Originally Posted by arredondo
I even asked for a reason why they aren't changing it if they don't agree with our request. No answers given, so here I am. They say they appreciate our input, so as long as all of the people who want it changed continue to bring it up, they'll hopefully address it one way or the other some day.
I have spoken to and e-mailed Gaile with suggestions. Not rants or Moans but well thought out suggestions looking at the benifites for all players. Remember their is a bigger picture here, it's called balance. anythgin they add to PvP they have to balance it with the PvE. It's a big job, So yes now the PvP get progrssive unlocks it's what they wanted, but they must sacrifice something it's only fair on the PvE players.
Hows about this for an idea, instead of giving all the refund points you need. The Unworthy dead give you 250XP each. So after a few PvP battles you have all your refund points back.
So rather than demand they rewrite major parts of the game look at that is their and expand an elaborate. the rift wardens and other creatures gave you XP, so the Unworthy Dead should give you XP. If you can get 2000xp each if you get 10% morale and it drops down to 500xp for no morale bonus. As the progressive scalling of morale is already writen then it would be easier to put in progresive scaling of XP for the Unworthy Dead. A good team can get enough refund points in three runs at the HoH, that way it solves all your problems.
I'd say this is a better system because you used to get XP in the rift, and that should be easiy enough to put back in.