Platemail - worst armor in the game now?

crazy diamond

crazy diamond

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by TheShadowedBlade
You forget that Gladiators looks like crap.
I have accepted that as the balancing factor in that particular set of armor.

Both regular and 15K versions are intentionally ugly to offset the appeal of the bonus energy.

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

^ that's an interesting take

If it wasn't for the fin I think I'd like glads.

crazy diamond

crazy diamond

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Though I posted the above mostly in jest, I do sometimes wonder if I inadvertently figured out the reason behind their apparently intentional unattractive designs.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

England, UK



Gaile said repeatedly having just Factions would give no advantage for people who had 'just' Prophecies.

So unless they upgrade current Prophecies armour, this is gonna be unbalancing.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Remnants of Ascalon, KT alliance


well I just don't like it that they make so many duplicates

double skills, double armours (this will probably happen with plate etc...)

where is's creativity?

what will they do when they are making ch3 - 4 -5 ?

make more duplicates ?????

I love guildwars, but I just hope they don't walk in their own trap

I've always loved my 15k platemail just because it looks so daaarn nice, but I just think that platemail is waaaaay underpowered,
why does platemail only get a +10 vs physical and glad +20 and extra energy???????

Take a look at the armours doesn't platemail looks alot stronger, especially against physical dmg?? with glads your almost nude....

Sister Spice

Academy Page

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Dracos Paladin


Originally Posted by eudas
it's called power creep, and it happens in every game, even the vaunted m:tg that they refer to.

Except Mtg went the other way
cards became *less* powerful.

Where having a 'bigger collection' helped - was that they kept setting tournament rules that mean you could ONLY play with the newer cards - so your earlier cards became obsolete - not that the older cards were inherently worse.
Also - new metagames were added with new expansions - new mechanics that you needed to deal with and couldnt if you only had older sets.

(lapsed mtg player)

crazy diamond

crazy diamond

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

I feel that the duplicates are just there as a stylistic choice, and/or to give those who don't have both versions of the game the ability to have an armor set equal to those on the other side.

To say that they have no creativity is terribly unfair, since they have created, at the very least, 3 new kinds of armors for each class, as well as 6 kinds for each of the new classes, totaling 30 new armors in both design and effect. And thats without counting whatever 15K or bonus armors they may have under wraps.



Desert Nomad

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Urmston, Manchester, UK

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Originally Posted by TheShadowedBlade
You forget that Gladiators looks like crap.
The man has a point.




Join Date: Feb 2006

American Servers

Sin Squad [SIN]


Originally Posted by TheShadowedBlade
You forget that Gladiators looks like crap.
O yes, you are right. Both 1.5k and 15k versions look like a male gigolo or something. There is only one solution: FoW armor. Too bad it's so damn expensive...

crazy diamond

crazy diamond

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by stickyballs
Both 1.5k and 15k versions look like a male gigolo or something.
"Behold my fifteen-thousand dollar man-bra!"



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by eudas
it's called power creep, and it happens in every game, even the vaunted m:tg that they refer to.

How is it power creep when the old armors that are being fixed were totally trash? +15 vs element? Platemail totally sucking compared to the others? Now they're all more viable choices. It's not power creep when one set of armor was the same but worse than another.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005



heres the thing though:

So far they haven't made more viable choices. Proph armour is still worse than Factions armour.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Originally Posted by Josh
unless they upgrade current Prophecies armour, this is gonna be unbalancing.
I do hope they do. It would give more incentive to go anything but glad's



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
I do hope they do. It would give more incentive to go anything but glad's
No, not really, unless you're a PvE tank. And it still won't matter because in PvE you'd be bringing skills to augment your defense anyway, so a bit of base armor difference won't be as great as +energy, which gives you more skill usage, or +health, which makes you slightly more durable. Warrior armors besides Sentinel's and Gladiator's are still bland until you give them more use than just +armor.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Isle of Wight



Whats going to happen to people who bought FoW in propechies? I've nearly got enough for a set for my warrior, but like the look of sentinel stats - just don't like any of the designs much. Will there be FoW versions of new armours for the original 6 classes (I know Rithualist/Assassin FoW is a no go)?

Luckily the new Ranger armour stats don't improve any over druids and they all look crap anyway.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Pompeyfan
Whats going to happen to people who bought FoW in propechies? I've nearly got enough for a set for my warrior, but like the look of sentinel stats - just don't like any of the designs much. Will there be FoW versions of new armours for the original 6 classes (I know Rithualist/Assassin FoW is a no go)?

Luckily the new Ranger armour stats don't improve any over druids and they all look crap anyway.
You know how there's 3 new looks for each class? Well, from what the FPE shows, it looks like you can get ANY look with any stat, because all the armors on the Kurzik side will have the same look, while the ones on the Luxon side will have another. Finally, A neutral/most likely Marketplace area would have the third.

Hopefully this means that you can mix and match and look as you want will still getting the stats you want.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

Less Crying is Key [kThx]

Gaile said that assassin and ritualist classes will have FoW armor. IIRC she said it the night with the database rollback (when shards were selling for 250 ea)


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Platemail has always been crappy, it effectivly gives you 2% magic damage reduction at the cost of about 15 AR against melee and bonus energy.

Not only that it's more costly to craft as well. Don't ask me why I have a set of 15k platemail either :P
Money to burn I guess. It does look nice though I really hope they boost it soon



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Fishermen's Haven


The fact that the majority of warriors are wearing Glads just makes my Plate-clad warrior more distinctive.

Vive la difference


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

The fact that the majority of warriors are wearing Glads just makes my Plate-clad warrior more distinctive.
Not really, there are tons of people in pve who have platemail.

Platemail has always been crappy, it effectivly gives you 2% magic damage reduction at the cost of about 15 AR against melee and bonus energy.
5 AL makes platemail an 8% damage reduction vs elemental compared to Glad's. Similarly Glads is an 8% damage reduction versus base physical attack damage over Plate. Although considering Warriors already pretty high armor and absorption, 5 AL really isn't jack, especially compared with the energy bonus of glads, and the hp bonus vs spike in the upcoming factions armor.

I don't see how people don't like the look of 15k glads... The female version at least is better looking than FoW, and looks even better paired with ascalon boots too



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


The Untold Heroes


Originally Posted by stickyballs
O yes, you are right. Both 1.5k and 15k versions look like a male gigolo or something. There is only one solution: FoW armor. Too bad it's so damn expensive...
FoW is ugly as well. It's no better than Platemail Armor when it comes to looks. FoW armor for warriors are nasty looking. Gladiator's Armor is the best looking armor compared to both of them IMO. But when it comes to uses it really depends on what skills you use i guess. FoW armor is good for nothing than showing everyone ur status in the game other than that it has the same AL than it's 15k or 1.5k Counterpart and same stats. Come to think about 15k armor is the same thing. OHHH DAMN I got fooled to uying 15k Gladiators.... oh well!


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by SaintGreg
5 AL makes platemail an 8% damage reduction vs elemental compared to Glad's.
Actually I was wrong. It's actually 4% damage reduction from magic.

For example, I tested it, wearing full gladiators and a peice of ascalon and was hit constnatly for 50 damage with Aftershock from sand drakes. I put on full platemail with a peice of ascalon, and took 48 damage for each aftershock.

I think the 15k Glad's looks nice, but Sentinal armor bests them all :P



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

Den Haag



As many ppl have said, in PvE it doesnt matter much wich armor you have. Only in some places like UW/FoW it could make a difference. But even then, most of your survival depends on teamwork anyhow (but PvE still remains too easy IMO). The only reason I changed from plate to glads was solofarming. Be4 the AoE nerf I farmed griffons with Balthazars Aura (like many ppl did ) And there are some other farmingplaces where having more energy is important.

The question for me is: will it be very important in Factions to have the "right" armor.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

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Originally Posted by Ensign
That said, the new armors in the expansion looking like that is encouraging. It means they might go back and revamp the original armors, to give us some actual, legitimate choices when talking to that armorsmith.
Jeez, I sure hope so. It annoys me that the ugliest and skimpiest armors in the game (scars, tattoos, glads) are also hands down the best.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Jeez, I sure hope so. It annoys me that the ugliest and skimpiest armors in the game (scars, tattoos, glads) are also hands down the best.
Meh. Perceived to be the best I think is a more accurate statement. I still stand by what I said previously, in that +7 energy does not make or break every build. And if it makes your build then its a weakness that can be exploited. My Warrior rarely drops below 10-15 energy (out of 20) unless someone is draining it, and if that was the case the +7 would be gone as well.

I don't think my Necromancer ever drops below 20-25 energy (out of 45), unless she's being drained. And having her in Ranger-equivalent armour (plus Necrotic just looks sweet) has by far more pros than cons going for it, at least for me.

Oo Different things for different playstyles I guess. Its like the month-old argument between +30 hp vs +5 armour. I still think they'll push Plate/Wyvern/Dragon to 90 by Factions release though.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Chicago, IL

Rebel Rising [rawr]

Originally Posted by Sekkira
Yeah, the problem they have there if they don't change it is imbalance. People who have factions have a distinct advantage over people who only have prophecies, which goes against what ArenaNet have preached about expansions since before release of the game.
To be perfectly honest though, anyone who wants to remain competitive upper-tier will get the expansion anyway, because of the greater skill selection.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Arctic Tundra

Pints N Quarts [PsQs]

to pour some more water into the hot fat...
faction's wanderer's armor: 60+10 vs elemental
prophecies' wanderer's armor: 60+5 vs elemental

they have to downgrade some factions-armors or upgrade some prophecies-sets: +5 is +5 and will make the old version obsolete.



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Let me say this. If they don't upgrade already existing armors, I will eat my hat.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


... and here come the mathematicians!

Anyhoo, considering Knights/Ascalon/Enchanters (and some others I think) sets have been arguably broken for the whole of Chapter 1, I hope they do fix these things a lot quicker for Chapter 2. Preferably for release.

crazy diamond

crazy diamond

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by unienaule
Let me say this. If they don't upgrade already existing armors, I will eat my hat.
I concur! Dare I say that if they don't upgrade the armors unienaule will eat my hat as well.

Jeremy Untouchable

Jeremy Untouchable

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I like the look of knights armor the best, glads is nice for energy. when i roll a pvp tank i use that. but my pve tank will be wearing sent armor, be badass for geartanking IMO

Dracus Steelbow

Frost Gate Guardian

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hmmm, does any1 ever zoom in and acutally watch where your getting hit? The Chest, and Waist (Maybe your your arms if you just stand there) anyways, I did some tests a while back, and found that Platemail is made of the thickest metal. Notice the Boar head? makes it thicker. In RL youd want thick armor right? Well it might not say it, but I have found Platemail to be much more efficent. It "absorbs" more dmg. (no im not saying its has absorbtion properties, but i cant think to word it any other way).

Seef II

Seef II

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



Real life physics in game FTL.

Energy armors + utility gloves/boots are king in chapter 1. Factions seems to give us more options (Sentinel's armor, ele stuff that doesn't suck) so I'd be quite surprised if some of the garbage armors from Prophecies don't get boosted. I only hope they grandfather the changes in, or we'll have 10 districts of people trying to reinfuse.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by bleidd
I still stand by what I said previously, in that +7 energy does not make or break every build.
For any other profession but Warrior, they already have a nice pool of energy and (hopefully) energy management. For them larger energy pools are nice but usually not critical.

Warriors on the other hand have half the energy and regen of casters. Granted, you have adrenaline which more than makes up for that, but you still have to pull off those Frenzys and other stances, you still need the Energy-based attacks to knockdown and interrupt, you still need energy to run any skill that's not Adrenaline-based or a signet. 5 more energy means you'll get one more chance to use a skill that can turn the tide of battle, while 5 more armor on top of whatever a Warrior already has will keep him alive a sliver of a second longer.

Originally Posted by Uzul
to pour some more water into the hot fat...
faction's wanderer's armor: 60+10 vs elemental
prophecies' wanderer's armor: 60+5 vs elemental

they have to downgrade some factions-armors or upgrade some prophecies-sets: +5 is +5 and will make the old version obsolete.
Upgrade old armors, please. Wanderer's/Sacred blew for two reasons:
1. You don't deal with as much elemental damage as physical damage.
2. +5 isn't as great as +10 (vs physical for Judge's).

Even if the new armors weren't coming out, I'd still say Wanderer's needs to be buffed. It looks like they were just waiting for Factions to make sorely-needed changes to existing armors.

Originally Posted by Xenrath
Anyhoo, considering Knights/Ascalon/Enchanters (and some others I think) sets have been arguably broken for the whole of Chapter 1, I hope they do fix these things a lot quicker for Chapter 2. Preferably for release.
If they fix Knight's/Ascalon to locational, then you'll find that the majority of people, PvP and PvE, will wear all Gladiator with a +1 attribute helm, and a smaller subset that plays PvE will wear full Knight's, as then Knight's > Platemail for the majority of enemies. Old discussion here. (Of course, people will also just wear armor because it "looks cool." Hell, I have AL 71+20 black Chainmail for those henchie moments.)

Originally Posted by Dracus Steelbow
(bunch of roleplaying stuff)
That's all nice and dandy, but has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at hand. If you're going to try to prove something, post numbers and screenshots and we'll talk.




Join Date: Feb 2006

American Servers

Sin Squad [SIN]


Originally Posted by Savio
Hell, I have AL 71+20 black Chainmail for those henchie moments.)
LOL. Yeah, seen a few people like that in Lion's Arch, lol.

But, I'm sure they will upgrade the armors. Why would someone complain if they *upgraded* it? Unless you're one of those people who like to have everything against them and have no advantages....

jpsantos20: Don't like Glad's because in both versions, 1.5k and 15k, you have to show people your nipples.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


I don't understand? so you expect people that do not get the new game to get all the benefits of that game as well? Why should they? And why should people that buy a new chapter not get something new for their money? Its a new game yes, and a new expansion in a way as well... I'll use BF2 this time for example... If you do not get the booster pack or the expansion of Spc forces you do not get all the extra weapons and vehicles that everyone else does, whom have those software updates installed. Also you do not get the new maps from those expansion either... you get exactly what you had all along to begin with in BF2.. sure. but if you want the other stuff to unlock, you need to buy the rest of the game. simple as that... Why would GW be any different? If you want the better armors as everyone does, just buy the new chapter and problem solved... Its not the makers fault you foolishly wasted tons of gold on fissure or 15k armor when there was no distinct benefit in doing so... it was an optional thing. Now a new chapter is coming... and of course new options will be available... So yes if you want the new stuff. BIG SHOCKER!!! you got to buy the game and support your developers to get it!! it will not change the fact that a PVP character in factions will likely have AC of the best armor from day 1, just as happened in Chapter 1. It may not be the skin you want but it will be the AC equivalent. But of course people in factions will get something for their money. Why wouldn't they? THEY ARE SUPPORTING THE GAME!

here is a better idea... lets make the battle isle factions only. and only give prophacies what they paid for to begin with... the original layout of arenas and tombs... and lock them out of Battle Ilse... See how rediculas that sounds??? Pretty dumb huh? Grow up, and shell out the few bucks for factions like everyone else.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

I'm still trying to figure out if its the herd animal mentality again, or if I've simply not encountered a situation where +7 energy would make or break me.
My Hamstorm Warrior in Random Arenas needs it.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006

Most of u r complaining about that if someone who will have only GW:P will have worse armors, less AL, no hp bonus etc. Look at this from the other side, if someone will own only GW:F he wont have armors that we have now, glads with its +energy bonus, or knight/ascalon with dmg reduction. For me it looks balanced, but dunno, maybe its something wrong with me

So if u want to have all the armors, then buy both games and merge acc, simple solution.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
I don't understand? so you expect people that do not get the new game to get all the benefits of that game as well? Why should they? And why should people that buy a new chapter not get something new for their money? Its a new game yes, and a new expansion in a way as well... I'll use BF2 this time for example... If you do not get the booster pack or the expansion of Spc forces you do not get all the extra weapons and vehicles that everyone else does, whom have those software updates installed. Also you do not get the new maps from those expansion either... you get exactly what you had all along to begin with in BF2.. sure. but if you want the other stuff to unlock, you need to buy the rest of the game. simple as that... Why would GW be any different? If you want the better armors as everyone does, just buy the new chapter and problem solved... Its not the makers fault you foolishly wasted tons of gold on fissure or 15k armor when there was no distinct benefit in doing so... it was an optional thing. Now a new chapter is coming... and of course new options will be available... So yes if you want the new stuff. BIG SHOCKER!!! you got to buy the game and support your developers to get it!! it will not change the fact that a PVP character in factions will likely have AC of the best armor from day 1, just as happened in Chapter 1. It may not be the skin you want but it will be the AC equivalent. But of course people in factions will get something for their money. Why wouldn't they? THEY ARE SUPPORTING THE GAME!

here is a better idea... lets make the battle isle factions only. and only give prophacies what they paid for to begin with... the original layout of arenas and tombs... and lock them out of Battle Ilse... See how rediculas that sounds??? Pretty dumb huh? Grow up, and shell out the few bucks for factions like everyone else.

Um the point with GW is its ment to be balanced and not uberweapons or death.

You're not really making a point, nobody in this thread is complaining about buying factions.

Suppose I go buy factions, great. I then fire up my main character, head off to lions arch, grab a boat to Cantha to sort out their woes, awesome. Now supposed I want to show that my character is from Ascalon, suppose I want to ware my Proph armour over Cantha armour. Now why do I get penalised for what's ment to be a style choice?

Why do people who farmed and farmed for FoW armour get penalised (okay for 99% of the warriors thats only going to be in his ascalon FoW boots)?

And Deam... Infoburst

In the factions preview Cantha factions have access to all Proph type armours. Except they're versions are stastically superior with the exception of Glads in warriors (forgive me all others I didn't have time to check)

So essentialy, No a factions player has more choice, and most of his choices are better than a Proph characters.

Hence the problem.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Linkusmax
My Hamstorm Warrior in Random Arenas needs it.
Is this some new Beast Mastery skill for a Warrior/Ranger? Ham Storm? Pelts your enemies with random cuts of meat...?

While I could see that it could distract and interrupt the occasional (fat) male warrior, it likely wouldn't have much effect on any female characters, since they are all too skinny, and obviously bulimic. Perhaps you could explain your build?

/sarcasm (and attempted humor)

- Grunntar