factions was no fun. not into hating other players

Izzy IzIz

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

i love guild wars, and was jazzed about a new chapter. But after playing this weekend i was deeply disapointed.

i reject the paridime of "us against them" taken to the scale of the whole game. arenas feel like sport to me, play a match, shake hands and move on to the next match. Maybe the person u just played against is on ur team now.

factions feels like taking it all very personally, like nationalism, xenophobia or racism. i know its only a game, and i dont have to play. its just that i had really enjoyed GW and now i expect it will be getting very mean and no fun due to the luxon vs the kurzich structure.

hope i am wrong.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

Bitterness only adds to the entertainment, I can recall hearing the nickname "Suxons" for Luxons many times. I personally think its good, it adds to the RP aspect and helps the storyline. You don't have to choose sides either..



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005


Lords of the Dead


All I can say is, this might not be the right chapter for you, sorry bud



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

What's wrong with nationalism?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sisters of Mercy

I could be wrong, but I detected that the tone of the root quests was to find some unity between the Luxons and the Kurzicks against a common threat. Remember, we weren't seeing the whole game.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


They join forces...Im sure...Shiro is a bad dude...or something like that.

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

I was on both side, a free roamer. I am still having fun.

How can I ally with any side when both sides do horrible things to each other? (human players suicide in alliance battle as a lamer... no, they aren't spies... they are jerks)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

England, UK

Clan Dethryche


its adopting the structure from World of Warcraft- with Horde vs Alliance but with some changes.

This however is no different than to what is going on in the current guild wars game anyway with the HoH - Europe vs America vs Korea , although different circumstances the idea is still the same, but in factions its more generalised and is the driving core.

I just wish that Anet thought this through more thoroughly, dont really like the idea of choosing one side and when you get sick you can just instantly change allegiance and switch over, defeats the idea of war and this choosing a side thing.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Dvd Forums [DVDF]


It makes battles that much sweeter to win and it makes a loss mean more, since you are fighting for something tangible.

Being the winner in HoH is non-tangible for most guilds, but in the Alliance battles, your wins actually count towards something.

If you switch sides you lose all your faction and have to begin your Alliance standing anew. I am sure ANET put a lot of thought into this, as it is large part of Factions.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Anet's approach on how Factions started is this:

You just got to marketplace and somehow found out evil is coming back.

Your told bascially there is a civil war going on which side are you doing to warn and persuade to defeat ultimate evil.

You go to X side and oh that's all well and good but until swear alleigence to us we don't care. Ultimate evil can kill us or they can across the border..

To OP I know how you feel, with C1 you can view your character in any light RP wise, now your forced some things on you.

It's going to be very werid, I do "psudo" rpg w/ my charaters. After saving the world from an evil lich I find new evil and two groups are powerful enough to stop them, problem is in there a civil war.... (I am bringing my characters over to contune the storty).

What I will end up doing (if possible) is split one character for each faction unless there is something that prevents me.

They both have elements I don't like. Pirates = Cool, Strongest Survive... not cool. High Culture / Jade Building = cool... tight religous socity... not cool. Or I will do one, then swing the other way to the other side once I'm top notch with one.

The central point of my character is what do I have to do to beat X evil and which side is less evil then the too.

Kali Ma

Kali Ma

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


Originally Posted by Izzy IzIz
i reject the paridime of "us against them" taken to the scale of the whole game. arenas feel like sport to me, play a match, shake hands and move on to the next match. Maybe the person u just played against is on ur team now.

factions feels like taking it all very personally, like nationalism, xenophobia or racism. i know its only a game, and i dont have to play. its just that i had really enjoyed GW and now i expect it will be getting very mean and no fun due to the luxon vs the kurzich structure.
I've been very concerned about this as well, and this weekend really brought it into focus. I tried describing GW and Factions to a friend, and the Hall of Heroes thing came up, and she commented how divisive and confrontational the whole setup seemed. I have to ask myself, "With so much war, hate and intolerance going on in real life, do I really want to encourage that in my recreation time and inner world too?"

I don't know, but it is something worth considering that I'd not given much thought to before. I encountered a lot of antagonistic players this weekend, much moreso than any other time playing GW this last year, and can imagine that it could easily get worse. But then again, maybe it will make the role of the cooperative and compassionate PvE player even that much more important.

Originally Posted by Izzy IzIz
hope i am wrong.
Me too. I'm not optimistic though.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Brisbane, Australia

I think the reason I like Factions despite all the conflict between sides is nicely summed up in this quote:

"War is hell but peace is ****ing boring."



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Kakumei
What's wrong with nationalism?
like many other -isms -- too much of it can cause some serious problems. examples:
too much nationalism --> other nations suck, let's go invade them
too much individualism --> other people suck, their views don't matter


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


"What I will end up doing (if possible) is split one character for each faction unless there is something that prevents me."

You can't. Faction points are per-account, not per-character.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Personally, I take the Luxon/Kurzick war as a Parody of wars in general.

These people are fighting each other... but for what? Meanwhile, a growing threat could destroy them both...

I think I know where Anet is going with this, but only time will tell.

HINT: It's the same lesson the Guilds failed to learn in Ascalon. Fight amoungst yourselves, and be destroyed by outside forces.

Originally Posted by mqstout
"What I will end up doing (if possible) is split one character for each faction unless there is something that prevents me."

You can't. Faction points are per-account, not per-character.
No, but you can just spend all your Faction and become neutral to play both sides.

Lady Lorwinia

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

In this universe. In north america. That should keep you pedophiles guessing^^


You're right about the luxon and kurzick thing.

I can imagine in towns and outposts.

A line of wammos on both sides. One side kurzick and one side Luxon.

Kurzick Line: Zomg u nooobs suks! I cn pwn ur asses with eviscerate!!

Luxon line: u wanna bet n00b! My shok war cn pwn u just as bad!!111

that could suck.

But I do see guild wars as a sport. You don't get any exercise and you get fat, but hey it's fun.

i'm 90lbs btw ^^



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Celestial Order


well, as long as you don't mean it personally..

what i mean is that just keep in mind that this is just a game..i like the luxon vs kuricks thingy..it gives the game more life..for me..yeah, i will shout at the luxon if i am kurzicks noob or watever things and after that, i laugh off and forget about it..

you don't need to hate someone or bring racism or nationalism into the game coz after all it is just a game..and btw, you can always close off the local chat..

well, i think it is good if Anet add another 'neutral' race into the game for those who want to maintain neutrality..but it is prolly too late for now..just hope that anet will do well with this expansion..i am looking forward to the game personally..


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

While some of you have legitimate points, conflict is what makes the game fun. Why play an RPG without a common goal or reason to even fight in the first place?

I don't think it's going to get bent out of shape, the 'nationalism' will be biggest during the first month of play or so then things will die down.

It will be strange beating the game allying the 2 cultures and defeating Shiro, then still fighting them in Alliance Battles though :P

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


As long as it's silly RP callouts such as "Death unto the Kurzicks!" or "Drive the Luxons from the field like the cowards they are!" It's fine, most can handle that.

But "You f0king SuXoRs nOOb!!! STuPID LUXON!!!!!!!!!" is just immature and pathetic. But, overall I like that it's fictional factions rather then being real "racists."



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Canada, eh?

Legion Of Valhalla


Am I the only one who realizes that every time we get a portrayal in here of the people who would possibly get nationalistic, they're always leet-speeking, immature, skill-less, 13-year-old morons?
Please, they may represent a large portion of the community, but they haven't got a clue either in-game or in real life.
And with that attitude, they won't get anywhere anyways.

This nationalism point therefore seems moot, as those who would fall to that level would not be worth the time of those of us who have an idea of what life's about (having the best time you can, since life's too short ).


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2005

Games are increasingly evolving as a new media and a long artistic tradition. We play as actors in the artists world. Much as a good novel puts you in a place where you may not want to be, a game can explore culture and the human condition in a similar fashion. The fact that you identified with how silly the confict is shows that Anet is producing powerful art. Attacking art for its content is sometimes justified, but here I feel it is misplaced. The idea of perpetual war is deeply ironic in my opinion and I feel the the culture divide is a great display of the folly of war. The story is about bridging these divides, so it is hard to argue that A-net is ignoring the underlying tensions that the environment creates.

This whole discussion speaks to great story telling and it is a tribute to what RPGing can be. Can pre-teen boys handle a bit of subtlety? Nope, but when to a pre-teen the Venus de Milo was a load of giggles.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

I think the conflict adds depth to the game. The nationalistic hate for one another, rather than just your generic, evil, ugly bad guy, makes for a more realistic environment.

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

People need to stop the WoW analogy!

The faction idea goes back as far as 1997 in a RTS (real time strategy) game called "Total Annihilation". MMORPG had merely starting to need more and more strategy, therefore, only catching onto the foot step of RTS game ideas.

If someone really want to go down outrageous, even chess game has two factions.

SO! Please stop WoW analogy. Tired of bumping into it 50 billion times. (it is like Naruto all over again)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


i don't care for alliances or any of the nationalist things. i jump from side to side caring for my sole benefit. but i'm guessing it might be an issue to actual Rpg'ers.

heavy metal rules

heavy metal rules

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

cape cod, ma

{bkr} bad karma ressurection


Originally Posted by Ristaron
Am I the only one who realizes that every time we get a portrayal in here of the people who would possibly get nationalistic, they're always leet-speeking, immature, skill-less, 13-year-old morons?
Please, they may represent a large portion of the community, but they haven't got a clue either in-game or in real life.
And with that attitude, they won't get anywhere anyways.

This nationalism point therefore seems moot, as those who would fall to that level would not be worth the time of those of us who have an idea of what life's about (having the best time you can, since life's too short ).

so very well said, Ristaron. i applaude you.thank you. I for one am an older gamer, and just seeing how some of these kids type "zomg" or whatever i just take it with a grain of salt, hell i was in the coast guard saving peoples lives, busting drug runners, or catching felons. before these kids were even an idea in their parents minds. sure its something that we have to deal with. I just tend to ignore there mindless/stupid yet repetive comments.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wales, UK

Devils Scorpions


Knock Knock Knock!!...




what do you expect two WARING nations to do?... all come together and pat each other on the back, maybe have a game of rock paper scissors?

WoW Has this kind of waring factions... as does Eve.. as does CoH.. and these are some of the most popular MMO's in the world.

you, are in a sad "carebear" minority.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Got to love kids and yes adults spew out insults on a game and agrue on each side. I thought it was hiralous.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

England, UK

Clan Dethryche


its a marketing strategy that has proven successful, its appealing to its audience and adds flare to the ever evolving environment, there are a great many examples out there that utilise this feature and think how successful those titles have become.

It works
Its proven
It makes money

for me, the idea of choosing a side in an MMORPG, and helping that side apsire to become a great faction is more appealing than just sitting in a world where everyone is friends.
think of it this way - pvp is finally taking an active role in the pve world, guild wars is a structured upon a pvp userbase, factions is now integrating that of the pvp world to influence the pve environment, so a player now gets the best of both worlds.

Dougal Kronik

Dougal Kronik

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ontario, Canada

Glengarry Fencibles


You don't have to subscribe to the base emotions of hating the other side. I recommend we wait for the actual release and find out what the whole story is before jumping to petty squabbling as to which side is better.

I realized when I ran into Moleneux(sp?) outside the Kurzick side of Fort Aspenwood, that I was killing Dredge (yes - to save my own hide ) and he said his people were just trying to escape the fighting in Sorrows Furnace. It made me wonder if there is a lot more to the Kurzick/Luxon Faction War?

It seems to me that A-Net knows what they are doing and that it will be an immersive and enjoyable adventure. Why else would I spend nearly 1,000 hours over the last 7 months playing when I have a family and 2 jobs. (Wife plays too, so that kind of counts as two birds with one stone!)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wales, UK

Devils Scorpions


Originally Posted by fiery
Got to love kids and yes adults spew out insults on a game and agrue on each side. I thought it was hiralous.
lol, and I think it was harmless fun... people are simply getting into the spirits of things..

Everyone likes to have something to 'support'... thats why Football is the biggest and most popular game in the world (and for you americans I mean Soccer)

Luxons 4 L1F3 !!
(Daaaaamn predictable Kurzicks!)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Originally Posted by Izzy IzIz
. arenas feel like sport to me, play a match, shake hands and move on to the next match. Maybe the person u just played against is on ur team now.

hope i am wrong.
Wow tell me where those Arena's are!

But I have to agree with you a bit....Though if you were present for the end of the event , Event, I think you'll find that the Luxins and Kurzicks will have to unite and face this common enemy. The over all vibe is very Simular to Final Fantasy 11 Online. At least to me it was. A few semi-warring nations having to band together to fight a common evil.....



Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Crispie
All I can say is, this might not be the right chapter for you, sorry bud

All I say is your drive more people away from the game! You will find this fourm is not pv byuss!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Near Seattle, WA

Talionis De Cineris [EXUR]


I'm torn on the actual factions part myself. On one hand, it is lame to see people running around going, "Oh you suck because you're whatever faction". It comes off as insulting and rude.

Alternately, though, while I felt no need to diss the other side of the fence, I didn't think there was any harm in people doing it (as opposed to insulting specific players for their choice). On Sunday night/Monday morning, everyone was throwing parties. The Kurzick side, for example, were very much "We don't need any syncronized dancing like those stupid Luxons!" and I found it rather amusing that that faction was specifically doing things to *not* be like the other. It's the kind of stuff that would happen in real life in a situation like this. People diss the other side. From an RPG perspective, it puts a number of people more in character than they were before. It gives them something to rally against.

I maintain, though - if you have doubts, you're free to post them, because ANet will never know what they need to make more clear or improve on if no one says anything. And who knows, some people could be making their choice based on assumptions that are wrong, and people can then explain (and I've had my share of bad assumptions, too!).

Personally, I'm going to play through on one side, throw my whole heart into it, and then spend all my Faction points like mad and go to the other side and love it, too. Some people seem to think that makes it too easy to change sides, but others thing that it's lame that there's sides in the first place. I think being able to trade in points (and get LOOT in the process) is a fine compromise between the two camps.

I was very doubtful, too, until I cashed in my Kurzick points, got me some amber, then realized I was very close to being able to switch to Luxon!

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


Originally Posted by Lady Lorwinia
But I do see guild wars as a sport. You don't get any exercise and you get fat, but hey it's fun.

i'm 90lbs btw ^^

But the sport thing is rather true, if only for the reason that if a Luxon and Kurzick were on the same team...they wouldnt know so without someone telling the other.

And me too Lol clicking keeps me thin!

Eet GnomeSmasher


Join Date: Apr 2005

In my head

Personally I think the Luxon/Kurzick "Nationalism" is a good thing. It might divert all the racism and anti foreign crap that people always spout when it came to holding Favour. Now maybe instead of "f-ing $%@* Koreans" we'll have "f-ing $%@* Luxons!"

Phoenix Avenger

Phoenix Avenger

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005


Eternal Knights


I dont mind the different factions so much as the immature idiots who played during the event. This was a preview event however, so they could use new accounts and cuss all they want and be as racist as they want without getting thier real account banned. When the actual game launches I'm guessing we will have less of the f-bombs and less racism being spewed about because people will be more hesitant to get thier account banned and all thier hard work lost. Dividing the world into two factions is fun, as long as the language is kept civlized



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006


i was kinda disappointed in the pve of the preview i actually like new faction system..but then again im a ao fan and im used to ppl yelling omni scum at me
so i guess il just have to get used to suxons now

Alni Deathstryk

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Charter Vanguard


back to the banding together comments....
Shiro tagachi was killed by a luxon and kurzick warrior....
hmmmmm symbolism?
i think so...



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


if you think there is not racism in Prophecies campaign you have not been watching the game very close... or you're just blind... It may not have been intended, but its there. HUGELY... Factions in fact makes it less personal and more game centric at least...

in any case the kur lux thing is about the middle of the game, After harvest temple your basically one side again, and before that region, meaning the city and the monastery your not allied as of yet with any side...

Rey Lentless

Rey Lentless

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

I like it personally. It provides some connection between pve and pvp.

Instead of focusing in on the 'enemy' that is the opposite faction of whatever you choose, think of the camaraderie that you can have with your own faction.

I really can't stand people trying to go out of their way to be offended. This political correct garbage is part of what's wrong with America. Over litigious society just begging to find something they can contrue as offensive. Give me a break.