Worlds at War system encourages Racism ?
The title pretty much speaks for itself. I play in European Server and Ive noticed that since we get so few favors, people tend to get very angry if a team from another country win the HoH. That wouldnt be so bad in itself, except that cursing and racist comments seem to slowly become acceptable to most ppl. No one in the district complained when some people made derogatory comments toward Koreans / Americans. It was quite remarkable to me, since many online games encourage cultural exchange and friendship between it's players.
What do you think about the Worlds at War system and it's effect on racism in guildwars ?
Anyone playing in American / Korean server and seeing the same problem ?
What do you think about the Worlds at War system and it's effect on racism in guildwars ?
Anyone playing in American / Korean server and seeing the same problem ?
The Destroyer
If I am not mistaken would this not be considered nationalism? I myself do not consider american as my race. I have european relatives and ancestors and dont consider my race to be european. I am sure there are citizens of Korea that are not of Korean ancsestry. While I dont condone racism I have nothing against nationalism.
Originally Posted by The Destroyer
If I am not mistaken would this not be considered nationalism? I myself do not consider american as my race. I have european relatives and ancestors and dont consider my race to be european. I am sure there are citizens of Korea that are not of Korean ancsestry. While I dont condone racism I have nothing against nationalism.
I'm fine with nationalist sentiments of pride in your country, but this system is bringing out hate, and not to sound prissy, but hate is bad. It's one thing to want to kick butt figuratively, but the system isn't encouraging a healthy competitive spirit.
Originally Posted by mpa
Anyone playing in American / Korean server and seeing the same problem ?
I think a large chunk of the population that plays Guild Wars is a bunch of racist, misogynistic, homophobic little twerps to begin with. You can't turn around without hearing some snot-nosed waste of reproductive material calling someone a faggot, RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO, or jew. I think the Worlds at War simply gives the little brats a further outlet for their foul mouthed stupidity.
But really, what do you expect from a populace that seems to have drawing genitalia on the minimap as a popular pastime?
Originally Posted by Epinephrine
I think you are right about nationalism not being racism, but promoting strife is hardly the way to go. And Europe and America aren't "nations" either - especially given that the "American"server is populated by north and south americans as well as many english speakers from Europe.
I'm fine with nationalist sentiments of pride in your country, but this system is bringing out hate, and not to sound prissy, but hate is bad. It's one thing to want to kick butt figuratively, but the system isn't encouraging a healthy competitive spirit. |
We see the same thing over here. It's a spark for racism and an arbitrary task for getting into the special content areas. Trash the WaW concept. When you first came out with it, we all had our doubts... We've seen it through... It's no good.
Depending on what was said. Dirty Bastard Americans wouldn't phase me (it would make me want to crush whatever nationality said it though. American Pride baby) but N*gg*r or Jewish Bastard would as those can be seen as only derogatory. I agree on the nationalism. Heck doesn't just about every country in the world hate us Americans anyway? We are used to by now.
okay, just so that the thread doesnt get bogged down in semantics. By "racism" I also include "nationalism", the bad one, hitler-kind-of-nationalism that encourage hatred.
The Destroyer
True I see your point Epi and I agree there are many unrepresented nationalitys lumped together in the "America" Europe" Korea" clump but this is one of the things that marketers prey upon. Nationalism is the only acceptable form of discrimination anymore. I know first hand as I have lived in Germany, U.S.A and a short stint in S Korea. Nationalism is promoted heavily in the U.S. and in Korea and even to an extent in Europe. Since it still an acceptable form of discrimination and still acceptable to have pride in ones Nation but not in ones race the marketers will prey on this until it is no longre considered acceptable for me to feel my Nation is superior to anyone elses. I wasnt disagreeing with the original posting just in the way the post was expressed. Yes nationalism breeds many negative emotions just as racism does but in this day and age nationalism is one of the last barriers between different groups of people. Barriers can be positive and negative. I know the pride I feel for being a citizen of my country because I support the beleifs and ideals of my nation is a great positive in my life but on the other hand I know that my ideals are not the only ones that exist in the world. In short beating the other nations and retaining favor has an effect on the psyche of cementing the idea that your ideals are better than all others and this may be the negative effect you all are discussing. I would agree with you but the title states this is Guild "WARS" and wars have to have different factions within factions fighting for control.
Originally Posted by EinValentine
I think a large chunk of the population that plays Guild Wars is a bunch of racist, misogynistic, homophobic little twerps to begin with. You can't turn around without hearing some snot-nosed waste of reproductive material calling someone a faggot, RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO, or jew. I think the Worlds at War simply gives the little brats a further outlet for their foul mouthed stupidity.
But really, what do you expect from a populace that seems to have drawing genitalia on the minimap as a popular pastime? |
The internet has bred very poor manners and given the sickest elements of society an outlet for their racist, homophobic, Hitleresque nationalistic vitriol. The sad part is, there is little that can be done for it.
Personally, I wish that, given proper documentation and a stern warning, offenders who spew this sort of drivel would get their CD keys banned PERMANENTLY.
They better stop the Olympics then.
Or the Football World Cup,
Or the Formula 1 Grand Prix,
Or anything in the world that is related to Nations going against each other.
If people are grown up enough, then most of us can get by. However, as we all know far too often, there are just a few that can spoil things for everyone.
I like nations fighting each other, but I agree with racist remarks should be frowned upon.
To be honest, even those people here that couldn't just use the words Racist Remarks, instead of having to actually spell it out, almost makes you wonder sometimes.
Or the Football World Cup,
Or the Formula 1 Grand Prix,
Or anything in the world that is related to Nations going against each other.
If people are grown up enough, then most of us can get by. However, as we all know far too often, there are just a few that can spoil things for everyone.
I like nations fighting each other, but I agree with racist remarks should be frowned upon.
To be honest, even those people here that couldn't just use the words Racist Remarks, instead of having to actually spell it out, almost makes you wonder sometimes.

Nationalism is fine as long as it is not in the extreme as mpa suggested. Pride in one's nation is wonderful. Heck, I cry -every- time The Star Spangled Banner is played. What is NOT all right is the hateful I-hate-all-(insert nationality here) bastiches that is spread out after every win/loss.
Originally Posted by mpa
okay, just so that the thread doesnt get bogged down in semantics. By "racism" I also include "nationalism", the bad one, hitler-kind-of-nationalism that encourage hatred.
Hitlers racism, and megalomania were the root of so much suffering and evil. His nationalism alone did not bring him to try to exterminate an entire race, nor mould the future of our species at a genetic level. That was not nationalism, didnt spring from natonalism, and had very little rooting in his fanatical love for his country.
You dont get multiple types of nationalism, for the word is specific, same as you couldnt honestly get multiple types of democracy.
You should never ever mix up the deeds and desires of groups of people, with the cause they believe in.
All you need do is look at the recent problems regarding Islam, and the problems caused by confusing the deeds and desires of a small group, with the cause they believed in.....
Seriously, you could just have everyone choose a colour. Yellow, red, blue, green... lots of colours out there. Still keep the separate servers for america, Europe and Korea, but more for the linguistic element - assign the benefits based on colour.
It's pretty arbitrary.
It's pretty arbitrary.
I don't think it's the worlds at war system that has the problem, but rather the human race in general. Any nationalistic/racist attitude has the capacity to turn down the wrong path. That being said, friendly competiton has been going on in the real world for a long time. The Olympics seem to be a petty good example of this.
I personally think of myself and those around me not be nationality, but rather as a human. I hate the idea of dividing a race by invisible borders/skin color/belief systems/etc..
I personally think of myself and those around me not be nationality, but rather as a human. I hate the idea of dividing a race by invisible borders/skin color/belief systems/etc..
Originally Posted by The Destroyer
I would agree with you but the title states this is Guild "WARS" and wars have to have different factions within factions fighting for control.
At best you can say the title suggests there will be wars. That doesn't say anything about condoning outright abusive and unacceptable [to our sense of norms] social behavior.
We all accept the world we are playing in is a virtual world, right? That these are not true wars?
Understanding what seperates you from another person is incredibly important for establishing a person's identity. That doesn't mean it's acceptable to trash talk any time one faction Holds or Takes the HoH.
I think the OP hit on an important topic:
Originally Posted by mpa
cursing and racist comments seem to slowly become acceptable to most ppl
One final note: Others have mentioned that a lot of these "offendors" are probably adolescents who wouldn't have the chutzpah to talk this way in public. That's because we have established norms that make them uncomfortable if they do. Those same norms don't exist in Guild Wars, or other online games. If you want to see them work their way into the gaming community, we need to establish them. Tell people it's not okay to do what they're doing. How else will they learn?
Also remember these adolescents are coping with intense pressure to conform to their peers and at the same time establish who they are. It's a tough time. If you've been through it, hopefully you understand that. It doesn't excuse the behavior, but when you're so critical of the immature jerks, understand they might have the potential to grow out of their "snot-nosed, vile-spewing" stage.
Doh, it actually -does- get bogged down by semantics :-(.
But back to the topic.
Dont you think it would be great if your guild could have people from all over the world ? I want to explore Tyria with guildmates from the States, to fight the Titans alongside my European guilmate and to defend my guild with the help of my Korean guildmates. It's -Guild- Wars after all, not War of the Continents :-)
Having a multinational guild, fighting for say a fictional island, a fictional religious faction, seems to be a better solution, at least for me.
But back to the topic.
Dont you think it would be great if your guild could have people from all over the world ? I want to explore Tyria with guildmates from the States, to fight the Titans alongside my European guilmate and to defend my guild with the help of my Korean guildmates. It's -Guild- Wars after all, not War of the Continents :-)
Having a multinational guild, fighting for say a fictional island, a fictional religious faction, seems to be a better solution, at least for me.
The Destroyer
My apologies MPA I think I started the whole semantics war. Yes I do agree with your suggestion and think it would be great! Go post it in Sardelac and I will put my vote on it.
Originally Posted by EinValentine
I think a large chunk of the population that plays Guild Wars is a bunch of racist, misogynistic, homophobic little twerps to begin with. You can't turn around without hearing some snot-nosed waste of reproductive material calling someone a faggot, RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO, or jew. I think the Worlds at War simply gives the little brats a further outlet for their foul mouthed stupidity.
But really, what do you expect from a populace that seems to have drawing genitalia on the minimap as a popular pastime? |
am a 40-something schoolteacher, for Pete's Sake, and I can't believe the number of times I am told off by someone who a) shouldn't even be playing this game due to NSRB ratings; and b) could be my kid; and c) would never even THINK to say it to me in real life. |
I know that if anyonecalled me a "fa**ot", or a "Ni**er" in RL, they would spend the next hour trying to find where their teeth landed.
as someone that has, for thier own reasons, opted outa the whole messy human race lol, i think theres no way we will ever be done with nationalyisme (sp ect, even if we make it out to the will end up being planetisme lol.
i think though, that the war of worlds system isnt that good, since it preys upon the need to dominate, granted, thats what guild wars *the wars, not the game* are about, but still...whouldnt it be better to do away with group wars like these ones and just have matches for say, the favour *personal* of the gods? after all, arent the gods supposed to be *allways* watching over their in game charges? wouldnt the various professions spells ect no longer work if the gods took their favour elsewhere?
and it would solve the 'im from <nation> damn, i cant get to the fissure/ToA cause we dont have the Favour!' <insert copious swearing and griping>
what about the equivilent of '<nation> is currently the favorites of the gods' meaning that although we *all* still have the favour of them, the gods of the game are currently liking <this lot> more then others. sure, keep the appearances of the avatars of teh gods with each group, but making us fight to get to areas is a bit OTT.
no, havin them fight for a fictional god may just set them off the way humans fight now over their belifs. better to keep that outa the game.
i dont want to see this game degenerate like my other fave did, as soon as *that game* had War of Worlds, it turned nasty. granted, a short-sighted and possibly bitter DM used a DM only ability to waste the oppositon and ensure that the side that THEY wanted to win, won the castle map. after that it turned realy nasty, since you couldnt go out of the safe maps, and if you happened to wander into the areas held by the oppositon, u got wasted by them, cause they got points for it.
i think though, that the war of worlds system isnt that good, since it preys upon the need to dominate, granted, thats what guild wars *the wars, not the game* are about, but still...whouldnt it be better to do away with group wars like these ones and just have matches for say, the favour *personal* of the gods? after all, arent the gods supposed to be *allways* watching over their in game charges? wouldnt the various professions spells ect no longer work if the gods took their favour elsewhere?
and it would solve the 'im from <nation> damn, i cant get to the fissure/ToA cause we dont have the Favour!' <insert copious swearing and griping>
what about the equivilent of '<nation> is currently the favorites of the gods' meaning that although we *all* still have the favour of them, the gods of the game are currently liking <this lot> more then others. sure, keep the appearances of the avatars of teh gods with each group, but making us fight to get to areas is a bit OTT.
no, havin them fight for a fictional god may just set them off the way humans fight now over their belifs. better to keep that outa the game.
i dont want to see this game degenerate like my other fave did, as soon as *that game* had War of Worlds, it turned nasty. granted, a short-sighted and possibly bitter DM used a DM only ability to waste the oppositon and ensure that the side that THEY wanted to win, won the castle map. after that it turned realy nasty, since you couldnt go out of the safe maps, and if you happened to wander into the areas held by the oppositon, u got wasted by them, cause they got points for it.
Mayar third Keeper
Yes the WaW is not good.
- The number of people in each continent (btw Korea = continent???) are unbalanced
- GW is a Fantasy Game wth do we need a RL reference in a fantasy game?
- what many have considered befor: ist caus racism and nationalism
And here is my question: Why didnt they thought of ingame names for the groups?
Why dont split the Server location question from the ingame WaW system?
- The number of people in each continent (btw Korea = continent???) are unbalanced
- GW is a Fantasy Game wth do we need a RL reference in a fantasy game?
- what many have considered befor: ist caus racism and nationalism
And here is my question: Why didnt they thought of ingame names for the groups?
Why dont split the Server location question from the ingame WaW system?
Perishiko ReLLiK
It had only a small effect, even if we weren't competing, i guarentee that the racists (Actually more then likely not racists... just stupid little kids with moronic minds) would still be the same way.
Although they wouldnt get a chance to state it as much... the blatant truth is; Human beings are patheticly stupid.
It places them on that on going list... Non-racists racism, Non-sexists sex remarks... ect ect... Not to mention Americans have nearly the lowest school standards anywhere... But that's a whole other subject...
(just for those that point me out by my account name, i am American, born in, and loving it... just not the people (but, we can't inforce the documents that started the country **Of course...**)
Although they wouldnt get a chance to state it as much... the blatant truth is; Human beings are patheticly stupid.
It places them on that on going list... Non-racists racism, Non-sexists sex remarks... ect ect... Not to mention Americans have nearly the lowest school standards anywhere... But that's a whole other subject...
(just for those that point me out by my account name, i am American, born in, and loving it... just not the people (but, we can't inforce the documents that started the country **Of course...**)
What you see is simply people being anoyed as being denied access to maps for the simple reason they are in the wrong server.
If europe had favor for more that 10 hours per week I doubt people care, the problem exists because ArenaNet decided to use something most players have not control over (favor) to give access to the two bonus map.
If europe had favor for more that 10 hours per week I doubt people care, the problem exists because ArenaNet decided to use something most players have not control over (favor) to give access to the two bonus map.
A lot of people are real turds. The internet is an environment where they can be themselves without getting hit. I generally interpret their behavior as a sign that they're incredibly uncomfortable with their lives, which would be sympathetic if they weren't doing their best to be the most unsympathetic figures possible.
Unless they want to start temp-banning people for bad behavior, I don't see this changing. Give people the opportunity to be an idiot in front of an audience, and they'll take it, every time.
Oh, WaW is entirely secondary. It's just another convenient reminder to your average turd to ham it up.
Unless they want to start temp-banning people for bad behavior, I don't see this changing. Give people the opportunity to be an idiot in front of an audience, and they'll take it, every time.
Oh, WaW is entirely secondary. It's just another convenient reminder to your average turd to ham it up.
Guild Wars has the word Wars in the title
wars are all about killing other people and committing all kinds of atrocities
anyone who does not have the stomach for seeing a few bad text words in a video game should not be playing a game with the word Wars in the title
wars are all about killing other people and committing all kinds of atrocities
anyone who does not have the stomach for seeing a few bad text words in a video game should not be playing a game with the word Wars in the title
I just know that whenever I go to the temple of ages to see who has favor, if we don't, I see loads of rascist and hateful remarks made towards whichever region has favor.
Nationalism is poison
Perishiko ReLLiK
Originally Posted by Navaros
Guild Wars has the word Wars in the title
wars are all about killing other people and committing all kinds of atrocities anyone who does not have the stomach for seeing a few bad text words in a video game should not be playing a game with the word Wars in the title |
Anybody else find it funny how it states "Game experience may change during online play" under the rating... when this is an online only game...
I play on the American servers with a guild comprised of American and Canadian citizens. Our guild has shown some "racist" remarks several times -- but I've yet to see or even think of anything worse than "____ Koreans." We make jokes about it too; if anyone asks how to get to the Hall of Heroes, we respond, "Well, first, you've gotta kill alot of Koreans..." Any massive group of mobs up ahead has the potential to become Korea itself. "Come on guys, the path is this way. I don't want to go through all of Korea again."
Quite frankly, it's harmless. The Koreans are a group of people we love to hate. They're crazy about competitive games, and it's no surprise that they took to Guild Wars so fast and so hard. The general consensus is that the average Korean could outperform the average American at a game any day. (Note: This is just the general feel. I have no way of backing up this up.) I mean, hell, Korean television has it's own flipping Starcraft channel!
Do I hate 'em? Yeah, a bit. Do I respect 'em? You bet. Would I kick their ass if I could? Hell yes. Is this a bad thing? Not really.
The way I see it, the WaW engine is an excellent way of getting a playerbase up in arms. Seeing Korea win in Tombs repeatedly makes me want to go do something about it. And if the Korean response after they lose favor is any measure, it seems like they have the same feelings. (Several times, I've watched America get favor, and then the next five games are Korean wins, and we lose favor in an hour of having got it.)
Does it suck for Europe? Yeah, I'll bet it kinda does. But it seems to me that the response shouldn't be, "Ah, screw it, I'm never gonna get into the Underworld or Fissure," no, it should make you want to go kick some butt in Tombs. If racist slurs add to your frenzy, go on ahead and use them.
I'll be concerned when this competitive system brings about something worse than just hurt feelings.
Quite frankly, it's harmless. The Koreans are a group of people we love to hate. They're crazy about competitive games, and it's no surprise that they took to Guild Wars so fast and so hard. The general consensus is that the average Korean could outperform the average American at a game any day. (Note: This is just the general feel. I have no way of backing up this up.) I mean, hell, Korean television has it's own flipping Starcraft channel!
Do I hate 'em? Yeah, a bit. Do I respect 'em? You bet. Would I kick their ass if I could? Hell yes. Is this a bad thing? Not really.
The way I see it, the WaW engine is an excellent way of getting a playerbase up in arms. Seeing Korea win in Tombs repeatedly makes me want to go do something about it. And if the Korean response after they lose favor is any measure, it seems like they have the same feelings. (Several times, I've watched America get favor, and then the next five games are Korean wins, and we lose favor in an hour of having got it.)
Does it suck for Europe? Yeah, I'll bet it kinda does. But it seems to me that the response shouldn't be, "Ah, screw it, I'm never gonna get into the Underworld or Fissure," no, it should make you want to go kick some butt in Tombs. If racist slurs add to your frenzy, go on ahead and use them.
I'll be concerned when this competitive system brings about something worse than just hurt feelings.
Originally Posted by ether
Nationalism is poison
The EU's failure is a grand example of the power of nationalism. The notion of One World is ludicrous and silly. It will -never- happen. That said, it is possible for people and nations to get along and it's healthy to have competition whether it's in school, sports or between nations.
Originally Posted by Khift
... Does it suck for Europe? Yeah, I'll bet it kinda does. But it seems to me that the response shouldn't be, "Ah, screw it, I'm never gonna get into the Underworld or Fissure," no, it should make you want to go kick some butt in Tombs. If racist slurs add to your frenzy, go on ahead and use them.
Edit Account
Change Territory.
As a PvE player I tried Tombs but unless you are in a Guild and dedicated to PvP there is no point to get there (expecialy now) since PUG only goes as far and lossing over and over again for no reward is no fun for players.
Im fairly certain Arenanet got the idea for worlds at war from Dark Age of Camelot and the dungeon in that game called Darkness Falls. They are practically the same thing, in DAoC darkness falls was owned by the realm who owned the most keeps in RvR....and you all know how it works in GW. theory is that GW wanted this sort of pvp system sooo bad that they had to substitute the realms for something else...and that was the continents. The only way this "racism problem" could be solved is by changing the continents into something more like DAoC's 3 realms. theory is that GW wanted this sort of pvp system sooo bad that they had to substitute the realms for something else...and that was the continents. The only way this "racism problem" could be solved is by changing the continents into something more like DAoC's 3 realms.
I think you are over reacting, or I must be really lucky, as the worst I have seen is,
a, players cursing each other in towns, ' your a noob, no your are etc'
b, in a group i was inform 'afk brb going for a poo', way tooo much info.
and the most annoying was,
c, one guy boosting how he could solo area, refused to help the group with the mission and insisted on calling everybody noobs and that he was god and had 1000 plat, immaturity and arrogance at its best.
By far the worst is actually out of game on these very forums, people bitching at each other, trying to get one over on each other as though it was a competition.
Fact is there will always be a few idiots, why let them spoil the game for the rest of us.
Example of what I mean.
Idiot uses bot, thinks its cool to have 1000 plat. Game devs see this as exploit, ban players they find doing it, but also alter game so that it cannot be done. This was what most people on this forum and many other forums screamed about, screamed nerf, I can't farm etc etc. Some of the screamers where the bot users, the majority where just joe bloggs who enjoyed finding loot, exploring areas.
Simply put don't let idiots spoil the fun for others, report them.
If everyone reported the idiots, would have a list of people fairly fast, and they could deal with people that have been reported multiply times as needed.
a, players cursing each other in towns, ' your a noob, no your are etc'
b, in a group i was inform 'afk brb going for a poo', way tooo much info.
and the most annoying was,
c, one guy boosting how he could solo area, refused to help the group with the mission and insisted on calling everybody noobs and that he was god and had 1000 plat, immaturity and arrogance at its best.
By far the worst is actually out of game on these very forums, people bitching at each other, trying to get one over on each other as though it was a competition.
Fact is there will always be a few idiots, why let them spoil the game for the rest of us.
Example of what I mean.
Idiot uses bot, thinks its cool to have 1000 plat. Game devs see this as exploit, ban players they find doing it, but also alter game so that it cannot be done. This was what most people on this forum and many other forums screamed about, screamed nerf, I can't farm etc etc. Some of the screamers where the bot users, the majority where just joe bloggs who enjoyed finding loot, exploring areas.
Simply put don't let idiots spoil the fun for others, report them.
If everyone reported the idiots, would have a list of people fairly fast, and they could deal with people that have been reported multiply times as needed.
Vermilion Okeanos
It just so happen these disrespectful people yell the loudest...
There are black sheeps in every family... and same thing apply reversed.
There are black sheeps in every family... and same thing apply reversed.
I like the concept of WaW, but I agree the way things are split up isn't good. I'd think it would have been better if they had set teams based on GW gods, GW world regions (Go Kryta!), or even just colors. (Gold team for the Win!) However, they end up seperating things by language anyways; Chances are one team will be favored by Koreans, another by Americans, and another by everyone else...
Maybe Anet just thought to themselves; Let's just cut out all pretense and use real world regions.
Just alittle food for thought.
Maybe Anet just thought to themselves; Let's just cut out all pretense and use real world regions.
Just alittle food for thought.
Originally Posted by ether
Nationalism is poison
Originally Posted by ether
Nationalism is poison
However, extreme nationalism (like extreme everything else including religion) promotes hatred, which in turn promotes conflict.
Perhaps it would be better stated as "Intolerance is poison."
Evan The Cursed
I would say mild levels of nationalism. Even moderate levels can be poisonous. I mean the whole concept is an irrational level of pride in an abstract concept which owes no fealty to you; and holds absolutely no defining characteristics other than that the members of the nation happen to be living on the same abstractly-bordered piece of land. Differences in race, ideology, etc. are not defined by nation in the slightest.
The whole thing is just utterly irrational.
The whole thing is just utterly irrational.
Heh, I love Koreans. When I see them on the opposite side of the battlefield, I smile inside because I know that there is a challange just over there, coming at us. Something that pushes you and your team to their limits and hopefully beyond to show who is truely more skilled or prepared.
I've taken out a lot of Koreans in my time, I've also been taken out by a lot as well. They really are a truely competetive nation which I deem very worth opponents. America is about on par with this competetive spirit and skill, so facing them is also something of a challange (even so, I have it subconciously respecting the Korean teams a lot more). Europe though is disappointing. I don't know why there is a complete lack of competition, skill or whatnot. It would have been really nice if they could compete up there with the two giants the US and Korea are.
I've taken out a lot of Koreans in my time, I've also been taken out by a lot as well. They really are a truely competetive nation which I deem very worth opponents. America is about on par with this competetive spirit and skill, so facing them is also something of a challange (even so, I have it subconciously respecting the Korean teams a lot more). Europe though is disappointing. I don't know why there is a complete lack of competition, skill or whatnot. It would have been really nice if they could compete up there with the two giants the US and Korea are.
We all have pride in our nations and countries. Saying that these Favor of the Gods battles are causing racisim is like saying the World Cup Soccer causes racisim between England and Spain. Or that The SuperBowl here in the States causes racism between the opposing team's respective States.
Are you saying having pride in one's country and nation is racisim? If that's the case then all humans should DIE and oxygen should rule the Earth.
Another thought: a game cannot cause racisim. Racisim already exists and had been on Earth since Cane took and evil eye at Able. No one can cause Racism. It exists because the human race is fundamentaly flawed.
Are you saying having pride in one's country and nation is racisim? If that's the case then all humans should DIE and oxygen should rule the Earth.
Another thought: a game cannot cause racisim. Racisim already exists and had been on Earth since Cane took and evil eye at Able. No one can cause Racism. It exists because the human race is fundamentaly flawed.