Last thread and im done for today i promise....



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005


Beguine Guild [BGN]

Forget the comparisons to our own history/medieval period/etc, just look at the context in game.

We do have dwarven powder kegs, which the dwarves apparently use while mining, but if their understanding of gunpower and metalurgy was sufficient for them to make actual guns, then why does Thunderhead Keep have four ballistae and no cannons?

If Thunderhead Keep had some cannons, you might be able to argue that it isn't too big a stretch for the dwarves to come up with primitive muskets by the next expansion. But without even cannons developed, we're a long way away from seeing rifles.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Anderson IN USA

Ecks Di [xD]


im not saying i want rifles in the game, not by any means, i am just saying there is no reason their couldn't be