GW already dying off?
koreans are fanatical gamers, its common knowledge,they have pay tv channels which show replays of games, they have one of the highest broabband connections per house in the major cites world wide im sure, and they are ****in pro at it, they play there games all day every day. iv just started doing tombs and its a bitch, i need to get a into a serious guild with ts or vent so i can do hoh and do it well. any guilds out there who do hoh alot that get results and that are recruiting drop me a line, would be glad to join ^^
Like they said earlier, join a guild. If you're in a decent one with enough people, you can always get a good group together quite quickly.
A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere!
A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere!
Originally Posted by Shadowdaemon
i can tell people are playing less lately just from my guild members, it used to be about 30 of the 50 were on at all times, lately its more like 5-10 of em
also, koreans arent any better than anyone else, you people are just racists |
I have not seen one racist comment. Not one. Just because someone mentions the Koreans, and the fact it is so tough to beat them has nothing to do with racism. Before you start calling out others on issues of race, creed, color, nationality etc. you better make [email protected] sure you know what the he11 you are talking about! Sorry to flame all, but it is downright rude for someone to call others racists without any merit.
the popular guild wars will come back, all games have a shining start then you love it so you play it to death then you dont wanna look at it. You play other stuff then go back and play the game you like the most. BF2 just came out and ppl have waited a long time for that (does anyone else play the song from TOP GUN "highway to the danger zone" when you fly off the aircraft carrier?
though i crash in 30 sec.
A Free on-line game will always come back, i am sure this happened with EQ and WoW.

A Free on-line game will always come back, i am sure this happened with EQ and WoW.
One factor may be the change in the European Districts. A lot of Europe based English speaking players chose the US districts at launch and it is possible a large number have moved from the US districts to the European ones since the change was made.
It is also natural for the numbers playing a game to drop off after the first two months and I suspect we’ll see some more drop off over the next month followed by a further drop off when the next big MMORPG comes on line (D&D online I think is the next one).
Play will also be much more evenly distributed across the map as well. In the first weeks a lot of players will have progressed at a similar rate as they completed the missions before Ascending. This will now have evened out as the different playing pace takes effect.
Overall, in terms of long term survivability nothing to get worried about yet. The key is how many people leave to go to other MMORPGS when released and how many come back for the first expansion. And we won’t know that until next year.
It is also natural for the numbers playing a game to drop off after the first two months and I suspect we’ll see some more drop off over the next month followed by a further drop off when the next big MMORPG comes on line (D&D online I think is the next one).
Play will also be much more evenly distributed across the map as well. In the first weeks a lot of players will have progressed at a similar rate as they completed the missions before Ascending. This will now have evened out as the different playing pace takes effect.
Overall, in terms of long term survivability nothing to get worried about yet. The key is how many people leave to go to other MMORPGS when released and how many come back for the first expansion. And we won’t know that until next year.
moved to riverside.
please refrain from region bashing. kthxbye
please refrain from region bashing. kthxbye
Swarnt Brightstar
Quite frankly Bill Gates is hiring asian people to work in his company over americans. Do you want to know why! because the americans-yes I'm american-are LAZY(also cause we dont have a good enough education)-yes I am-Koreans have always been blue-just a hunch-since the korean war (I think it's the vietnam cant remember been playin to much GW)so they worked alot harder than us. Same thing when teh mahogany-americans were free. they worked one helluva lot harder than we did.
Ignoring all other issues, I'd have to say one of the reasons Europe doesn't win favour as much as America and Korea is that Europe is made up of multiple districts with multiple languages, and native Italians/French/Germans/Spanish tend to stick to their own regions. This means the large group of skilled players we have is split between the regions and often never the twain shall meet, whereas American and Korean skilled players all play in the same districts. This makes it more likely for them to meet up and team up. The language barrier, unfortunatly, segregates the European community.
anyways i've been to HoH about 6 times now (with my PvE character no less). came real close to winning a couple of times, only to get completely owned by AoE in the center. XD
it all depends on the group you've got. oh, and TS/Vent are completely overrated. they're right about "yanks" blaming other people, because that's all that ever freaking happens on TS:
etc. in fact i refuse to play with groups that use TS/Vent anymore for this exact reason. the only thing they use it for is to bitch each other out.
it all depends on the group you've got. oh, and TS/Vent are completely overrated. they're right about "yanks" blaming other people, because that's all that ever freaking happens on TS:
etc. in fact i refuse to play with groups that use TS/Vent anymore for this exact reason. the only thing they use it for is to bitch each other out.
All of europe should learn english then.
Numa Pompilius
Of course there's fewer people playing, for several reasons.
Firstly, the beta players - and there's tons of them - are starting to tire now, having played GW for perhaps six months or so by now, ascended a bunch of times, and having unlocked everything there is to unlock. Those who got the game at release probably still haven't burned out on it.
Secondly, the lack of monthly fee actually makes it easier to stop playing. There's one less barrier.
Thirdly, and here's the biggie: summer's started. The number of players (and people coming to this site, or doing anything internet-related) will continue to drop, until they return in august-september. It's the same every summer, with online gaming going on the back burner.
Of course there's fewer people playing, for several reasons.
Firstly, the beta players - and there's tons of them - are starting to tire now, having played GW for perhaps six months or so by now, ascended a bunch of times, and having unlocked everything there is to unlock. Those who got the game at release probably still haven't burned out on it.
Secondly, the lack of monthly fee actually makes it easier to stop playing. There's one less barrier.
Thirdly, and here's the biggie: summer's started. The number of players (and people coming to this site, or doing anything internet-related) will continue to drop, until they return in august-september. It's the same every summer, with online gaming going on the back burner.
One factor that makes the game frustrating is trying to buy things from people ingame....I currently was just trying to buy a 19-35 hammer with +15% dmg while hp is above 50..only to have two people selling them for 150k.
...I could probably find one before I ever reached that ammount of money..
*Sigh* The economy of GuildWars reminds me of Ragnarok..
...I could probably find one before I ever reached that ammount of money..
*Sigh* The economy of GuildWars reminds me of Ragnarok..
Originally Posted by hassoon
Koreans per se are not smarter than us.They are much better educated,and much more focused.You won't likely see the korean PvP crowd screaming for instant gratification,IE no work gimme everything for nothing that will be the Amarican side.Also their technology broadband wise is far superior.
You do know that the worlds best school system is in finland? the soft, reasonable, no grind, left-wing mentality without pressure to be good, produced the best results worldwide. Japan with its nearly unbearable, close to suicide pressure "to be good" was close though.
*on topic: before the "update" i was sure that GW is dying, at least the competitive pvp part. Now everything can change for the better. The announced system still sounds like stupid and unnecessary grind, but it has given hope to the pvp players, and that is all that matters.
Kaylee Ann
Wow, just wow..... This thread cracks me up. The uber leet technologically advanced cheating Koreans will kill us all!! LMAO...
Maybe if you all tried something besides "FORMING HOH GROUP, NEED 4 AIR ELEMS AND 3 MONKS!!!!" you wouldn't get your asses handed to you by the Koreans all the time.
Oh yeah, and the reason your 'effects' don't work is because the Koreans can do with 6 or 7 spells/skills per person whereas you schmucks can barely do with 8. Every one of them brings a rez, the monks actually use elites besides word and spell breaker, and they bring along tons of hex and condition removal.
But yeah, keep blaming it on everything under the sun. The truth and reality in the matter is you just suck, and are getting outplayed by the Koreans.
Maybe if you all tried something besides "FORMING HOH GROUP, NEED 4 AIR ELEMS AND 3 MONKS!!!!" you wouldn't get your asses handed to you by the Koreans all the time.
Oh yeah, and the reason your 'effects' don't work is because the Koreans can do with 6 or 7 spells/skills per person whereas you schmucks can barely do with 8. Every one of them brings a rez, the monks actually use elites besides word and spell breaker, and they bring along tons of hex and condition removal.
But yeah, keep blaming it on everything under the sun. The truth and reality in the matter is you just suck, and are getting outplayed by the Koreans.
Yes, GW is indeed dying because the game gets boring after a week of play. From my own point of view the game gets boring once you've reached level 20 and beat the game. At this point I don't really feel like grinding for skills/items, or starting new characters because the quests are just plain boring and take up way too much time. I'd rather be out there playing PVP, but the problem is that I don't have all the skills unlocked so I can't make the builds that I want, which brings me back to the grinding point - something I do not want to do because it gets even more boring. I haven't played GW for two or three weeks now. Instead I'm playing BF2 and hoping that next week's patch will make it easy to unlock skills and upgrades. Otherwise I'm quitting the game for good. Right now I feel like I could have spent the $50 I paid for this game on something that would be more useful to me.
As for the racism in this post - Korea isn't a race. Asian is considered a race. I think the terms you guys are looking for are "prejudist/prejudice" and "stereotype".
As for the racism in this post - Korea isn't a race. Asian is considered a race. I think the terms you guys are looking for are "prejudist/prejudice" and "stereotype".

Well the problem with teams(HoH in particular), is that it is TS/Vent or get the F***** OUT!!! I would love to play for the hell of it, but my mic refuses to work on this PC 
But yes, I have noticed it has become a bit harder to get a group :/

But yes, I have noticed it has become a bit harder to get a group :/
Originally Posted by Zaxon
I have noticed over last few days to week less & less people around, if I had to make a guess % I would say 20-30% less people about.
I am based in Australia so yes my play time is usually USA bed time, but I have played since GW was release world wide, and that was like 2 months ago and just this last week ive noticed alot less people about. I only have 1 assumption for why this is, Tombs mission, its VERY HARD to get a group that can survive the first round let alone get all the way through, and everyday you don't make it ELITE teams are getting better. I was in a almost perfect group made it through all the challenges and was 1 challenge away from getting to HoH, soon as the map started and other team names poped up - we saw Sissy Boys as one of the oposition, first thought from everyone was they will win we will lose. Well we didnt ever get to see em some asian group killed us real quick. Which was weird as we killed alloposition upto that point pretty fast and easy, and to be killed so fast in final challenge was so depressing. SO unless you in a guild group who know each others strengths & weakness's and unless yoru team is perfectly setup ie (smite group - or shutdown group) you havent got a chance. I have been trying to get to HoH from Tombs since week one of GW and never have made it, I have made 3 lvl 20's now my main now is a healing monk, and I do a real good job but still never have made it. Thats why I think people are either leaving or playing far less, because you don't stand a chance in Tombs - I can't even begin to contemplate how hard HoH is if Tombs is so hard to get through. |
Guild Wars needs a match making service. PUG groups and such should not have to face off against quality PvP guilds such as SB, n0, or any of the top Korean guilds. If you have fame 1, you should not have to fight someone with fame 8000, because odds are you're going to get slaughtered.
Hopefully Anet will wake up one day, and realise that while losing is pretty much guaranteed at some point in PvP, nobody wants to go up against a team that rapes them so bad they'll just lose all fun in playing. Let the top guilds play each other, and let the lower tiered people play the other lower tiered people.
Originally Posted by Sledge
I dunno.
Got on my new w/n in old ascholon and started out in district 36. Perchance alot of people have began new chracters? And my elementalist started out in a pretty high district also. Never know, maybe everyone made new guys at the same time. |
In fact, they are not. Simply jump from district to district in Ascalon City, and you'll see several dozen that have like 10 players in them.
Just because there are 50 Ascalon districts doesn't mean that there are 50.000 people in Ascalon.
salja Wachi
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
you can't honestly believe that....there are hacks for this game...whether or not they are publicly available I don't know.
sorry to disagree withj you.
in order to hack this game you need to hack Anet';s servers, because everything is stored there not on your comp.
i highly doubt there are any people hacking into GW's sservers.
that is the beauty of this game
Kaylee Ann
Originally Posted by Creston
Guild Wars needs a match making service. PUG groups and such should not have to face off against quality PvP guilds such as SB, n0, or any of the top Korean guilds. If you have fame 1, you should not have to fight someone with fame 8000, because odds are you're going to get slaughtered.
Hopefully Anet will wake up one day, and realise that while losing is pretty much guaranteed at some point in PvP, nobody wants to go up against a team that rapes them so bad they'll just lose all fun in playing. Let the top guilds play each other, and let the lower tiered people play the other lower tiered people. Creston |
Cap'n Hoek
Originally Posted by Louis Ste Colombe
I'd say that Korea and Japan are way ahead both US and Europe as far as computer technology, network or cellphone (not that it matters...) are concerned.
Although, I did hear that Ultraman was recently spotted buzzing around Korea...
Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
Quite frankly Bill Gates is hiring asian people to work in his company over americans. Do you want to know why! because the americans-yes I'm american-are LAZY(also cause we dont have a good enough education)-yes I am-Koreans have always been blue-just a hunch-since the korean war (I think it's the vietnam cant remember been playin to much GW)so they worked alot harder than us. Same thing when teh mahogany-americans were free. they worked one helluva lot harder than we did.
I was VERY suprosed to hear that americans at one point worked more than japanese

As for the education, just think what could be done if we did not buy 3 brand new billion dollar each bombers and put that to education!!! WOW
Originally Posted by salja Wachi
sorry to disagree withj you.
in order to hack this game you need to hack Anet';s servers, because everything is stored there not on your comp. i highly doubt there are any people hacking into GW's sservers. that is the beauty of this game |
if it is on the net, it can be hacked, the safest way not to get hacked is to not be on-line. So u just do your best.
The only thing is i doubt a real hacker would find it a useful challenge to hack the servers, where is the benefit? I think they are safe.
Ashleigh McMahon
Please keep this clean.
Regards, Ashleigh
Regards, Ashleigh
Originally Posted by Wa$d
I hate to say it, no i REALLY HATE TO SAY THIS
![]() |
Define smarter. Are they better at some things? You betcha. Are Americans better at some OTHER things? Absolutely. Every culture has its strengths and weaknesses.
Ucilius Winkwalker
I think the solution to make pvp interesting is to have random pvp matches toned up. Honestly, random pvp is where I have the most fun in. In tombs, all the groups are so uptight and serious and restricted to certain formats that is just not as fun. Anet need to give better pvp reward to random matches as well as having more arranged team matches besides the 4 vs 4 in drokar's forge.
1.Get with a consistent group of people (preferably guildmates), practice together, use a voice system and get better.
2.Quit complaining.
3.Have fun.
2.Quit complaining.
3.Have fun.
Originally Posted by Swarnt Brightstar
Quite frankly Bill Gates is hiring asian people to work in his company over americans. Do you want to know why! because the americans-yes I'm american-are LAZY(also cause we dont have a good enough education)-yes I am-Koreans have always been blue-just a hunch-since the korean war (I think it's the vietnam cant remember been playin to much GW)so they worked alot harder than us. Same thing when teh mahogany-americans were free. they worked one helluva lot harder than we did.
I'm sorry but that is a myth, that Americans are lazy. We have less vacation hours and work more hours per week on average than most developed nations. We don't have siestas. We don't have tea-time. We don't take time off in the middle of the day to go gamble. Nope. The lazy American myth is a leftover from our lovely puritan heritage. You know, that same heritage that makes us think that a child seeing nudity on TV might cause the world to stop spinning, but seeing graphic violence is just fine.
If you want to rip on Americans go for the arrogance or the screwy attitude toward sex and violence. But the whole lazy thing is garbage.
Jawz Swordthane
Less bombers? When was the last time The federal government bought us a few bombers.....its been awhile. Please dont bring the military into this, we dont have the equipment we need. Our most reliable "bomber" is a 1950's era B-52. We are in bad need on new weapons systems in the Armed Services. If you dont know anything about the military then please keep your mouth shut about it.
I hate when people say someone of a race "cheats" its automatically racist... Everyone and anyone has cheated at something in there life time its just how big of a cheat you pulled. I do agree however that HoH isnt fun because of organizing and such it should be random like the other arenas in MY opinion.
Originally Posted by Nokomis
Define smarter. Are they better at some things? You betcha. Are Americans better at some OTHER things? Absolutely. Every culture has its strengths and weaknesses.
--Nokomis |

Actually America is pretty poor right now....DEFICIT!!!! But back onto topic....HoH should be randomized grouping : )
Perishiko ReLLiK
Originally Posted by Zaxon
I have noticed over last few days to week less & less people around, if I had to make a guess % I would say 20-30% less people about.
I am based in Australia so yes my play time is usually USA bed time, but I have played since GW was release world wide, and that was like 2 months ago and just this last week ive noticed alot less people about. I only have 1 assumption for why this is, Tombs mission, its VERY HARD to get a group that can survive the first round let alone get all the way through, and everyday you don't make it ELITE teams are getting better. I was in a almost perfect group made it through all the challenges and was 1 challenge away from getting to HoH, soon as the map started and other team names poped up - we saw Sissy Boys as one of the oposition, first thought from everyone was they will win we will lose. Well we didnt ever get to see em some asian group killed us real quick. Which was weird as we killed alloposition upto that point pretty fast and easy, and to be killed so fast in final challenge was so depressing. SO unless you in a guild group who know each others strengths & weakness's and unless yoru team is perfectly setup ie (smite group - or shutdown group) you havent got a chance. I have been trying to get to HoH from Tombs since week one of GW and never have made it, I have made 3 lvl 20's now my main now is a healing monk, and I do a real good job but still never have made it. Thats why I think people are either leaving or playing far less, because you don't stand a chance in Tombs - I can't even begin to contemplate how hard HoH is if Tombs is so hard to get through. |
And if you're having troubles finding a good group, i would strongly suggest finding a guild that loves to pvp... this is guild wars, and sooner then later, all those without guilds will not be getting groups at all, and will be missing out on alot of action packed guild vs guild battles. (unless they just want to see it from the observer mode. *Anyone know the expected time of arival of that observer mode?*)
Jawz Swordthane
As someone who has traveled the world I have noted that American in general are less dependent on the government than most other countries. Here in the USA we practice an economic policy called Capitalism where you are rewarded for working hard and making your own way in this country. Most other counties are Socialists where the government is heavily relied upon to provide for the people (of all demogrphics). BTW saying the Koreans cheat is not rascist, Korea is a country not a race.
Smartest thing I heard all day Jawz! Korea is countrty not a race thing I meen.
Draven Mauler
Getting off the Korea thing, I would like to put in my two cents about the GW playing format and future in the market.
1. We PvE players are about to become burnt toast:
This won't "hurt" our ability to unlock items but from my experience this update was very much unneccessary for those PvP only guys. Essencially, PvE existed to serve PvP. Now, PvPers can exist in a parallel universe and make it that much more impossible for us PvE players to transition into PvP.
2. I bought the game for $50. $25 of that was for the PvP side of the game. I have not gone to the HoH since the last BWE. I have had similar experiences with Korean and American Guilds in the last two battles before the HoH. As far as I can see I will never make it again and wasted $25 of my money. I have been PvPing in Halo1 and 2, UT, WoW, FFXI, and this was supposed to take the cake? PvP without a l33t Guild is a complete and utter waste of time. Plus getting your ass kicked time and time again, with no real reason to explain why, is in no uncertain terms the worst gaming experience I've ever had.
3. PvE is um.... well you still have to group with ass-hats all the time. Your success rate goes signicantly higher and you can actually make use of the AI NPC henchies, where in PvP I never understood why Anet even put them there in the first place. So I paid $50 for PvE GW, I got level 20 in about 2 weeks (I work and have a family) and had nothing better to do but gather materials for cool armor?.... and do UW quests with even bigger ass-hats. Waste of money and time imho. I like the updates Anet is implementing, they act as mini-expansions. However, its extremely obvious why are numbers are dwindling or will soon be.
I stick around because Anet has produced an excellent product, despite their short-sighted mistakes. I give them an A+ for extremely rich graphics, fluid storyline, and their aggressive stance on haxers and sploits. They get failing grades on actually making skill the only way you can win, eliminating the grind found in all games of this nature, and their putrid guide which I would not pay $5 for.
1. We PvE players are about to become burnt toast:
GW Official Site Our next major update will be the introduction of PvP Rewards. We know that many players right now are having difficulty unlocking items, runes and skills for use in PvP. On our private test servers, we have been testing a new reward system that lets you unlock items, runes, and skills for your pvp only characters through kills and victories in PvP. You'll unlock things faster if you are more successful, but we aren't implementing this system just for the elite players. Our goal is that every player will be able to make progress through normal play. |
2. I bought the game for $50. $25 of that was for the PvP side of the game. I have not gone to the HoH since the last BWE. I have had similar experiences with Korean and American Guilds in the last two battles before the HoH. As far as I can see I will never make it again and wasted $25 of my money. I have been PvPing in Halo1 and 2, UT, WoW, FFXI, and this was supposed to take the cake? PvP without a l33t Guild is a complete and utter waste of time. Plus getting your ass kicked time and time again, with no real reason to explain why, is in no uncertain terms the worst gaming experience I've ever had.
3. PvE is um.... well you still have to group with ass-hats all the time. Your success rate goes signicantly higher and you can actually make use of the AI NPC henchies, where in PvP I never understood why Anet even put them there in the first place. So I paid $50 for PvE GW, I got level 20 in about 2 weeks (I work and have a family) and had nothing better to do but gather materials for cool armor?.... and do UW quests with even bigger ass-hats. Waste of money and time imho. I like the updates Anet is implementing, they act as mini-expansions. However, its extremely obvious why are numbers are dwindling or will soon be.
I stick around because Anet has produced an excellent product, despite their short-sighted mistakes. I give them an A+ for extremely rich graphics, fluid storyline, and their aggressive stance on haxers and sploits. They get failing grades on actually making skill the only way you can win, eliminating the grind found in all games of this nature, and their putrid guide which I would not pay $5 for.
Very well put Draven Mauler! I do agree with you that PvE is toast and getting my ass kicked the HoH by a guild that eats and breaths pvp that have no lifes except it...Its all too sad...very sad, cold, frosted.
der kur
i think pvp would be worth going to if tombs was actually seperated by fame/rank, instead of having to go in as 0 fame person trying to have fun vs. a 9+ fame junky. theres no learning experience even involved with that, just a waste. and the whole edging of making this game full PVP is lame. they should just do it so all the people that play for the PVE fun can quit and find a better game.
and no hacks/cheats out for gw yet? are you crazy? if none of you know this gw is made by the same company that made l2; the game that became so hacked up with macros, coding exploits, and so on.. that most of the population left to leave the koreans alone with the money-bots.
but hey when i goto tombs with a full team and have each monk on the team magically have their game crash with an "Error 55" code as soon as a battle starts.... just makes me laugh that those rumors about people buying the info of holes in gw's coding for $5,000+ were true.. just another great creation of Nc's......
and no hacks/cheats out for gw yet? are you crazy? if none of you know this gw is made by the same company that made l2; the game that became so hacked up with macros, coding exploits, and so on.. that most of the population left to leave the koreans alone with the money-bots.
but hey when i goto tombs with a full team and have each monk on the team magically have their game crash with an "Error 55" code as soon as a battle starts.... just makes me laugh that those rumors about people buying the info of holes in gw's coding for $5,000+ were true.. just another great creation of Nc's......
Ishamael Sedai
Originally Posted by Wa$d
So you know what goes on in Washington DC huh......
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Look at the original post that I was responding to. It contradicts itself. He states for us not to assume what Korea is about based on the fact that we have not been to Korea. But then in an attempt to convince us of his position he offers us an article? Wait I thought we were not supposed to assume one way or the other about Korea since we have not been there? Why then are you giving me an article to convince me to take a position when I am not supposed to take a position without going to the country myself?
In my post I used the examples of Washington DC and France which are different from more closed countries.
In saying that I can know what is going on somewhere does not imply that I could know everything that is going on there. I'm suprised you even thought I was saying this since it would be nonsense. Do you really think when I said I could know what is going on in Washington DC I meant I could know secret information? Of course not, but neither could someone if he went on a trip to Washington DC. Good job on twisting the meaning of my statement with "you know all Ishamael Sedai." You can know what is going on in a place without knowing everything that is going on. I never meant that and I am suprised you took it that way. I don't know everything about my own parents. Instead of talking about weapons deals the background of this conversation was gaming. Finally I never said I even know what is going on but that I could know what is going on.
Kaylee Ann
EA (the guild I am in) held the halls yesterday afternoon for awhile and half the night. LoD took it from us in the afternoon and held it for a good 2 hours after us. So between 2 American guilds the halls was controlled by America for almost 1/3 of a 24 hour period. Maybe if you quit complaining and blaming everything on losing to the Koreans except for the fact that you suck you might actually win sometimes.
I love how everyone's excuse for losing always resorts to hacks or some other BS reason.
I love how everyone's excuse for losing always resorts to hacks or some other BS reason.