any news about guild storage?




Join Date: Nov 2005

Northern California



DJ Josh, thanks a lot for tracking her down and put to her the question that is burning us all up. That means a lot to the community.

I am a bit skeptical, because I just am that way. I'd like to see something happen soon, and I know this should be a very easy issue for the devs to address, and they've had forever to do this. But if they can time this right at Factions, I'd be very happy.

At this point I'm having to hold off buying armors because I just don't have room. I've given up on saving all but a few rare materials because I don't have room, as well as Sup runes. I am strangely holding on to all Wintersday and Halloween items. As well as one of every green in the game (about 85). But when Factions comes out, it's instinctual to hold on to everything that drops that's a collectors item, plus an assortment of quest items, and whatever looks spiffy and shiny.

I just hope I don't get to the point where I can't just collect junk while oot n aboot to sell back to merchants for the general loot gold.

DJ Josh

DJ Josh

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

my pleasure i didn't think i was going to get in in time but luck was with me today.also gave her a reply after chasing up an answer for me,of "thx gaile this means a lot to me and everyone else at GWG".

SiLeNt EuPhOrIa

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

In a nutshell...


I still wish there was an answer to the "buying extra character slot" question(s). I know I'd rather, say, pay $15 ($5 each) for 3 extra character slots (9 total w/ Factions, 1 for each profession and a pvp slot) than go out and spend an extra $50-$140 for another Prophecies & Factions setup ($100 for both SE's, $140 for both CE's). [NOTE: I am talking RL money]

Being able to purchase more in-game storage with more in-game gold would be nice too . (50k for 20 extra Xuni slots anyone?


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


Dang, something like this would come in handy, and it also sucks that you dont get any more additional storage when you merge w/ factions...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wales, UK

Devils Scorpions


Well, I was there when she was at lions arch last night..

it was unbelievable the amount of times me and several others asked about storage.

Yes, they said it was a high priority,

Yea, they said that rather than increasing the space they would make it more efficient.

No, it probably wont be implemented before factions release.

"If there isnt a change at the time of factions release then it will be shortly after"

Idea's about what she means varies from.

~ Stackable items not taking up slots but rather 'listed'
~ An armoury
~ A place to store holiday items
~ increase the stack size of stackable items
~ Somehow make similiar objects stackable, like weapons

some good ideas, some not so good.. Im prefering the first idea.

as for Guild Storage, I cant remember exactly but Im certain she said this would be implemented sometime between Factions and Chapter 3.

I would really like to know what their problem is with just increasing the storage slots, why are they doing everything possible to avoid increasing the slots? A question for their Devs.

Due to people possibly taking their lvl 20's into factions from day one I suspect they will hold off any kind of increased storage for a good few weeks.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Mordakai
For those that can't open, it basically says that the Storage Issue is high priority, and new ideas are being worked on, including "not requiring slots for all kinds of items."

Also, it will be a free update coming soon!
Some possible ideas for efficiencies that they can/should implement would include:

Materials stack up to 1000 while in storage, while you can only carry stacks of 250 at a time. This would free up some space for me.

the "key ring" concept. All keys go in a seperate thing.

Gaile's own "holiday gift bag" idea, that holds all your holiday junk that you cant really use, but take up space anyway.

Armor stacking, ie: Your set of armor takes up 1 slot when in storage and expand to 4 (helmets dont count) when you take it out.

It seems that she is saying that storage wont increase outright, but if some of the ideas i outlined become true, it would certainly free up some space.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wales, UK

Devils Scorpions


how much space though would be saved though?..

everyone is different, I dont store materials in my storage, they are kept on character for the auto stack on salvage.

Its such a huge issue, and has been for sooo long, I think they should at least tell us what their ideas are other wise this will rage on for a long time.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005


The Heroics


well a while ago they said that they were going to give guildstorage, auction house and stuff as an update.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005


Dynasty Warriors [DW]


I agree with Lady Erighan, I can only play on 1 char PvE because my 2 others are full with items... I really need more storage.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

in my GH

Limburgse Jagers [LJ]


Originally Posted by Snowman
You have to be carefull here, I heard something similar at the time, but if you look closer you will notice that she ACTAULLY means having a Xunlai agent at the guild hall.. NOT guild-storage!
Read this interview with James Phinney, a GW game designer, about guild hall services. It specifically says there will be GUILD STORAGE soon after the release of Factions. That's Guild Storage, not another individual Xunlai in the guild hall...

Well, you've already said it yourself:

as for Guild Storage, I cant remember exactly but Im certain she said this would be implemented sometime between Factions and Chapter 3.
I've also posted on the subject in this topic.

Ariana Of Damia

Ariana Of Damia

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

♥ Aurelio Furor ♥

I think that we just need more char storage too. With 6 slots and the abuility to but extra char slots comming soon.... I think they should expand.

Guild storage should definatly have been put in chapter 2 though

_,.-+=’* ♥ Aurelio Furor [AUR] ♥ *’=+-.,_
Ariana Of Damia (Mo/Rt) ♥ Electra Of Damia (W/Mo) ♥ Lexa Of Damia (E/Mo)
Lily Of Damia (R/Mo) ♥ Mia Of Damia (Me/Mo) ♥ Zarina Of Damia (N/Mo)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

You guys have only 1 mule?

One of my characters holds all collector items for Tyria (jungle and beyond). One of my characters holds all collector items in Cantha (don't know which ones are worth keeping yet). One of my characters holds all greens, decent golds, and mods that I cannot sell easily because there is no auction hall and I don't like to sell quickly for half price or wait a long time to sell for a good price. One of my characters holds leftover mods (because I can't fit all miscellaneous stuff on one character) along with event items like candy canes, candy weapons, etc. This character also has full stacks of materials in case I need to craft another armor or something. One of my character is mostly free of items (except unfull stacks of materials), but I play that character so I need the room to pick up drops. If I need to play another character, then I need to move a bunch of items around so the other character has room to pick up drops. Of course, each of my characters might have their own set of weapons and armors for the different roles they might play that also takes up room.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

United Kingdom

[VII] The Midgar Zolem


I think i'd be bashing my head on the GW:CE box from storage frustration if i wasn't using my lesser played characters as mules.
The thing that annoys me is that the storage problem has been pushed back and back and back. Untill we was told "It'll be in CH2." In which case it would be on the "high priority list." Which i assumed would be within the first month of factions release.
And now i'm hearing it'll be nearer CH3 time? I hope not.
Next we'll all be buying CH3, and it'll be like "Oh it's on the super-mega-high priority list for CH4 now. "

This page here puts some perspective on some of the priority updates have.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Sjeng
Read this interview with James Phinney, a GW game designer, about guild hall services. It specifically says there will be GUILD STORAGE soon after the release of Factions. That's Guild Storage, not another individual Xunlai in the guild hall...

Well, you've already said it yourself:

I've also posted on the subject in this topic.
Sjeng is using bump!

Come on, it took you 20 days to think up a reply?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

+1 too revive thread skill

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


Hi Mistress Yichi

As for guild storage, the only thing they have is the stupid storage lady who only have your exisiting storage inside your guild hall.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Why do you all worry, you DO know its coming *soon and its a free update

*read when you forget about it, so we dont need to implement it

seriously tho, why is it taking them so long.. such a storage would be useful ><



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Shinigami Keys [SHIN]


What chafes me is that every time we ask about it, whether it is in the forums, or in game, we get the canned response of "we are looking into it, it is on our list, I made a note and will ask, but we have no timeline." I wish we could get something implemented.