RPG!!(Want more!Plz read 1st post)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

Droknar's Forge!

-No current guild.-





Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

Droknar's Forge!

-No current guild.-


Thank goodness problem fixed *Hallehlalujuh*

ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)



Vanatiel paced the streets of Lions Arch. His companions were still
asleep, as it was the early dawn. The sun was slowly moving up the
horizon, casting a beautiful golden glow across the land. Many
merchants could be heard, calling for money. Vanatiel was
both amazed and shocked at the population of the small city.

"Fifty Thousand Gold Pieces 'an this bu'ee is yurs, good sir!", the bulky merchant cried out to the passing figure, pointing to a rare pale sword.
The figure suddenly stopped and turned, revealing the
deathly pale face of a necromancer. The bulky man let out a sharp breath, and took
a step backwards.

"You! You devil! I will do no trade with you!" The merchant cried, pointing a shaking finger
at the cloaked necromancer.

Smiling, the necromancer took a threatening step forward.

Uttering a squeal of fright, the merchant took another step backward.

"Y-you Devil! Be-gone! You desecrate this here holy city! Don't come a single
step closer, or I swear to you, I'll have the White Mantle after you!"

The necromancer took another step towards the merchants goods, ignoring
the fat mans threats. Tracing his gloved hands over the merchants
fruits, the necromancer paced around the wares, searching for the ripest
fruit. Seeming to find the right fruit, the necromancer bent over the wares,
and reached out for a bright red apple. Wiping the fruit on his black cloak,
he proceeded to kneel down in front of the merchant.

"Well good merchant...I'm sorry I couldn't do you the pleasure of
removing that sword off your hands." came the icy voice of death.

The merchants mouth opened as if to say something, but no words came out.

"I see you haven't found your voice, so I believe that I will continue.
My name is Vanatiel, and as you probably know, I'm a necromancer."

Vanatiel paused for a moment, taking a bite of the apple.

"Ah....delicious fruit you have here. Where was I? Oh yes, I was
introducing myself. You see, good merchant, I've traveled through
many lands, in both this world, and the other. I have trudged among
endless dirt roads, walked through glorious cities of gold, and
been in more unholy cities than you can imagine. From what I’ve seen
so far, this isn't the holy city you make it out to be. All I see
are merchants selling foolish wares for comical prices, fanciful and
arrogant knights who believe themselves as servants of some higher
power, and a civilization that has lost all morals."

Vanatiel looked down at his apple, his eyes veiled, as if in deep thought.
Snapping back to consciousness, Vanatiel blinked and looked into the merchants

"I believe I didn't catch your name."

The merchant averted his eyes from the gaze of the necromancer.
The necromancer had horrible eyes. Pale hazel eyes...the
same eyes of the snake...

"Bern." the merchant shakily whispered.

Vanatiel nodded his head.

"Ah. A honest enough name."

Vanatiel took another bite, ignoring the man's stare.

"Your teeth....what..what are they?"

Surprised at the merchant's sudden question, Vanatiel took off his gloves
and moved his fingers over his long, sharp fangs. When Vanatiel finally
lowered his hand, and inspected his fingers, he could see blood on the tips
of his fingers. Unsheathing a long rapier that had a green glow to it,
he smeared his blood over the length of the blade. The rapier seemed
to glow even more brightly, in it's sickening green color, when
the blood was absorbed into the blade. Running his fingers through
the rapiers length, Vanatiel felt the cold, smooth texture under his
bare fingers.

"Your teeth....what..what are they?" the merchant asked again, although
this time a bit louder.

Vanatiel stopped, his fingers at the sharp point of the blade.

"Vampire Teeth, of course."

The merchants jaw dropped.

"H-how could you act so casual about such an atrocity?!" the merchant asked.

Shifting in his stance, the necromancer brought his other leg in the
same position as his other leg, so that none of his knee caps touched the ground.

"They aren't an atrocity, my good merchant. Let's just say, they're an essential
....tool....that a necromancer possesses. Imagine...being able to take the
very life force that keeps any mortal thing alive. It's a beautiful feeling.
Without these..."

Vanatiel fingered his teeth again, although this time more carefully.

"I wouldn't be able to live this life of death."

Vanatiel stood up, his cloak moving slowly in the breeze.

"So...my good merchant, I believe I have some matters to attend to.
I've had a good chat with you, and your wares are good enough, to
sell. Just remember one thing, sir. I am Vanatiel, son, of the Lord
Of Death. I fear nothing. Not life, pain, or death itself. Any
mortal or immortal being of this world of the next does not fear me

Vanatiel took another bite of the apple.

"This is a very good apple." he said, indicating the fruit.

Vanatiel put his hands into his cloak, searched for a bit,
and then withdrew his hand from his pocket. He flicked his hand,
and shiny gold pieces flew towards the merchant, and landed on his

"That, good sir is for this delicious fruit....and this...this is
for our conversation. You see, no one is to know that I'm here. And..
I can't have little rats telling the White Mantle of my existence,
can I?"

Vanatiel closed his eyes, and started to mutter words.

The merchant jumped forward, and begged for Vanatiel not to hurt him.

The necromancer opened one eye.

"Don't worry Bern. This won't hurt a bit."

Closing his eyes, Vanatiel continued to mutter words.

Moving his hands in a circular motion, Vanatiel was raised into the
air. His body started to shake violently, and his hazel eyes were
replaced by white.

Pointing at Bern, Vanatiel suddenly cried out his final words to
complete the spell.

Bern dropped unconscious, onto the ground.

The necromancer smiled.

"Sweet dreams." he whispered, as he turned.

With his black cloak billowing in the wind, Vanatiel, second of the fallen ones,
son of grenth, the lord of death, walked off, back to Alicia Stormcrow, the
only mortal he cared for.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

and then they had big group sex, so the story ends!

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

Vantie, I have but one word for you. Awesome.

The Lady of Death congatulates and approves this installment.

ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


Originally Posted by makii
and then they had big group sex, so the story ends! And BOY was it GREAT!

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

currently working on a reply to your latest installment, Vantie, and I intend to have it up sometime within the next week.

oh, and lol I agree entirely



ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


(*Hallelujah! We are at page 21!*)

<| Party time!!!!


Well, firstly I must apologize.

My previous post was somewhat worthless to the story.

I only have about two days a week, to get on the computer, among homework, family outings, etc etc.

7th grade private school is a drag.

Anyways, I was really surprised at the length of the story, so I tried to eyeball it. I sort of had to rush the reading, so I only got a glimpse. Thus so, I was forced to overcome my shyness and add a somewhat meaningless post.

Anyways, I'm VERY happy at how far this post has come!

And all the new people! *You r0x*

And for you lyndsay,
*inserts huge smiley face accompanied by two rock signs*
Cheers to one of the most mature, composed, and intelligent 7th grade unofficial forum administrator.
Big thankies to you for watching over the forum, so dilligently and splendidly.

Much <3 to you.

And <3 to everyone else that has helped contribute to make this thread bloom.

Well, i'll be seeing you guys next week.

And I'll try to add some posts in, whilst catching up with the story.

Yours truly,
"Sweet Dreams",
Adam a.k.a. *Vanatiel*
P.S. Thank you for reading another, worthless post.

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

and I lyl too Van but you knew that

this is what insomnia brings. unwelcome tidings of up-at-1-am-ness.


ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


Right now it's like 7:31...I also have somewhat of an insomnia.
And my stomachs grumbling...
Hungry o_O

Three 7th graders on one thread!


I envy you lyndsay.

If I was to go to sleep at 1 A.M.

I would only get 4 hours of sleep.

As I wake up at 5:00 AM each morning, to go to school.

And the bus ride is usually two + hours long.

Which means I arrive at school, around 7:30.

If I went to sleep at 1:00 AM, I would be in dream land for sure, all day.

And trust me, with the type of private school teachers we have.

You wouldn't want to get on their bad side.

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

well it sucks really. I was sitting in bed for 2+ hours attempting to sleep, to no avail [obviously ]...

I need that whatever-its-called insomnia perscription or something =/

ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


I never really took a liking to coffee.

It never seemed to do the trick for me, or stir my taste buds.

Anyways, i'm finishin up some homework, and searching for some special mp3s.

D-loadin BreakingBenjaminSoCold.mp3

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

couldnt agree more. I hate coffee. It tastes somewhat like stale, overwatered then drugged hot chocolate. blek. I was thinking more along the lines of an early morning pepsi....or two

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

Adding to the story!! *the 1am blackness here helped a bit, thank you*

Alicia yawned and rubbed her eyes. Another night had come and gone. Her sisters still lay in their cots. Garria was snoring a bit, Varda talking in her sleep, Daishi had gone out for her normal early morning 'run', Wereva was half off her cot, and Cariva was off somewhere, most likely accompanying a group of travelers to the next town.

The dawn was breaking, cold and clear over the seawater horizon. Pinks and blues filled the clouds with the colors of the morn. Alicia sat there on the cliff, looking out over the dawn-lit waters of the Krytan Bay, taking in the salty air that seemed to have somewhat of a calming effect on her.

She usually was a bit more comforable sitting here and gazing off into the sea, but today something was different. It felt almost as if something was there, watching her from afar, but the presence wasn't unknown. She had felt this energy somewhere before.

She tried to clear her head, thinking it was merely an unwelcome thought that had passed her mind. The feeling did not pass. Something was there, watching her silently, but it wasnt a person, or a thing, it had not the bodily presence of an embodied spirit, but it felt as one, somewhere deep in her mind.

Then one word came to her mind. The only thing that could explain the bodily, yet unbodily, spirit. The one tihng that could pass between the living and the dead, without dying and becoming a free spirit.

It was Vantie, but not the kind, and loving one as wich she knew, but the darker side. It watched her, knowing her schedules, attempting to find the moment where she was the most vounerable. She knew what he wanted. The one lifeforce that held the living to their lives. The only thing that would satisfy a Necromancer's darker side.

Blood. Master's blood.

She was the one Child of Grenth, besides Vantie, but the darker side cannot drink it's own blood, that had not been in some way purified, or tampered with. She was the one mortal that was held between the life of her Elementalist side, and the death of the darker part. This was considered to be, what the dark sides called, the Pure blood. The only substance that could withstand the force of time and place. The one thing that could substanciate the dark side's call...

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

Originally Posted by Platinum Agent
I say, the story's starting to bloom a bit. Still need to see a bit more from Mali's and Eric's side of the story. By the way, I like the avatars you've been putting up Storm. And a quick question: How do you have six characters?

and I dont, yet. I have three at the moment, Alicia, Garria, and Varda, but I might be getting my own account soon so I can interchange when I feel like it. I've really been wanting to have a Necro, and a Ranger, but the Monk I'm not so excited about, although I could probably finish the game with her in a month or so...

anyway, off for tonight.

Sweet Dreams.

*smiles evily*

ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


Vanatiel sat on a hill, legs outstretched. After having a smart conversation with the nearby human, he was given a quest. Fortunately, he had time on his hands, so he decided against going to kill clay golems at dawn.

Instead, he sat their, and watched Alicia Stormcrow, and her ONYX guild members from afar. Normal human eyes werent accustomed to seeing in the dark, but Vanatiel could see pretty decently, even in the most darkest conditions. Sitting their, Vanatiel could feel his bloodlust growing, as he watched Alicia stir from her cot.

Vanatiel shivered, experiencing another spasm of bloodlust. He had gone through many of these experiences throughout his life, but none were as strong as this one. Struggling to control himself, Vanatiel's eyes were replaced by whites, and his vampiric teeth extended to fangs. Grasping
the grass, he tried to stay rooted to the place.

"God, what I have I turned into?" Vanatiel gasped out, among writhing in agony.

Vanatiel ultimately cared for Alicia. He didn't want to harm her, at all. Though his emotions were cement, and unchanging, he knew that those emotions were only the human side of himself. His necromatic lust could not be denied, no matter how hard he tried.

Vanatiel struggled to fend off the last wave of bloodlust.

It came, the strongest he had ever had.

Too much for his body to overcome.

He fainted, and rolled down the hill.

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

Bloodlust. The one thing that truely held the dark side. If a Necromancer was able to control his bloodlust, he could keep his darker side from surfacing as often, but if not the dark sode could take over.

All Necromancers needed bloodlust occasionally, for mortal food alone could not sustain them. This is why they consumed the corpses of fallen foes and allies alike. It kept their health and energy up.

But when the dark side took over, all could be lost. Sometimes whole cemetaries were found empty, cleaned of dead.

Alicia then had a sudden and horrifying realization. Vanatiel had failed to control his rush of bloodlust. She knew he sould usually control his onsets, especially if he knew he could harm her, but he had failed to control this rush, and it wasn't good on either one's part.

She knew what he wanted, and she knew he wouldn't stop until he got it.

She tied back her loose silver hair and stood from her spot on the cliff. She turned to the dark Vanatiel and greeted him.

"I know you want it," she said in a confident but shaky voice. "And I'm willing to give it to you to have the real Vantie back."

The dark Vanatiel dissapeared, and came again behind her. She drew a sharp breath as his icy cold hands met her skin halfway between her shoulders and elbows.

"You're a brave girl," he whispered in her ear as he ran his fingertips down her arms. Alicia shook as he did this. "And I appreciate your offer, And just because you sounded sincere, I'm going to accept it."

She squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to steady herself, but she still quivered in fear.

And just as she was about to tell herself it was all just a dream, two sharp, cold fangs plunged into her neck...

((oooooh suspense ))

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

we are now at the begining of 100 pages guys!! congrats









dancing kirby's

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

<(^^<) sorry just really bored and wanted to

(>^^)> B



<(^^<) U




<(^^<) M




<(^^<) P






<(^^<) !!!!!!
































Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


Name: Enkido (nothing more, just Enkido)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: 75% human, 25% wolf
Class: Warrior/ranger

The Kaywither
A hand-and-a-half sword, made from a mixture of steel and lead, making this weapon very heavy even with a slender blade and a deep bloodgroove.
Colored silver as moonlight and fashioned with a wolf's head as the pommel, the Kaywither illustrates the connection between it's owner and the forest wolves, while being as strong and deadly as the latter.

Not really a weapon as such, Enkido's near friend and only companion Karabash, can hold his own on the battlefield. Being imbued with powerful elementalist and warrior magic, Karabash is capable of smashing solid rock with a single claw swipe and conjure the awesome powers of the earth, causing it to shatter and crumble beneath his enemy's feet. However, the latter of these abilites cost major amounts of Karabash's small energy reserves and will therefor only be used when in serious trouble. This prooves no problem though, as the jaws of Karabash are usually enough to break even the strongest of foes.

Natural Weapons
From the wolf part of Enkido's body, come the natural weaponry of the wolf. These include powerful retractable claws, with which Enkido can either shred his enemies to pieces or climb to someplace safe, the first being the most likely. Another of these natural armaments is unsurpassed strength and speed, together with enhanced agility and reflexes. These being highly effective in melee combat and useful for defence against ranged attacks, Enkido's major weakness also comes from the same wolf genes that give him his strength. While arrows and swords may penetrate Enkido's skin, the attackers usually don't get this far. This is, however, if the attackers are not elementalists. Elementalists cannot only attack from afar but they can also conjure the the elements, fire being the most devastating for Enkido. From the wolf Enkido has inhereted the natural fear of fire and he will most likely panic if confronted with a foe using this element. These are the cases where Enkido would rather flee then fight and this has happened on many an occasion.

Armor: Enkido resents most mail armor and would rather take his chances on his own than with heavy platemail. This is because he simply preferes maneuvability over defence and dodging over enduring. However, he still wears a pair of strong Dolyakhide-leggings covered in chainmesh to protect his thighs and knees. Except for that, he wears nothing to protect his torso and feet, as his whole body is covered in very think skin which can withstand alot of punishment, although not making him invulanable. However, Enkido would have avoided the enemies attacks in time for him to move in for the kill, so he most likely won't have to take the punishment anyway.

Bio: Won't write one.

On the ground lay a small figure. A nimble person. Definately not someone skilled with a sword or an axe. Magic was probably the main strength of this person. Dark magic by the looks of it, judging from what looked like a scar on the persons face, fashioned like some sort of tatoo. "But what is this?" a figure in the trees nearby the unconcious person whispered to itself. "What is this running down her neck?" it said again, noticing now the features of the female body, being now able to determin the persons gender. "Blood..." it whispered again, as if not aware of the world around it. Sliding down the large oak where it has been perched just seconds ago, the creature landed silently on the ground, not even rustling neither the grass nor scaring small animals. The creature crept closer to the weak woman lying in the silver moonlight. Treading carefully, making sure no one was watching, it crept closer still, approaching from what was the back of the woman as she was lying on her side. It was now only a few feet away from her. If she had turned now it wouldn't be able to run away in time for her to see it. But she couldn't turn. And it wouldn't run. It was too curious. People weren't something you saw often out here in the woods, let alone necromancers. The creature was now so close to the woman that even the simple nostrils of the necromancer could smell him, had the nose nearest him not been connected to a sleeping mind. In the pale moonlight the creature now showed the features of not a beast; yet not a man either. It was more of a crossbreed. A male most likely. Strong legs in chainmail covered the upper part of his otherwise naked legs. A powerful torso with strong, yet slender muscles carried a leather sheeth with a sword on his back. His arms were as strong as the rest of his body and as slender as a young mans. On the shoulders of these strong arms was a noble face. Scruffy and clearly not shaved, yet handsome and friendly. His dark-brown hair was long and reached to the back of his neck but did not hang infront of his face but was somehow growing backwards as if it were a mane. He wore no jewelry neither on this body nor on his face. His eyes, however, shone like pearls and were now fixed upon the woman that lay only a few feet from his face. His eyes were now curious and careful, but at the same time worried both for himself and for the woman before him. What was he to do with her? He couldn't leave her there on the ground but he couldn't really run away not that he was so close. He decided to atleast turn her over so he could see her face clearly. He stretched out his large hand toward her shoulder and turned her around.

Note: Pheew, that's it. Not sure if I got it all right or if I'm even allowed to join. Just felt like you guys were making too many Kirbies. Anyway, can I participate? If not, don't pay attention to my post; I'll delete it. If yes, thanks for letting me join.

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-


absolutely not.

I will not have another over selfish male posting in my thread. (not referring to Vantie or Link on this one...)

I'm sorry if you put work into that but from what I read just in your wapons and armor, I refuse to let you into the storyline.

ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


That was a very descriptive post, man!

Pretty cool storyline, although I would like to see more of your biography.
It would be pretty wicked to know how your a wolf...
Either born to a werewolf and a human
Or Bitten by a wolf,
Or whatever story you have.

I'd be glad to hear it.

I'll be posting later, but right now, i'm off to shoot some people with an m4a1 in Counterstrike.

One little tip, just try to make the weapons & armour more relevant to the "virtual reality" of GW.

I would die to have little wolverine claw things coming out of my hands, but we're trying to stick to the GW "realism".

Anyways, thanks for the post man,
And good job with that.

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

a little part to the story Ive been thinking over for the past few days---

Strangely enough, Alicia did not see pain in this, as most would, but pleasure. ((weird huh? ok so not really)) She tilted her head back and to the side, sighing as the fangs went deeper still.

The dark Vanatiel had placed his hands back on her arms, but this time he dug his nails into her biceps. This released an anastetic type toxin that slowly made it's way to her heart, slowing her heartbeat.

As the toxin worked its way through her bloodstream, the dark Vanatiel started to give way to the real. Slowly the fangs retracted to their normal length, and slowly the toxin wore off, depleating and finally killing itself.

As Alicia came back to her senses she realized that what had happened in the Onyx Sister's Guild Hall was not normal. She realized that she was a bloodchild, not a powerchild, as the other Sisters were. The blood that had made her what she was, was finally doing what it had meant to for years. The ritual had tormented it, as her daethwound was again opened, if only breifly. This caused the blood that lay dorment within her, to bring it's rage forth, giving her the true power of the Necromancer.

As she lay on the ground, her heartbeat came to it's normal pace. There was a brief moment where her eyelids quivered, as if wanting to open but not doing so. Then with one sharp movement her eyes opened, revealing the white that had lay dorment for so long.

(sorry it took so long, Dad made me watch the Transylvanian edition of the Scariest Places on Earth...**very freaky**)

Link Ironhammer

Link Ironhammer

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Hyrule (Kokiri Village)


Sorry I don't post much, I'm trying to find the perfect time to have Mali arrive in Lions Arch.
I may post later this evening though so be prepared...

Link Ironhammer

Link Ironhammer

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Hyrule (Kokiri Village)


Ok here is my new post the family will be together yet again!! P.s sorry if I mess up anyones post Idea!!
Mali awoke to find himself in a wagon, he jumped up and saw Eric. "Are we in Lions Arch?"
"No, not yet."
"Who's driving the wagon?"
"Oh, thats my friend Faven, he helped me in the battle against the undead."
"Where did we get the wagon?"
"In Gates of Kryta, we should be in Lions Arch in the morning, go back to sleep."

Mali awoke in the morning to find the wagon stopped, plus Eric and Faven were gone. He looked outside the wagon,noticed that the horses were gone,that he was in Lions Arch, and Mali found a note on the driver seat that read:
Dear Mail,
So sorry that I must leave you on such short notice but, I have gone away with faven and will never return. So Long friend!

Eric Kasus

Mali cryed a little bit after losing his companion,but he was now excited about finnally seeing his mom, he jumped out of the wagon and began searching for her.

Mali was amazed at how big Lions Arch was, he didn't think he would find his mom. Then he saw her, standing with Vantie behind her and....
What is he doing to her??? Mali thought. Then he saw what was happening, Vantie was sinking his fangs into his mothers neck!!! "No!!!" Mali screamed and began running towards her. When he arrived his mother was laying on the ground exhauste dwith Vantie hanging over her. "What have you done to her... you...you...monster!!!!"
"Mali....is that you?"
"Yes, vantie its me, now what have you done to my mother?"
"My thrist for bloodlust ran out of control...I.."
"Mali stop this..."
"NO, you have taken my mother away from me and now you try sinkg your fangs into her?"
"Mali I can't control it..."
Mali kneeled down by his mom and helped her get up. tears welled up in his eyes as he was so glad to see his mother.
"Mali..my Mali...your finally safe."
"Yes mother, I am here, you will never lose me again."
Mali helped his mother walk her to the tent(or sleeping place or whatever its called), while doing so he gave Vantie a very mean stare. Vantie watched him with a dazed look on his face...
God My hands hurt!!
The reason I made Eric go away forever is because he no longer playes Guild Wars, he subscribed to World of Warcraft(shocking I kno).
If I ruined any future posts, then I am apoligizing right here.
Sorry If I ruined any future posts.

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

Alicia stroked Mali's hair as he slept that night. She was glad he had come, but she was also scared for him. Both she and Vantie had been through their greatest bloodlust..and she hadn't seen Vantie since the toxins wore off.

She attempted the telepathy, but to no avail. His mind was sealed, and he could not be reached. Just then a squeaking hinge was heard on the Guild Hall's doors, and rain was heard pouring against the heavy stone. She shivered as the cold wind blew from the night beyond the door.

Wrapped in her blanket she walked over to the dark figure that had entered the hall, and layed against him. In return he gave her a hug that sent warmth throughout her. She lifted her head to say something, but he would not allow her to.

"You'll wake them." he whispered. "Now cmon, that storm's horrible. We should tone it down a bit."

She nodded.

Fire rained from the sky to the rainclouds, smothering the drops before they fell. A chill ran down her spine as the last of the rain fell from the clouds overhead.

She hoped Mali would understand, but she wasn't holding her breath on it...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


Crikey, did I get shot down there or what?

Gee, if you think I'm overpowered or " overselfish", as you call it, just say so. No need to be rude like that.

If I'm not welcome it would be sufficient just to tell me.

Want me to delete my post or let it stay?

BTW, thanks for the positive criticism Ownage. Sorry, didn't know it had to be fitted with "Guildwars realism". Oh well, I'm not in the story anyway. Might make the bio for you sometime though.

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

dont want it, dont care.

and just fyi, there is nor such this as 'costructive' or 'positive' critacism

all critacism is nagative...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


I don't want to start a fight here, but it's only the common idea that "criticism" is bad. There are two things: positive criticism and negative criticism. There's not only negative criticism, even if the majority of people think so.

A variation of criticism is contructive critisicm which is informing the person you're criticising about what could be done better and what is good as it is.

Crit-i-cism: 1. The act, art, or principles of critisizing, esp. of criticizing litery or artistic work 2. a comment, review, article, etc.

That was from the dictionary.


Positive criticism: "Wow, I really like that painting you made. I think it was great how you blended the colors together and really expressed what you felt."

Negative criticism: "Ha! That's a cliche, forgery! Nothing even worth looking at. Complete waste of time. The colors are bland and you have nothing to say."

Constructive criticism: "Hmm, I like it, but perhaps you should've made the character stand more out. You try pretty well with the colors, but perhaps shadows would work better?"

Notice the difference?

Anyway, I'm gonna stop this now. You have a good story going and I'm not gonna fill it with my posts. Just wanted to explain the criticism thing for you, so now I'm gonna leave this thread. Good luck with the story!

PS: I understand you don't want it, that sunk in pretty quick. I just wish you could've been a little nicer that's all.

ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


We could use another writer, Lyndsay.

Besides, his description is pretty cool.

If he just adds a biography, and changes his weapons/armour a bit, we could get something going!


Criticism IS 1. The act of criticizing, especially adversely.
2. A critical comment or judgment.
1. The practice of analyzing, classifying, interpreting, or evaluating literary or other artistic works.
2. A critical article or essay; a critique.
3. The investigation of the origin and history of literary documents; textual criticism.

Source: Dictionary.com

So yes, Rancour is right.

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

you dont see the logic in my thinking, and I wont try to explain it to you.

besides the fact that Sanj left the responsibility to me, and not you.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Camp Rancor (Rancour :D)

I'm a free spirit (that's not what the guild is called, I just am)


Ok, most likely last post.

First of all, Storm Crow, I have nothing against you and I don't mean to get mad at you or anything of the like. Sorry if I sounded angry with you, cause I'm not. You have your opinion on weather or not I should join and it's completely your choice and I respect that.

Ownage I chose not to write a biography simply because I found that I like to do that through flashbacks in the actual RP. Could still write one for you though. Second, the weapon/armor thing was just how my character usually is. As a description, he sounds far stronger than he is. The thing is, I had not realized that the characters were supposed to be based out of Guildwars realism and I therefor thought that I could just use the normal, free-imagination discription I usually use for this character. It's not like I couldn't have altered him to fit into the Guildwars universe.

Platinum, you're probably right in that assumption. But that's how life is. We all have different opinions, no matter the subject.

Crikey, I keep on posting! You guys should go on with the story! Write guys! Write!



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

Please excuse the interruption:

Hello everyone,

I wanted to just hop in quickly and ask everyone to please be curteous to one another. This forum is here not only for the regulars, but also for all the other users. A thread is a thread, and while it may seem like someone is intruding after months of having it to yourself, please also remember that Guru is a public resource, and meant to remain one. Let's be tolerant and helpful, and possibly make a few new friends along the way.

Otherwise, great writing, and keep it up! If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to PM me or another member of the staff.

Thank you

ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


Rain poured upon the Onyx Guild house. The air was musky and cold, since the doors were locked and the windows closed. The only warmth in the house was the few blankets, and hot meat, that Garria had recently brought home. The sisters each lay on their individual cot, but Alicia and Vanatiel huddled in a corner. Mali lay near Varda, breathing in and out, very slowly.

"He must be tired." came the faint whisper from Vantie.

Alicia nodded her head in agreement.

After all, Mali had traveled more than some would in three lifetimes. But that thought was quickly forgotten. Urgent matters were at hand.

"Alicia...I'm, I'm really sorry about...you know what." Vantie said, his head down.

"It's okay Vantie, it's okay" she murmured, looking at Mali.

"I don't want it to happen again."

"It won't Vantie."

"How would you know?"

"Your toxins disappeared."

"That doesn't mean a thing, my necromatic attributes can replenish the toxins in a matter of days. Next time, the bloodlust might be even stronger than before."

Vanatiel shivered, whether from the cold, or from his fright, he didn't know.

With no reply, Vanatiel continued.

"I know what happens to Necromancers who experience too much bloodlust. They lose control. Just like a werewolf, who loses it's conscience, when the transformation is complete. I...I don't want that to happen to me."

Vanatiel was afraid.

So very afraid.

Not only for his life...but for the lives of the ones he cared about.

It was like a splinter. The bloodlust was always there...just waiting for the moment, to turn Vanatiel even more evil...even more hauntingly necromatic..

...To plunge Vanatiel into another nightmare of pain, sadness, and torment."

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

Originally Posted by Aria
Please excuse the interruption:

Hello everyone,

I wanted to just hop in quickly and ask everyone to please be curteous to one another. This forum is here not only for the regulars, but also for all the other users. A thread is a thread, and while it may seem like someone is intruding after months of having it to yourself, please also remember that Guru is a public resource, and meant to remain one. Let's be tolerant and helpful, and possibly make a few new friends along the way.

Otherwise, great writing, and keep it up! If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to PM me or another member of the staff.

Thank you
Aria I'm sorry Aria, its just that so many people have posted here and either been very self centered, or never posted again. I figured this was the case again, and maybe got a little too arrogant.

I apologize to everyone.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

UK, or is it? *confused*


Originally Posted by Storm Crow
I'm sorry Aria, its just that so many people have posted here and either been very self centered, or never posted again. I figured this was the case again, and maybe got a little too arrogant.

I apologize to everyone. Hey, you're dowing brilliantly, and so is Ownage! If I had a Reputation button, I'd give you some of it, as well as ownage! Keep the good storys coming!

Storm Crow

Storm Crow

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

With Vanatiel by the Lion's Arch Lighthouse, waiting for the storm with which we are accoustomed

Children of the Order [CoO] -True Heroes Fight to Keep the Balance-

As the rain pounded against the stone of the Hall, more and more people began drifting off to dreamland, but for some reason Mali could not.

He had woken up from the squeaking hinges of the doors, and couldn't get back to sleep. He walked toward his mother, trailing his blanket behind him, and snuggled beside her. She stroked his hair once and pulled a Deldrimorian Steel flute from a bag.

Softly she played a rainlike melody, keeping in tune with the splashes of the raindrops on the roof. Slowly the rain grew softer, as did the melody echoing from the walls of the Guild Hall...

ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


Busy with school.

5/7 days weekly.

2 days off.

This post states my 1st day of NO school


ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


*Totally unrelated post to story*

"Oi I got a biggie one over here sonnie boy!" Cried out Vanatiel

Reeling in his fishing rod, Vanatiel bent over, and his muscles stiffened.

"Oi Oi Oi, Biggie this is!"

Vanatiel continued to pull the line in.

Suddenly, the hook emerged, caught in the collar of a man, who carried many scars, and wounds.

"Ooh! Big fish!" Vanatiel cried out in glee.

Pulling his catch in, Vanatiel looked down eagerly at the victim.



ownage of teh elite

ownage of teh elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Paradise =)


Food is Food!