Main Entry: idiot sa·vant
Pronunciation: 'E-"dyO-sä-'vän; 'id-E-&t-s&-'vänt, -'vant
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural idiots savants /-"dyO-sä-'vän(z); -&ts-s&-'vänt(s), -'vant(s)/ or idiot savants
: a mentally retarded person who exhibits exceptional skill or brilliance in some limited field (as mathematics or music)
The name is the colorful literary term for someone with autism, a mental handicap. And you think its a compliment to call someone that?
I'm not saying anything is wrong with that as a guild name, however, under the same ruling there should be nothing wrong with We Tod Id as well. Anyone you tries to use semantics to say otherwise is being hypocritical.
originally posted by inde We don't ban for jollies. Locked. |