GWG "Phone Book"



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Pink Animal Clan


For lack of a better name and my inability to spell othe words that would fit better, this would be a listing where members of GWG could put their GWG names and their in-game GW names with maybe even a short description with what they like to do like PvE, PvP, and other stuff. I mean, we could just PM the people, but this would be so much easier. You wouldn't need to put your self in, only if you wanted to. Just an idea, what do you guys think?



Join Date: Mar 2005

The Joint :p


In-game name: Sinister Vengence

Primary/Secondary: Ranger/Necromancer

Play Style: PVE

Hope you all enjoy the game. Time for me to take my leave. Be kind to the admins folks. I likely won't see ya in game, but so what. Didn't see anyone but spooky and aria last time, and they were busy. Anyway, take care all.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Pink Animal Clan


In game name: Sapa Ari (if it says Saphmae Ari, that's most likely my sister)

Status: Lvl. 7 Elementalist/Mesmer.

I use mostly Elementalist powers. I can't remember the stats of my armor, but I got them in post-seared ascalon. I'm using fire magic due to the fact that there is still no balance in the choice in what kind of elementalist you can play until later on. I enjoy the Defend the Wall mission, the one after it, and long walks on the beach with that special someone. I'm fond of taking newbies around if they ask, though I also like to go with high levels to get futher in the story. Don't be surprised to see me running naked through the streets when I'm not in the mood for killing things. I love my cape and I'm sure my guild will have a max number of five when all is said and done because it's actually derived from a special group of my friends by the same name as our guild. If I'm any other name and I don't respond, I'm probably filming.

Style: PvE

Whosa Skylore

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

in your mean

Dragon Assassins


in game names- whosa skylore hesa skylore mr skylore S K Y L O R E

profile- well youll find me mostly playing w/mes but im trying out builds for w/mo r/mes and n/war to get ready for release (getting my builds down while i dont have to work for skills) i will be in the tombs most if not all the BWE so try and find me and whisper me if you wanna join me n' some of my guild mates (if we have room) for my w/mes i use illusion magic, thats all i can say but i will only play with team players who will listen to other teammates, so dont pm me unless your that! i cant/not allowed to tell you my skills so just know im good

style-pvp for this bwe but both in all

Ren Falconhand

Ren Falconhand

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Passed out on my Keyboard from lack of sleep from playing GW too much

The Harpers


Ren Falconhand Ranger/Monk lvl 8
Billy D warrior/Necro lvl 3
more to named later in BWE

I am currently in Post-Searing Asclaon city with Ren and Still in Pretty Ascalon with my Warrior(Billy D). Am trying to get a guild together I have about 5 or 6 members as of yet. We should get Cape and Hall in this BWE. I will be splitting my time between my to char as I would like to get all my new members in one place and some are in Pretty Ascalon and others in Post-Searing. I have only played two BWE,s and started over last march. But so far I Love PvE and can't wait to try PvP when my builds get a littly stronger.
I think to Phone book is a great idea and hope to see all of you in game.


William of Orange

William of Orange

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

La Crosse, Wisconsin

Thousand Tigers Apund Ur Head, The Consulate

In-Game for the next Beta will be Vladimir the Wise, a Level 14 Ranger/Monk.

I've mainly be doing PvE, I'd like to get through as much as the game as I possibly could before it's actually released, so William the Silent and myself are currently at The Wilds trying to find ourselves a decent group to run it with. Once I can get a hold of some good skills/hit level 20, I'll probably start to PvP more.

Once the game starts, my primary character will be named William of Orange of course

William the Silent

William the Silent

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Verona, Wisconsin

The Consulate, [Ttgr]


For the next BWE I will be running around as Josef the Supreme: lvl 13 E/Me. I've been under some serious playing time restraints so I've rushed my way to the Wilds to try to get a basic understanding of as many missions as possible. You'll probably see "vladimir" and me running around together because we've mostly stuck together through the missions so don't mind us if we start hustling you to join our party before a mission.

Anyhow, I've mainly been plowing through the missions in the BWE's but after getting to or near lvl 20 I'll probably be doing a bunch more pvp or even gvg if the rest of our guildmates can finally catch up to us.

As for the actual full-version release I will of course be going by the name William the Silent.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005


Heros of Oakhurst - Leader


Most of you will see either:

Kron of Amn a Pyromancer / Ranger lvl 10 with 9th lvl Cat as pet

Tobruk The Red Warrior / Monk Lvl 12 with nice stats and Kickass Hammer.

My Clanmates and I will mostly be roleplaying and exploring for the first several months after release.

Lansing Kai Don


Join Date: Mar 2005


Lansing Kai Don (in-game name). The other one you might see this Beta is Kith Vega (or a variation) but I doubt it.

Lansing Kai Don Lvl 9 Me/El

I'm purely PvE so far... I plan on bursting through missions to get the knowledge of terrain with Gideon Allsop, Abi Shutterbug... or anyone else who's there (friendly)and we can grab. When release comes, I plan on spending my time doing EVERY quest/side item in the game possible for my character.

Lansing Kai Don


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005


Army of Fairies


Last BWE:
Miss Bunny - lvl 10 + Ele/Mes with mostly Mes Spells. Very tiny armor

Next BWE:
Bunny Master - lvl doesn't matter, neither does class. I'll be spending most of the time in Pre-Sear Asc.

PvE 80%
PvP 20%

Most of the time I'll be walking around in Pre-Sear Asc, looking for those special grapix and just look at them for hours. Also I hope to meet a lot of ppl and help them find their way. Nothing can be more fun then have your questions answered in the first 5 minutes of playing a game. Just hoping I can help make this game have a nice community.

Those of you that like to talk about Italian food, Tolkien books (NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT MOVIE!), philosophy/theology/quantumphysics, the wonderfull world of Terry Pratchett or any other topics that might come to mind, are welcome to whisper me.

vai demine

vai demine

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Captain Teancum--lv12 war/nec currently in Lion's Arch

Started a brand new char in April's BWE, a Mo/Mes by the name of Vai Demine. 100% PvE up until now (with the exception of the "PvP" between Pre and Post-Searing Ascalon ).

Love exploring, have to get my map completely filled out (a habit from my AoE II days, when you got points for the percentage of the map explored...), and I don't worry about leveling, just let it come during the course of my game.

I've been posting as Cpt Teancum in the forums up until today, but switched to match my new (and probably permanent) char's name.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

I haven't participated on any of the BWE's yet, but I will this upcoming one.

My in game name will be Nyx or something of that sort, but it will have Nyx in it lol.

I'll probably be a Warrior/Elementalist.

I am pretty split on PvP and PvE, but the thrill of PvP is the best

Deathta Yu

Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

on a Hurricane ravaged sand bar south of Ga.

This is a good idea! Started playing in Jan. BWE. Have two builds going in "post searing" ; Magic Merry W/R @Lvl 7, and Liv Ta Die Nec/R Lvl 5. Also have two builds going in "Pre Searing"; Deathta Yu R/M @ Lvl 5 , and Walkin Death EL/M(just started). Started all characters over in March BWE. For the moment Playing PvE for the most part. Enjoy going on missions and exploring as much as I can. Willing to help any and all.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005


Storm Haven


GWG Name: Fawgre
Guild Wars Names:
Zheal the Theurgist
Jein the Altruist
Fawgre the Seraphic

I'm a diehard PvEr but PvP interests me more and more with the complex strategies involved (as opposed to D2 where it was like, alright, make this build and kill people). My ultimate goal is to explore the entire game and complete ever quest, as well as spend some quality time battling with my guild.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Seattle, Washington


lews von xanten level 13 or so
death of discworld (just left academy) lvl 7 or so
lady dragon ( pre sear ascalon ) level 3 or so
Mr. Lews ( pvp ) level 20 ( or so )



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

This should be pretty easy..

My in game name is: Darkmane

I live in the US: and so I play Central Time ' but that doesnt mean much as I am often seen playing games till odd hours of the following morning.

I am not sure what leve I ended up as but will not matter much as I am probably going to switch from my current Ele/Mezmer to try my Monk/Ele build.

I love to explore. I love to find new things items/quests. I really enjoy the missions, but I hate going on missions where NO ONE knows what to do .. LOL~

I have done the pvp a bit but I sucked only because I didnt know how to play the warrior class at all. It will come to me in time, I hope to be an excellent pvp'er and a virtual 'know it all' of exploration areas.

As I have only been in the last two BWE's I know I still have a lot to learn. But I am learning as fast as I can!

I am not currently playing any other game. Quit DAOC to play this~

I will use this as my opportunity to post how much I have enjoyed the playing this game in beta and I am so entranced by wanting to play more its kinda sick.


March Hare

March Hare

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005


Knights of Ascalon


GW Name - March Hare (easy enough)

Class - W/M (Anti-caster) Lvl - 15

I prefer PvE, but not opposed to PvP (a great way to level up) still looking for a decent Sword though - I keep finding all great hammers, but I prefer a higher defence and Sword skills - Hit 'em fast and hard

As an aside:
I've made a post Here to maybe help facilitate this type of Idea... put this information into our profile, thereby allowing us to just click on a person here to find out who they are in the game. Aladdar was going to suggest it but I think the more people when have agreeing to this the more likely they are to do it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

If you wanted my number you could have just asked for it.

In all seriousness, I think this is a great idea. Maybe even a place for us to upload our character profiles?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005


Heroes of the Horn [HoH]


First names on all my characters I haven't decided yet.Last names of all my characters will be Stormbringer.Found out during my first BWE that an NPC had the same last name! O well,I will keep it till I'm told otherwise.As far as playing is concerned,I'm into whatever I find to be fun.Exploring,missions,quests,pvp,ect...And so far GW is tons of fun



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

BC Canada

I am Kaiwyn Briarthorne, Kaiwyn Frostfire, Naima Windbourne and Naima Briarthorne.

I am a slow player, love exploring every nook and cranny, enjoying the scenery, whupping the same enemy over and over sometimes till I start feeling more confident. I seem to be having some problems maneuvering around in the game so need to get more comfortable with alternating keyboard and mouse.

I like to do all the quests from all the trainers in pre-sear before commit to a second profession because it gives me a chance to use skills from all professions, and I get to do some cool quests.

No interest in doing PvP at this time.

Have to take frequent, short breaks from the computer and that can be a drag for any team members.
I will leave one character in pre-sear because I love the scenery in there, and hopefully will be able to help other newbies out.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005


Storm Haven


Would anyone be interested in this if I turned it into a website? IE or something? Or do you think it works just within the scope of the forum?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Have played these last couple of BWEs and am starting to get more familiar with my particular builds.

Nerilika of Pern R/E 19 - PvP & PvE
Xedu of Xanth N/E 3 & Moretta of Pern Mo/Mes 4 - post-sear
and a restart Arafel Alwan W/R? for pre-sear this time around and I will need some help!

Don't mind any mission questing at all still have some left over to get done from the last BWE.

Look forward to seeing you all out there in a week or so.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Pink Animal Clan


Originally Posted by fawgre
Would anyone be interested in this if I turned it into a website? IE or something? Or do you think it works just within the scope of the forum? That would work if you wanted to do so.

Anyway, after the wipe, rather than just placing another post. Let's try to just edit our currents posts to keep this easy to navigate.

Didymus C. Corax

Didymus C. Corax

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Aithne Brannagh (celtic for Little Fire Raven Haired): Ranger only, last seen in Lion's Gate at level 13...stats are a mystery as I haven't played her since the Feb. BWE

Twin Raven (name comes from my mentor "Thomas" (the twin) and me "Bryan" (my last name, celtic, from "Bran" (raven))...a banned name on this site due to an unfortunate bit of business at my alternate IP address involving some miscreants at the school I work at flaming on the boards (total smaktards, removed from computer class for violating their internet usage agreements they signed...ALWAYS put it in writing...but I digress ): Ranger/Monk, level 14, full set of Druid armor, dead bow of 24-ish max dam (can't remember)...she never made it to Lion's Arch (dammit).

Didymus C. Corax (Latin for Twin Raven...The "C" stands for Corvus): Ranger/Elementalist (April BWE comming attraction)

Neala Oonagh (Irish: Neala:female champion Oonagh (Una, meaning "one", name of the queen of the fairies in the legend of Fionn Mac Cool)) Ranger/Warrior (A build I'm pondering)

Yeah, I spend a long time figuring out my names for characters, but then, I'm a writer and artist. When I name something that I'm gonna have to live with for a while, it has to mean something...Not that names like "Cewbaca Von Solo", "Dolomyte Stankfinger" or "Fuzzy Pickle" don't mean something to someone...I just take it too seriously (I'm a Virgo...can't help it)...You should see me try to name a painting...I have literally taken longer to name one than to paint one...poison to me...deadly decisions...What if I name it wrong? I've ruined it...damn.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Tanik Krolm - Warrior/Elementalist (last beta)
Tanik Truesight - Elementalist/Monk (2 Beta's ago)
Tanik Keogh - Ranger/Undecided (This coming BWE try this name first)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

In-game Name: Auh Deveraux

Description: Uhh... I haven't played this yet so I don't have much to go on. I'll be on this last BWE... MOST likely as a Ranger/Mesmer. I guess I'll have to figure out what I like...



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

In my house in America

Knights of the Fell Republic, (KOFR)


I currently have 4 characters: (of course this will change after full release)

Mentat Pelucidar-Mes/Rang, lvl 14, with a special bow, the best armor I could afford from Yaks Bend, and a level 12 stalker. The cat & I are "tight".

Marcus Veritas- War/Elem-Fire, Lvl 10, special sword & sheild, best affordable armor. A good tank.

Landros Baccar- Pyromancer/Ranger, Lvl 7, nothing special yet. My earliest character, but not used much in latest BWE's. Has a Moa bird.

Mal Ordeath- Nec/Rang that's lvl 10, He's got some good armor from Yak's Bend and a special long bow. He got rid of his stalker and is looking for a wolf.

I've played solely PvE up to this point, and don't see me changing that much until I get much more skilled. My two sons & I have a guild called the "Knights of the Fell Republic," but it's just for show at this point. (We like the cape) My sons like to "run & gun", but I'm much more "calculating" in my approach; they just call me "slow." When they're not around, I like to explore & quest, and would enjoy teaming up with like-minded adventurers rather than hentchies, so other real-folks can get the shared experience & drops. If chance betides, then let's join & venture together! Tally-Ho!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2005

New Mexico

I have a :

Warrior/Monk at Level 18. Ratatass Amundson for PvE
Mo/E at level 20 - for PvP. Ratatass I
Warrior/ Monk at level 20 Ratatass III
Mo/E at level 7 - Ratatass II

I will do mostly PvP in the beginning untill I get frustrated with it, but I would love to hook up for some missions either with the Level 18 or with the Level 7.

Thanks for the Thread!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

wherever the winds take me


Both my characters are Ranger primaries....

Aradesh Davion - R/Mo
Davion Carlisle - R/Ele

Nichos Katran

Nichos Katran

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Eternal Knights


Nichos Katran - Necromancer/Ranger (Lvl 15)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

Orlando, FL

Gruph Greentongue - Wa/??
Dens Leonis - ??/??
Clyph Glyph - Ra/??
Beth Flogsnort - Ne/??

Professions subject to change without notice.

Jaythen Tyradel

Jaythen Tyradel

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Jaythen Tyradel

Guild: Kryptonian Krew


That is all I have really tried out right now. Going to try out more variations next BWE.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005


here is my character profile...

name: gloria pureheart
profession: level 16 monk/elementalist
farthest town reached: maguuma stade

-i like healing/helping people
-i enjoy both pve and pvp
-i prefer playing with team players who has good manners
-i usually hang out in lions arch or ascalon city to help people with questing(and trade stuff)

Midnight Scorpion

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005



In-game: Midnight Scorpion (if allowable )

I will play a ranger, probably a ranger/monk (I havent yet participated in a BWE).

I'm up for anything, I enjoy playing with all kinds of people in PvE and PvP. Anything goes!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005


Armaio Darkfather - You can find me on the day of release April. 28th trying to figure out how to play the game along with my brother Duvis Darkfather. If you are willing to help us out, we would appreciate it. Or just say hi .. we are both in a guild so that will help. But it is still nice that community might get to know us...



Join Date: Mar 2005

New York City

Lazerous Demnivanni- Necrobow



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Cyris darkscale - Ranger/undecided - prob elemenatlist



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

In Game Name: Hiraya Manawari (12th level) E/Mo
backup healer and long distance attack specialist

Looking forward to meeting other players for FUN and ADVENTURE.....



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005


Owend Gull
L5 Monk/Warrior
Owend is a simple monk with a martial streak. He is now camping in the dusty ruins of post-searing Ascalon. Owend will be looking for a group of adventurers to join. Exploring the land and learning to heal a group are his goals. Face the enemy squarely and Owend will cover your back!

Ren Falconhand

Ren Falconhand

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Passed out on my Keyboard from lack of sleep from playing GW too much

The Harpers


Hi all, I signed the "book" but just wanted to add my new site. come check us out at:

<Shameless plug I know but…. >