Originally Posted by Paladin_Adoni
once-per-mission use items. with things like all skills become available, full energy, cure all conditions, cure all hex's that type of thing.
Originally Posted by hydrak
To some people, if they can't farm anymore or can't buy a victory in PvP, then they blame it on the game's content.
Originally Posted by chalt2
first and foremost they have to make money and keep the product flowing they have to be able to pay the bills so all of the rest can EVEN happen
Originally Posted by chalt2
second they have to work on the "next chapter"
Originally Posted by chalt2
Third they have to make sure that all the current server and streaming infrastructure is running and having NO problems
Originally Posted by chalt2
Fourth they have to monitor any and all complaints that come directly to them including ALL the research needed to get to a solution
Originally Posted by chalt2
Fifth they have to create and implement any of the "upgrades" the have finished, then get them out to the end users
Originally Posted by chalt2
Finally in their "spare" time they cruise the MANY forums trying to keep up with the "community" and their desires for changes, tweaks and fixes to issues in the game in order to then go back and repeat #5.
Originally Posted by chalt2
So just because some of YOU have the free time to spend 40 hours a week tearing through the game to find its weaknesses and then expect quick fixes don't get all huffy with ANet, they have alot on the plate. Really, has any game come out and no issues in the first THREE months of release. Give it time, it'll come around and if it doesn't for you then maybe ANet isn't the problem...