RPG!!(Want more!Plz read 1st post)
Link Ironhammer
no we were in an argument she just won't talk to me...
Link Ironhammer
thanks for tryin
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by Platinum Agent
im back!!!! ur favorite message spammer, now in school so i cant spam anymore! the story's starting to waver...link, hope that whatever happened between u and alicia gets put in the past, i wanna see the story come out with mali and alicia on the same side...i emailed scholastic and the other publishers, none wanna publish this...f them...
*cough* uhm, we must get publishing rights from the creators of the game before we go publishing this. It's like plajorism or violatig copyright laws or something if we dont get the rights first...
hmmmm so did u settle ur agreements link with alicia, wow for a minute there i would had to have been peackeeper lad. anyway if i could find a way to shorten my screenshots i post my 15k armor. anyway link good job man and u too alicia for getting bak together again. Its makes me cry *sniff*
Eric: FILN???!! I killed him though!
Ylop: So it may have seen but I ressurected him. He has assured me a big juicy bonus. *smacks lips* Anyway, you guys and glas will have to die! MWHAHAHAHHAHA
Faven: *pulls out bow and aims for a heaadshot* I like where ur head is standing *releases arrow*
Ylop: *dodges arrow* Hehehehehe good try know its my turn.
Ylop runs quickly around the the archer and starts choking him. Karen quick to react uses a mesmer spell to free Faven. Ylop quickly runs back.
Ylop: I like the taste of your energy. Now DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ylop says some weird voodoo magic words and Faven suddenly starts screaming in intense pain. Ylop and Karen seem pleased. They both start cackling.
Eric: ?!
Eric then felt as a sharp needle have been stabbed through his head. Betrayal. Once before now again.
Eric: You , you, you,.....
Eric's anger then starts to intensify. Clinching his fist. Then a ball of energy was starting to glow. It grew larger and larger.
Ylop: You take him Karen you can have some fun.
Karen: *grins*
Eric: YOU.....WILL.... NOT..... LEAVE......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
Eric releases the energy and aims it towards Ylop.
Eric: NOW DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eric fires the incredible mass of energy at Ylop and Ylop unaware of everything. Ylop then turns around to only have a ball of energy in his face. Karen reacts quickly but its no use. Eric is somewhat invincible.
Eric: TAINTED BLUE ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then the ball of energy explodes and cause a mass destruction of an area. Mali and Alicia feel this energy....
Eric: FILN???!! I killed him though!
Ylop: So it may have seen but I ressurected him. He has assured me a big juicy bonus. *smacks lips* Anyway, you guys and glas will have to die! MWHAHAHAHHAHA
Faven: *pulls out bow and aims for a heaadshot* I like where ur head is standing *releases arrow*
Ylop: *dodges arrow* Hehehehehe good try know its my turn.
Ylop runs quickly around the the archer and starts choking him. Karen quick to react uses a mesmer spell to free Faven. Ylop quickly runs back.
Ylop: I like the taste of your energy. Now DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ylop says some weird voodoo magic words and Faven suddenly starts screaming in intense pain. Ylop and Karen seem pleased. They both start cackling.
Eric: ?!
Eric then felt as a sharp needle have been stabbed through his head. Betrayal. Once before now again.
Eric: You , you, you,.....
Eric's anger then starts to intensify. Clinching his fist. Then a ball of energy was starting to glow. It grew larger and larger.
Ylop: You take him Karen you can have some fun.
Karen: *grins*
Eric: YOU.....WILL.... NOT..... LEAVE......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
Eric releases the energy and aims it towards Ylop.
Eric: NOW DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eric fires the incredible mass of energy at Ylop and Ylop unaware of everything. Ylop then turns around to only have a ball of energy in his face. Karen reacts quickly but its no use. Eric is somewhat invincible.
Eric: TAINTED BLUE ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then the ball of energy explodes and cause a mass destruction of an area. Mali and Alicia feel this energy....
Storm Crow
. . .
YES!! ITS HERE FOLKS!! THE TIME HAS ARRIVED FOR ANOTHER STORYLINE POST!! (for those that care BIG plot twist in this one 
Alicia felt Dac's ritual weakening, flickering and finally shutting down. She knew that Grenth had come through for her.
She lit the candle once again and let the flame burn its black light through the blood stained wax, staring at it as it melted the black to its true blood-red, just as it melted the black from her eyes, tuning them back to their soft grey-green.
Her attention then immediately turned to Vantie. He had cared for her in her times of need, now it was her turn to return the favor.
Slowly she ran her hand through his hair, just as she had done so many ties before. She sat beside him, tracing the lines that ran down the sleeve of his armor. It was then that she remembered all the times she had had with him. Running from the dungeon tower, reviving him from the meteor, the night he told her of the massacre, leaving him behind when they were sent away to prefect their talents with the powers of the Gods, the night of her labor, fighting over the father of Mali, when they ran away, the tar pit, and the ritual. But most prominently, the night she told him of her pregnancy. She took his hand in hers, remembering that night so many moons before.
"Vantie," she whispered.
She put his arm around her shoulders and lay down beside him, putting her head on his chest. She planted a feather-light kiss on his hand before quietly saying, "I love you,"
~ ~ ~
The morning came to three familiar and comforting things. The sound of rain (although this was a nasty, tar-rain), the gentle raising and falling of Vantie's chest, and the soft stroking of her hair.
"Mornin' Sunshine," Vantie said as he broke into a crooked Necrotic smile and continued stroking her hair.
Alicia scooted up and kissed him, then snuggled back into his chest.
She lifted her head as something cold nudged her now bare feet. Looking up at her was a face she remembered from so long ago. He was still his old self, trying to get into the middle of everything. She laughed at him, knowing he didn't care.
"C'mere," she said with a smirk, reaching her hand out to him.
A playful growl and three padded steps later, Alicia was being smothered in Gari's 'kisses'. Laughing ang trying to avoid the sandpaper-like tongue, she barely that he was now nearly as big as she was. She finally managed to catch his head and hug him, he giving a gentle playful purr. Vantie scratched him behind the ears, remembering when he had been treated like this playful cat.
It was then that Alicia remembered. She sat bolt upright and stared out of the open tent flap into the rain.
"Licia?" Vantie looked up from romping with Gari. "Licia, whats wrong?"
"Mali."...was the only answer.
"What? Did something happen?"
"The ritual was stopped, and Dac was sent to the Mists, but Mali is still with San, Omega, and Skry..."
"I'm sure he'll be fine, Grenth will watch him."
Alicia stood up at the word 'Grenth'. She ran for the candle she had left burning by the fire the night before. It had gone out, so she lit it again and simply let it burn.
It was here that the Shadow returned.
"Your mission is no longer that of the Ascalon's." it said, "You must go back, over the Shiverpeaks and to Kryta. Ascalon can handle its own problems for now. I shall speak with you again when you reach the city of Lion's Arch. Good luck." and with that, it disappeared.
Alicia closed her eyes and smothered the candle-flame with her hand, then stood and turned to Vanatiel, "You heard it too, Vantie. It's back over the Shiverpeaks we go."
. . .
Link Ironhammer
My turn..
Mali was glad the ritual was stopped he felt a strange feeling while it was going on.
He kept wondering where Alicia and vantie were. he walked back to his tent and fell into a deep sleep.
Mali found himself in a dream sitting in front of Grenth. As Mali was about to open his mouth Grenth began talking. "Mali, I know where your parents are and where they are going." "Where?" "Lions Arch is where they are headed, go to them now young Mali for your destiny waits with them". mali began coming out of his dream, but before he left he said "I am almost 12 grenth"
Mali awoke and started packing, he hoped his parents would be overjoyed that he would be joining them in Lions Arch..
Mali was glad the ritual was stopped he felt a strange feeling while it was going on.
He kept wondering where Alicia and vantie were. he walked back to his tent and fell into a deep sleep.
Mali found himself in a dream sitting in front of Grenth. As Mali was about to open his mouth Grenth began talking. "Mali, I know where your parents are and where they are going." "Where?" "Lions Arch is where they are headed, go to them now young Mali for your destiny waits with them". mali began coming out of his dream, but before he left he said "I am almost 12 grenth"
Mali awoke and started packing, he hoped his parents would be overjoyed that he would be joining them in Lions Arch..
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by Platinum Agent
alicia, ur right, mebbe we should ask gw first, anyways, might i suggest the death of someone in the story? it might make a dramatic scene. u could also do some sort of "renewal" thing, where dac comes back, and everyone's friends again, u kill the undead lich, blah blah blah, itll be a cool ending. i have a few story ideas, so pm me on questions, i read books like mad
Dac doesnt come back, he's been banned so I thought sending him to the Mists was a good way to end his departure
and you arent the only one who reads like mad
oh and for everyones information, Ive been writing since the 1st grade. my first story was like, 15 pages long, not to brag or anything
and you arent the only one who reads like mad
oh and for everyones information, Ive been writing since the 1st grade. my first story was like, 15 pages long, not to brag or anything

Link Ironhammer
Its the Next.........(insert author here)!
Storm Crow
*message too short, coughs in the silence*
*message too short, coughs in the silence*
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by Platinum Agent
whoa, my first story was only 7 pages long, and 1st grade! ur a pretty accomplished reader. and i guess dac's death is enough for now (i wonder if its just the temporary ban), btw nice new av, and isnt 666 the number of the devil (kinda makes sense cuz of ur little "alicia and vantie necronity" or whatever u call it)?
thanks. and yes, it is. Ive taken on a whole new "fling" (well, thats what my frend calls it) since RPing here. and fyi, it's Necrocicity (pron.-Neck-rot-i-ce), not Necronity
Storm Crow
and to continue..
o btw, all befor now was simply Part I, The Charr Invasion, now begins the real adventure
Part II - A New Destiny
It did not take them long to get to the city of Lion's Arch. The Stone Summit were an easy takedown for the Pyromancer and Illusionist (?). Garion suffered the most damage on the trip. Alicia quickly healed many of his wounds with a quick pass of her hand, the dark healing aura of Grenth's Children emitting from it.
As they grew ever closer to their goal of Kryta, the troupe grew weary. The lack of decent sleep and decent food finally setting in on them. It had not taken long for them to grow unconsious to their surroundings. They were nearly overcome by a group of wild Caromi Tengu. Had it not been for the alert of Gari and the quick action of Alicia and Vantie, they would most certaintly all be dead.
Finally, the city came within eyesight. Its walls were glimmering in the afternoon sun. Inside many were attempting to sell the wares they had collected from hunting down the Bog Scales and Tengu in the area. Everything from Heavy Tengu Armor to Bog Scale Fins was being attempted for sale in the large trade city. Neither of those who went inside were fond of this.
The lighthouse was the first resting spot on the list. Here the Shadow appeared again.
"I see you have made it," it said, "I have news for you."
"Can it wait?" Alicia said, falling to the grass beside the lighthouse and panting.
"It is of young Malikai." the Shadow said smugly.
"Mali?" she said, she stopped panting and listened for more.
"Yes. He is on his way here now. He knows his destiny lies with yours."
"Grenth." Vanie said under his breath. He knew what the Keeper of the Mists had done.
And little did young Malikai know of what his destiny truely was. Alll he knew was that he trusted the Old God, and did not doubt his words.
He would soon learn of his mistake...
o btw, all befor now was simply Part I, The Charr Invasion, now begins the real adventure

Part II - A New Destiny
It did not take them long to get to the city of Lion's Arch. The Stone Summit were an easy takedown for the Pyromancer and Illusionist (?). Garion suffered the most damage on the trip. Alicia quickly healed many of his wounds with a quick pass of her hand, the dark healing aura of Grenth's Children emitting from it.
As they grew ever closer to their goal of Kryta, the troupe grew weary. The lack of decent sleep and decent food finally setting in on them. It had not taken long for them to grow unconsious to their surroundings. They were nearly overcome by a group of wild Caromi Tengu. Had it not been for the alert of Gari and the quick action of Alicia and Vantie, they would most certaintly all be dead.
Finally, the city came within eyesight. Its walls were glimmering in the afternoon sun. Inside many were attempting to sell the wares they had collected from hunting down the Bog Scales and Tengu in the area. Everything from Heavy Tengu Armor to Bog Scale Fins was being attempted for sale in the large trade city. Neither of those who went inside were fond of this.
The lighthouse was the first resting spot on the list. Here the Shadow appeared again.
"I see you have made it," it said, "I have news for you."
"Can it wait?" Alicia said, falling to the grass beside the lighthouse and panting.
"It is of young Malikai." the Shadow said smugly.
"Mali?" she said, she stopped panting and listened for more.
"Yes. He is on his way here now. He knows his destiny lies with yours."
"Grenth." Vanie said under his breath. He knew what the Keeper of the Mists had done.
And little did young Malikai know of what his destiny truely was. Alll he knew was that he trusted the Old God, and did not doubt his words.
He would soon learn of his mistake...
Link Ironhammer
Mali left the courthouse, hoping he had enough supplies to last the trip to Yaks bend. He had had no trouble so far on his journey. He hoped on the horse he had stolen from Omega back at his camp and headed for Yaks Bend.
Mali entered the Ascalon Foothills and set up camp in an enclosed area he tied up the horse by a small stream, climbed into his tent and fell asleep.
Mali heard the horse whining in the middle of the night, he pulled out his bow and strung it and walked outside. There was someone untieing his horse!!
"Who Goes there?" The man looked up at Mali, and Mali heard a sword come out of its sheath, before he could do anything the man hit him in the nose with the butt of his sword. Mali's world turned black.....
Mali entered the Ascalon Foothills and set up camp in an enclosed area he tied up the horse by a small stream, climbed into his tent and fell asleep.
Mali heard the horse whining in the middle of the night, he pulled out his bow and strung it and walked outside. There was someone untieing his horse!!
"Who Goes there?" The man looked up at Mali, and Mali heard a sword come out of its sheath, before he could do anything the man hit him in the nose with the butt of his sword. Mali's world turned black.....
hey can u guys add me into ur story now? it would be awesome!
Link Ironhammer
I think I can do that..
Mali woke up with a start saying "Where am I?' He heard a voice saying "You are in the Ice tooth cave friend." Mali got up, picked up his wand and bow and said "I have to get to Lions Arch, but thanks for rescuing me.
"Wait, I am going to Lions Arch too."
"Who are you anyway?"
"My Name is Eric Kasus, whats yours?"
"Well Mali, when should we leave?"
"Right Now, Lets go"
Eric packed up their stuff and they both left Ice tooth Cave for the long journey to Beacons Perch.
There you go Eric, you are now in the story.
Mali woke up with a start saying "Where am I?' He heard a voice saying "You are in the Ice tooth cave friend." Mali got up, picked up his wand and bow and said "I have to get to Lions Arch, but thanks for rescuing me.
"Wait, I am going to Lions Arch too."
"Who are you anyway?"
"My Name is Eric Kasus, whats yours?"
"Well Mali, when should we leave?"
"Right Now, Lets go"
Eric packed up their stuff and they both left Ice tooth Cave for the long journey to Beacons Perch.
There you go Eric, you are now in the story.
hahah *squares*
Link Ironhammer
ha ha @$$whipe
Storm Crow
Now t'is time to add the Sisters into the story!!
Vanatiel and Alicia sat in the shadow of the lighthouse, talking over the events of the journey. Time and conversation rambled on, and neither noticed the shouting in the city. Guilds were recruting new members, items were being sold for insanely high prices, and people were looking for groups to journey on to new places and do quests.
In the midst of all this, two people, a Warrior, dressed in Gladiator's armor and a Mesmer, in Rouge's attire, had walked in from a recent Tengu run. They sold their wares and then proceded to walk up the path to the lighthouse, stopping and the Xunlai Storage on the way. They were shocked to see that the Necromancer and Elementalist were sitting in the same spot they always had. The Warrior did not like this, and she was bent on telling them that.
She walked out of the shadows and glared at the two sitting in the shade of the lighthouse. Her sister, the Mesmer, tried to stop her, but she knew if she interfeared too much, her sister would get even angrier than she already was.
"And what do you think you're doing here?" she asked bluntly, anger ringing in her voice.
"We were talking." Alicia said back, her grey-green eyes beginning to show a touch of black.
"Garria, don't get all uptight," the Mesmer tried to calm her sister down. "They have just as much a right to sit there as we do."
"Varda, do you remember the last time you tried to tell me that?" Garria said looking from Alicia to her sister.
"Yes," she said, a slight touch of annoyance making its way into her voice.
"Then you know it's a waste of time."
"Hey!" Vantie spoke up, "She's right. We have as much a right to be here as you do."
By this time Alicia was no longer paying attention to the conversation. She was staring at the Warrior and the Mesmer. 'Garria,' she hought to herself, 'That name sounds so familliar. So does Varda. I swear I've seen them somewhere...'
"May I ask what your last name is?" Alicia said standing to see them better.
"Stormcrow." Varda said before Garria could say no.
Alicia looked at Vanatiel, and he looked back. He knew she was thinking something, and he was pretty sure he was thinking the same thing.
"Vantie..." Alicia employed the telepathy once again. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Well, that depends on what you're thinking."
"I thought they looked familliar..."
Alicia couldnt help herself. "What are your major skills?"
Varda again replied. "I'm a Dominatrix, my sister is a Swordmaster. And I'm sure we would like to know this of you as well."
"Oh, sorry." Alicia laughed. "This is Vanatiel. Blood master. And I'm Alicia Stormcrow, Pyromancer."
"Varda..." Garria said, turning towards her sister. "She's the last one."
Varda nodded.
"The last what?" Alicia asked.
"The last Sister." Garria said, "You are a Child of Grenth, are you not?"
"Yes..." she said.
It was then Alicia noticed the pair's necklaces. Black choker bands circled their necks, and hung from them were intricate designs. Garria's held the shape of a flaming sword that looked like Balthazar's. Varda's was half of an Imposing Mask, such as Lyssa's. Garria reached into a bag she carried and pulled out a band like that of her own, but it was blank.
"What is this for?" Alicia asked, holding the empty band.
"It will be your Symbol of the Sisters, when your charm is made." Varda said.
"When will my charm be made?"
"When you make it."
"How do I do that?"
"You must prove to the Gods you are worthy of being a Child." Garria said. "You must partake in the ritual."
"Come with us." Varda said. "The Sisters of the Onyx await your arrival."

Vanatiel and Alicia sat in the shadow of the lighthouse, talking over the events of the journey. Time and conversation rambled on, and neither noticed the shouting in the city. Guilds were recruting new members, items were being sold for insanely high prices, and people were looking for groups to journey on to new places and do quests.
In the midst of all this, two people, a Warrior, dressed in Gladiator's armor and a Mesmer, in Rouge's attire, had walked in from a recent Tengu run. They sold their wares and then proceded to walk up the path to the lighthouse, stopping and the Xunlai Storage on the way. They were shocked to see that the Necromancer and Elementalist were sitting in the same spot they always had. The Warrior did not like this, and she was bent on telling them that.
She walked out of the shadows and glared at the two sitting in the shade of the lighthouse. Her sister, the Mesmer, tried to stop her, but she knew if she interfeared too much, her sister would get even angrier than she already was.
"And what do you think you're doing here?" she asked bluntly, anger ringing in her voice.
"We were talking." Alicia said back, her grey-green eyes beginning to show a touch of black.
"Garria, don't get all uptight," the Mesmer tried to calm her sister down. "They have just as much a right to sit there as we do."
"Varda, do you remember the last time you tried to tell me that?" Garria said looking from Alicia to her sister.
"Yes," she said, a slight touch of annoyance making its way into her voice.
"Then you know it's a waste of time."
"Hey!" Vantie spoke up, "She's right. We have as much a right to be here as you do."
By this time Alicia was no longer paying attention to the conversation. She was staring at the Warrior and the Mesmer. 'Garria,' she hought to herself, 'That name sounds so familliar. So does Varda. I swear I've seen them somewhere...'
"May I ask what your last name is?" Alicia said standing to see them better.
"Stormcrow." Varda said before Garria could say no.
Alicia looked at Vanatiel, and he looked back. He knew she was thinking something, and he was pretty sure he was thinking the same thing.
"Vantie..." Alicia employed the telepathy once again. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Well, that depends on what you're thinking."
"I thought they looked familliar..."
Alicia couldnt help herself. "What are your major skills?"
Varda again replied. "I'm a Dominatrix, my sister is a Swordmaster. And I'm sure we would like to know this of you as well."
"Oh, sorry." Alicia laughed. "This is Vanatiel. Blood master. And I'm Alicia Stormcrow, Pyromancer."
"Varda..." Garria said, turning towards her sister. "She's the last one."
Varda nodded.
"The last what?" Alicia asked.
"The last Sister." Garria said, "You are a Child of Grenth, are you not?"
"Yes..." she said.
It was then Alicia noticed the pair's necklaces. Black choker bands circled their necks, and hung from them were intricate designs. Garria's held the shape of a flaming sword that looked like Balthazar's. Varda's was half of an Imposing Mask, such as Lyssa's. Garria reached into a bag she carried and pulled out a band like that of her own, but it was blank.
"What is this for?" Alicia asked, holding the empty band.
"It will be your Symbol of the Sisters, when your charm is made." Varda said.
"When will my charm be made?"
"When you make it."
"How do I do that?"
"You must prove to the Gods you are worthy of being a Child." Garria said. "You must partake in the ritual."
"Come with us." Varda said. "The Sisters of the Onyx await your arrival."
. . .
*cheers wildly*
yay storm nice writing....
so anyways
oh yeah nothing else to say
yay storm nice writing....
so anyways
oh yeah nothing else to say
Shiny Catalyst
Is It too late to join ?
If not then
Name: Renizel Salfax
Age:20 (human years)
Gender: male
Race:Half -Elf
Wepon or wepons:If i can have a lance.......If not Fellblade and sheild of the wing
Armor: Fissure helm, Citadel plate,leggings,boots, and gauntlets
Ok umm Ill make a bio if u want
but post to tell me if this is acceptable first plz
and if sum1 could brief me on whats happening in a post cuz i have to go to school and i have a track meet so i dont have time to read it all....hehe....ty
-Shiny Catalyst
EDIT: oops sry also tell me about lance and half -elf if we can add that....
If not then
Name: Renizel Salfax
Age:20 (human years)
Gender: male
Race:Half -Elf
Wepon or wepons:If i can have a lance.......If not Fellblade and sheild of the wing
Armor: Fissure helm, Citadel plate,leggings,boots, and gauntlets
Ok umm Ill make a bio if u want
but post to tell me if this is acceptable first plz
and if sum1 could brief me on whats happening in a post cuz i have to go to school and i have a track meet so i dont have time to read it all....hehe....ty
-Shiny Catalyst
EDIT: oops sry also tell me about lance and half -elf if we can add that....
Link Ironhammer
i am sorry to say but it is too late we are full
Shiny Catalyst
No problem next RP msg me or sumthin
EDIT: guess not storm msg me if it changes
EDIT: guess not storm msg me if it changes
thx link i apperciate that.
Ok here is how i found Mali
After Eric awoke from his unconsious state he looked around. Destroyed. All destroyed. He looked around for bodies. He found none. Eric was cold. Cold in a frozen wasteland. Nothing for miles unless you count the trees and shrubs. Eric felt alone and felt like he was going to die. He couldn't make a fire, nor chop down any wood. He was alone.
Eric thought of how he was going to survive. He decided to become a nomad, searching for food. Water was no problem because he could eat he snow or carve a piece of ice out with the icepick he had. Eric then thought that he could make a shelter. So Eric got to work.
After days of hard labor he finally made a small room. It was quite small. Only enough to hold at the most 3 people. Eric thought he could do better to work on his new home. He then carved more ice. For weeks he was making a grand place for a home. He then was finally done. So he kicked back and relaxed.
Eric then was awoken by a dwarf and other followers.
Eric: Huh? What do you want?
Dwarf: We seek shelter from ye blizzard tonite.
Wanderer 1: Yes, we need the shelter.
Eric agreed and they looked around. Everyone was amazed. The carvings and sides. All beautifully hand carved.
Dwarf: What do ye call this place human?
Eric: *thinks for a moment* Ice Tooth Cave
Dwarf: A lovely name wouldn't you agree everyone?
Everyone else: Yes.
Eric: Where did you guys come from?
Dwarf: Beacon's Perch
Eric: .....is that near Lion's Arch or Kryta?
Dwarf: Yes quite close. Ye could make the journey in 2 days. From here to Beacon's Perch, that would take a couple hours.
Eric then left the Cave and went outside. He looked around and saw a person lying in the snow. Eric dragged him into the Cave...
After Eric awoke from his unconsious state he looked around. Destroyed. All destroyed. He looked around for bodies. He found none. Eric was cold. Cold in a frozen wasteland. Nothing for miles unless you count the trees and shrubs. Eric felt alone and felt like he was going to die. He couldn't make a fire, nor chop down any wood. He was alone.
Eric thought of how he was going to survive. He decided to become a nomad, searching for food. Water was no problem because he could eat he snow or carve a piece of ice out with the icepick he had. Eric then thought that he could make a shelter. So Eric got to work.
After days of hard labor he finally made a small room. It was quite small. Only enough to hold at the most 3 people. Eric thought he could do better to work on his new home. He then carved more ice. For weeks he was making a grand place for a home. He then was finally done. So he kicked back and relaxed.
Eric then was awoken by a dwarf and other followers.
Eric: Huh? What do you want?
Dwarf: We seek shelter from ye blizzard tonite.
Wanderer 1: Yes, we need the shelter.
Eric agreed and they looked around. Everyone was amazed. The carvings and sides. All beautifully hand carved.
Dwarf: What do ye call this place human?
Eric: *thinks for a moment* Ice Tooth Cave
Dwarf: A lovely name wouldn't you agree everyone?
Everyone else: Yes.
Eric: Where did you guys come from?
Dwarf: Beacon's Perch
Eric: .....is that near Lion's Arch or Kryta?
Dwarf: Yes quite close. Ye could make the journey in 2 days. From here to Beacon's Perch, that would take a couple hours.
Eric then left the Cave and went outside. He looked around and saw a person lying in the snow. Eric dragged him into the Cave...
Yes im the beginning of the 20 pages....sweet.
Oblivion Final
Overall, I have to say the story is going quite nicely. You have a couple points where things get mixed up, due to the random blurbs by some people. But, the core of the writers here is very nice, and the storyline is quite intriguing. I hope to see more. Also hope that there is less useless spamming in the future. Makes it hard to read!

Storm Crow
Thanks for the input Oblivion
We all like to hear that our writing is good
And I recently sent a copy of the whole 91-page-long story to a friend of mine. She hasnt emailed back yet, but Ill be sure to post her comments when I hear from her again
Regards to all,

We all like to hear that our writing is good
And I recently sent a copy of the whole 91-page-long story to a friend of mine. She hasnt emailed back yet, but Ill be sure to post her comments when I hear from her again

Regards to all,
Storm Crow
Attempting to finish off the part where Licia gets to the Onyx Sister's guild hall =/ I cant seem to come up with a ritual and a way they get to the actual hall...
maybe Ill come up with something later.....
maybe Ill come up with something later.....
hey guys. my brother got 4 Mac comps, all really good, towers and everything needed for the comps all for $22. O and i want to see if Guild Wars will play on it too...all i know is that Unreal Tournament 2004 is the only one so far. O and thx for the feedback Oblivion.
Storm Crow
writers block!!
Storm Crow
I am finishing up the ritual part of my next post atm, and should post it sometime later today
ownage of teh elite
Hey there guys!
This is Vantie.
Just wanted to know if I'm able to introduce my character Vanatiel into the game again somehow, as he's not dead.
Well, I didn't make him dead, at least
Dunno what you guys did with him
I have about two days per weekend, sat and sun. off, and I usually don''t have anything else to do.
So, thanks for your time
~Your truly
This is Vantie.
Just wanted to know if I'm able to introduce my character Vanatiel into the game again somehow, as he's not dead.
Well, I didn't make him dead, at least

Dunno what you guys did with him

I have about two days per weekend, sat and sun. off, and I usually don''t have anything else to do.
So, thanks for your time
~Your truly
Storm Crow
He's not dead, he's currently at a standstill in LA
Ive been keeping him up-to-date
Ive been keeping him up-to-date

been so long since i posted a story. nice new avatar stormcrow fits u perfectly

Storm Crow
Ok!! Here we go, folks, the block is gone!!
Alicia and Vanatiel walked into the Guild Hall of the Onyx Sisters. It was not the bright, happy place filled with chattering people, as they thought it would be, but a dark, dank, almost dungeon-like hall, with high-set cathedral windows. Three women, of about the same age as those that had just entered, were sitting in the middle of the hall, surrounded by candles. It looked almost as if they were meditating, except for the soft humm of whispered chanting.
"I'm sorry Vanatiel, but I must ask you to stay here." Garria said, "It's a sisterhood rule that men cannot take part in our rituals."
Alicia turned to Vanatil and hugged him. "I'll be fine." she whispered in his ear as she learned up to kiss him. "I know." he whispered back.
She walked to where the three women were sitting and chanting. One was a Ranger, one a Monk, and one a Necromancer. Garria waved a hand over the candles in the middle of the circle they sat in and they went out. The women stopped chanting and looked at her. "The last sister has arrived," Garria said, "Alicia, this is Wereva ((she pointed at the ranger)), Cariva, ((the Monk)), and Daishi((The Necromancer)). they are the other Sisters."
Alicia gave a nervous smile. Daishi eyed her with one of her deep green eyes. She was wearing 15k Bonelace...dyed black. Wereva did as well. She pushed an out-of-place stick back into a glove of her black 15k Druid's. Cariva looked as if she could care less. She was twirling a lock of hair that had fallen out of her bun in her fingers.
"Fresh meat?" Daishi asked.
"Calm down Dai," Varda said, "We need to purify her."
Garria drew a piece of red chalk from her bag and drew a pentagon on the floor. Each woman took place at a corner, and drew an onyx bowl and candle form, semingly, nowhere. Each then cut the top of their left hand and drained the blood into the onyx bowls. The candles were lit and placed afloat on the blood. Alicia was told to stand in the center of the pentagon. the rest of the Sisters then held hands and started to chant in arcane words.
Alicia felt her heartbeat slow, and began to feel light headed. She thought she was rising in the air, but her head pounded hard, and she couldnt see. The chanting became faster, and the words could no longer be told from one another. Her head pounded harder, and the feeling of spinning came to her.
Again the chanting rose and fell, as a boat on a raging sea, and Alicia's head continued to pound. Then the chanting slowed, and an old rhyme came back to her.
In the darkness
She finds light
She finds shelter
In the night
Shadows many
Brightness none
Grenth is master
You are one
Diffrences between you
There is but one
But you together
Can't be won
Bone Minions, Fiends
The people think
But in reality
They're the link
Death is pleasnt
Life a curse
As we chant this
Verse by verse
Grenth we call you
Your Child cries
Her existance
Is a lie
The words repeated, over and over. Alicia felt as if the life was literally being sucked out of her. Her chest pounded with her now rapid heartbeat. Then suddenly there was nothing. Blackness. No sound. No light. Just plain. Utter.
Alicia and Vanatiel walked into the Guild Hall of the Onyx Sisters. It was not the bright, happy place filled with chattering people, as they thought it would be, but a dark, dank, almost dungeon-like hall, with high-set cathedral windows. Three women, of about the same age as those that had just entered, were sitting in the middle of the hall, surrounded by candles. It looked almost as if they were meditating, except for the soft humm of whispered chanting.
"I'm sorry Vanatiel, but I must ask you to stay here." Garria said, "It's a sisterhood rule that men cannot take part in our rituals."
Alicia turned to Vanatil and hugged him. "I'll be fine." she whispered in his ear as she learned up to kiss him. "I know." he whispered back.
She walked to where the three women were sitting and chanting. One was a Ranger, one a Monk, and one a Necromancer. Garria waved a hand over the candles in the middle of the circle they sat in and they went out. The women stopped chanting and looked at her. "The last sister has arrived," Garria said, "Alicia, this is Wereva ((she pointed at the ranger)), Cariva, ((the Monk)), and Daishi((The Necromancer)). they are the other Sisters."
Alicia gave a nervous smile. Daishi eyed her with one of her deep green eyes. She was wearing 15k Bonelace...dyed black. Wereva did as well. She pushed an out-of-place stick back into a glove of her black 15k Druid's. Cariva looked as if she could care less. She was twirling a lock of hair that had fallen out of her bun in her fingers.
"Fresh meat?" Daishi asked.
"Calm down Dai," Varda said, "We need to purify her."
Garria drew a piece of red chalk from her bag and drew a pentagon on the floor. Each woman took place at a corner, and drew an onyx bowl and candle form, semingly, nowhere. Each then cut the top of their left hand and drained the blood into the onyx bowls. The candles were lit and placed afloat on the blood. Alicia was told to stand in the center of the pentagon. the rest of the Sisters then held hands and started to chant in arcane words.
Alicia felt her heartbeat slow, and began to feel light headed. She thought she was rising in the air, but her head pounded hard, and she couldnt see. The chanting became faster, and the words could no longer be told from one another. Her head pounded harder, and the feeling of spinning came to her.
Again the chanting rose and fell, as a boat on a raging sea, and Alicia's head continued to pound. Then the chanting slowed, and an old rhyme came back to her.
In the darkness
She finds light
She finds shelter
In the night
Shadows many
Brightness none
Grenth is master
You are one
Diffrences between you
There is but one
But you together
Can't be won
Bone Minions, Fiends
The people think
But in reality
They're the link
Death is pleasnt
Life a curse
As we chant this
Verse by verse
Grenth we call you
Your Child cries
Her existance
Is a lie
The words repeated, over and over. Alicia felt as if the life was literally being sucked out of her. Her chest pounded with her now rapid heartbeat. Then suddenly there was nothing. Blackness. No sound. No light. Just plain. Utter.
Link Ironhammer
Mali and Eric arrived In Beacons Perch happy that their journey was almost over, they found an inn and went to sleep.
Mali kept thinking how good it would be to se his mom on his birthday which was in 2 days.
Mali and Eric left Beacons Perch heading for Gates of Kryta, they had no trouble until they were attacked by undead right before they entered the gates.
"You Ready eric?'
Mali and Eric fought off the undead, but they just kept coming. then in the middle of the battle, Mali felt a sharp pain go through his body, but nothing had touched him.
"Whats Happening to me?" Mali thought.
The next thing Mali saw was total blackness leaving Eric to fight the undead alone.
Mali kept thinking how good it would be to se his mom on his birthday which was in 2 days.
Mali and Eric left Beacons Perch heading for Gates of Kryta, they had no trouble until they were attacked by undead right before they entered the gates.
"You Ready eric?'
Mali and Eric fought off the undead, but they just kept coming. then in the middle of the battle, Mali felt a sharp pain go through his body, but nothing had touched him.
"Whats Happening to me?" Mali thought.
The next thing Mali saw was total blackness leaving Eric to fight the undead alone.
Storm Crow
just to add the stats for the Sisters if anyone was wondering about them
Name: Garria Stormcrow
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Warrior/Monk
Weapon: Onyx Longsword, Onyx-Plated Shield - Onyx Fellblade, Onyx-Plated Shield
Armor: 15k Gladiator’s dyed black
Name: Varda Stormcrow
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Mesmer/Monk
Weapon: Onyx Jeweled Staff
Armor: 15k Rouge’s dyed black, Drok's Enchanter's dyed black
Name: Daishi Stormcrow
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Necromancer/Monk
Weapon: Onyx Accursed Staff
Armor: 15k Bonelace dyed black, Drok's Tormentor's dyed black
Name: Wereva Stormcrow
Age: 26
Gander: Female
Race: Human
Class: Ranger/Monk
Weapon: Onyx Storm Bow
Armor: 15k Druid’s dyed black, 15k Frostbound dyed back
Name: Cariva Stormcrow
Age: 25
Gander: Female
Race: Human
Class: Monk/Warrior
Weapon: Onyx Holy Staff
Armor: 15k Saintly dyed black
Name: Garria Stormcrow
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Warrior/Monk
Weapon: Onyx Longsword, Onyx-Plated Shield - Onyx Fellblade, Onyx-Plated Shield
Armor: 15k Gladiator’s dyed black
Name: Varda Stormcrow
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Mesmer/Monk
Weapon: Onyx Jeweled Staff
Armor: 15k Rouge’s dyed black, Drok's Enchanter's dyed black
Name: Daishi Stormcrow
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Necromancer/Monk
Weapon: Onyx Accursed Staff
Armor: 15k Bonelace dyed black, Drok's Tormentor's dyed black
Name: Wereva Stormcrow
Age: 26
Gander: Female
Race: Human
Class: Ranger/Monk
Weapon: Onyx Storm Bow
Armor: 15k Druid’s dyed black, 15k Frostbound dyed back
Name: Cariva Stormcrow
Age: 25
Gander: Female
Race: Human
Class: Monk/Warrior
Weapon: Onyx Holy Staff
Armor: 15k Saintly dyed black
Hey guys sry im not on all the time. in the guild wars universe i got a wireless router and im currently fixing the problem. anybody here have a Netgear WGR614(?) router
Eric:What the --
Undead: ROAR!
Eric: Taste light fiend
Eric fought bravely against the undead minions. They kept coming back stronger and stronger. Eric had little means but to fight.
Eric: Theres too many!
Just then an arrow shout right past Eric and hit the undead square in the eye.
???: Long time eh Eric?
Eric: *turns around* Faven!
Faven: Yup. Been following you since you made that cave.
*undead roar* No time for chit-chat its time to fight.
Hey guys im going to leave it at that for a while k? gonna see if i can fix problem with router.
Eric:What the --
Undead: ROAR!
Eric: Taste light fiend
Eric fought bravely against the undead minions. They kept coming back stronger and stronger. Eric had little means but to fight.
Eric: Theres too many!
Just then an arrow shout right past Eric and hit the undead square in the eye.
???: Long time eh Eric?
Eric: *turns around* Faven!
Faven: Yup. Been following you since you made that cave.
*undead roar* No time for chit-chat its time to fight.
Hey guys im going to leave it at that for a while k? gonna see if i can fix problem with router.
Storm Crow
Alicia opened her eyes, but it did not help. Blackness still shone, dark and cold. She closed her eyes again. Her head was pounding harder than it ever had before. Again she tried to see through the darkness. This time Grenth stood before her.
"Give me your band." he said and held out his fleshless hand.
She removed the band Garria had given her and placed it in her master's hand.
"You have proven yourself worthy, my Child." he said, and returned the band, warm with the fresh-cast charm, to her neck. "YOu are now a Sister of the Onyx."
Her head pounded hard again and she squeezed her eyes shut. A soft and comforting touch was felt on her cheek. She nuzzled her head into the comforting hand and sighed softly. Her head stopped pounding and her heartbeat returned to it's normal pace. She started to cry as Vantie held her, quietly shushing her, but also crying himself...
"Give me your band." he said and held out his fleshless hand.
She removed the band Garria had given her and placed it in her master's hand.
"You have proven yourself worthy, my Child." he said, and returned the band, warm with the fresh-cast charm, to her neck. "YOu are now a Sister of the Onyx."
Her head pounded hard again and she squeezed her eyes shut. A soft and comforting touch was felt on her cheek. She nuzzled her head into the comforting hand and sighed softly. Her head stopped pounding and her heartbeat returned to it's normal pace. She started to cry as Vantie held her, quietly shushing her, but also crying himself...