The Update Cycle
Another update has come and once again it proves my point quite well on many things. It does not matter what the update is, there will always be those to, either immediately after merely reading the update notes, or taking a small step into the new update, to instantly find dislike and rant and rave of how it has made things worse, impossible, or ruined their game.
It is these things that stick out the most after every single major update that this game has, and below is a small list of how I see a constant cycle as these updates come about.
--Wed-Usual Update Day-7:00pm-Midnight EST Update Release/Update Notes
--5-15 Minutes after update-GWG Forum Threads Abound
-Common Update Thread - Listing the Update Changes
-The First of Many - Threads that instantly bash or degrade the update without even attempting to try it.
--A Few Days Pass - Update News still abound, suggestions pop up, and more threads of whining/praise, extreme or not come out of the works.
--End of the Week- Closer to the next supposed update, new, few notes appear, new threads filled with praise/whining appear, instantly dissing or praising something that has not even been released yet.
--The Day of the Update - Waiting, contemplating if there has been no news, if there will even be an update, some anger.
--Wed Night, all over again, the cycle from the top starts once again.
My point to all of this?
There is a never-ending cycle, for as long as there are updates, there will always seem to be those that, more often show too well, show dislike of the patch, before it has even been released yet, or much less given a try for a full 24 hours or so. Those of complaint are much more easily spotted and my point of this, is that can people not at least give the devs and updates a chance before they go into rants over how it has completely ruined their game, or how it is unbalanced or how they flat out hate this or that?
Why must you all, yes I point this to all of you, those who complain so quickly, do this so quickly instead of giving at least a day to save your rants and try out what has been changed?
I mean this in no way, shape, or form to be a flame at anyone, but merely an inquiry and observation I have made over the past three or four weeks as new updates come out. I want to ask those who have complained so quickly at why they have, and now that it has been awhile since those particular updates you were so quick to dislike, have you changed in opinion on those particular updates, and why if you have?
What Update have you simply loathed?
Why did you, if you did, post in anger so quickly, if only looking at the notes?
Now that time has passed, has your view changed?
If it has, what do you feel now about the specific update you dispised so much?
Once again I do not mean this to be a flame, but merely I suppose, a survey of those who have acted quickly in anger toward a new update, or in frustration, whichever, and wondering why exactly, and if things have changed now that certain updates have been out for a time.
Oh I am indeed the curious one, so please if you would give me a hand in understanding, I would be most appreciative.
It is these things that stick out the most after every single major update that this game has, and below is a small list of how I see a constant cycle as these updates come about.
--Wed-Usual Update Day-7:00pm-Midnight EST Update Release/Update Notes
--5-15 Minutes after update-GWG Forum Threads Abound
-Common Update Thread - Listing the Update Changes
-The First of Many - Threads that instantly bash or degrade the update without even attempting to try it.
--A Few Days Pass - Update News still abound, suggestions pop up, and more threads of whining/praise, extreme or not come out of the works.
--End of the Week- Closer to the next supposed update, new, few notes appear, new threads filled with praise/whining appear, instantly dissing or praising something that has not even been released yet.
--The Day of the Update - Waiting, contemplating if there has been no news, if there will even be an update, some anger.
--Wed Night, all over again, the cycle from the top starts once again.
My point to all of this?
There is a never-ending cycle, for as long as there are updates, there will always seem to be those that, more often show too well, show dislike of the patch, before it has even been released yet, or much less given a try for a full 24 hours or so. Those of complaint are much more easily spotted and my point of this, is that can people not at least give the devs and updates a chance before they go into rants over how it has completely ruined their game, or how it is unbalanced or how they flat out hate this or that?
Why must you all, yes I point this to all of you, those who complain so quickly, do this so quickly instead of giving at least a day to save your rants and try out what has been changed?
I mean this in no way, shape, or form to be a flame at anyone, but merely an inquiry and observation I have made over the past three or four weeks as new updates come out. I want to ask those who have complained so quickly at why they have, and now that it has been awhile since those particular updates you were so quick to dislike, have you changed in opinion on those particular updates, and why if you have?
What Update have you simply loathed?
Why did you, if you did, post in anger so quickly, if only looking at the notes?
Now that time has passed, has your view changed?
If it has, what do you feel now about the specific update you dispised so much?
Once again I do not mean this to be a flame, but merely I suppose, a survey of those who have acted quickly in anger toward a new update, or in frustration, whichever, and wondering why exactly, and if things have changed now that certain updates have been out for a time.
Oh I am indeed the curious one, so please if you would give me a hand in understanding, I would be most appreciative.
<Loud applause>
Originally Posted by Zilm
<Loud applause>
Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
But you know how people like to whine around here...
Of course there will always be some naysayers, but the point of each update is to minimize those who are.
I have faith in the devs, but at the same time I am perplexed and disgruntled, as they make patches to improve pvp at a constant rate but these patches have had such subpar quality until now.
I think a lot of the pvp complainers would not be playing/complaining if the betas weren't simply so good. No it wasn't just the UAS; we would be pretty happy without the UAS anyway if everything else minus bugs from the final beta would be the same. Pve actually followed through with the GW model of skill and choice to an extent because there was so much skill choice. If I remember correctly, all but a handful of skills were available before lions arch. My warrior had hundred blades very early, maybe at ascalon city. It's much different than the current system of you having to pick through an extremely limited amount of skills for all the way up to draknors. By the time you get the setup you want the game is nearly over. Getting ready for pvp was much easier, thanks to high drop rates of rares (how else were people ready for pvp so fast with only a weekend to play?).
The patches to make competitive pvp have been handing us like tiny driblets, compared to the mountain that they really needed to give. Rather than removing the soc system they just made getting elites slightly easier. Rather than drastically making skill points easier to get they just made them harder by removing farming and making a xp cap which was way too high. This patch was hyped to be the answer to our problems but it really isn't much faster at all. If it was at 100 rather than 1000 or something such, there would be much less complaining.
But then, there's the whole other issue of tombs being horribly screwed up with defensive HoH builds, and the luck factor in the 6 way ffa and zergfests of koth. Apparently there are gvg problems too but I don't know of them.
People naturally expect perfection, or very near it. When we get that very near perfection and then see it taken away, you just got to expect these kinds of things to come up.
Most folks don't like to whine, they would rather have fun playing than whine. If there are, there's a reason, and if you read them, the reasons are often good, unlike the other trash here like 'gw isn't like eq or wow enough, more grind!' or 'war/monks are overpowered!' Look at the reasons before judging 'stupid whiner' or whatever, since if you don't, you're just as bad as someone who complains without reason and solution. *Shrugs*, I don't see how that's so hard to see.
I have faith in the devs, but at the same time I am perplexed and disgruntled, as they make patches to improve pvp at a constant rate but these patches have had such subpar quality until now.
I think a lot of the pvp complainers would not be playing/complaining if the betas weren't simply so good. No it wasn't just the UAS; we would be pretty happy without the UAS anyway if everything else minus bugs from the final beta would be the same. Pve actually followed through with the GW model of skill and choice to an extent because there was so much skill choice. If I remember correctly, all but a handful of skills were available before lions arch. My warrior had hundred blades very early, maybe at ascalon city. It's much different than the current system of you having to pick through an extremely limited amount of skills for all the way up to draknors. By the time you get the setup you want the game is nearly over. Getting ready for pvp was much easier, thanks to high drop rates of rares (how else were people ready for pvp so fast with only a weekend to play?).
The patches to make competitive pvp have been handing us like tiny driblets, compared to the mountain that they really needed to give. Rather than removing the soc system they just made getting elites slightly easier. Rather than drastically making skill points easier to get they just made them harder by removing farming and making a xp cap which was way too high. This patch was hyped to be the answer to our problems but it really isn't much faster at all. If it was at 100 rather than 1000 or something such, there would be much less complaining.
But then, there's the whole other issue of tombs being horribly screwed up with defensive HoH builds, and the luck factor in the 6 way ffa and zergfests of koth. Apparently there are gvg problems too but I don't know of them.
People naturally expect perfection, or very near it. When we get that very near perfection and then see it taken away, you just got to expect these kinds of things to come up.
Most folks don't like to whine, they would rather have fun playing than whine. If there are, there's a reason, and if you read them, the reasons are often good, unlike the other trash here like 'gw isn't like eq or wow enough, more grind!' or 'war/monks are overpowered!' Look at the reasons before judging 'stupid whiner' or whatever, since if you don't, you're just as bad as someone who complains without reason and solution. *Shrugs*, I don't see how that's so hard to see.
Thank you, I think this is my third post of some sort regarding the behaviors of people, I'm rather curious and attempt to keep things 'neutral' so to speak. I do indeed hope that this thread of mine shall stick around for a bit longer than the others have in the past.
I have yet to be able to play the update rigorously, or otherwise myself to tell full truths. Though this would be caused by a computer glitch, rather than not the time nor effort put into trying them out.
It is late, I will come see how things fare with this tomorrow at some time. Please, feel free everyone to share your opinion, it is one thing I do rather enjoy seeing, though oddly enough rarely get them on these sorts of threads I create. No offense to any of you who do reply however, I appreciate every one of them I get. I get alot of support for what I have said, but not any in-depth reaction or response,... Ah well, merely another thought of my tired mind.
Good night all and fare thee well.
Edit: In response to the above, I have to feel rather stupid right now, I have almost completely forgotten of how easy it was to get some rather nice skills from the skill trainer in Ascalon, oh my yes I remember that, but then suddenly it changed. I work with the system as it stands, though that was something hard to get over and get used to, not the ease it was to get the skills anymore, that I do indeed miss, but I suppose in the long run, it does force a bit more strategy [sp?] as far as how skills are obtained, and how to use what you have on hand. I do indeed miss the ease of skills from the skill trainer, I had almost forgotten that, it seems so long ago...
I have yet to be able to play the update rigorously, or otherwise myself to tell full truths. Though this would be caused by a computer glitch, rather than not the time nor effort put into trying them out.
It is late, I will come see how things fare with this tomorrow at some time. Please, feel free everyone to share your opinion, it is one thing I do rather enjoy seeing, though oddly enough rarely get them on these sorts of threads I create. No offense to any of you who do reply however, I appreciate every one of them I get. I get alot of support for what I have said, but not any in-depth reaction or response,... Ah well, merely another thought of my tired mind.
Good night all and fare thee well.
Edit: In response to the above, I have to feel rather stupid right now, I have almost completely forgotten of how easy it was to get some rather nice skills from the skill trainer in Ascalon, oh my yes I remember that, but then suddenly it changed. I work with the system as it stands, though that was something hard to get over and get used to, not the ease it was to get the skills anymore, that I do indeed miss, but I suppose in the long run, it does force a bit more strategy [sp?] as far as how skills are obtained, and how to use what you have on hand. I do indeed miss the ease of skills from the skill trainer, I had almost forgotten that, it seems so long ago...
I believe that Anet has been particularly generous in taking the time to check our problems, and react to them as well as they do. The patches seem to arrive with better and better changes and improvements, and I think that this is a very distinct difference between Anet and other companies. FFXI, for example, doesn't even listen to their players, their GMs contradict one another, and it's generally chaos at big spots. Even if there are some issues, people should keep in mind that the developers are really keeping an eye out, not trying to stick it to people as they're so often protrayed. The PR section of Anet, along with its super reaction to problems and issues, places it at the top of many companies I've bought products of.
And that's saying a lot, as I am an avid online gamer
And that's saying a lot, as I am an avid online gamer

Very well said and thank you! I can't tell you how much this game, all 4 months of it (since it's actual release, not preview weekends) reminds me of the original Diablo, then Diablo 2, then Lord of Destruction. No matter what developers do, no matter how fast they do it, no matter how exhaustively they pursue fun and balanced game play, there will always be complainers. It is the nature of the beast.
People need to remember that this game belongs to the creative minds behind it and that they are damned lucky that these developers even bother to listen to them. It is their genius that makes the game, it is their vision that improves it, it is their property to do with as they please.
Think you can make a better one!? Please do and be quiet for ten minutes!
*obligatory smile to soothe the savage beasts*
People need to remember that this game belongs to the creative minds behind it and that they are damned lucky that these developers even bother to listen to them. It is their genius that makes the game, it is their vision that improves it, it is their property to do with as they please.
Think you can make a better one!? Please do and be quiet for ten minutes!
*obligatory smile to soothe the savage beasts*

One thing to note about the "driblets" of PvP updates:
There is only so much the dev team can do in a week. As it stands, it almost seemed as though they'd bitten off more than they could chew. A working PvP rewards system, Grenth's Footprint/Sorrow's Furnace, and PvP observer mode are all major projects. It takes alot of time to get stuff like that implemented and bug/exploit free. It isn't as if they can simply say, "Hey, we should have a PvP rewards system." and poof, there it is. It takes many hours of coding, and to be honest with you I'm amazed we've gotten this much this fast.
Give it time. Things will get better as fast as the devs can make it happen. I have faith in that.
On a sidenote, I do believe that this will give a much needed 'jolt' into the GvG ladder. I mean, hell, even I wanna go do some rated GvG now, even though my guild is quite incompetent when it comes to PvP.
There is only so much the dev team can do in a week. As it stands, it almost seemed as though they'd bitten off more than they could chew. A working PvP rewards system, Grenth's Footprint/Sorrow's Furnace, and PvP observer mode are all major projects. It takes alot of time to get stuff like that implemented and bug/exploit free. It isn't as if they can simply say, "Hey, we should have a PvP rewards system." and poof, there it is. It takes many hours of coding, and to be honest with you I'm amazed we've gotten this much this fast.
Give it time. Things will get better as fast as the devs can make it happen. I have faith in that.
On a sidenote, I do believe that this will give a much needed 'jolt' into the GvG ladder. I mean, hell, even I wanna go do some rated GvG now, even though my guild is quite incompetent when it comes to PvP.
yea, The devs are delivering big on these important updates, and I'm surprised that they can do so much in the time they have to do it in.
Thanks guys; Every update since I started playing the game from release has made guildwars more enjoyable for me.
Thanks guys; Every update since I started playing the game from release has made guildwars more enjoyable for me.
Algren Cole
is this a thread complaining about the people complaining?
talk about a conundrum ****
talk about a conundrum ****
Being a coder I appreciate how easy it is to accidentally break things and introduce bugs and how bloody long it takes to code things and *TEST* them. 99% of the time the coding is the easy bit. Testing it and making sure it works properly otoh is a right pain in the arse. I reckon they're doing an awesome job considering how fast they're churning out fixes and updates.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
is this a thread complaining about the people complaining?
talk about a conundrum **** |
No, to answer your question, this is not meant to be yet another complaint, an observation of a cycle that does indeed happen, though my list is rather rough above, I'll fix it later with a chart if I have to, in an image format.
I understand how yes, it does sound like whining about whining, though moreso, I ask for feedback on former complaints that were so quickly made shortly after the previous updates had been released.
I do indeed see your point though, and apologize for it looking as such, though I hope my true meaning for the way it looks is clear as well.
Welcome to every update of every game ever created.
There's always whiners, no matter the game or update.
Oh, and hi.
There's always whiners, no matter the game or update.
Oh, and hi.
There's not much to understand. Gamers tend to be any combination of jaded, spoiled, cantankerous, or just plain childish to start with. (I think there's too many Childern who play video games grow up into Adult Childern who play video games) Most of all, they have far too much time on their hands. I say this with the full realization that this applies to me, as well.
There's not much rationality to be found in a forum were people take a luxury far too seriously that they feel the need to go for the throat in discussions regarding it.
So, it's only natural that we have people who have a warped sense of entitlement that feel the need to constantly complain about a video game. Unfortunately, they're complimented with people who tirelessly champion their favorite game without realizing the damage they cause to the community with their crappy attitudes and overzealous witch hunts.
There's not much rationality to be found in a forum were people take a luxury far too seriously that they feel the need to go for the throat in discussions regarding it.
So, it's only natural that we have people who have a warped sense of entitlement that feel the need to constantly complain about a video game. Unfortunately, they're complimented with people who tirelessly champion their favorite game without realizing the damage they cause to the community with their crappy attitudes and overzealous witch hunts.
Originally Posted by Sanji
There's not much to understand. Gamers tend to be any combination of jaded, spoiled, cantankerous, or childish to start with. Most of all, they have far too much time on their hands. I say this with the full realization that this applies to me, as well.
There's not much rationality to be found in a forum were people take a luxury far too seriously that they feel the need to go for the throat in discussions regarding it. So, it's only natural that we have people who have a warped sense of entitlement that feel the need to constantly complain about a video game. Unfortunately, they're complimented with people who tirelessly champion their favorite game without realizing the damage they cause to the community with their crappy attitudes and witch hunts. |
This thread has been very educational. I now know when, where, and why people complain over nothing.

Divinitys Creature
Look past the whining and understand the problems
I can understand a bit of why people jump so quickly to shout out their complaints in droves, though why it seemingly must get personal, as though it affects their very existance in real life, I do not understand.
I myself have ranted and raved on a few things myself, the joy of emotional bursts, though, it would be intriguing to see one of these sudden rants actually point out, not just the things they dislike, and why about certain things, but things they also like about the new system of things.
It is true you cannot please everyone for long, and you can please some all the time, but is there at least not one point where everyone can sit and be rational about things in a middleground, of being disgruntled but also understanding of why things have been done as they are?
I see the faction points, and how they will be difficult to gain, yet for rabid PvP players, note I mean those who play it constantly and enjoy doing such, it should not take much time at all to unlock things. It brings a sort of longevity and reward to those who improve their skills. This gives PvP players something to look foward to, more than just fame or rank.
As far as the updates are concerned, all in time will things be brought around in a way taht will please the majority of both sides. Nothing in huge quantities can be done so quickly in such a short amount of time. Time is what is needed, and as stated before, dumping tons of new, hardly tested things, into a game, is a rather bad idea. As you all well know, there have been major bugs with a few of the updates that have been fixed upon testing them and realizing they were there. The same will be for every other update.
Patience and understanding is the key to at least trying to be satisfied, if even just a little, by those things ArenaNet Devs do to attempt to please you.
More food for thought I suppose, and believe me, I do indeed try and see the problems from as many points of view as I am capable of doing.
I myself have ranted and raved on a few things myself, the joy of emotional bursts, though, it would be intriguing to see one of these sudden rants actually point out, not just the things they dislike, and why about certain things, but things they also like about the new system of things.
It is true you cannot please everyone for long, and you can please some all the time, but is there at least not one point where everyone can sit and be rational about things in a middleground, of being disgruntled but also understanding of why things have been done as they are?
I see the faction points, and how they will be difficult to gain, yet for rabid PvP players, note I mean those who play it constantly and enjoy doing such, it should not take much time at all to unlock things. It brings a sort of longevity and reward to those who improve their skills. This gives PvP players something to look foward to, more than just fame or rank.
As far as the updates are concerned, all in time will things be brought around in a way taht will please the majority of both sides. Nothing in huge quantities can be done so quickly in such a short amount of time. Time is what is needed, and as stated before, dumping tons of new, hardly tested things, into a game, is a rather bad idea. As you all well know, there have been major bugs with a few of the updates that have been fixed upon testing them and realizing they were there. The same will be for every other update.
Patience and understanding is the key to at least trying to be satisfied, if even just a little, by those things ArenaNet Devs do to attempt to please you.
More food for thought I suppose, and believe me, I do indeed try and see the problems from as many points of view as I am capable of doing.
Talesin Darkbriar
/does happy dance...
You simply stole the words from my mouth.
The most hilarious fact is, people ask for something and whine about the fact that this something is missing, then the update comes, and they just whine about something else they never even considered before.
There are people out there who are complaining because now you have to "grind pvp".
What kind of bullshit is that? As if playing PvP against human player were boring and repetitive...if so, just stick to single player games and let us have fun.
The most hilarious fact is, people ask for something and whine about the fact that this something is missing, then the update comes, and they just whine about something else they never even considered before.
There are people out there who are complaining because now you have to "grind pvp".
What kind of bullshit is that? As if playing PvP against human player were boring and repetitive...if so, just stick to single player games and let us have fun.
I would figure that, for those who enjoy PvP in a mass quantity, this new system would not be a problem for them at all. Or is it rather that those that bring up this 'grind PvP' issue, feel they aren't good enough to win the faction they need, therefore, taking much longer than it would a more skilled player to get the faction needed?
There are always interesting reasons behind why people react as they do, always a reason that none of us have the right to even assume, as we are not that individual.
Then I suppose, with this statement I have just shot down my own thought, then again, I have not said particularly that someone does feel like such and such, merely wondering if perhaps there are those that think that way in regards to the new system.
Intriguing and a little confusing isn't it?
There are always interesting reasons behind why people react as they do, always a reason that none of us have the right to even assume, as we are not that individual.
Then I suppose, with this statement I have just shot down my own thought, then again, I have not said particularly that someone does feel like such and such, merely wondering if perhaps there are those that think that way in regards to the new system.
Intriguing and a little confusing isn't it?
There is a never-ending cycle, for as long as there are updates, there will always seem to be those that, more often show too well, show dislike of the patch, before it has even been released yet, or much less given a try for a full 24 hours or so. Those of complaint are much more easily spotted and my point of this, is that can people not at least give the devs and updates a chance before they go into rants over how it has completely ruined their game, or how it is unbalanced or how they flat out hate this or that? Why must you all, yes I point this to all of you, those who complain so quickly, do this so quickly instead of giving at least a day to save your rants and try out what has been changed? |
I think some changes are good for the hardcore 24/7 Guild War fanatic at some point, who probably is or will be bored with the game. But as far as the casual gamer goes, it's not fun at all, trying to keep up with all the changes, that come in so fast, so soon. Go buy a 20 dollar strategy guide and see how much of it is correct, go online and see how many websites are behind on the changes. It is also hard for the casual gamer to adapt to change, because of gold or time and more painful to see an investment get ruined. So I hated this new update only in the simple fact of it changed something and will probably hate the next update that changes something right from the get-go, even if it boosts say my 8 skills on each character that I use to say great uberness.
It seems that most of the previous patches were in response to whiners, which created other whiners after the fact.
This patch seemed to come from "out of the blue" and has a greater impact on PvE play the previous patches, and the whiners responded.
(just my opinion)
On all the previous patches my attitude was to adapt and accept. This patch had me scrambling to adjust, and I still don't like the overall impact it has made on the PvE game. I will adjust in time, but for now I will step back and take a breath and rethink things.
Conspiracy theory: Now that Anet has our money they are free to say "Screw you ..... we are going to do whatever we please with this game."
Can't wait to see the next patch.
This patch seemed to come from "out of the blue" and has a greater impact on PvE play the previous patches, and the whiners responded.
(just my opinion)
On all the previous patches my attitude was to adapt and accept. This patch had me scrambling to adjust, and I still don't like the overall impact it has made on the PvE game. I will adjust in time, but for now I will step back and take a breath and rethink things.
Conspiracy theory: Now that Anet has our money they are free to say "Screw you ..... we are going to do whatever we please with this game."
Can't wait to see the next patch.

Originally Posted by quickmonty
Can't wait to see the next patch. ![]() |

the screams the howls of anguish oh my

Auntie I
What I find amusing is that this process follows the 5 stages of grief.
Stage 1 Denial
"No, this can't be right." "Arenanet can't do this to us! "
Stage 2 Anger
"Arenanet is the the worst!" This update sux!!!!!"
Stage 3 Bargaining
"Sign my petition to take back the change" "They'll see that everyone hates the update and change it back" "Change it back or I'm leaving!"
Stage 4 Depression
"They'll never fix it" "It's terrible"
Stage 5 Acceptance
"It's not that bad, I like the chnage" "A couple of tweaks and I'm good to go again"
Read through the thread on the Nov 10/11 Update and see if it doesn't follow the pattern.
Stage 1 Denial
"No, this can't be right." "Arenanet can't do this to us! "
Stage 2 Anger
"Arenanet is the the worst!" This update sux!!!!!"
Stage 3 Bargaining
"Sign my petition to take back the change" "They'll see that everyone hates the update and change it back" "Change it back or I'm leaving!"
Stage 4 Depression
"They'll never fix it" "It's terrible"
Stage 5 Acceptance
"It's not that bad, I like the chnage" "A couple of tweaks and I'm good to go again"
Read through the thread on the Nov 10/11 Update and see if it doesn't follow the pattern.

Mister Overhill
Personally, I think the game was still half-baked (read beta) when A-net pulled it out of the oven, and they are in the process of trying to get it right before releasing the expansion. Still a hell of a good game though. Hope people will give them a chance to get it right before walking away. Would hate to see GW and the no monthly fee concept die on the vine.
if you want behavioral aspects of players well that's easy.
make build, tweak build, finalize build, now i'm in my comfortable bubble. update comes, pops the bubble, fear and outrage.
people do not like to change that is simply human nature and can be applied to all aspects of life. doesn't matter how rediculous it is or how much it can be improved by change it will always be met with fear and anger at first.
for example. at my work we have changed some programming information and now people get more music channels. about 30 more channels and is not increasing their bills at all. people still call yelling and b*tching about it even though they have the exact same thing and more in a different way. it doesn't just happen in a game.
i was a beta tester when the game had an open enrollment in june-july 04. i pre-ordered the game and started playing. when i showed my brother what i was playing he loved it and said he wanted to buy it. i warned him then. this game is not completed. there will be major changes anet will have to do in the future so if you do decide to play it just know the game will change. anet could release the game incompleted b/c any changes they needed to be done could stream it to us in updates. that's the main reason i don't complain about the lag. if you read about their steaming system you are downloading the updates while you are playing. there are server problems of course but i think that is the hidden factor that people never even think to look at.
as long as anet keeps making updates i'll play this game. the updates are designed to get the game back on track after the derailing of the invinsimonk. the game we are playing today is a run away experiment that blew up in their faces. now they are trying to fix it. i'm not going to hate anet for trying to fix something that was never suppose to happen in the first place.
make build, tweak build, finalize build, now i'm in my comfortable bubble. update comes, pops the bubble, fear and outrage.
people do not like to change that is simply human nature and can be applied to all aspects of life. doesn't matter how rediculous it is or how much it can be improved by change it will always be met with fear and anger at first.
for example. at my work we have changed some programming information and now people get more music channels. about 30 more channels and is not increasing their bills at all. people still call yelling and b*tching about it even though they have the exact same thing and more in a different way. it doesn't just happen in a game.
i was a beta tester when the game had an open enrollment in june-july 04. i pre-ordered the game and started playing. when i showed my brother what i was playing he loved it and said he wanted to buy it. i warned him then. this game is not completed. there will be major changes anet will have to do in the future so if you do decide to play it just know the game will change. anet could release the game incompleted b/c any changes they needed to be done could stream it to us in updates. that's the main reason i don't complain about the lag. if you read about their steaming system you are downloading the updates while you are playing. there are server problems of course but i think that is the hidden factor that people never even think to look at.
as long as anet keeps making updates i'll play this game. the updates are designed to get the game back on track after the derailing of the invinsimonk. the game we are playing today is a run away experiment that blew up in their faces. now they are trying to fix it. i'm not going to hate anet for trying to fix something that was never suppose to happen in the first place.
I think the bigger part of the issue isn't that people are afraid of change, they don't like change that comes without warning. Some kind of a hint..a "hey the way...prepare for this possibility in the near future."
It makes some people feel powerless in a sense, what they used to know and have some kind of "control" over has suddenly been taken away. The comfort zone has been removed, and for as much as change can be good, fact necessary to the "survival" or lasting ability of anything, people would still rather be forewarned. Life does not come with this luxury...and for as much as I cannot personally understand it (and I have no right to judge) a lot of people play games to not have to be reminded of real life. They like their comfortable, familiar little escape and feel betrayed when this is taken from them.
(Sure we can go on precedence, and can assume that wednesday means update, but we have no idea what changes will come with it.)
It makes some people feel powerless in a sense, what they used to know and have some kind of "control" over has suddenly been taken away. The comfort zone has been removed, and for as much as change can be good, fact necessary to the "survival" or lasting ability of anything, people would still rather be forewarned. Life does not come with this luxury...and for as much as I cannot personally understand it (and I have no right to judge) a lot of people play games to not have to be reminded of real life. They like their comfortable, familiar little escape and feel betrayed when this is taken from them.
(Sure we can go on precedence, and can assume that wednesday means update, but we have no idea what changes will come with it.)
Originally Posted by Swehurn
I think the bigger part of the issue isn't that people are afraid of change, they don't like change that comes without warning. Some kind of a hint..a "hey the way...prepare for this possibility in the near future."
It makes some people feel powerless in a sense, what they used to know and have some kind of "control" over has suddenly been taken away. The comfort zone has been removed, and for as much as change can be good, fact necessary to the "survival" or lasting ability of anything, people would still rather have be forewarned. Life does not come with this luxury...and for as much as I cannot personally understand it (and I have no right to judge) a lot of people play games to not have to be reminded of real life. They like their comfortable, controlable little escape and feel betrayed when this is taken from them. |
the signs are there but as normal people just don't listen.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
that's the point they did warn us just no one listend. go read the fansite fridays. they give hints and suggestions to things that will be changing. not to mention the visits from gaile and frog.
the signs are there but as normal people just don't listen. |
Maybe next time before you tell someone they don't listen, you should READ and then make an effort to comprehend, before you speak (or in this case write)
Originally Posted by Swehurn
I'm sorry, but who are you to accuse me of not listening? I listen just fine thank-you very much! Did they suggest in the fansite friday that they were going to completely change the way the AI behaves? Not that I could find. Mind you in my original post (which you obviously didn't read or are unwilling or unable to understand), I did not state that it was I who had a problem with change, in fact I love monotony is the only real thing in life that can "get me down" so to speak (what I do not like however is making the game broken. Yes it was broken with the last patch..and still is currently broken now.). I personally have better things to do then follow Gaile around and wait and see if she chooses to grace us with her insight. I have been present for a few of her LA apparences, however I find that answers are so vague as to be bordering on the pointless.
Maybe next time before you tell someone they don't listen, you should READ and then make an effort to comprehend, before you speak (or in this case write) |
the warnings was there that farming and solo was going to be changed. its been in black and white and has been hinted. i have never once met gaile or the frog yet i still know what they said, why? b/c people post thier converstions. there is no need to follow them around or waste your time trying. someone will post it. you have to learn the bs from the real stuff with them that's half the fun. the FFF give more direct answers.
if they give direct statements about what will change that can adverse affects.
1. will affect the econemy before it should
2. people will have already figured a way around the update before it even happens. what's the point of the update then?
they give us lots of hints and some direct information. i'm just thankfull they talk to us at all in any way, shape, or form. almost every game i've played never even spoke to its players. people take that for granted on this game and i don't understand why. they could just sever that connection completely. make any changes they want and say screw you if you don't like it. i'm glad they don't do that.
i've give some insight on my update cycle. update dropped a bomb on pve. i switch to pvp. bomb dropped on pvp. i switch to pve.
i adjust my gameplay to the updates. do i care i have to change, nope. would be boring if the game peaked in 2 weeks on new updated and stayed that way for XX months. updates refresh the game so i keep playing.
great post OP - dead on
described the 10/11 patch to a tee and this thread was before it.
Anet depends on keeping GW fresh or they risk having sales fall. I was (still is) for the 10/11 update. The result, playing mesmer for the 1st time (was pure fire ele since game launch), I will go back to my ele but not yet.
Anet has a solid game that's in Flux, there is nothing set in this game. I can't wait to hear the screams when new jobs and how they effect the game in chapter 2
OMG (insert new job) just destroys (insert build X plays) I quit.
When the developers compared this game to Magic the Gathering, all these updates didn't really come as shock. MtG is always in flux, new rules, new cards, new special cards systems with the new expansions.
I think the dev's are doing a great job making the game they envisioned. The reason why they made this game is they know how to make games and GW was a game that did not exist that they wanted to play.
They could of made and Diablo II w/ rpg clone (Dungeon Seige) but decided to make something unique and untried. (Don't flame me for Dungeon Seige, I like the game but was missing something to keep me playing it, can't explain it).
Op your dead on and this is a great post.

Anet depends on keeping GW fresh or they risk having sales fall. I was (still is) for the 10/11 update. The result, playing mesmer for the 1st time (was pure fire ele since game launch), I will go back to my ele but not yet.
Anet has a solid game that's in Flux, there is nothing set in this game. I can't wait to hear the screams when new jobs and how they effect the game in chapter 2

When the developers compared this game to Magic the Gathering, all these updates didn't really come as shock. MtG is always in flux, new rules, new cards, new special cards systems with the new expansions.
I think the dev's are doing a great job making the game they envisioned. The reason why they made this game is they know how to make games and GW was a game that did not exist that they wanted to play.
They could of made and Diablo II w/ rpg clone (Dungeon Seige) but decided to make something unique and untried. (Don't flame me for Dungeon Seige, I like the game but was missing something to keep me playing it, can't explain it).
Op your dead on and this is a great post.
Originally Posted by EternalTempest
When the developers compared this game to Magic the Gathering, all these updates didn't really come as shock. MtG is always in flux, new rules, new cards, new special cards systems with the new expansions.
i've been playing for 10 years and am never surprised by the changes that happen in MtG. b/c there is literally millions of dollars at stake they do warn people in plain black and white what changes will be occuring. in something like GW i don't think that is nessecary. also gives the poor guys a chance to accually make money with predictions of market changes.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
totally agree. ravager nearly killed MtG so they banned the hell out of it. less and less people were showing up for major tournements. it was always the same. what are you playing? affinity ravager, how about you? anti ravager. every tournement was ALWAYS the same deck. 10 people and 8 of them had a affinity ravager deck. farming and solo was killing GW. more and more people leaving, no challenge (hardest areas on game soloable), easy money, inflation always on the rise causing more farming.
i've been playing for 10 years and am never surprised by the changes that happen in MtG. b/c there is literally millions of dollars at stake they do warn people in plain black and white what changes will be occuring. in something like GW i don't think that is nessecary. also gives the poor guys a chance to accually make money with predictions of market changes. |

I do hope GW comes to this point with the jobs / skills FOTW will be a think of the past due to sheer choices of options.
On a side note: I seriously hope anet packages Chapter 2 by itself cheaper then and Chapter 1&2 package that costs the same as the base game does now.
"as to you sir. i never said YOU do no listen, i said people do not. its a general term and very broad so if the shoe fits wear it. meaning if it applies to you then it does. if it doesn't then it doesn't. you know the answer to that not me."
So am I not considered people now? You should have said a lot of people, or most people, or some. You completely missed the point of my entire post.
As for the shoes thing. I have shoes..I like em a lot.
I am no longer going to continue to argue with you on this issue. As I know that you will just continue to post and post and post. As for you feelings on why the people at anet continue to talk to us lowly little peons...and that you don't really care what they say so long as they say something to you. Do you really think that would be a wise course of action in the long run to completely avoid contact with us and make any changes they want to make?....and have the "screw you if you don't like it, leave" mentality? It's a PR move...not because they have some profound respect for you or the's about maintaining customer satisfaction..See the whole thing about not having to pay a monthly fee..ya there's an ace up their sleeve, right? HA HA we already have your money. That's right you do. But depending on how you go about things, I have the choice to not purchase the 2nd 3rd etc..chapter of the game...and now that ace is up my sleeve....
And yet once more, with more feeling and emphasis I will original post was an observation on human behavior, mostly.
So am I not considered people now? You should have said a lot of people, or most people, or some. You completely missed the point of my entire post.
As for the shoes thing. I have shoes..I like em a lot.
I am no longer going to continue to argue with you on this issue. As I know that you will just continue to post and post and post. As for you feelings on why the people at anet continue to talk to us lowly little peons...and that you don't really care what they say so long as they say something to you. Do you really think that would be a wise course of action in the long run to completely avoid contact with us and make any changes they want to make?....and have the "screw you if you don't like it, leave" mentality? It's a PR move...not because they have some profound respect for you or the's about maintaining customer satisfaction..See the whole thing about not having to pay a monthly fee..ya there's an ace up their sleeve, right? HA HA we already have your money. That's right you do. But depending on how you go about things, I have the choice to not purchase the 2nd 3rd etc..chapter of the game...and now that ace is up my sleeve....
And yet once more, with more feeling and emphasis I will original post was an observation on human behavior, mostly.
Originally Posted by Swehurn
It's a PR move...not because they have some profound respect for you or the's about maintaining customer satisfaction..See the whole thing about not having to pay a monthly fee..ya there's an ace up their sleeve, right? HA HA we already have your money. That's right you do. But depending on how you go about things, I have the choice to not purchase the 2nd 3rd etc..chapter of the game...and now that ace is up my sleeve....
And yet once more, with more feeling and emphasis I will original post was an observation on human behavior, mostly. |
just b/c you quit you didn't really affect anything. not to mention they do already have your money and by you leaving cost less for them to maintain the game. do you notice there are no free trials for this game even though its free to play? that's b/c they want you to buy it. after that point it doesn't matter what happens to you they got paid.
if they wanted to maintain customer satisfaction they would have rolled back every update people had a problem with. GW devs had a plan. that plan was thrown out the window from creation of soloing and farming. they are trying to get back to that even if it does piss majority of the people off. for that i commend them. farming and soloing was never suppose to be in the game PERIOD. some one found a loophole and it spread like wildfire. how many times have we seen the econemy crash? how much of that was due to the devs? none of it. the skills the devs created yes but never with the intent to solo. econemy is player controlled with the merchants acting like trade moderators. merchants do not set prices people do.
I never said that I was quitting, nor that I had the intention to do so. I was merely stating a fact that if you piss people off enough, they will leave....and maintaining a happy customer base is a good thing. I'm sure to certain degree that you are correct, should I choose to leave they wouldn't care. They could assume that it changes nothing, and in a way be glad...because like you say...I wouldn't be costing them money to maintain. But, let's say for a moment that they decided to do something "nasty"..they have my money, right..they don't care. Ok, now I go and log on to ebay sell my account and all my valuables..recover the money I spent on the original purchase and maybe some extra. Can I laugh now? (I wouldn't do this...I'm just saying it's an option someone might choose) Not to mention the fact that regardless of what you may say, word of mouth still plays a huge role in a companies success or failure. No, I have not seen a free trial of this game. But mind you when I decided to order this game I hadn't really seen much in the way of advertising for it either. I bought this game because of word of mouth. If you think that you would be able to survive as a company with a "screw you " attitude, good luck, cuz're gonna need it.
Also, as far as the belief that one unhappy customer can't make a difference, I'll suggest you read up on Tom Farmer's hotel experience...
Mods - if this is an unacceptable link, please delete it.
If the link's gone, I'll suggest everybody takes a look at the PowerPoint (search for "Yours Is A Very Bad Hotel") and read the accompanying story. It does a very good job of illustrating just how important each and every customer is (or rather, should be) to a company aiming for success.
Also, as far as the belief that one unhappy customer can't make a difference, I'll suggest you read up on Tom Farmer's hotel experience...
Mods - if this is an unacceptable link, please delete it.
If the link's gone, I'll suggest everybody takes a look at the PowerPoint (search for "Yours Is A Very Bad Hotel") and read the accompanying story. It does a very good job of illustrating just how important each and every customer is (or rather, should be) to a company aiming for success.
Rc The Mad
Originally Posted by Adaria
Another update has come and once again it proves my point quite well on many things. It does not matter what the update is, there will always be those to, either immediately after merely reading the update notes, or taking a small step into the new update, to instantly find dislike and rant and rave of how it has made things worse, impossible, or ruined their game.
It is these things that stick out the most after every single major update that this game has, and below is a small list of how I see a constant cycle as these updates come about. --Wed-Usual Update Day-7:00pm-Midnight EST Update Release/Update Notes --5-15 Minutes after update-GWG Forum Threads Abound -Common Update Thread - Listing the Update Changes -The First of Many - Threads that instantly bash or degrade the update without even attempting to try it. --A Few Days Pass - Update News still abound, suggestions pop up, and more threads of whining/praise, extreme or not come out of the works. --End of the Week- Closer to the next supposed update, new, few notes appear, new threads filled with praise/whining appear, instantly dissing or praising something that has not even been released yet. --The Day of the Update - Waiting, contemplating if there has been no news, if there will even be an update, some anger. --Wed Night, all over again, the cycle from the top starts once again. My point to all of this? There is a never-ending cycle, for as long as there are updates, there will always seem to be those that, more often show too well, show dislike of the patch, before it has even been released yet, or much less given a try for a full 24 hours or so. Those of complaint are much more easily spotted and my point of this, is that can people not at least give the devs and updates a chance before they go into rants over how it has completely ruined their game, or how it is unbalanced or how they flat out hate this or that? Why must you all, yes I point this to all of you, those who complain so quickly, do this so quickly instead of giving at least a day to save your rants and try out what has been changed? I mean this in no way, shape, or form to be a flame at anyone, but merely an inquiry and observation I have made over the past three or four weeks as new updates come out. I want to ask those who have complained so quickly at why they have, and now that it has been awhile since those particular updates you were so quick to dislike, have you changed in opinion on those particular updates, and why if you have? What Update have you simply loathed? Why did you, if you did, post in anger so quickly, if only looking at the notes? Now that time has passed, has your view changed? If it has, what do you feel now about the specific update you dispised so much? Once again I do not mean this to be a flame, but merely I suppose, a survey of those who have acted quickly in anger toward a new update, or in frustration, whichever, and wondering why exactly, and if things have changed now that certain updates have been out for a time. Oh I am indeed the curious one, so please if you would give me a hand in understanding, I would be most appreciative. /bow |
I've never been one to jump the gun in the forums, but it's an interesting poll, and I'd like to answer it.
I'm probably one of the few that actually didn't like the Sorrows Furnace update. I didn't loathe it, but I wasn't too pleased with it. At first I thought the whole idea of chests would just seriously drive prices down, but for some reason it had the opposite effect. Since the SF update pricing on things has been pretty screwy. Also there were many hidden things in the SF update meant to take stabs at solo farming which also effected actual group play like the addition of the nightmares to Underworld, and the addition of Heretics and mesmers basically everywhere. Why not just nerf the drops for solo farmers rather than make legit groups suffer through endless enchantment stripping and hexes? Again I say though that I didn't hate the update, I just wasn't one of it's huge supporters. Today though the update is pretty much old news. It doesn't affect my gameplay at all.
The only update I can say that I actually seriously loathe is probably the latest one with the "improved AI." Yes Anet wants to make the game more realistic, but it's just a personal preference of mine that I don't really like realistic games. For instance, years ago I was a huge Quake2 fan, and Unreal Tournament fan, but I always hated games like Battlefield 1942 and Call of Duty. I was always more a fan of the unrealistic games. I found them more fun and to the point. Guild Wars to me was more fun when it was unrealistic; when monsters would stand there and take the damage and I could go beat up another monster. I'm not going to quit the game over it or anything, but I used to love the game, and now I can say that I probably only 'like' the game.
I'm not much of a whiner, I usually just don't really care that much. As long as it is fun I don't care. But, I figure this is in response to the last update with the AoE AI changes of which I did whine. So, I'll answer based on that
The nov 10'th update, Hated it terribly
Actually I read the notes and thought "Yipee!". It wasn't until I played it that I hated it. It destroyed pretty much any AoE stuff.
The nov 11 patch. It made them workable again. Even the DOT AoE stuff is useful. The monsters are a bit more sane - they don't panic from a single AoE attack and don't run like chickens with their heads cut off. They do a fairly reasonable job.
The last two opinions were reached after a few hours of gameplay and trying things suggested on forums or things I though of. The changes from nov 10 to nov 11 made a HUGE difference. I would not have whined about it if nov 11 had been the first patch. I might not have been happy, I'm not so happy with it now, but it is now back to simply something that changed, not something broken (and my not happy is a personal issue and pretty weak). Thus no whining since then and a post actually retracting my past whine.
It seemed that they had tunnel vision. I've worked on (and managed) software projects where you get that - just as long as that single issue is fixed then great. Essentially the thought "Mobs gotta run from AoE damage", goes to QA "Check, mobs run from AoE, everything works according to specification". Notice that "Standard builds can still play game" and "Game is still fun" isn't in there or the main focus. In both the real world and in the university teaching project management it's one of the things you study and try to avoid, but it is hard sometimes.
So, depsised? Eh, not so much the way I would put it. Anymore than I despise any other bug. Point it out and it will most likely get fixed. I still suspect that some skill rebalancing on AoE's will occur sometime in the future because of this (some up, some down). And, of course, lots of whining
As I said, I'm not sure you mean what I felt. One difference with this last patch was that there were a lot of non-whiners (such as myself) that because it totally broke an entire build complained. In fact it broke some of thier official builds. While there were somewhat workarounds pretty quick (basically the same as now, just not very effective) calling it "working" was like holding your car together with twine. Yea, it oes and is together, sorta. Obviously Anet agreed somewhat with that assessment as they patched it *really* quick (obviously skipping regression testing and such).
Most patches are just different - neither good or bad, but that doesn't mean you can not have a bad decision or patch either. I would go so far as to say, once pointed out, I bet quite a few Anet employees saw right quick the AoE AI was bugged. Nor is all whining simply a case of "Who moved my cheese", sometimes it is legitimate.
Though, in general I agree that too many people whine. If you ever get to run a project that produces something many people use you will be VERY familiar with the wining. After a while you also tend to be able to weed out legitimate whines and just people who don't like change or think thier little world is all there is.
Originally Posted by Adaria
What Update have you simply loathed?
Why did you, if you did, post in anger so quickly, if only looking at the notes? |
Now that time has passed, has your view changed? |
The last two opinions were reached after a few hours of gameplay and trying things suggested on forums or things I though of. The changes from nov 10 to nov 11 made a HUGE difference. I would not have whined about it if nov 11 had been the first patch. I might not have been happy, I'm not so happy with it now, but it is now back to simply something that changed, not something broken (and my not happy is a personal issue and pretty weak). Thus no whining since then and a post actually retracting my past whine.
If it has, what do you feel now about the specific update you dispised so much? |
So, depsised? Eh, not so much the way I would put it. Anymore than I despise any other bug. Point it out and it will most likely get fixed. I still suspect that some skill rebalancing on AoE's will occur sometime in the future because of this (some up, some down). And, of course, lots of whining

Once again I do not mean this to be a flame, but merely I suppose, a survey of those who have acted quickly in anger toward a new update, or in frustration, whichever, and wondering why exactly, and if things have changed now that certain updates have been out for a time. |
Most patches are just different - neither good or bad, but that doesn't mean you can not have a bad decision or patch either. I would go so far as to say, once pointed out, I bet quite a few Anet employees saw right quick the AoE AI was bugged. Nor is all whining simply a case of "Who moved my cheese", sometimes it is legitimate.
Though, in general I agree that too many people whine. If you ever get to run a project that produces something many people use you will be VERY familiar with the wining. After a while you also tend to be able to weed out legitimate whines and just people who don't like change or think thier little world is all there is.
if so, just stick to single player games and let us have fun.
if so, just stick to single player games and let us have fun.
I just wish they (game developers in general) would stop changing things that nobody asked for.....