"It's just a game.."
I think one real point that should be made here is that the immaturity levels of some people are highly exaserbated by the fact that you are sitting behind a computer screen sometimes accross the pond from those other people on line or in your party or even in these forums. THEY ARE IMMATURE SCARED LITTLE PEOPLE and will behave double so knowing that they (think) they face absolutely no consequences for thier actions. The internet has created a new persona type that allows people to "act" on a keyboard in way they would never have the guts to act in real life. its sad but true. on the flip side of this persona are those that prey on the weak or the trusting or those who do not "act." they are socio patheological computer predators that are very real. We may not see that level of behavior on GW, but it does exist. I am hearing all time how people for "getting ripped off" or "scammed"...to the person it happened to the feelings are very real and the ability to differentiate what is "real" and what is "cyber" is difficult for many people because of their level of emotional maturity or lack there of as is the case.
A scumbag doesnt stop being a scumbag just because they are online or playing a video.
All good points made in this thread, thanx to ME for starting it....cheers.
A scumbag doesnt stop being a scumbag just because they are online or playing a video.
All good points made in this thread, thanx to ME for starting it....cheers.
What type of mmorpgs do you nerds play that doesnt involve hackers/scammers/griefers and insults.
Definition of EULA: An EULA is a legal contract between the manufacturer and/or the author and the end user of an application. Can EULAs be argued against if they are considered unreasonable like the one you posted? Yes? But that said video game EULAs are typically not unrealistic. Oh and by the way if you can't assign value to something that doesn't exist then how are ideas and methodologies patented... They don't truly exist do they? No. Like having to pay money to use the patented idea of advertising via similar products others have bought... Also its not a video game crimes the US is specifically investigating it is fraud if the money value is significant. And if it is libel,slander or defamation then the people suing investigate the forum in which the comments were made... You also don't add any value to your argument on Fact 1 because all I was simply saying is that there are entities out there that act as a sales mechanism for virtual in-game items. Sony facilitates the sale of in-game items through an Ebay like site. The more you post the more I come to realize the limitations you have to being able to comprehend what is being posted here. (Btw that is a pretty way of saying I think you are stupid )
Originally Posted by HellRaiser
What type of mmorpgs do you nerds play that doesnt involve hackers/scammers/griefers and insults.
Give me a Rational Explanation As to why everyone else are nerds..
Except you.Emphasis on the Rational Explanation.
Who knows why so many people have to act retarded.Its probably because..
"Hey look im on the internet!I can act like a total ****wad and nobody will know its me!"
Thats about all I can find out about why people act very immature...The others I asked simply told me to **** off.
Originally Posted by HellRaiser
What type of mmorpgs do you nerds play that doesnt involve hackers/scammers/griefers and insults.
Offline example:
I could go steal a car, if I wanted. It doesn't take much to hotwire a car. But it's wrong, so I don't do it. I could go find a random person on the street and beat them up for their money. But that's wrong too. So I don't do it.
You seem to be under the impression that, just because you are able to do something in a game, you should be able to do that thing by right regardless of what others may think or feel about that.
And a EULA is most certainly a contract. It's an Agreement between you and the company. If you break the EULA, you are most likely kicked from the game, in the case of MMO's, or sued for copywright infringement in other genres.
I don't think a separate role playing outpost/town instance would actually work. It would be too tempting for people like you-know-you, the sad, little folk who derive their sense of self-importance by annoying others.
I think I've an idea that might work, however: the role play guild hall -- basically a guild hall instance that is open to players who pay a prescribed fee. No merchants, no storage agents, etc., just a space where people could gather and role play.
Whatch think?
I think I've an idea that might work, however: the role play guild hall -- basically a guild hall instance that is open to players who pay a prescribed fee. No merchants, no storage agents, etc., just a space where people could gather and role play.
Whatch think?
Originally Posted by HellRaiser
What type of mmorpgs do you nerds play that doesnt involve hackers/scammers/griefers and insults.
I do find it interesting that you have chosen to not respond to any of the questions put to you from the time you logged off last night until your brilliant and clever 1st post today.
Originally Posted by HellRaiser
What type of mmorpgs do you nerds play that doesnt involve hackers/scammers/griefers and insults.
only nerds take online insults seriously.
Principa Discordia
Hellraiser, I am growing tired of your abusive rubbish and trolling. Consider that a warning.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by EvilWizard
Definition of EULA: An EULA is a legal contract between the manufacturer and/or the author and the end user of an application. Can EULAs be argued against if they are considered unreasonable like the one you posted? Yes? But that said video game EULAs are typically not unrealistic. Oh and by the way if you can't assign value to something that doesn't exist then how are ideas and methodologies patented... They don't truly exist do they? No. Like having to pay money to use the patented idea of advertising via similar products others have bought... Also its not a video game crimes the US is specifically investigating it is fraud if the money value is significant. And if it is libel,slander or defamation then the people suing investigate the forum in which the comments were made... You also don't add any value to your argument on Fact 1 because all I was simply saying is that there are entities out there that act as a sales mechanism for virtual in-game items. Sony facilitates the sale of in-game items through an Ebay like site. The more you post the more I come to realize the limitations you have to being able to comprehend what is being posted here. (Btw that is a pretty way of saying I think you are stupid )
if you truly believe that an EULA is a contractual agreement...and admissable in court go find precedence for one being used to build a case....Don't call me stupid because you believe one thing and I believe another...EULAs are NOT admissable in court...breaking them IS NOT illegal...they are fluff...fodder..whatever you want to call them. There is no legally binding contract accepted when you accept a EULA...they are essentially a terms for which the end user may acceptably use the software.....believe what you will...ingame fraud is not fraud...it's an element of the game.
Defamation of Character laws for the internet do infact exist...but to this date they are not enforced and not a single case that has been brought to court under this law has been sucessful.. You can read all about it if you'd like to do research into America Online vs Observers.net....
An Idea is a real thing...and the patent is the tangible evidence of this idea being a real thing. If I have an idea and never patent it(the tangible evidence) you can use this idea freely without any reprocutions.
Originally Posted by HellRaiser
What type of mmorpgs do you nerds play that doesnt involve hackers/scammers/griefers and insults.
And as for this being a debate between PvE and PvP, that's not true for me. I have been a PvE and a PvP player, like them both, and I still use the same basic rules of polite behavior when interacting with members of both groups...........just cause my Team and I just won the battle, doesn't mean I have to be a Jerk. If you, and others, that think that Smack Talk and rude behavior is REQUIRED for PvP, it's you guys that need to relax a bit.
As for your other comment, I am happily married, lets just leave it at that
Smack talk is allowed in guildwars. As long as its not taken way out of context as racial or sexual. Smack talk is allowed in every mmorpg i played. Such as you are a noob is a big one. I say it to people because its funny to see how they react.
Some people actually cry at their desktop. These people have real life problems. SUch as the guy who killed him self over everquest, it wasnt just EQ he also had real life problems. Any one that takes online gamming to seriously, not only insults but losing/items ect. Need to seek mental help before they are allowed to play mmorpgs as they are not only a danger to themselves but their surroundings.
Some people actually cry at their desktop. These people have real life problems. SUch as the guy who killed him self over everquest, it wasnt just EQ he also had real life problems. Any one that takes online gamming to seriously, not only insults but losing/items ect. Need to seek mental help before they are allowed to play mmorpgs as they are not only a danger to themselves but their surroundings.
Seems like you're taking this FORUM too seriously and have real life problems. As you are posting about every 30 seconds. Message to you mate, get a life.
Originally Posted by Principa Discordia
Hellraiser, I am growing tired of your abusive rubbish and trolling. Consider that a warning.
i think he/she should get some credit for quantity as well as time
Principa discordia messaged me and said if i didnt stop he was going to stick the biggest dog and make my anal cum i have the screen shot and message for proof.
Principa Discordia
Two words HellRaiser: Bye bye.
HellRaiser, all I have to say is....BUH BYE!
EDIT: Dangit Principa....you're too quick.
EDIT: Dangit Principa....you're too quick.
principa discordia 2 words: Eat dick
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by HellRaiser
principa discordia 2 words: Eat dick
you don't see this as having severe emotional problems? you can't control yourself......
Originally Posted by HellRaiser
Principa discordia messaged me and said if i didnt stop he was going to stick the biggest dog and make my anal cum i have the screen shot and message for proof.
and i hope you are banned sooner than later as you seem to be a lodt cause
Principa Discordia
I didn't want to have to do this, as this thread started with nice intentions.