Patch created a pretty bad exploit....
Dumachum not going to elaborate on what it was but it made it possible to earn 200-300 skill points an hour for those in the know. It's been reported though so if anyone has been using it they wont pretty soon =p.
Really Anet needs to think some of their "resolutions" through before they patch them in. This was a pretty big forehead slapper of a trick too.
Really Anet needs to think some of their "resolutions" through before they patch them in. This was a pretty big forehead slapper of a trick too.
Tell us!
I could and all the "competetive PvP'ers" would immediately go mass abuse it. It's right there glaring at you in the patch notes for anyone to discover.
Angels Touch
MM I can think of one way without to much difficulty. I am sure it wouldn’t take much to figure it out if you kept up to date on the changes in the patch.
As I like PvE more than PvP at this time I am not concerned about the skill points. Though I may try my theory out tonight after work.
As I like PvE more than PvP at this time I am not concerned about the skill points. Though I may try my theory out tonight after work.
Originally Posted by Dumachum
I could and all the "competetive PvP'ers" would immediately go mass abuse it. It's right there glaring at you in the patch notes for anyone to discover.

Reiden Argrock
well, I may know of what your talking about and if you are, hehe, I already tried it and it didn't work, it only got me one full xp bar, didn't work anymore after that. I think it's to accomodate those players who missed out on it, But I do believe it only works once, so unless you've already abused it, I don't know how you would know...different than I, anyway...
I didn't mean to, I swear, just wanted a few more skill points
, don't flame me pls...
and it didn't work either
which i'm glad, cause what they said in the patch worried me...
I didn't mean to, I swear, just wanted a few more skill points

and it didn't work either

Can you re-ascend?
Originally Posted by Reiden Argrock
well, I may know of what your talking about and if you are, hehe, I already tried it and it didn't work, it only got me one full xp bar, didn't work anymore after that. I think it's to accomodate those players who missed out on it, But I do believe it only works once, so unless you've already abused it, I don't know how you would know...different than I, anyway...
I didn't mean to, I swear, just wanted a few more skill points ![]() and it didn't work either ![]() |
If we are talking about the same thing then yes it does work. Endlessly unless you mes sit up. but I couldn;t verify anyhtign now as alas "I messed up" trying to get a screenshot of it for the report.
Does it involve those new 3x XP scrolls?
No, it doesn't.
Red Locust
If it involves killing something with your char. who has a ton of experience in order to retroactively gain the skill points you've missed out on cause of the skill exp. cap, that's not an exploit. (damn that was a long-winded sentence)
You'd have about 10,000,000 gold if you told the right people how to do it, heh.
Originally Posted by Red Locust
If it involves killing something with your char. who has a ton of experience in order to retroactively gain the skill points you've missed out on cause of the skill exp. cap, that's not an exploit. (damn that was a long-winded sentence)
Nope this was done with a level 18 character.

Well, if you did spread it, then all the pvpers who are complaining of the grind will be happy, and we won't have any more complaining =)
Evan The Cursed
Originally Posted by Eclair
Well, if you did spread it, then all the pvpers who are complaining of the grind will be happy, and we won't have any more complaining =)
You should tell it to everybody, then there would be no imbalance 'cuz everybody'd be doing it. Heh.
I must be pretty thick-headed. I just read through the notes again and didn't see it. Not that it matters for me anyway probably, since I'm only lvl 10, but still.
I must be pretty thick-headed. I just read through the notes again and didn't see it. Not that it matters for me anyway probably, since I'm only lvl 10, but still.
Originally Posted by Evan The Cursed
Damn right.
You should tell it to everybody, then there would be no imbalance 'cuz everybody'd be doing it. Heh. |

Originally Posted by Sekkira
I was about to post nearly the same thing, and just as I was going to hit submit I thought to myself "man, that would be about the most useless post I have ever made." And then I deleted it. Oh well, at least somoene posted that wonderful resource.
Slade xTekno
If you are not going to tell the community, at least send a PM to Gaile about it.
Let me guess. You get the 50K exp reward every time you kill your mirror.
Red Locust
That 50k exp only works once. Naturally I tried it as soon as the patch came out and no dice :\
I don't see any other possible way of getting 200 skill points in an hour.
I don't see any other possible way of getting 200 skill points in an hour.
Talesin Darkbriar
Originally Posted by Dumachum not going to elaborate on what it was but it made it possible to earn 200-300 skill points an hour for those in the know. It's been reported though so if anyone has been using it they wont pretty soon =p.
Really Anet needs to think some of their "resolutions" through before they patch them in. This was a pretty big forehead slapper of a trick too. |
. . .
I see.

P.S.: If you want to see what a real "resolution debacle" looks like, go play EQ2 for a few weeks. Everytime they say "Patch" 10% of their population cancels their accounts.
Originally Posted by Red Locust
That 50k exp only works once. Naturally I tried it as soon as the patch came out and no dice :\
I don't see any other possible way of getting 200 skill points in an hour. |
Are you suuuuuuuuure?
Red Locust
Am I sure about the 50K exp only awarded once? Pretty damn sure.
Reiden Argrock
hehe, well, since it's out there, this is what I was talking about, i tried multiple times with a lvl 20 and it only filled my xp bar once, after that, no more xp except the 100 for actually killing the doppleganger, no 50k xp for anything else
There must be some way to 'trick' it into thinking you didn't get the 50k. Or else this whole thing is a hoax.
blood raven
Dumachum did you even try it before posting it here or were you just guessing it?
lol ^_^
Dumachum did you even try it before posting it here or were you just guessing it?
lol ^_^
Reiden Argrock
hehe, I think it's a hoax, because it's only worked once, and I guess that's because I ascended after lvl 20 and didn't get any xp for beating him then.
Since you already put it out there. Yes, it involves the Doppleganger and yes there is a way to repeat the 50000exp bonus. But no I am not saying exactly how to do it. Most people can't do it anyway. And Yes, it has been reported to ANet and hopefully fixed soon.
Red Locust
It's probably something like exiting out of the game right after you get the exp or something, either way I'm not in the mood to go through the entire game again just to find out they fixed it.
Reiden Argrock
well, you did say you did it with your lvl 18, so it must not be possible for a lvl 20 to do it, so I don't understand why all those pvp'ers would rush to do it, since their all lvl 20.
Did you ever stop to think it was intential, since 50k exp won't get a level 3 character automatically ascended to level 20(and I know, you were level 18, that's beside the point).
A level 20 COULD do it. I did it at 18 by accident then intentionally recreated it at 20 to confirm it was a bug.
You could only do it if you were elligible to receive the 50k XP from the mission. I'm guess that if you already ascended, but did it pre-20, you wouldn't be eligible for the 50k, because you already received some form of XP bonus and the game 'knows' it.
It probably involves either disconnecting yourself from the server after you get the 50k, or killing the app... IIRC, you get the bonus in the cutscene, and there's nothing you can do between the cutscene and your transference to Dragon's Lair. But I could be wrong... I ascended several weeks ago, and only did it once.
It probably involves either disconnecting yourself from the server after you get the 50k, or killing the app... IIRC, you get the bonus in the cutscene, and there's nothing you can do between the cutscene and your transference to Dragon's Lair. But I could be wrong... I ascended several weeks ago, and only did it once.
Red Locust
Originally Posted by Dumachum
A level 20 COULD do it. I did it at 18 by accident then intentionally recreated it at 20 to confirm it was a bug.
Reiden Argrock
an intentional 50k xp that can be earned over and over? I really don't think they would put something like that in the game, and I don't think it's happening anyway, cause I tried it after patch, and it didn't work.
Ascended characters can't do it. And no it doesn't involve forced disconnects. If you are the right class/s and have the right skill equiped it is TOO easy to recreate. Otherwise it can be pretty tough.
You should have thouroughly tested it, and not assumed ANet's incompetence...I will try it, although I am fairly sure there is no exploit. Otherwise, more would know about it