Just For Curiosity New Skills Nerfs?



Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



Since we had a taste of some new skills of factions, and reading some post about skills being to over powerful, different skills names but effects are the same allowing DoT to be stacked. I got curious on what other people think.

What Factions Only skills do you think people will want nerfed? And why?

I think a lot will want Animate Flesh Golem to be nerfed for several reasons, one 16AP makes a level 26 golem. I would hate to see this get nerfd.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Personally, I want to see some buffs to elementalist skills, most of the air and water variety.

Although, Aura of Displacement almost seems TOO good to be a non-linked skill. I mean, it pretty much makes Ride the Lightning a lot worse in comparison.

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

I agree ride the lightning need a little buff too.

but if ride the lightning do get buff... watch those PvE dragons slaughter your party in 1-2-3.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Vermilion Okeanos
I agree ride the lightning need a little buff too.

but if ride the lightning do get buff... watch those PvE dragons slaughter your party in 1-2-3.
PvE should only get harder, not easier =P

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

Given that people barely got a chance to try out some of the new elites (faction isn't so easy to come across) and that most of the non-elite skills seem balanced, it is kind of hard to predict, which might get a nerf.

For myself, I tried Boon Sig, Cultist's Fervor, Order of Apostasy, and Soul Bind. I found them balanced. However, I know that OoA has made IWAY viable again. I really think that problem isn't OoA, it's IWAY and it's tendancy to need just a bit to tip it over the top. So... I hope OoA doesn't suffer from this whole thing. I also noticed that Soul Bind needs to be buffed... something about it's trigger seems to not be working... I even tried to use it in combo with Faintheartedness but still didn't see the desired result.

Other than these few elites... the other non-elite skills I tried were wonderful and seemingly balanced.

On a side note, Temple Strike needs to get nerfed... I mean really... covering up Daze with 2 more conditions... what were you guys thinking? Nevermind it's an elite... no elite is the end-of-all for anyone... no other elite that is... Might as well rename Temple Strike into Kill Monk Strike.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

Originally Posted by Hella Good
On a side note, Temple Strike needs to get nerfed... I mean really... covering up Daze with 2 more conditions... what were you guys thinking? Nevermind it's an elite... no elite is the end-of-all for anyone... no other elite that is... Might as well rename Temple Strike into Kill Monk Strike.
Temple is balanced by the 15e cost. It was 10 and you could go straight into twisted fangs. Now to go from lead>temple>twisted you will have to get a critical hit or you won't have enough energy. A zin dies very fast. To kill a monk he would need to go to the backlines. Not a place where a zin wants to be. The only way he can get out the back lines to use recall but yet again has to be in casting range of an ally.

Its balanced because of the limitations of the zin. Its more of a kamakzi profession. They can kill but usually die themselves.

I'm more conserned about Pysicic Distraction.



Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



Have you looked at the Mesmer skills? Talk about being over powering,

You have the normal Skill
Conjure Nightmare For 2...12 seconds, target foe experiences -5 Health degeneration.

Then it’s counter part.
Conjure Phantasm For 2...12 seconds, target foe suffers -8 Health degeneration.

Those two alone that’s -13 for 12 seconds I was hit with this in the 12v12 and I died quickly, but I was reading more.

Images of Remorse Hex Spell. For 5..9 seconds, target foe suffers -1..4 Health degeneration. If that foe was attacking, that foe takes 10..44 damage. (Attrib: Illusion Magic)

Recurring Insecurity (Elite) Elite Hex Spell. For 10 seconds, target foe suffers from -1..3 Health degeneration. If that foe is Hexed again, Recurring Insecurity is renewed for 10 seconds. (Attrib: Illusion Magic)

Illusion of Pain For 10 seconds, target foe has -3...9 Health degeneration. When Illusion of Pain ends, that foe is healed for 20 Health for each point of Health degeneration caused from this Spell.

Combined that -29 Health degeneration.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


If DoT really stacks thats some badarse degen...




Join Date: Aug 2005

Hong Kong



Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Conjure Nightmare For 2...12 seconds, target foe experiences -5 Health degeneration.

Then it’s counter part.
Conjure Phantasm For 2...12 seconds, target foe suffers -8 Health degeneration.
I think you got a bit fuzzled there.

No, degen does NOT stack beyond -10. Or +10, for that matter.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Unfortunately, the max health degen that is actually applied to a character is -10. Any extra goes into negating health regen, AFAIK.




Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by torquemada
If DoT really stacks thats some badarse degen...
Degen is capped at -10.

(Gah, beaten to it twice...)



Just Plain Fluffy

Join Date: Dec 2004

Berkeley, CA

Idiot Savants

Just add 8 copies of Life Transfer and your opponent will degen out in two seconds. ZOMG UBER HAX.

In all seriousness I don't think people have nearly enough experience with these skills to pass judgement on what's good and what's bad, outside of a few really obvious cases (Seeping Wound is terrible, while Twisting Fangs is pretty hot). We don't have any real idea what the environment is going to look like and how things are going to fit in. Of course on top of that a lot of people really have no idea which way is up in the first place so that just compounds everything.

That said, I'd argue that Gaze from Beyond and Spirit Transfer are far too powerful right now and need to be toned down. The latter is particularly galling, as a 212 point heal for 5 energy and a quarter second cast. With no recharge.

Other stuff might be strong or weak but I'm uncomfortable saying what should be nerfed or buffed, and more particularly how, until I have quite a bit more experience playing with these skills.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


I remember getting hit with just Illusion of Pain once, from a not-so-friendly mob. And... it healed me for almost the same amount of damage it did. At nearly 8 degen. Granted, I was not a happy camper when it started, but after I was just "wha?"

Conjure Phantasm, on the other hand, HURTS.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Pantheon of Shadows [dei]


Originally Posted by VGJustice
I remember getting hit with just Illusion of Pain once, from a not-so-friendly mob. And... it healed me for almost the same amount of damage it did. At nearly 8 degen. Granted, I was not a happy camper when it started, but after I was just "wha?"

Conjure Phantasm, on the other hand, HURTS.
It heals for exactly the amount it degens I believe, but the point is it causes massive degen, so use it as a finisher



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by JR-
Degen is capped at -10.

(Gah, beaten to it twice...)
Pheew...got me worried there for a sec!

I wonder...any comment on that new spirit-killer sigil PvP-wise (cant remember the name)?

"Deals 55 damage to target foe. If that foe is a spirit xxx sigil recharges instantly."



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wales, UK

Devils Scorpions


Will there actually be anothe complete skill balancing for when Factions is released?

I did read somewhere that they would be balancing the skills again to take into consideration the new faction skills.

but this was a while ago, and I wonder if that was the purpose of the skill balance of March 2'nd.



Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by LightningHell, Alonsiddog, JR-
No, degen does NOT stack beyond -10.
Thanks for the information

Originally Posted by torquemada
Pheew...got me worried there for a sec!

I wonder...any comment on that new spirit-killer sigil PvP-wise (cant remember the name)?

"Deals 55 damage to target foe. If that foe is a spirit xxx sigil recharges instantly."
Ranger or Rit?

Originally Posted by Snowman
Will there actually be anothe complete skill balancing for when Factions is released?

I did read somewhere that they would be balancing the skills again to take into consideration the new faction skills.

but this was a while ago, and I wonder if that was the purpose of the skill balance of March 2'nd.
I'm sure we can expect one a few months after Factions is out.

I know there used to be a Rit spirit that knocked down all foe’s in it’s area. Used it for the Free PvP weekend but couldn’t find it for the FPE I believe it was Earthbind.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Flesh of my Flesh was pretty powerful, combined with those ashes that give +300 health. thats non-stop 5 second cast rez with half health.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Brewed to Perfection [BtP]

Originally Posted by Hella Good
I know that OoA has made IWAY viable again. I really think that problem isn't OoA, it's IWAY and it's tendancy to need just a bit to tip it over the top.
The skill IWAY really wasn't what made the build so strong. It was a combination of a lot of things, including Lietenants Helm, being rezzed with adrenaline, the whole concept of warriors do the most damage, etc.

Originally Posted by Hella Good
On a side note, Temple Strike needs to get nerfed... I mean really... covering up Daze with 2 more conditions... what were you guys thinking? Nevermind it's an elite... no elite is the end-of-all for anyone... no other elite that is... Might as well rename Temple Strike into Kill Monk Strike.
I think it is perfectly fine as is, to be honest. Daze needed to see the light, and I think that Skull Crack should actually become unconditional daze as well.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005




Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Ranger or Rit?
Mesmer. Unnatural Signet. Only good for spirit killing tough.

And degen can stack higher than 10, if someone uses Healing breeze, they can still have -10 degen if the degen was -20+. The "damage" doesn't go higher than -10 degen though. (So max is -20HP/second).

EDIT: there's another "fun" skill for IWAY. "Retreat": If there are any dead allies in the area, your party moves 33% faster for 5...10 seconds.
Luckily, it's linked to Tactics, so IWAY users won't be smart enough to touch it
Although it could get nasty @ 8 TActics with "Fear Me" as well...

Arcanis the Omnipotent

Arcanis the Omnipotent

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

Nova Alliance


Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Have you looked at the Mesmer skills? Talk about being over powering,

You have the normal Skill
Conjure Nightmare For 2...12 seconds, target foe experiences -5 Health degeneration.

Then it’s counter part.
Conjure Phantasm For 2...12 seconds, target foe suffers -8 Health degeneration.

Those two alone that’s -13 for 12 seconds I was hit with this in the 12v12 and I died quickly, but I was reading more.

Images of Remorse Hex Spell. For 5..9 seconds, target foe suffers -1..4 Health degeneration. If that foe was attacking, that foe takes 10..44 damage. (Attrib: Illusion Magic)

Recurring Insecurity (Elite) Elite Hex Spell. For 10 seconds, target foe suffers from -1..3 Health degeneration. If that foe is Hexed again, Recurring Insecurity is renewed for 10 seconds. (Attrib: Illusion Magic)

Illusion of Pain For 10 seconds, target foe has -3...9 Health degeneration. When Illusion of Pain ends, that foe is healed for 20 Health for each point of Health degeneration caused from this Spell.

Combined that -29 Health degeneration.
You have no idea how Degen works do you?

Lets go through your list:

Conjure Nightmare: -8 Degen. Costs 25 energy, lasts 10 seconds. Yeah, this one needs a buff if anything. I dont see how adding 3 degen to Conjure Phantasm costs an extra 15 energy. I mean, I could add Phantom Pain for that and get the added bonus of a Deep Wound.

Images of Remorse: Yeah, the person actually has to be attacking for this one to hit. Which means you need to fire it off when they're already attacking you. Its not like Empathy, Clumsiness or Ineptitude which fire off upon the first attack.

Recurring Insecurity: An Elite Degen that's actually good? Not only that, its only -3. That's like causing bleeding over and over. The down side to this spell is you need to keep renewing a hex every 10 seconds. And Wastrels is about the only Mesmer hex that can be spammed like that and not have you worrying about your energy. And if your spending all your time spamming wastrels worrying about -3 degen, you arent getting alot done. This hex is far from infinite, and is actually better used when its not tried to be made infinite.

Illusion of Pain: Your complaining about a spell that heals you if you survive it?



Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
You have no idea how Degen works do you?
At first I didn’t, didn’t play mesmer long enough. LightingHell and a few others where kind enough to simply answer, which I understood at once.

If you bothered read further you would have seen me say “thanks for the information” meaning I understand how it works.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


I thought Splinter Defence was nasty...but it was fairly balanced...

Its just that henchmen enjoy spiking my targets...so I get hit for 19, ~10 times per time I attack (not even hit most of the time)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Protectors of Awesome[AWE]


I love Expel Hexes!

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

Originally Posted by torquemada
Pheew...got me worried there for a sec!

I wonder...any comment on that new spirit-killer sigil PvP-wise (cant remember the name)?

"Deals 55 damage to target foe. If that foe is a spirit xxx sigil recharges instantly."
Unnatural Sig is no doubt one of the best mesmer skills I have had on my skill bar in a looong looong time. At 16 domi it deals 79 damage. It kills spirits, yes... but that's a very limiting way to look at it. It's a nice finishing move is how I look at it. Mesmers have always needed that extra spike, that extra zing to get the job done. Well, this is it. It allows mesmers to deal that last hit after unloading their hexmes powers (or whatever the case might be). Which brings me to the other skill given for that same last hit purpose- Illusion of Pain. Both the sig and this hex are finishing moves. When you play mesmer, you learn all about layering effects and hexes and whatnot.

Conjure NM = junk... 8 degen for 25nrg is nothx, nevermind the 1 cast and the 5 recharge. PLUS you got the amazing new hex IoR which is hands down the best non-elite illusion hex.

Recurring Insec. and Arcane Languor are the two most ridiculous elites mesmers got. Welcome to the Fevered Dreams, never-to-be-used club.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Just A Digital Pimp Slap [DPS] - Guild Co-Leader


Degen has always been a bad ass way to dish damage out, i love mesmers, but sometimes, too much degen is hard to deal even if its capped at -10 max. Issue is simple, if a person has 4 degen hexhes on them, and they try to kill degen hexes off them, will they be able to coop with the remaining hexes continue to degen their health?
just wondering.

Arcanis the Omnipotent

Arcanis the Omnipotent

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

Nova Alliance


Originally Posted by Zehnchu
At first I didn’t, didn’t play mesmer long enough. LightingHell and a few others where kind enough to simply answer, which I understood at once.

If you bothered read further you would have seen me say “thanks for the information” meaning I understand how it works.
Ah, did see that part. My apologies then.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Sisters of Mercy

Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Have you looked at the Mesmer skills? Talk about being over powering, ... Conjure Nightmare ... Conjure Phantasm ...
Nightmare is a 25E cost and long recharge, so even if it's brought for a lot of damage, you'll be sitting out a lot of the battle as a result. All for that -10. Chaining for casting damage is already part of the game. Barbs + SS + Chilblains + Plague Sending, for example, can almost take out a good-sized (contained) mob. But then you're useless for awhile, unless your SR is high.

Originally Posted by Zehnchu
Images of Remorse ...
You're not the first to bring this one up. Let's wait and see. It just may open eyes to the value of Mesmers at all. Which is still badly needed. A nerf, OTOH? If you mistime it or lag, you don't trigger it -- that's enough of a negative.

Originally Posted by VGJustice
Conjure Phantasm, on the other hand, HURTS.
Not so much at higher levels. Nightmare is an attempt to make an Illusion Mesmer a bit more viable at Lvl20 -- but because of the cost, I can see it working only if (s)he can compensate energy cost with Inspiration skills.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


Originally Posted by Hella Good
Unnatural Sig is no doubt one of the best mesmer skills I have had on my skill bar in a looong looong time. At 16 domi it deals 79 damage. It kills spirits, yes... but that's a very limiting way to look at it. It's a nice finishing move is how I look at it. Mesmers have always needed that extra spike, that extra zing to get the job done. Well, this is it. It allows mesmers to deal that last hit after unloading their hexmes powers (or whatever the case might be). Which brings me to the other skill given for that same last hit purpose- Illusion of Pain. Both the sig and this hex are finishing moves. When you play mesmer, you learn all about layering effects and hexes and whatnot.
My thought exactly...it's spirit killer...and a nice spike for mesmers. Since mesmers are popular (and not just recently) and valued e-denial/degen gvg members (Me/Mo) they can actually assist in spikes - this sigil is quick and of course, mana-free (situation independant). And 2-3 mesmers running this can quickly annihilate any spirits the ritualsit puts up (no recharge if attacking a spirit) plus assist on a spike for combined cca 200 dmg (if 3 mesmers are running this sigil). Of course, it's too soon to tell what impact the ritualist will have on PvP.

I mostly used it in factions preview since there were a lot of ritualists in the mobs. I am ele primary with domination at cca 10 but I was able to kill very quickly nevertheless and use sigil as a finishing move. God knows they gave us crappy skills to begin with...

exiled mat

exiled mat

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Originally Posted by qwe4rty
I think it is perfectly fine as is, to be honest. Daze needed to see the light, and I think that Skull Crack should actually become unconditional daze as well.
yeah, skullcrack is just a waste of an elite now, although it could become a little bit too powerfull



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

I don't see many, if any, skills that really need a nerf. I do, however, see many skills that need a buff.

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

I would guess that Order of Apostasy will get a nerf. Either increased health sac, or longer cast, or a combination of the two. It seems like a balanced skill but I think it will get nerfed nevertheless. IWAY was winning HoH easily with OoA during the FPE. I guess 8% health loss per chant is ignorable... and then with so many things dying, you barely ever have a problem with the nrg cost. I mean think about it: with absolutely no heals you have the capacity to remove 13 (!!!) chants before dying... now toss in Heal Area... I bet they will make it 15%-ish min, and/or maybe 3 cast. Probably like OoV it won't work with other necro chants too.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


OoA will probably get the IWAY nerf, yes. My guess is more Health Sac.

Shame too. It was a good idea.

Nazzarus Stormfall

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Lightning Hammer.. same damage as Lightning Orb, doesn't miss, and costs an extra 10 energy..

maybe an extra 5 energy, or 5 seconds extra recharge, or a little more damage, or a secondary ability..

SOMETHING besides a higher cost non-missing lightning orb plz

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


About Temple Strike if it hasn't been mentioned before...

It MUST follow a dual attack, unless that changed that.

So you can't do Lead +Temple Strike.

You have to do:

Lead + Offhand + Dual + Temple Strike

Which takes most your energy, and a lot of chances to screw up the combo.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Originally Posted by Hella Good
Unnatural Sig is no doubt one of the best mesmer skills I have had on my skill bar in a looong looong time. At 16 domi it deals 79 damage. It kills spirits, yes... but that's a very limiting way to look at it. It's a nice finishing move is how I look at it. Mesmers have always needed that extra spike, that extra zing to get the job done. Well, this is it. It allows mesmers to deal that last hit after unloading their hexmes powers (or whatever the case might be). Which brings me to the other skill given for that same last hit purpose- Illusion of Pain. Both the sig and this hex are finishing moves. When you play mesmer, you learn all about layering effects and hexes and whatnot.

Conjure NM = junk... 8 degen for 25nrg is nothx, nevermind the 1 cast and the 5 recharge. PLUS you got the amazing new hex IoR which is hands down the best non-elite illusion hex.

Recurring Insec. and Arcane Languor are the two most ridiculous elites mesmers got. Welcome to the Fevered Dreams, never-to-be-used club.
You really love IoR don't you. :P

I am wondering how Unnatural Signet will find its way into the metagame, as it is a great finisher, but its outdone by the surges which currently reside in the only place I could ever see it go. Sure its free and kills spirits, but then Surge destroys 10 energy and deals more damage.

It will be interesting to see this work its way in, which I don't dount will happen.

With the duplication to Ethrea Burden illusion mesmers won't even need Inspiration for E-management. Just chuck it around and slow two targets, spam, get energy, spam. Ought to be fun.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Disciples of Birkler [BIR]

well it really depends on how the metagame is gonna go, but spirit walk is definently an odd skill, and with a bunch of spirits, it has a lot of potential to be a real pain in the arse.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

There are, as always, a lot of skills everyone's complaining about because they couldn't find a counter if it came up flashing on their screens. Temple Strike is a good elite, but it's not overpowered. If you can't counter Temple Strike, you can't counter an Assassin, and you're simply going to get owned by them in general. And yet, it's so easy. Blindness, interuption of all sorts, enchantments, stances, and shouts, wards... All are counters to an easily dodged skill. Basically, if you get hit with it every once in a while: Fine. If you get hit with it when you know it's coming, you're terrible.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

I'll have to see them in action, but a lot of the teleportation skills by Assassins will probably require a bit of tweaking, otherwise you can simply teleport all over and use that as an easy escape.

Ken Dei

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006


Assassin teleport skills actually need a distance buff, minus AoD (Aura of Displacement).

Most of the teleportations are random too, so you could actually teleport somewhere even worse then you were at. Not very good for escaping at all.