Weapon and Upgrades Trader
This was brought up by another poster in a different thread. He suggested that this trader should be added, just like the rune trader was added by a.net.
Any objection to this?
Does anyone have a problem with buying a max damage (fellblade or storm bow) and 15% damage (while enchanted or >50%health) for 100K from this NPC trader?
Any objection to this?
Does anyone have a problem with buying a max damage (fellblade or storm bow) and 15% damage (while enchanted or >50%health) for 100K from this NPC trader?
as long as the price follows a demand curve sure but i dont think it should sell the higher end great looking swords as they are a symbol of status really no felblades dragon swords or anything like that just normal swords like longswords wingblades and stuff
Was that person who brought it up me?
Well collectors are about as easy as weapons traders can be, so I think an upgrade trader would do wonders for the economy.

Well collectors are about as easy as weapons traders can be, so I think an upgrade trader would do wonders for the economy.
I have no problem with this at all, unless they dont pay atention to the rune trader problem, i mean come on supeior runes for 200G, i ask you does that make sence?
Originally Posted by Wa$d
I have no problem with this at all, unless they dont pay atention to the rune trader problem, i mean come on supeior runes for 200G, i ask you does that make sence?
Originally Posted by Wa$d
i mean come on supeior runes for 200G, i ask you does that make sence?
Originally Posted by Magus
No, it does not make sense. This is the main reason I'm against a weapons trader that sells perfect items.
Think about this: what would happen to the price of a particular superior rune from the rune trader if farmers keep selling it and nobody buys it?
If you don't want a rune, then don't buy it. If you were paying 10K for runes that nobody wanted, then that's your problem, but you could easily buy them for 1-2K (before the rune trader.) Why should people be able to buy superior runes that cost 50K before the trader for 5K now? (And no, I don't think the prices should have been at 50K, but definitely much more than they are now. The rune trader completely destroyed the value of some runes.)
Think about this: what should happen to the price of a particular superior rune if farmers can't farm enough and everyone wants one?
Originally Posted by hydrak
Use your head and think a little before posting...
Think about this: what would happen to the price of a particular superior rune from the rune trader if farmers keep selling it and nobody buys it? |
The Ages
I Dont see why not just scrap the whole Trader deal all together and go with an Auction House System.
The problem with traders is the players dont controll price of goods, Sure they help reflect what a trader will sell/Buy for, But they are oftain way off from what the player base thinks should be.
The Traders dont seem to Adapt to inflation all that well. No matter how much gold people around them have there price is the same be there Alot of Extra gold in the Econ or Not any extra at all. There prices are based on what people sell and buy rather than what things CAN sell and buy for. A More player Drivin econ like an Auction House is alot more Adaptive in this Respect.
The problem with traders is the players dont controll price of goods, Sure they help reflect what a trader will sell/Buy for, But they are oftain way off from what the player base thinks should be.
The Traders dont seem to Adapt to inflation all that well. No matter how much gold people around them have there price is the same be there Alot of Extra gold in the Econ or Not any extra at all. There prices are based on what people sell and buy rather than what things CAN sell and buy for. A More player Drivin econ like an Auction House is alot more Adaptive in this Respect.
I see it as people who complain about the super low prices of certain runes, are just pissed because they can no longer make craploads of money from runes.
the average player is happy about the low prices on alot of the runes, because now they have access to them without needing craploads of money.
I agree that fellblades, Shadow Bows, Eternal Shields, chaos axes.
of course if there not people will start selling them at stupid prices.
overall this will help to further the economy, as those people who just want a run-of-the-mill max damage weapon (long sword for example) could simply buy one from the trader.
of course, it would also help people such as myself who simply cant be bothered/dont have the time to stand in Lions Arch for 3 hours waiting for a decent sword thats not being sold for 10x what its worth.
oh, and you have to remember, people sell weapons for 200K+ thats just stupid, the weapons trader would drop prices down to 100K
I mean, would spend 400K for a max damage godly (I hate that term) fellblade, or get a longsword with the same stats for 100K (maximum) fromt the trader
the average player is happy about the low prices on alot of the runes, because now they have access to them without needing craploads of money.
I agree that fellblades, Shadow Bows, Eternal Shields, chaos axes.
of course if there not people will start selling them at stupid prices.
overall this will help to further the economy, as those people who just want a run-of-the-mill max damage weapon (long sword for example) could simply buy one from the trader.
of course, it would also help people such as myself who simply cant be bothered/dont have the time to stand in Lions Arch for 3 hours waiting for a decent sword thats not being sold for 10x what its worth.
oh, and you have to remember, people sell weapons for 200K+ thats just stupid, the weapons trader would drop prices down to 100K
I mean, would spend 400K for a max damage godly (I hate that term) fellblade, or get a longsword with the same stats for 100K (maximum) fromt the trader
Originally Posted by The Ages
The problem with traders is the players dont controll price of goods, Sure they help reflect what a trader will sell/Buy for, But they are oftain way off from what the player base thinks should be.
Originally Posted by Paladin_Adoni
I see it as people who complain about the super low prices of certain runes, are just pissed because they can no longer make craploads of money from runes.
i play honestly, the rune trader enabled me to get runes i couldnt find and couldnt afford.
wghat screwed the rune trader pices was every motherf**ker buying up every rune they could when it was streamed in. then when the trader ran out, selling them to players, or back to the trader at a price higher than what they baught it at.
wghat screwed the rune trader pices was every motherf**ker buying up every rune they could when it was streamed in. then when the trader ran out, selling them to players, or back to the trader at a price higher than what they baught it at.
I just wish there was more variation in the magic item system, and some maybe super uniques, ones with set modifiers, but with slight variation to the stats. I always felt the four letter word on this forum that seems to be Diablo 2 had the perfect magic item system. It's one of the things that can make a character unique, but it seems everyone's walking around with all the same items.
The biggest downside to the item system, IMO is the armor. You should be able to craft armor, but it should also drop with random modifiers just like weapons do.
The biggest downside to the item system, IMO is the armor. You should be able to craft armor, but it should also drop with random modifiers just like weapons do.
That actually didn't have a huge lasting effect on the rune trader prices. It did prevent the rune trader from altering the prices outside of farmer street prices, but only temporarily. Now, most runes are very cheap, which is a good thing for the common or unpopular ones, as it generally reflects street value. However, for the rarer ones it doesn't. This is because the rune trader continuously "generates" runes every so often. This impacts the rare runes by making them no longer rare, greatly adding to the supply, as it's no longer just players who are putting them in to the economy, but also the trader.
The only issue I have with making everything available from Traders is the fact that the farmers wouldn't farm anymore, so they would get bored and possibly leave, people would get bored with questing because they like to see what items they may get, and no longer need to quest for items other than to complete the missions. Getting items is all part of the PvE fun.
I understand PvP and GvG is a big part of the Guild Wars game, but the PvE is there for a reason and Item collecting is also a big part, otherwise there is no reason to have it anymore.
The market place is there for a reason, and making everything easy to obtain through traders is not a good thing in my opinion. I don't mind the Rune Trader as I think some of those prices were getting a little bit stupid, but if weapons started to become available too, then the market would almost be non existant.
Some people may think this would be a good thing, as it would get rid of all the scammers and people could just go and buy what they wanted, but then everyone would be buying the same or similar weapons and it wouldn't be fun anymore. It's nice to get out there and find that weapon that maybe someone doesn;t have yet.
I understand people play the game for different reasons. Some like to PvP, others like the PvE aspect, others liked farming until they got rid of most of the Farming ability and then there are those who like to trade.
In the end, making everything easy to obtain would be bad in my books and would be hurtful to the game in the end.
I understand PvP and GvG is a big part of the Guild Wars game, but the PvE is there for a reason and Item collecting is also a big part, otherwise there is no reason to have it anymore.
The market place is there for a reason, and making everything easy to obtain through traders is not a good thing in my opinion. I don't mind the Rune Trader as I think some of those prices were getting a little bit stupid, but if weapons started to become available too, then the market would almost be non existant.
Some people may think this would be a good thing, as it would get rid of all the scammers and people could just go and buy what they wanted, but then everyone would be buying the same or similar weapons and it wouldn't be fun anymore. It's nice to get out there and find that weapon that maybe someone doesn;t have yet.
I understand people play the game for different reasons. Some like to PvP, others like the PvE aspect, others liked farming until they got rid of most of the Farming ability and then there are those who like to trade.
In the end, making everything easy to obtain would be bad in my books and would be hurtful to the game in the end.

they could always make it so that people actually have a chance of getting decent stuff without needing to enter UW or fissure.
Ive now had the game for 3 and a half weeks, I;ve only found 1 decent gold weapon, which was a sword, I dont like using swords.
I use axes, I've only been able to get decent ones from player, at STUPID PRICES.
a weapon trader would mean this doesnt happen, increasing the areas decent weapons drop would too.
Ive now had the game for 3 and a half weeks, I;ve only found 1 decent gold weapon, which was a sword, I dont like using swords.
I use axes, I've only been able to get decent ones from player, at STUPID PRICES.
a weapon trader would mean this doesnt happen, increasing the areas decent weapons drop would too.
Danica Kalmar
i don't like the idea of a weapon trade, to many possible combinations with all the magic stuff and the variable enhancements on them, would make it hard to cough up prices for the tarder as many weapons are uniqe or really seldom and they would have a higher pricetag just because of rarity, not because of quality.
Plain weapons maybe, but everyone would get a maxdamage weapon and that's it. Not much fun or diversity
on the other hand a weapon upgrade trader is a viable idea, it would make it easy to spot the sought after upgrades and only to try to salvage those to sell them or to get rid of the unwanted at maybe a bit a better price than at the normal merchant. Also it would make it easier to get the upgrade you want, when it's a uncommon one (aka one that nobody deems worth the effort)
Plain weapons maybe, but everyone would get a maxdamage weapon and that's it. Not much fun or diversity
on the other hand a weapon upgrade trader is a viable idea, it would make it easy to spot the sought after upgrades and only to try to salvage those to sell them or to get rid of the unwanted at maybe a bit a better price than at the normal merchant. Also it would make it easier to get the upgrade you want, when it's a uncommon one (aka one that nobody deems worth the effort)
Yeah I like the idea of the standard weapon trader, but the auction house for the bigger modifiers. Otherwise it'll be so hard to beat people in pvp with everyone having the same armour set and weapons.. I agree that although it will stop people selling tat for 10x its value, it will ruin diversity.
Rune traders are doing fine imo though.. The lesser wanted runes like the mesmer ones are quite cheap. However it is a bit of a bummer that the runes I pick up as a non farmer aren't worth much over 25 gold.. I'd rather have that than an hour of stood in LA shouting "WTS Major Blood rune" and "WTB Sup Soul Reaping" for 50billion gold each because some kid doesn't know the value of runes. I like the convenience.
Rune traders are doing fine imo though.. The lesser wanted runes like the mesmer ones are quite cheap. However it is a bit of a bummer that the runes I pick up as a non farmer aren't worth much over 25 gold.. I'd rather have that than an hour of stood in LA shouting "WTS Major Blood rune" and "WTB Sup Soul Reaping" for 50billion gold each because some kid doesn't know the value of runes. I like the convenience.
I think the late-game item collectors rather break this idea; they offer perfect weapons and equipment, but don't cover the entire scope of possible weapons and such. This would lead to similar strength weapons diversing heavily in price since one would need to be found with sheer luck while the other can be 'purchased' with the right monster items.
Oh sure lets have a freaking Weapon and Upgrade trader. Then just like the stupid runes you wont be able to sell them for a damn dime. I mean if I (as a monk) find a rune for warriors, or rangers, then I should be able to sell them at a decent price. Same should go for weapons and upgrades. Whats next a freaking experience point trader, so you can just walk in and buy your level up, or perhaps a acention trader so you can just buy your way to The Dragons Lair. Come on people pull your heads out. You actually have to go out side of the city and do a few things.
Algren Cole
wow....let's put in a trader for absolutely everything in the game...that way none of you have to actually play the game to get what you want....you can just go buy it.
the traders are the worst shit ever...I can't even fathom anyone wanting another one.
the traders are the worst shit ever...I can't even fathom anyone wanting another one.
Originally Posted by Magus
If you don't want a rune, then don't buy it. If you were paying 10K for runes that nobody wanted, then that's your problem, but you could easily buy them for 1-2K (before the rune trader.) Why should people be able to buy superior runes that cost 50K before the trader for 5K now? (And no, I don't think the prices should have been at 50K, but definitely much more than they are now. The rune trader completely destroyed the value of some runes.)
Originally Posted by Magus
Think about this: what should happen to the price of a particular superior rune if farmers can't farm enough and everyone wants one?
This game won't be classed as an MMORPG if this carry's on.
It will be called MMOTRADER.
It will be called MMOTRADER.

To all the people who are complaining about the inflated prices of items: NPC Weapon&upgrade trader is one of the better way to control inflation. I do feel sorry for the guys who think their weapon or upgrade is worth 500+k if this trader is added.
To all the rune farmer: Stop crying about the the prices of some runes being lower than they are supposed to be. Stop farming and selling to NPC the useless runes and maybe their prices will stop dropping.
To all the rune farmer: Stop crying about the the prices of some runes being lower than they are supposed to be. Stop farming and selling to NPC the useless runes and maybe their prices will stop dropping.
I always thought superior runes were something that set people apart. Now they're just as standard as 60 AL armour.
Maybe that was Anet's intention, but somehow I doubt it.
Maybe that was Anet's intention, but somehow I doubt it.
I liked the rune trader because it is convienient and a good money sink, but the problem is that the minimum price is 120. 120 gold is not a lot of gold, just go farm 5 items and sell them to the merchant and buy a rune. As it is now, myself and 2 of the officers could rune our entire guild with every rune they want except some of the superiors. I don't think that anet wanted to make runes that common.
Originally Posted by Dirkiess
This game won't be classed as an MMORPG if this carry's on.
It will be called MMOTRADER. ![]() |
Can it even be classed as a MMORPG now? Where is the RP? It should just be called a MMOG anyways, only set in fantasy world...
A free web-based wargame you can play from anywhere!
Originally Posted by Andy06r
I liked the rune trader because it is convienient and a good money sink, but the problem is that the minimum price is 120. 120 gold is not a lot of gold, just go farm 5 items and sell them to the merchant and buy a rune. As it is now, myself and 2 of the officers could rune our entire guild with every rune they want except some of the superiors. I don't think that anet wanted to make runes that common.
Ive been advocating a weapons UPGRADE trader in threads here and other boards for a while now also. +30 Health pommels for (as of last night) 130K is absurd. If you want a cool looking Fellblade or something like that...then go out and get one yourself. Once you have a good max damage anything....getting others is just about the "cool factor" and you either pay for "Cool" or go out and work for it.
Weapon upgrades are different as they allow a player to tune a weapon much like we use Runes to tune armor. This way if you get a good drop out in the wastelands....but it needs some help or a tweek....you go buy a reasonably priced upgrade for it.
Also I believe there needs to be a better trade in for the /blue/purple/gold items . 288g for a max dam purple wingblade is just dumb....it actually promotes people selling the things because if they cant use it (class wise) and they cant trade it in for anything....why not try to stick it to a noOb?
Another thing that I think needs to be looked at is "Un-customization" of weapons. not the 10g you paid to custonize it but like 4-5K. It's a gold sink and it allows a higher tradein value or the ability to give to a guildie or take pity on a newer player.
Also at the weapons trader/crafter the ability to buy (again a gold sink) a reduction in required skill for a weapon (max -2 but not lower than the minimum requirement for the damage class, one time only) for 10K per reduction or so.
I think some soet of Rune or upgrade for sheilds is also a good idea.
Weapon upgrades are different as they allow a player to tune a weapon much like we use Runes to tune armor. This way if you get a good drop out in the wastelands....but it needs some help or a tweek....you go buy a reasonably priced upgrade for it.
Also I believe there needs to be a better trade in for the /blue/purple/gold items . 288g for a max dam purple wingblade is just dumb....it actually promotes people selling the things because if they cant use it (class wise) and they cant trade it in for anything....why not try to stick it to a noOb?
Another thing that I think needs to be looked at is "Un-customization" of weapons. not the 10g you paid to custonize it but like 4-5K. It's a gold sink and it allows a higher tradein value or the ability to give to a guildie or take pity on a newer player.
Also at the weapons trader/crafter the ability to buy (again a gold sink) a reduction in required skill for a weapon (max -2 but not lower than the minimum requirement for the damage class, one time only) for 10K per reduction or so.
I think some soet of Rune or upgrade for sheilds is also a good idea.
Traders are not that bad - A.Net just has to implement them in a way to please as many players as possible.
Weapons should be bought via damage & style. For example, my Ranger could bye a Flat Bow (top bow as is semi-fast and farthest range) with 0 damage for a set price, say 1000g. THEN each level of damage range can cost (1000g per highest damage + 500g per lowest damage) / 2. A Flat Bow of 9-13 damage would cost the 1000g base price plus the player chooses low of 9 and high of 13, which equals (1000 + ((9*500) + 13*1000) / 2) = 1000 + ((4500 + 13000)/2) = 1000 + (17500/2) = 1000 + 8750 = 9750g for the Bow. Great gold sink, players get to choose range, game gets a bit more complex in nature (players like that), gold gets taken out of economy, thereby stablizing.
Note, these must be basic weapons. Strings, handles, pommels, straps, etc... on the upgrade componants must be found via questing or missions and can be sold via other players.
To solve the 'everyone has same weapon' syndrome: A.Net introduces a ton more upgrade types (not higher percentage chance of finding, just a higher number of differing types, names, weapon influences, etc...).
As far as the Rune trader argument goes: I will never have anything over minor rune because I do not like the health hit (Vigor being the exception). Those runes will increase in price as players bye those and not the Superior's - even though all have base prices PLUS economic conditions' pricing.
Please all, remember Rome was not built in a day and A.Net wants a world where players come for many, many years. Just like in the real world, problems persist, changes occur, problems morph, solutions work/not work, and players must adapt, survive, and play on!
I play enough to where the game is still ahead of me (I'm level 16, at Gates of Kryta, Ranger Fur, Shocking Bow (purple) of Something, pet cat and have a ton left to play in PvE). When A.Net comes out with an expansion, I might just be catching up to it. For reasons unknown
I have to play in the 'Real' world for a much longer period of time.
Traders? Implement them right and I'm for it. Implement them wrong and I adapt and keep playing the quest, missions, etc.. until things change again.
Weapons should be bought via damage & style. For example, my Ranger could bye a Flat Bow (top bow as is semi-fast and farthest range) with 0 damage for a set price, say 1000g. THEN each level of damage range can cost (1000g per highest damage + 500g per lowest damage) / 2. A Flat Bow of 9-13 damage would cost the 1000g base price plus the player chooses low of 9 and high of 13, which equals (1000 + ((9*500) + 13*1000) / 2) = 1000 + ((4500 + 13000)/2) = 1000 + (17500/2) = 1000 + 8750 = 9750g for the Bow. Great gold sink, players get to choose range, game gets a bit more complex in nature (players like that), gold gets taken out of economy, thereby stablizing.
Note, these must be basic weapons. Strings, handles, pommels, straps, etc... on the upgrade componants must be found via questing or missions and can be sold via other players.
To solve the 'everyone has same weapon' syndrome: A.Net introduces a ton more upgrade types (not higher percentage chance of finding, just a higher number of differing types, names, weapon influences, etc...).
As far as the Rune trader argument goes: I will never have anything over minor rune because I do not like the health hit (Vigor being the exception). Those runes will increase in price as players bye those and not the Superior's - even though all have base prices PLUS economic conditions' pricing.
Please all, remember Rome was not built in a day and A.Net wants a world where players come for many, many years. Just like in the real world, problems persist, changes occur, problems morph, solutions work/not work, and players must adapt, survive, and play on!
I play enough to where the game is still ahead of me (I'm level 16, at Gates of Kryta, Ranger Fur, Shocking Bow (purple) of Something, pet cat and have a ton left to play in PvE). When A.Net comes out with an expansion, I might just be catching up to it. For reasons unknown

Traders? Implement them right and I'm for it. Implement them wrong and I adapt and keep playing the quest, missions, etc.. until things change again.
salja Wachi
Originally Posted by Magus
Yes, this is the cause of the rune trader's inbalance. Runes like superior air and fire, for instance, have prices that have been completely destroyed because the trader added too many into the economy outside what players could do. Honest sellers who truly earned their runes can no longer sell.
I am not a farmer. I don't think rune prices should be so low because elementalists (who generally depend on them as their weapons), for example get their superiors for super cheap, below what the street value should be (This is due to trader-added runes into the economy, and not player-added ones, screwing over honest players who have earned their runes.) Also, as a result, a lot of elementalists also run around with the same builds; it was more fun being unique in the BWEs. |
i hate to break the news to you my friend the the "trader" does not add runes to the economy.
they only trade what they buy. no more.!!!!!!
they do not manufacture runes nor do they have an outside supply source. all they do is trade them
this idea splits people into 2 crowds really, the people with lots of money, and the people without money. I wonder which group doesnt want it?
they only trade what they buy. no more.!!!!!! |
I think the people upset over 'just everyone' being able to obtain good gear aren't getting the point of Guild Wars. The challenge in Guild Wars isn't getting 'uber' gear, the challenge is optimally using a fully decked out character by player skill, choice of attributes and skills, and applying that character in a team. If you feel players should be able to distinguish themselves by playing X more hours than someone else, you might enjoy games like Everquest or World of Warcraft a lot more. I personally very much enjoy the idea of being protected against 12-year olds who'd like nothing better than to grind their character to great heights only to PWN others because their higher level gives them a significant advantage.
Who cares if everyone has superior runes? For most people the health hit is much worse than the benefit they reap from the bit higher attribute. Who cares if everyone has maximum damage weapons? They can get those from collectors lateron anyway. If they bring the wrong skills along, or just use them ineffectively, they'll still be poor players. I think what people are complaining about is not being able to let people pay through the nose for their weapon drops when a trader is implemented.
Originally Posted by Paladin_Adoni
this idea splits people into 2 crowds really, the people with lots of money, and the people without money. I wonder which group doesnt want it?
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Hookecho
Ive been advocating a weapons UPGRADE trader in threads here and other boards for a while now also. +30 Health pommels for (as of last night) 130K is absurd. If you want a cool looking Fellblade or something like that...then go out and get one yourself. Once you have a good max damage anything....getting others is just about the "cool factor" and you either pay for "Cool" or go out and work for it.
Weapon upgrades are different as they allow a player to tune a weapon much like we use Runes to tune armor. This way if you get a good drop out in the wastelands....but it needs some help or a tweek....you go buy a reasonably priced upgrade for it. Also I believe there needs to be a better trade in for the /blue/purple/gold items . 288g for a max dam purple wingblade is just dumb....it actually promotes people selling the things because if they cant use it (class wise) and they cant trade it in for anything....why not try to stick it to a noOb? Another thing that I think needs to be looked at is "Un-customization" of weapons. not the 10g you paid to custonize it but like 4-5K. It's a gold sink and it allows a higher tradein value or the ability to give to a guildie or take pity on a newer player. Also at the weapons trader/crafter the ability to buy (again a gold sink) a reduction in required skill for a weapon (max -2 but not lower than the minimum requirement for the damage class, one time only) for 10K per reduction or so. I think some soet of Rune or upgrade for sheilds is also a good idea. |
so basically....you don't have the weapons/runes/upgrades/whatever you want and instead of playing the game and finding them you'd rather ArenaNet just make, what is already one of the easiest games I've played, infinitely easier by putting a trader for EVERYTHING in town. On the bright side...there will be more districts...nobody will ever have to leave town.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
so basically....you don't have the weapons/runes/upgrades/whatever you want and instead of playing the game and finding them you'd rather ArenaNet just make, what is already one of the easiest games I've played, infinitely easier by putting a trader for EVERYTHING in town. On the bright side...there will be more districts...nobody will ever have to leave town.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by hydrak
Without leaving town, how do you make 100K gold to buy an expensive item?
I wish ArenaNet would stop listening to you fools...it's ruining the game
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
I wish ArenaNet would stop listening to you fools...it's ruining the game
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
so basically....you don't have the weapons/runes/upgrades/whatever you want and instead of playing the game and finding them you'd rather ArenaNet just make, what is already one of the easiest games I've played, infinitely easier by putting a trader for EVERYTHING in town. On the bright side...there will be more districts...nobody will ever have to leave town.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Hookecho
No I am trying to get gold out of the Economy without giving it to you and your "Used Car" sales brothers. So let me get you you stright....If I dont have some item.....you want me to buy it from you for a uber-inflated price instead of a sane price from a trader? Well we can see where you are coming from....whats next? Your going to try to sell an extended warrenty?
I sell items at incredibly reasonable prices...I give away rare and common crafting materials alike. I sell max dmg gold weapons to noobs for less than a plat....I realize that gold isn't all that important in this game...and I'm not trying to scam every noob I can find into giving me all their gold for useless crap. But implementing a trader for every conceivable piece of equipment in the game is ridiculous...it's ruining the game.