OK a little objectivity. The display of maturity on the last few pages is embarassing, no ones got the high ground I'm afraid. Most of you sound like a bunch of spoiled pissants.
I bought, correction recieved the game as a X-mas present, so I started playing on Dec.25. I loved the game right away, got right into it, and quickly had a Ele through the game, took about a week-10 ten days to get my first character thru. Time goes on, and know I have been playing regularily(daily) for the last 3-4 mos. I have ascended a Monk, a Ranger, and am half way there with a Warrior/ranger. I noticed on the first two 'toons(Ele, and Ranger) that the high level missions used to be good for at least 1.5k to 2k, every run thru, and ussually I could count on the odd gold or purple(by high level lets say anything after the Droknars).
Well it really seems those were the good old days, and that is just SAD, Ive been playing for 3 1/2 mos. FFS. Now what do I get from those same high level missions well Im lucky to get 600g out of em(for what is usually like 40-60 minutes of play). Drops ? What are those ?
Ive done the Barrage solo farming with my ranger, I can solo the imps regularily, minos too, why bother tho, the money made is hardly worth it in my eyes !!
I read all these old threads where people talk about making big coin, and getting all these great drops, well apparentley this is the only thing that Anet pays attention too, 'cause the only thing I notice in game is that there is no more gold ?
Do they really think they are improving the game ? How so ? Really I want a developers opinion on this. How does nerfing loot make the game better for me. It doesnt, simple.
Please stop the nerfing of drops Anet, you are punishing the casual player in the most severe way, and for what,
what did I, or for that matter any of us, do that my/our drops should suffer like they do? Meanwhile the 'botters'(whatever) simply move to another area, or they just keep on going, who cares they just dont make quite as much as they used too, they jack up the price for gold on Ebay a bit, no probs all around....except for I'd venture too say about 75% of the player base who are casual players(PvE) and are having to suffer the consequences Anet punishing, or regulating a bunch of nameless faceless farmers.
Anet needs to put some serious thought into this if they are hoping to run this campaign for the next few years, I mean drops have been nerfed into non existence as is, and there is really no reason to even try to earn the cash for something like 15k armor, its just too depressing.
You can cry all you want about the not needing Godly items to compete in GuildWars but to be honest, it aint enough, too know that I can pound on a lot of monsters, and I dont need a Crystalline sword to do it, that whole argument is beside the point.
The simple point is,
I would like to have the option to be able to earn that Crystalline sword if I so desired, but given the current game dynamic, it would/will never happen. Not if I sat here and ground myself into the floor below would I ever even approach the kind of gold some items are commanding.
Like it or not Anet, the fact is that most people play for the cookie, we play for the gold in PvE sorry if this is news but it is the way it is. You are giving us crumbs while you allude that there is a cookie in the works(new trading system that will 'hopefully' improve the economy, ya right), the whole time you keep lessening the amount of crumbs you drop for us.
To sum it up, I feel disillusioned, never has it happened so quickly with a RPG type game, I mean Ive finished it three times, and Im poor, and I stand no chance of becoming even just moderatley wealthy. Pretty sad for what is essentially a really fun game, the grind for gold(even just too unlock skills), is tiresome, really tiresome, when I feel they, the company supplying the game, is fighting against me at every turn. Please stop before you lose a shitload of customers.
PS: sorry for my crappy writing, trying to make sense, without droning on, but I aint Hemingway....