If they just created more monster spawns I have to say that is anoying as hell ... desert traveling is the most anoying place in the game and quite franky this solution is not rewarding good players, its addding grind and god knows this game have enough grind as it is.
Real players dont give a damn about the junk chests tend spawns (I only seen a chest droping a gold once and considering the effort I had to get to it ...) and dont go out of their way to open then, what we got was more mobs (the mesmer kind it seens that not as hated as "pop up" devours) to slow down map travel time ... F-U-N.
Update: 6/27/05
Ok wait, how is this update fair to players who don't use bots?
Instead of banning the bots (like they've done previously), they just add monsters to a location? So all the people who used bots to farm that area are now that much richer than me, and I have one less way to earn cash? Wicked.
The bots go to a different spot, the players not using bots get even poorer (relatively speaking).
Cool. Progress.
If the botters were indeed banned, then good job. That's all they really need to do. However, since they felt the need to change the location, I don't think any botters were banned for exploiting that particular area...
Instead of banning the bots (like they've done previously), they just add monsters to a location? So all the people who used bots to farm that area are now that much richer than me, and I have one less way to earn cash? Wicked.
The bots go to a different spot, the players not using bots get even poorer (relatively speaking).
Cool. Progress.
If the botters were indeed banned, then good job. That's all they really need to do. However, since they felt the need to change the location, I don't think any botters were banned for exploiting that particular area...
If they are going to put a lot of mobs there to prevent bot chest farm, then I don't see the point of getting massive DP% just to get the chests on the normal run. Might as well remove the chests from the area. That would stop the bot chest farming and let us the normal players get through the area easier if we don't wish to fight,
"you really should be careful who you call a bot.
i chest farm when i'm really broke. i repeat the same actions over and over for about 30 minutes at a time, rest, then repeat. and whoever's there for that 30 minutes watching me might think i AM a bot. i rezone again and again then go to merchant, then storage then run out. it's decent money, but not enough for me to gain 100Ks or actually max out my storage like other "seemingly legit" farmers out there (example: the players that sells bows that drop in UW for 100K or whatever).
instead of being a snitch to anet about these "bots", why dont you PM them next time to see if they are. if they reply, good, if they dont? maybe they just dont want to deal with you."
Big difference between doing nothing other than walking from a zone entrance to a chest nearby/open/pick up loot and facing/surviving UW or Fissure in the "hopes" of getting a 50K+ drop. They don't even compare and only an exploiter would attempt to make it.!!
We all have to do areas repeatedly either for Skill Caps, to get enough shards/ecto for the Fissure armour or in higher end areas for the better items/cash since we don't have much else to do in-game right now (those that have 2-4 maxed builds). Doing those is by no means exploiting, where running in a repetitive pattern (be it manually or by bot), just to grab loot because mobs aren't spwning as we know they're supposed to....is an exploit and how DARE you call an honest person a snitch!! <---only a cheat/exploiter would attempt it.
i chest farm when i'm really broke. i repeat the same actions over and over for about 30 minutes at a time, rest, then repeat. and whoever's there for that 30 minutes watching me might think i AM a bot. i rezone again and again then go to merchant, then storage then run out. it's decent money, but not enough for me to gain 100Ks or actually max out my storage like other "seemingly legit" farmers out there (example: the players that sells bows that drop in UW for 100K or whatever).
instead of being a snitch to anet about these "bots", why dont you PM them next time to see if they are. if they reply, good, if they dont? maybe they just dont want to deal with you."
Big difference between doing nothing other than walking from a zone entrance to a chest nearby/open/pick up loot and facing/surviving UW or Fissure in the "hopes" of getting a 50K+ drop. They don't even compare and only an exploiter would attempt to make it.!!
We all have to do areas repeatedly either for Skill Caps, to get enough shards/ecto for the Fissure armour or in higher end areas for the better items/cash since we don't have much else to do in-game right now (those that have 2-4 maxed builds). Doing those is by no means exploiting, where running in a repetitive pattern (be it manually or by bot), just to grab loot because mobs aren't spwning as we know they're supposed to....is an exploit and how DARE you call an honest person a snitch!! <---only a cheat/exploiter would attempt it.

All i can say, i guess A.Net is responsive, but they are plugging holes on a sieve. It's what i'd call a "quick fix". It's not going to stop bots in general, in fact bots are probably now going to be more intelligent, less conspicious [as in not bot with 10 other people] and each one will have their small little farming spot which will be impossible to monitor. [Evolution of the bots]
I rather suggest A.Net look into giving -everyone- alternatives to gain gold and items. If they nerf farming to hell and gone, they should replace it with sometihng not leave legitimate players with Stormriders and Enchant-breakers to nullify half the skills.
So as i suggested in another thread heres just things to think on. I dont think it's ideal or original as it has been used in other MMORPGs for years, but ive never seen such a bot problem with these features:
1. Give item/rares/dyes as rewards to QUESTS instead of the silly "sword and focus" items we get now.
2. As end/mid game "farming" replacement: Create Morrowind style of "random" quests. Reward would purely be items/gold instead of Xp. You can never run out of quests and you just "generate" quests. Quests can cover entire game-map. [And i know games that use this system as a great GOLD-SINK too, you pay to generate a quest]
3. PvP Rewards, i believe this is being looked at. PvPers should not be forced to do chest-farming, give them item rewards for winning matches .....
I rather suggest A.Net look into giving -everyone- alternatives to gain gold and items. If they nerf farming to hell and gone, they should replace it with sometihng not leave legitimate players with Stormriders and Enchant-breakers to nullify half the skills.
So as i suggested in another thread heres just things to think on. I dont think it's ideal or original as it has been used in other MMORPGs for years, but ive never seen such a bot problem with these features:
1. Give item/rares/dyes as rewards to QUESTS instead of the silly "sword and focus" items we get now.
2. As end/mid game "farming" replacement: Create Morrowind style of "random" quests. Reward would purely be items/gold instead of Xp. You can never run out of quests and you just "generate" quests. Quests can cover entire game-map. [And i know games that use this system as a great GOLD-SINK too, you pay to generate a quest]
3. PvP Rewards, i believe this is being looked at. PvPers should not be forced to do chest-farming, give them item rewards for winning matches .....
Originally Posted by Dreamsmith
Actually, he's not an idiot. StandardAI was caught botting a while back and had one of his characters deleted (in part because he was actually griefing other players in the Arena with his activities.
Originally Posted by Dreamsmith
Of course, he's said a number of times he hated the game and is going to stop playing. If only he wasn't completely full of hot air and would actually back up his words with actions... <sigh> We should be so lucky...
best thing is to ban him from any more threads, and if there is a duplicate of him, ban both his Guild and himself from doing more bots.
*vent* IF you don't like my, or anybody's ideas, then I'd suggest you go and do that sort of s*** on DII, and leave us to reap the rewards, rather than coming up with some funny crap -- AT ALL!
*/vent*...I had to get it off my chest...
*vent* IF you don't like my, or anybody's ideas, then I'd suggest you go and do that sort of s*** on DII, and leave us to reap the rewards, rather than coming up with some funny crap -- AT ALL!
*/vent*...I had to get it off my chest...

Teufel Eldritch
Originally Posted by StandardAI
You're a rat off to ruin other peoples fun, you should be so proud of your self.
He's a botter, he even got banned for that, and he's still here bothering us? He's here putting the blame on someone who REPORTS bots? In a thread where even Gaile Gray posted?
Originally Posted by Dreamsmith
Actually, he's not an idiot. StandardAI was caught botting a while back and had one of his characters deleted (in part because he was actually griefing other players in the Arena with his activities). Every time ArenaNet cracks down on hackers, cheaters, and griefers, they take a bit more of the enjoyment out of the game for him and people like him.
Ah yes, the "My example of, "Real" griefing, going on in game" thread on the Vault forum.
Amusing read at the time.
I think I am getting old, 'botting' used to be in Quake where you could be shot by someone who wasnt even looking in your direction from the opposite side of the map. I can't quite grasp this new botting as it doesnt seem to involve my gibs raining around a dull grey and green landscape. Oh well
Old Dood
I was "farming" those chests in Seekers Passage for only a couple of days. I only made like 10K on the whole thing. I gave away more of my "Good Stuff" then sold. I like to share with lower level people. There is one lady out there that I will not "sell" to or her to me. We just give each other what ever we need at the time. She gave me a clean Chaos Axe and I gave her Gold Swords and Hilts. I have totally shocked some players by just giving them really nice staffs, wrappings,wands, etc. All I ask in return is if they come accross some Gold Axes, Strength Shields, and Axe Hafts in return down the line. I do have one really nice Gold Air Staff that I am saving for a friend of mine when he can log in again. I am curious to how much it is worth though.
Now I can't do that anymore. I have to find a different place. I don't think by adding more monsters solves the BOT problem. I haven't even done the Ranger's Path quest yet, now it is harder to do.
As I said before they need a Police Force in the game. A visable Force that people can talk to if they are harrased,ripped off, etc. And a Covert Force that keeps a watchful eye on things. Also with a Visable Force there is less likely for people to shout out vulgarities in the Towns. A-Net could have screenings for the Job...even as far as phone calls to other players that are interested in doing a "Shift" X amount per week. These Player/Police force people would have limited "powers". They can record the offenses to A-Net. After lets say a player gets 3 strikes against them...then they are BANNED. There is much room to improve on my idea...but the basics of it can work. Who will Police the Police so to speak...and so on. For example: Take a town like Lion's Arch. Lets say there are 2 visable "Beat Cops" and X amount of Undercover/Covert Cops. (That warp from city to city...outpost to outpost) The Undercover cops are Officers. The beat cops report to the undercover officers. After reporting to the Officers the Officers actually have the "power" to ban the players...or even suspend. When and if the Beat Cops build a good reputation for doing a accurate, fair job then they might be promoted to an Officer/Undercover Cop.....and so on...
Just a thought....Any other ideas are welcome...I firmly believe that more ideas bring about better results. I do not believe ONLY MY ideas are the best and the absolute.
Now I can't do that anymore. I have to find a different place. I don't think by adding more monsters solves the BOT problem. I haven't even done the Ranger's Path quest yet, now it is harder to do.
As I said before they need a Police Force in the game. A visable Force that people can talk to if they are harrased,ripped off, etc. And a Covert Force that keeps a watchful eye on things. Also with a Visable Force there is less likely for people to shout out vulgarities in the Towns. A-Net could have screenings for the Job...even as far as phone calls to other players that are interested in doing a "Shift" X amount per week. These Player/Police force people would have limited "powers". They can record the offenses to A-Net. After lets say a player gets 3 strikes against them...then they are BANNED. There is much room to improve on my idea...but the basics of it can work. Who will Police the Police so to speak...and so on. For example: Take a town like Lion's Arch. Lets say there are 2 visable "Beat Cops" and X amount of Undercover/Covert Cops. (That warp from city to city...outpost to outpost) The Undercover cops are Officers. The beat cops report to the undercover officers. After reporting to the Officers the Officers actually have the "power" to ban the players...or even suspend. When and if the Beat Cops build a good reputation for doing a accurate, fair job then they might be promoted to an Officer/Undercover Cop.....and so on...
Just a thought....Any other ideas are welcome...I firmly believe that more ideas bring about better results. I do not believe ONLY MY ideas are the best and the absolute.

So let me guess. The problem of bots and the solution to their use would be to just add monsters right.
Eventually with this solution you will barely be able to fit into an Environment as you will be packed into the map, shoulder to shoulder with monsters.
Theoretically. =X
Eventually with this solution you will barely be able to fit into an Environment as you will be packed into the map, shoulder to shoulder with monsters.
Theoretically. =X