this shade?
i click ok again, my top is dyed my light magenta pink...

however, i now choose to make the skirt part (im using the elementalist collectors pre-sear, by the way) exactly the same shade....i dont need to do anything to the dye chart, just click the skirt part, and it comes up in the dyeing item box...
but i want something i tick the *silver* box, and my skirt becomes a light magenta pink shiny metalic looking dyed one..

again, i click the request dye job quote button, but because i have added silver says....Dye cost for this item...500 gold

ok, im skint if i do it, so i unchek the silver box and it goes back to 50 *whew*

(only the initial FIRST dye job would be one color...the seccond would *hopefully* allow me to dye the silver part of my ele outfits, so that its not *just* the colored trim that is now light-magenta pink ^^ so i would get it dyed normal magenta, or even non silverd white.....and it would cost another 50 gold per dye of a simple color like that....)

only silver dyeing to make items metalic would add price to the dye cost

mind you.....i manage *its a mirracle! ooh* to get accended with the elementalist, and i now have lots of cash and a full set of droks 15k a peice stuff now...

no matter where i am, or what town i go to, the dyemaster still charges me the same for each piece of armour in a set...

so, i want to dye my 15k pyro armour...
(assuming its AC60 like the stuff we saw in the GW:F preeview)

ooh, moma, the price to dye the normal parts of the top that usually dye now has skyrocketed
instead of costing a mere 50gp to do it, its costing more like
and if i added silver, it might even go up to a whoppping 25k...(i dont think its fair to charge 50k, the same style as the 50gp to 500gp cost fro lower armours...)

so, depending on the armour, it costs more or less....
now if yu want to dye your armour the old way when its expensive, no one would stop you lol...

see, the way i see it, most of the top 15k stuff is mainly for showing off or for its dont *need* an expensive set to play inthe lower areas, nor to wear in the non town maps when your wandering about alone, with henches or with guildies...unless your trying to impress...

so...simply dye your *utillity* armour (the suff you generaly play with) your fave way, and leave the expensive stuff till you ether have enough gold, or cant stand it anymore hehe.

i would also sugest that you could use this dyemaster to dye wepons, off hand items ect....
and even the stuff that is currently not those eternal shiled thingies


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Northern Borderguard


I have to disagree with the cheaper dye vials, with cheaper dyes everyone would run around like crazy dying and give it time it will get boring, I look forward to the day when I will dye something next, I know that I got that realy expensive dye in my stash and noone will take it from me, it's only mine to use. Like waiting in a line the first time you are about to take a ride in a new rollercoaster, you wait and you wait, then finally you take your seat and your of, then when the ride is done you have a memory for life, when you ride it again it isn't as fun as the first one because it's an old experience, like the dyes, you know what the outcome will be if you use it on a similar armor, they build a new one and you do the same procedure, wait, ride and memory. People look forward to dying their armor, or they should atleast. So if if the prices would have been ridiculously high and vey rare drops people would be happy as hell to get one while lowering the prices and making more usual drops for dyes makes people go "not another dye, nobody wants to buy them because they allready got them, they are worthless in shops and I allready went through the whole rainbow with my armor"



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


worthless? oh, you mean red to purple, which they dont buy for more that about 100gp right?

sheesh.....if its THAT worthless, just sell them to the dye trader like anything else.....if i get stuff i dont want, like runes, i SELL them, so that, although I dont want them, theres a slim chance the theres SOMEONE out there that does.....

see, i collect dyes so that once i eventually get a GOOD set of armour, i can dye it the shade want.....i sometimes buy simple blue, and im damn glad that its black and silver are way overpriced....i do like silver, but black dosent suit my necro for some reason (i am the only one i think it doesnt suit, all the rest i see seem to like it, well the males at least)

besides, some of us are not sugesting all dyes become cheap, were sugesting that we can ether..
preview what a dye will look like *on a specific piece of our armour*
to be able to get more than one dye per vial when we mix a dye
to have a store that will allow *custom* dye jobs that do not create dyes themselves, just dye the item itself and be done with it
to be able to dye more than just the original parts of the armour, so as to make them MORE individual