My problem with seperating them is MY approach to the game... which is PvE is the "training ground" ... if we changed I would have to change my paradigm ... and who wants to do that !

Originally Posted by Lim-Dul
Exactly - I for my part would LOVE to explore new areas, see new skills, weapon types, meet new enemies. Probably there will be other playable races/professions (hooray!) I don't care for attributes, levels. I wouldn't care if there weren't ANY LEVELS at all. Everybody would have the same hps/attribute points - so what? Besides - as most of the game happens AFTER lvl 20 this is very much as it is now and I like it.
Arcanis Imperium
Originally Posted by Bezerker
I would tbh, would be nice that in every expasion that you get your lvl cap would be raised by 20.
Almost all of the content in the game and in the future Chapters is only available to Ascended characters, which means we don't have to worry about providing different levels of content. All the good stuff will be available to everyone. It's not our intent to force people onto the levelling up treadmill, so the level cap in Guild Wars is almost meaningless. |