Stupid Guild Wars Tricks!
Hey guys, the game has been out a while, and I know that I've done quite a few stupid things since I have been playing and I'm sure you all have too! So let's share some laughs and cries. I'll start out.
-I sold a superior vigor rune the first couple weeks the game was out for 18k only to have them skyrocket shortly after to 100k+
-back when furs where worth something, I farmed them all night, only to sell my stack of 10 when i was selling the other drops.
-and my most recent one, I spent 22k on a weapon then proceded to customize it for the wrong character!
Let's hear yours, there's bound to be some really good ones out there.
-I sold a superior vigor rune the first couple weeks the game was out for 18k only to have them skyrocket shortly after to 100k+
-back when furs where worth something, I farmed them all night, only to sell my stack of 10 when i was selling the other drops.
-and my most recent one, I spent 22k on a weapon then proceded to customize it for the wrong character!
Let's hear yours, there's bound to be some really good ones out there.
First week of the game, I sold a superior vigor for 16,800g I still feel rotten about that.
Yesterday I unlocked a sup vigor for the 2nd time, I feel bad for that since others in my guild have yet to unlock it.
...proceeded to sell that for only 75k because I was impatient.
And then, I went into Fissure of woe on my monk with a full inventory... T.T
Yesterday I unlocked a sup vigor for the 2nd time, I feel bad for that since others in my guild have yet to unlock it.
...proceeded to sell that for only 75k because I was impatient.
And then, I went into Fissure of woe on my monk with a full inventory... T.T
Looted a yellow beastmaster's harness and 10 minutes later used a general salvage kit on it by mistake while trying to salvage some dwarven armor to make some the middle of fighting a mob.
I'm notorious for finally getting good weapons and then accidentally selling them >.< It happens all the time.
I keep selling my kits by mistake. Must have cost me about 10K bij now.
Like a lot of new players I wasted dye on pre-Searing armour because I only thought it was worth the advertised price of 1G...
I'm also forever buying stuff I don't need from traders because I double-click where I should just be clicking. It's way to easy to buy/sell stuff you don't want with the interface the way it is.
I'm also forever buying stuff I don't need from traders because I double-click where I should just be clicking. It's way to easy to buy/sell stuff you don't want with the interface the way it is.
Bought a superior marksmanship rune for many thousands and literally five minutes later...i unlocked one from a monster
Went on an adventure with some people i picked up. Luckily my healing was up to scratch because i forgot the resurrect!!

Went on an adventure with some people i picked up. Luckily my healing was up to scratch because i forgot the resurrect!!
dyed my presearing armor black lmao.
Old Dood
Well the stoopid stuff I have done is when in a middle of a nasty battle I go to hit my Healing Breeze and realize that I moved it to another spot. I end up clicking on something else that does me NO good and waste my "Blue Juice". Then I end up dying. Or I hit the T key in a melee battle and notice that I am just standing there because for some reason you have to hammer on the darn T key to get it to work. Nothing worst then having a warrior just standing there when there is work to be done. 
EDIT: Speaking of Chat boxes, that reminds me. In a battle wondering WHY I am not doing anything. I realize that my chat box is open and All I see is this: / / / / / / / / / / *sigh* Man that realy irritates me to no end.
EDIT: Speaking of Chat boxes, that reminds me. In a battle wondering WHY I am not doing anything. I realize that my chat box is open and All I see is this: / / / / / / / / / / *sigh* Man that realy irritates me to no end.
Chev of Hardass
Start typing in the chat box after a battle, only to find that my character is running into a mass of red dots.
Stupid chat box flaws.
Can't type fast enough to say what happened, thankfully we survived and then everyone had a chance to call me an idiot, while I tired to explain.
Stupid chat box flaws.
Can't type fast enough to say what happened, thankfully we survived and then everyone had a chance to call me an idiot, while I tired to explain.
well Im still kicking myself for this one but I sold a max dmg storm bow with mods to a merchant by accident right after I got it from underworld *sigh* now I pay attention to what Im selling haha.
Originally Posted by Old Warrior Dood
EDIT: Speaking of Chat boxes, that reminds me. In a battle wondering WHY I am not doing anything. I realize that my chat box is open and All I see is this: / / / / / / / / / / *sigh* Man that realy irritates me to no end.
Its usually when I am trying to give instructions to the people in my PUG, and one decides he wants to run away and attack something and need healing. heh.
I've also sold rune armor by accident, used the regular salvage kits on them.
Deleted the wrong character....My PvP monk looks almost identical to what my PvE monk looked like. I was in a hurry to remake a character for a GvG match and apparently did not realize even when I typed in the RP character's name. She was lvl 17, runed out, new armor, my dye mule (about 9 assorted dyes gone), with an excellent max dmg purple staff.
i had a Gold Max Damage Longsword +15% While Health is above 50%, with a 20% Chance for Swordsmanship +1.
i sold it for 100k so i could get a superior vigor.
i am not one of those people who think "oh man i could have gotten 200k if i pushed".
what i really should have done was customized it
i sold it for 100k so i could get a superior vigor.
i am not one of those people who think "oh man i could have gotten 200k if i pushed".
what i really should have done was customized it

talked to my guild while trying to talk to my team. Stuff like "NO DON'T KILL THEM we won't get the bonus / you idiots where are you going?"... yeah, that was good, we all died.
Originally Posted by ihmurria
talked to my guild while trying to talk to my team. Stuff like "NO DON'T KILL THEM we won't get the bonus / you idiots where are you going?"... yeah, that was good, we all died.
I dunno if this is technicly a trick by GW, but i was at the end of the riverside mission with my warrior and halfway through the ending cut scene just as the sword was about to go behind the shield, Err=7...NOOOOOOO, i did get to Sactum Cay but it said i hadent done Riverside, so i had to do it again.
And iv done the old clicked to much when selling and sold my max dmg firey longbow of fortitude.
And iv done the old clicked to much when selling and sold my max dmg firey longbow of fortitude.
Sandman Uk
Biggest blunder I did was lock myself in the European servers in the first day of release. I was pre order so had mine on the Thursday a day before. Severs were empty so was changing between servers as fast as possible and BANG without realising there was a 5 move rule got locked in Euro Disney. My Guild was in America (old friends from Enemy Territory) And I was forced to Quit the guild due to the problems with teaming up

Sometimes reading the manual before playing is handy
What else did I have to do waiting till 3am for the pre-access?

Torn Noxec
i sold my black dye for 1k after that seeing its worth 4k
getting into bad groups
never get drops
i sold my black dye for 1k after that seeing its worth 4k
getting into bad groups
never get drops
Originally Posted by Sandman Uk
Biggest blunder I did was lock myself in the European servers in the first day of release. I was pre order so had mine on the Thursday a day before. Severs were empty so was changing between servers as fast as possible and BANG without realising there was a 5 move rule got locked in Euro Disney. My Guild was in America (old friends from Enemy Territory) And I was forced to Quit the guild due to the problems with teaming up
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I haven't really experienced anything major... hm. I bought a major insp. rune because I thought I could use it although I was a necro. Didn't lose much money though. Then I've sold things I didn't mean to (didn't even know what I sold).
One thing that bugs my mind is the issue with dyeing the scarr in necromancers face. Green doesn't give green, I can tell you that. Neither did numerous other dyes I tried!
Biggest mistake ever:
I felt happy so what do i do
yes i take gwen with me (stupid)
Then after a while, i get stuck between some kind of bush and Gwen!
And that innoying thing wont move out of the way
so i had to start all over again
(and i also have done all the things above)
I felt happy so what do i do
yes i take gwen with me (stupid)
Then after a while, i get stuck between some kind of bush and Gwen!
And that innoying thing wont move out of the way
so i had to start all over again
(and i also have done all the things above)
When I first started playing in pre-searing I was selling all items that I didn't need. After that ran out to kill some monsters and realized that I was punching them in the face, had sold my only good sword!
Had to use a bow for a little bit. Now I always keep my equiped items in my belt pouch and the first thing I do before I start selling is un-check the belt pouch for trading. Live and learn

you punch enemys if you dont have a weapon equiped??
wow i really want to see that
wow i really want to see that
Hell Marauder
Second week of the game, I salvages a dragon sword for its fiery hilt for my fellbalde. It was considered stupid then, but now, I'm not sure. 
And once thirty minutes into a mission, got trapped between my pet and a statue, with henchmen all around me, so I can't move and have to restart mission naturally.
And once thirty minutes into a mission, got trapped between my pet and a statue, with henchmen all around me, so I can't move and have to restart mission naturally.
also have done that more then once
(with more then once i mean like a 100 times)
also did something very stupid with runes
i had like 4 blue items, so i identifie
and all 4 are runes
so i use my normal salvage and what happens ......
yeah i only get bolts of cloth(because i used the normal salvage and not the expert)
(with more then once i mean like a 100 times)
also did something very stupid with runes
i had like 4 blue items, so i identifie
and all 4 are runes
so i use my normal salvage and what happens ......
yeah i only get bolts of cloth(because i used the normal salvage and not the expert)
Algren Cole
lol I was so excited about my max damage purple bow that I used a salvage kit on it instead of an identifying kit....atleast I got 13 wood planks

Dropped a Superior Sword Rune in before i upgraded my armor
now i live with a crappy (infused) chest piece
Learned my lession in bad talking and using the chat box correctly.
was getting pissed at a group and thought i'd tell my freind about it. well... ya, i typed it in the wrong box. (more than 1 line)
i was hated the rest of that mission.
And the best one ever. I totally blame this on guild wars. Playing casually in PvP as a monk while we wait for the opposing group to approach. I'm leaning back on my chair when the leg breaks out on me. Not only did my headphones come unplugged but the stupid roll-out table that the keyboard sits on came down with me pulling the keyboard and the mouse out of my putty. This left me with no way of communicating while i fished the cords to the back of my putty and plugged them in. By this time the other healer and i were dead, and the main warrior was dancing in the middle of lightning.
Learned my lession in bad talking and using the chat box correctly.

And the best one ever. I totally blame this on guild wars. Playing casually in PvP as a monk while we wait for the opposing group to approach. I'm leaning back on my chair when the leg breaks out on me. Not only did my headphones come unplugged but the stupid roll-out table that the keyboard sits on came down with me pulling the keyboard and the mouse out of my putty. This left me with no way of communicating while i fished the cords to the back of my putty and plugged them in. By this time the other healer and i were dead, and the main warrior was dancing in the middle of lightning.
Nicro Mancer
Originally Posted by kaya
And the best one ever. I totally blame this on guild wars. Playing casually in PvP as a monk while we wait for the opposing group to approach. I'm leaning back on my chair when the leg breaks out on me. Not only did my headphones come unplugged but the stupid roll-out table that the keyboard sits on came down with me pulling the keyboard and the mouse out of my putty. This left me with no way of communicating while i fished the cords to the back of my putty and plugged them in. By this time the other healer and i were dead, and the main warrior was dancing in the middle of lightning.
I've been lucky so far. I accidently salvaged the gauntlets I just got from the Amnoon Oasis collector instead of my old crappy set. I didn't have another set of 5 collector items, but luckily I had another 5 that another collector took for gauntlets and only wasted a set of 5 collector items.
Later I ended up ditching those in favor of those Stonefist gauntlets with extended knockdown anyway, wasting a set of 10 collector items.
Later I ended up ditching those in favor of those Stonefist gauntlets with extended knockdown anyway, wasting a set of 10 collector items.
Miss Puddles
typing furiously, "no no dont kill that guy!!" to a PUG only to have 10 different boxes pop up on the screen cause i didn't hit enter first...of course by the time i closed the windows we were all dead >.<
Got collector armor from desert area. Forgot the equip it. Sold it to merchant thinking it was my older set of armor.
During the beta weekend, Instead of salvaging raw materials, i looked long and hard for pieces of wood planks to randomly drop from oh... around every other 50 monsters. Other than that, i declare my perfection [/arrogance]
Bingley Joe
Originally Posted by Elythor
Got collector armor from desert area. Forgot the equip it. Sold it to merchant thinking it was my older set of armor.
deleting a pvp only character with 2 sigils on it. not a big deal but it hurts the pocketbook.
buying the armor at Quarell fall, .. clicked a few time cuz was lag and no response... end up bought 3 elementist glove of the same, it's all customized so i can't resell it for half price... ... .. good thing is 400gp only.. i would cry if it were the 15k one! (oh! look i got 3 15k glove that is customized to me! woohoo... *cry*)
Well, we've all had that problem where we double click the vendor and accidently get stuck with a dye remover...
...Try that with the new dwarven merchants charging 1 plat for a dwarven ale...
...Try that with the new dwarven merchants charging 1 plat for a dwarven ale...
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
lol I was so excited about my max damage purple bow that I used a salvage kit on it instead of an identifying kit....atleast I got 13 wood planks
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Ohhh... that's rough...

I HATE the chat window, at least ten times a night I'll be trying to go somewhere or fight something, or try to run away, only to stand there like a lump and die.
Meanwhile, my guildies are like WTF? when they see "sssssssssssdddddddd12111111111111111111111" appear in the guild chat window.
I keep doing stupid stuff like seeing someone sell something for what I think is cheap (like 750 gold), buying it, then realising I can't or don't want to use it, and then I try to sell it again, and get 200 gold for it if I'm lucky. I'm not a salesman...

I allowed some total stranger to give me a Superior Vigor rune for free cause he had 2 of them and couldn't use the other, he was level 13 and a teammate on a really good PUG... I had no idea they were worth SO MUCH!!! But he said here, can you use this? Anyways, thanks guy!
A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere!
A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere!
I'm a Mo/Me20, and my most HATED thing is the blasted Alt+Tab!!!!
In my PvP group, I'm the target caller and I setup who to attack and cast Aegis before the first clash.
So the doors go up and we start after the other team.... I hit CTRL and ALT to get a feel for who is where...
Hit TAB to start jumping finding a good target (while forgetting to let go of ALT)... why hello desktop!
Meanwhile, I can hear swords clashing, people chattering on teamspeak... as my SLOW computer decides to put me back into the fight around the 3rd or 4th death.
Also... death to the WINDOWS key in between the CTRL and ALT
In my PvP group, I'm the target caller and I setup who to attack and cast Aegis before the first clash.
So the doors go up and we start after the other team.... I hit CTRL and ALT to get a feel for who is where...
Hit TAB to start jumping finding a good target (while forgetting to let go of ALT)... why hello desktop!
Meanwhile, I can hear swords clashing, people chattering on teamspeak... as my SLOW computer decides to put me back into the fight around the 3rd or 4th death.
Also... death to the WINDOWS key in between the CTRL and ALT